SHCC Meeting Minutes – August 1994

SHCC Meeting Minutes – August 1994


August 3, 1994

Present: Roger Miller, Alice Edvalson, Sharon Ashcraft, Jan Hang, LaMar V. Carter, Samuel C. Weber, Sheila O’Driscoll, Wendy Merrill, Mary Carlson, Andrea Avery, Barry T. Eagan, Kate Deiss, Kirk Merrill, Everett Joyce, Pamela Grimes, Dorothy Tuddenham, Miriam Murphy, James W. Lipscomb, Tree Brown Hayes, Donna H. Rigby, Gloria. B. Renteria; Richard Lauritzen, Mark S. Fetzer, Laurie L. Smith, Joanne Rivas, Gene Davis, Krystal Pease, Robert & Sheree Pollitz, Brian Bellamy, Rich Bennett, Kraig Erickson, Steven Lester, Dolores A. Donohoo, Rawlins Young, Ruth A. Robbins, Wes Groesbeck, Jerry Bergosh,  Roselyn Kirk Allen Thompson.Meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Roger Miller. Minutes of July 6 were approved with the correction of the date from June 1 to July 6. Trustee Petition: A petition from Wendy Merrill to become a trustee for the Beacon Heights area was presented and approved. Information From the Mayor’s Office: Roger introduced Joanne Rivas who is representing the Mayor’s office and has recently been appointed as the coordinator between our area and the city offices. Joanne can be reached at 535-7931. Joanne introduced Allen Thompson who is also representing the Mayor’s office. Allen commented on the recent changes in the Sugar House Park Authority. He indicated that Ted Wilson, Ron Whitehead, and Connie Cannon have been appointed to the Park Authority. There is one vacancy yet to fill and it is anticipated this will be filled by someone chosen by the past Park Authority. The terms of these members will expire after 1, 2, 3, and 4 years. They can be re-appointed for a maximum of 2 terms or 8 years. Allen assured all present that there would be a continued effort to maintain the integrity of the park; and also stated that Mayor Corradini is not in favor of putting a recreation center in the park. Allen indicated that the park is owned and maintained jointly by the city and the county with each paying $167,500 per year for maintenance. Questions concerning Sugar House Park may be addressed· to Allen Thompson at 535-7704. Traffic Issues: Jerry Bergosh representing the East Bench/”H” Rock Community Council ask our support in their effort to get a traffic light installed on Thunderbird Drive at Foothill Drive (Approx. 2250 So.Foothill Drive). This is an especially dangerous area with an average of 1 accident per month. This issue is somewhat connected with the issues we have recently been addressing with the Eastland/Regency development in the area of K-Mart. Roger ask the trustees to learn more and become familiar with this area so we will be able to discuss this issue in a future meeting. Gene Davis reported he has written a letter to UDOT asking for their attention in taking care of some dry and neglected areas along the freeway near the 9th East area. A question was asked whether UDOT had ongoing plans for routine maintenance. Gene indicated they did have a plan, but the problem is there is not enough money to take care of all needs. Hillcrest Park: Roger reported that some $10,000 has been collected for the building and maintenance of this park. He indicated there will be a treasurer’s report prepared for the Sept. meeting so we can see how this money has been spent. Sound Abatement: Keith Christensen, Mary Carlson, and Roger Miller toured, with UDOT, some of the areas that are in need of sound walls. There was 1.9 mil set aside .this year for sound walls and it is hoped that plans can be set so this work can begin this fall. It was also suggested that the legislature setup all on-going fund to build additional sound wails each year rather than having to re-allocate money for this purpose each year. New Meeting Format: Roger introduced a new format to be followed for future council meetings. Future agenda’s will include: Welcome, Approval of minutes, Treasurer’s report (at least quarterly), New Trustee petitions, New business (this must be submitted in writing prior to the meeting), City/State report, Executive meeting report, Community reports, Notice of intent of business for future meetings, Items for debate at the meeting (a motion will be made at the beginning to set the time limit), Information on upcoming items, New business (for any remaining time). The meetings will be adjourned at 8:30 P.M. Committee Assignments: A new committee structure has been established. There will be six major permanent committees. The major committees will be organized with a member of the executive board responsible for each one. Sub- committees will be formed as needed to resolve specific issues under these major committees. These c committees are: 1) Sustainable Communities – Roger Miller, Chair. – Dolores Donohoo, Sheila O’Driscoll, Wes Groesbeck Sugar House Vision & Strategic Plan, Ways to conserve resources (especially water), Clean