SHCC Meeting Minutes – August 1995

SHCC Meeting Minutes – August 1995


August 2, 1995

Present: Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, A Warren Collins, Judi Short, Lynne Olsen, Wade Jones” John H. Richards, Donna H. Rigby, Dolores A. Donohoo, Keith E. Christensen, Marvin Stewart, Veronica Crandall, Ben Merkley, Jim Davis, Shawn Schow, Ruth A. Robbins, David Maxfield, Del Brewster, Julina P. Parker, Brian K. Bintz, Morna Winkelman, Mary Lu Judd, Kathy Daly, Cheri Carleson, Dorothy Tuddenham, Sam Piazza, Pat M Hiskey, Sandy Hiskey, Susan Greene, Rich Bennett, Gary Sebring, Stephen Morgan, Jim Christopher, Katina Ventura, Stephen Butcher                 Excused: Tree Brown Hayes, Allen Johnson, Jan Haug Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Rawlins Young. Minutes of the July meeting were approved. Rawlins reported on a letter he received from trustee Craig Bohn submitting his resignation as a Trustee. Craig has also been serving as one of the Vice Chairs. The trustees present agreed to wait until the October elections to replace him. City Council Update: Keith Christensen indicated that the awarding of the 2002 Olympics to Salt Lake City is going to be a big boost to the city. He reported that the NW Capitol Hill area has been designated as a blighted are. This will allow the RDA to step in and help improve the area. Keith indicated that West Valley City has been awarded money for an ice arena and the Hockey team. Salt Lake City was awarded money for an ice sheet. Two possible locations for this are the Fair Park and Steiner. The City Council has authorized the RDA to fix up Pioneer Park. The partially completed apartment complex across from Pioneer Park that has been an eyesore for so many years is going to be used to build a Marriot Residence Inn. They will use as much as possible of the existing structure. The dedication of the Forest Dale Golf Club House will be held Aug. 10 at 10:00 AM. Work is moving forward on the redesign of the auditorium and other improvements at Highland High School. The ground breaking for the Irving Complex Apartments will be Aug. 17 at 10:00 AM. This will include 232 units. Keith talked about the crime problems in the city. He reported there is an all girl gang on the West side made up of Tongans. He indicated the problems in Pioneer Park are mostly transients and drug dealers, not a lot of gang related problems. He spoke very highly of the effectiveness of the Drug Unit of the police force. Keith responded to many questions related to the crime problems. Grant Money Available: Veronica Crandall, from the mayor’s office, reported on two different types of grant money that is available. Community Development Block Grant funds are available to revitalize and preserve urban communities. These are used to provide decent housing, upgrade the standard of living, and expand economic opportunities and are available in low and moderate income areas. Persons interested in obtaining these funds can call Anita Short at 535-7115. The Neighborhood Matching Grant program provides funds for projects that will result in a tangible physical improvement to a neighborhood through beautification, safety or the elimination of blight. This is ONE-TIME funding and cannot exceed $5,000. There must be an equal amount of money, in-kind donations, or volunteer labor provided by the requesters. Applications for this money will be accepted from Sept. 15 – 30 and can be made to the Capital Planning and Programming, 451 South State, Room 445. Crime Report: Dorothy Tuddenham reported on the “Night Out Against Crime” activities held the previous night. Karina Ventura thanked all those who had been involved in making these activities a success. There will be a meeting Aug. 10 at 11:OO AM at 327 E. 200 S. to discuss Sugar House Park. There will be a meeting Aug. 15 at 4:30 PM in the Sprague Library to discuss the Hidden Hollow area and the surrounding business district (specifically Java Jive and Shooters). The purpose of the meeting is

to reduce the amount of criminal activity in the area. A new home repair scam is circulating in the area. The person is distributing handbills and small blue business cards with “Jesus is Lord” printed on them. He is a white male, driving a new white Dodge pickup with a magnetic sign on both sides. He is “sealing bricks” on homes and only seals the bricks on two sides of the home and is charging approximately $500 for the work. We are again cautioned against anyone selling door-to-door. There have been several burglaries of businesses in the area. Mobil Watch was instrumental in making arrests for Tagging in the area. Detailed reports of crime activities are available each month from B.L. Smith or Katina Ventura.Hidden Hollow Report: Lynne Olson reported on work that is being scheduled for the Hidden Hollow area. This area is being developed so as to maximize the natural environment. It is not intended as a recreational area. There are a group from the National Methodist Youth organization that are going to be doing work to clean up the area and will also be discussing what they have learned about this experience and the problems in the area. Lynne showed a diagram of the plans for the area and presented a written schedule of work that is planned. Traffic Report: Rawlins reported that the Transportation Dept. is developing bicycle paths throughout the city. They are currently working on paths along 17th and 20th East from 21st South to 27th South. They are also planning one on 17th South from 13th East to 23rd East. Housing, Land Use, Zoning Report: Requests for Unit Legalization’s were made for a duplex at 1887 East 2700 South and a triplex at 919 Wilson. The trustees that had reviewed both of these areas expressed some concerns for the general lack of upkeep of both of these units. Motions were made, seconded, and approved to recommend the legalization of both of these properties. A request for a zoning change was made for the SE corner of 21st So. and Lincoln St.  138 ft. is zoned commercial and the So. 50 feet is zoned housing. The 50 feet has been used as parking for the business that was formerly on this property for many years. There is a need for the entire property to be zoned commercial for a Good Year Tire store planned for this property. There were concerns that there were fuel tanks buried on the site, but we were assured the concerns are unfounded. The motion was made, seconded, and approved to recommend this proposal. There was a request for a Planned Unit Development at 958 East 2700 So. This would include 4 twin homes (2 story, 2 bedroom, 2 bath). This is a reduced density from a plan that was presented previously. A suggestion was made to consider a “crashgate or grass and a roll curb instead of open access to the street on the South. This would allow access for emergency vehicles but not for general traffic. A motion was made, seconded, and approved to recommend this request with the above suggestion. A request for a Planned Unit Development at 2880 So. 9th East was made. This would include 8 single family units. This is the property that Ruth Robbins has been trying for several years to get CDBG money to develop a park. The Sugar House Community Council has been supportive of the park plan in the past. There was much discussion on the need for more green space as opposed to more housing. A motion was made and seconded to recommend this request. The vote was 3 in favor, 4 opposed, 2 not voting. A request was made for a conditional use permit from Westminster College to build a parking terrace on the NW comer of their campus. This would replace the parking that is going to be lost by the construction of their new library. There is currently an open parking area at this location. The new structure would be 2 levels on the East side and 1 level on the West side to blend in with the existing ground levels. The new structure would park 300 cars. There were many concerns expressed by the neighbors living on Blaine Ave. and 12th East because of the increased traffic they felt this would create. A motion was made, seconded, and approved to recommend the building of a parking structure on condition that Westminster meet with the neighbors on 12th East and Blaine Ave. prior to the Planning Commission Meeting on the 24th in an effort to minimize the traffic on Blaine and 12th East. Meeting was adjourned at 9:45 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]