SHCC Meeting Minutes – August 1996

SHCC Meeting Minutes – August 1996




August 7, 1996



Present: Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Jeff Straley, Tree Brown Hayes, Veronica Crandall, Julina P. Parker, Ivana Thomas, Dolores A. Donohoo, Cheri Carlson, Sandy Hiskey, Ruth Robbins, Jan Haug, Ray Pugsley, Lila Straley, Dillan VanVranken, Cort Featherstone, Daniel Featherstone, Jon Wichol, Chas. VanVranken, David Featherstone, Conner Hansell, Sheila O’Driscoll, Gary Brimley, Elizabeth S. Braymen, Steven L. Graham, Therese Davy-Graham, Natalie Robins, Alice Crowther, Liz Holt, Randy Ricks, Jacquelyn Havey, Pat Hiskey, Barry D. Gardner, J. D. Nugent, Jameson Fairbourn, Roland Brimley, Austin Olsen, Dorothy Tuddenham, Michael John Sumner, Harold Simpson, Becky Nielsen, Russ TerryExcused:Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Rawlins Young. The minutes for the July meeting were approved with the addition of Dorothy Tuddenham to the list of those present. Boy Scout Troop 332 were welcomed as visitors, working on their communications merit badge. There was no city council update as none of the City Council or Legislature representatives were present. Rawlins reported that copies of the city budget were not yet available as they are still waiting on information from the Police Dept. Sugar House Master Plan: This community wide plan was first completed in 1980. It took 5 years to become adopted. Master Plans should be updated every 5 years. It has now been 11 years and is scheduled to be updated. Rawlins discussed what the master plan is and how it is done. We as a community council assist the city in this process. The last plan cost probably $500,000. There has been $35,000 funded of the scheduled $75,000 for this project. There needs to be additional money funded from CDB grant money to help fund this update. Committee Reports: Parks Recreation: Jeff Straley spoke about the 9th So./Liberty park Storm Water Project. Jeff is spearheading a group opposed to this water project. The plans call for a sloped basin to be built between the tennis courts and the park road, approximately 5 acres. A sloped basin would be built that would hold excess storm water. This would require tearing out the existing playground. Two other playgrounds will be built on the perimeter of the pond. It is felt this would create a danger to children playing in these playgrounds. The plan would also require pulling out old trees with some new ones planted. There would be limited access to the part for at least 5 months. Liberty Park is on the National Historic Register and it is felt this project would not be appropriate for property on the historic register. It was also felt that alternatives have not been solicited from, or presented to the community at large. It is felt that pollution carried by the storm water is likely to be deposited into the proposed grassy, park basin. Central City Council has voted to oppose this proposal. Some of the other community councils have mixed feelings. The city feels it would only contain water a few days a year, when there has been a big storm. Cheri made a motion that we communicate to Keith Christensen that we oppose the use of Liberty Park for the drain basin. The motion was seconded. Discussion asked to hear the other side of the issue before a vote is taken. It was suggested that the city be asked to come and present their side of the issue. Tree Brown Hayes made a substitute motion that the city be asked to present their plans. It was seconded. The issue really has many other concerns that need to be considered before decisions should be made. It was suggested that representatives from Public Utilities, Urban Forester, other council representatives be invited to the meeting. The vote on the substitute motion was 7 in favor, 1 opposed. Cheri Carlson reported on the Sugar House Park Authority meeting in July. The Public Utilities Dept. has been granted a request for a storm water drainage line to be constructed into Parley’s Creek. A policy was approved to define the approval process for special events in the park. Some future special events that were approved included: The International Games, and The Diabetes Assoc. Walk. A request from The Best Friends of Animals Sanctuary of Kanab was denied. An easement for the 15th East semaphore was discussed and it was determined that the access to the walk activator needs to be re-engineered before the Park Authority will grant the easement. Construction of the school district baseball diamond is still being discussed and plans being reviewed. Utah Power has been asked to install additional lighting along Parleys Creek where it passes near the school in an effort to deter openly lewd conduct. The Rose Garden was also discussed and it was suggested that if efforts can’t be successful to re-energize the maintenance of the garden, that it be removed. The park master plan has had little progress. The next Park Authority meeting will be held on Sept. 19th.. Crime Report ­Dorothy Tuddenham reported on the National Night Out Against Crime activities. There were many successful activities in our area. Dorothy has many brochures available on various crime issues for anyone interested. She also has available the video “Not My Kid”. If anyone is interested in using this video, contact Dorothy. There has been a change in our CAT team crime representatives. B.L. Smith and Katina Ventura are no longer working in our area. They have been replaced by Shane Jones and Diane Stover. These two representatives have a community police office at 1400 Foothill Dr. Suite #258. Shane can be reached at 582-6831 or 799-3464 and Diane can be reached at 582-8452 or 799-3477. Diane and Shane will both be representing distr .. 6 & 7. There is a continually growing problem with gangs and there is a great need for more volunteers for the Mobil Watch program. Ray Pugsley spoke about the Mobil Watch program. The Sugar House Mobil Watch area includes from 15th East West to 5th East. The next classes will start on Aug .. 13. Veronica Crandall from the Mayor’s office announced that the next Gang Awareness Workshop has been changed from Oct. 3 to Oct. 7 from 7-9 PM a the Highland High auditorium. Traffic: The Coalition for Livable Streets (CLS) will meet later this month and try to re-group and try to find better ways to get the city to work with the neighborhoods. Housing, Land Use, Zoning: A request was made by Barry Gardner representing David Butler for a Unit Legalization at 2568 So. 5th East. All the necessary paper work and signatures were presented. A motion was made, seconded, and approval given. The city is proposing a zone change from Rl-7000 to Rl-12000 between Atkin & 27th So. and 20th East & Melbourne Ave. This is the highland Acres subdivision. A request has been made to build a house on the back part of a long lot in this area. The Planning Commission has denied the request. The request is going to be presented to the City Council. The proposed rezone of this area would prevent this type of development. Cheri Carlson made a motion that we support the down zone proposal in support of the Planning Commission to preserve the character of that community. The motion was seconded and approved. It was reported that the proposed development of the Hygiea property was on hold to work out some problems. A traffic analysis is being done in connection with the development of the McIntyre property. The developers are working out details of this project with the city. Jan Haug reported that a citizen group has appealed the approval of the Woodbury project on Foothill Drive. Concerns include the interior landscaping, drainage problems, and traffic problems. Sept. 5 will be the first of several public hearings on this issue. A group of citizens are also in the appeal process for the Westminster parking lot on 17th So. Their appeal is to go to the City Council on Sept. 19. The citizens don’t feel the college has lived up to their agreement in working with the neighbors on the landscaping of that area. Reavely Engineers want to tear down the house on the comer of 11th East and Kensington Ave. to allow them to expand their building to the North of this house. This is scheduled to go to the Planning Commission on Aug. 15.Natalie Robins, representing the Rose Garden in Sugar House park, spoke of the plans and concerns of the garden. There are plans to redo the Rose Garden at Sugar House Park.. The plans are to reduce the size of the garden to approx. 120 X 80 ft. When these plans are presented to the Mayor, she may choose to relocate the garden to some other site. The money for this project is coming from the Mayor’s office. The desire is to keep the garden in Sugar House Park if at all possible. They want it to be a municipal garden. The proposal includes a full time gardener. They want it to be a formal garden. They would like to begin the redoing of the garden by next spring. Meeting adjourned approximately 9:45 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]