communities/Graffiti, Education, Crime Prevention, Pedestrian friendly areas 2) Parks & Recreation – Jim Powell, Chair. – Tree Brown Hayes, Craig :Bohn, Ron Snarr, Jim Powell, Jeff Chapman, Miriam Murphy, Sam WeberUrban Tree House, Hillcrest Park” Hidden Hollow, Wasatch Hollow, Potential Park Locations, Existing Park Boards 3) Traffic – Jerry Romero, Chair. – Brian Bellamy, Marty Steckler, Sam Weber, Wendy Merrill Westminster Parking Plaza, Irving, Noise Abatement, Eastland/Regency Development, 13th East from 17th – 27th South, Transportation Master Plan 4) Zoning, Land Use, Housing – Sharon Ashcraft, Chair. – Rawlins Young, Jim Powell, Sam Weber Zoning Rewrite, Eastland/Regency Development, Johansen/Thackeray Development, Historic District, Sugar House Business District Master Plan Re-write 5)  SLACC – Mark Fetzer, Rawlins Young, Ruth Robbins, Jan Haug, Jerry Romero, Rich Bennett, Afton Kyropolis 6)  Ad Hoc – Appointed as needed Committee Reports: Night Out Against Crime: Dorothy Tuddenham thanked all who were responsible for parties in their neighborhoods. A lot of areas did participate and it was felt that all were successful. This activity is scheduled for the first Tuesday of August each year and Dorothy ask all trustees to put that on our calendars for next year.’ Mobile Watch: Gloria Renteria and Barry Eagan reported on their involvement in the Mobil Watch program. They have seen much success in the decrease of crime in the areas where they have been involved. They encouraged us to get involved with this program in our area before the crime gets as bad as it has in some areas of the city. There is an 18 hour course that is taught by the Police Dept. to train persons interested. Police Dept. Report: Pam Grimes reported on an individual that has been involved in sexual assault that has been seen in our area. He rides a bicycle with buckets hanging from the handle bars and asks if he can clean windows. He sometimes has a dog with him. If anyone sees this individual in the area, they should report it to the police. Irving Update: Roselyn Kirk reported that a contract still has not been signed with a contractor for the Irving development. They are still trying to get plans that are acceptable to the city. Demolition has begun now and will continue until someone stops them, or everything is completely gone. The SHCC is concerned that the city has not listened to the desires and recommendations of the community council concerning this property. US West Property Update: Sharon Ashcraft indicated a man had wanted to buy a piece of property in this area that has been earmarked to be made into a park. He was requesting a variance to build on this property. His request was denied. The re-zoning request for this area will come before the City Council sometime within this next month. Eastland/Regency: Roger has checked with the City Attorney’s office regarding the motion made at our last meeting to not allow Woodbury to present their plans to the SHCC until they had met with the neighbors. Roger was advised that the SHCC cannot dictate the terms by which persons may conduct public business before the community council. Woodbury Development was on the agenda for the last meeting but did not show up. There were several neighbors that had come to the meeting specifically to see their presentation. Roger has talked with Ned Stephenson of Woodbury Development about the discontent of the neighbors and more especially those that had been at the last meeting specifically to hear their presentation. Roger suggested it would be to their advantage to meet with the neighbors regarding their plans for development in the Eastland/Regency area and listen to their concerns. Roger also requested that they indicate in writing when they desire to make their presentation before the SHCC again. They are hoping to come to the Sept. meeting but will verify this in writing.SHCC Elections:October is scheduled for the election of officers for the SHCC. Gene Davis will serve as the chairman of the election committee. He will be assisted by Rich Bennett. Anyone interested in serving as an officer should contact either of them. Environmental Issues: Wes Groesbeck reported on a series of monthly get-togethers on environmental topics. For more information on these meetings, call Elizabeth Hallstrom at 532-1727. Wes suggested a need for cross-walks on the North and West sides of Sugar House Park. Further discussion indicated a cross-walk without a stop light in this area would probably not be wise. It was suggested this be an item for consideration for the Traffic and Sustainable Communities committees. Anticipated Future Issues:Johansen/Thackeray in October (need to have information from the business District Master Plan re-write by this time) Woodbury in September Candidates for City/County elections in October Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.

Landon Clark
[email protected]