SHCC Meeting Minutes – August 1998

SHCC Meeting Minutes – August 1998


August 5, 1998

Trustees: Helen Peters, Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Cheri Carleson, John Richards, Dorothy Tuddenham , Doris Williams, Ruth Robbins, Sheila O’Driscol, Ray Pugsley, Sandy Hiskey, Su Armitage, Del Brewster, Scott Kisling, Judi Short (15) Excused: Dolores Donohoo, Tree Brown Hayes(2) City/State Representatives: Bill Allayaud, Dan Andrus, Barry Esham, Kathy Daly, Danny Walz (5) Others: C. T. Bintz, Dottie Bintz, Douglas C. Jackson, Jimae Kenney, Bryan Irving, Ian Fife, Jeff Woodbury, Jeremy Doyle, Frank Robinson, Kathy Robinson, Richard Randle, Ty McCartney, Amy McCartney, Toby Levitt, Craig Axford, Dr. Michael A. Popich (16) Total- 36 Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chair Scott Kisling. The minutes for the July meeting were approved with one correction that the minutes should have included a phone number to contact if interested in the CERT training. That number is 596-5004 or 596-2379. Chair Report: Scott acknowledged the birthday of trustee, Ruth Robbins. He reported that the monthly meeting of council chairs with the mayor will not be held until fall. Treasurers Report: No activity in the past month. Balance of $2,237.39 in account. Public Safety and Education Report: Dorothy Tuddenham thanked those that participated in any way with the “Night Out Against Crime” the previous night. The council had a booth where we had the plans for the Fairmont swimming pool on display and answered questions regarding the activities of the council. We contributed $35.00 to this activity. Su Armitage has prepared a flyer to invite the Sugar House businesses to our community council meetings. Scott solicited assistance in handing these out to the businesses in the area. CERT Training: Doris Williams reported that the Fire Dept. has big plans for CERT Training. They would like teams in each neighborhood. There is a group actively involved in the area of zip code 84106. Other areas need to get persons involved in this program. There are new classes that will begin in early October. Contact Doris Williams if you are interested (485-0244). These classes last approximately 6 weeks and are generally held 2 nights a week/3 hrs. a night for a total of 21 hrs. but the schedule can be flexible depending on class members availability. There is a $35.00 fee for the class to cover equipment provided for each participant. City Council/Mayor’s Office Report: Barry Esham had copies of a newsletter put out by the Community Action Teams (CATS) in the city. This reports on activities of the CATS teams. Anyone interested in getting this newsletter or other information on the CATS team could contact Jennifer Green (535-6135). Business District Report: Del Brewster of the Chamber of Commerce reported that the street construction problems at the 11th East/21st So. intersection should be completed by the end of August. The McIntyre block development should be completed within 8-12 months from now. We should see the building on the South East corner (where Wild Oats will be) started this month. Barnes & Noble are scheduled to move in October. The SE Chamber has applied for an Empowerment Zone to cover 7th to 13th East and 1-80 to Ramona Ave. This should help the businesses. (See last month’s minutes for more information on the Empowerment Zones) Del indicated they need volunteers for a committee to work with the chamber on Christmas decorations for the business district. Interested persons or cash donations, call Del Brewster (46700844). They need $2500.00 to decorate the monument area. If you have items or issues you would like the legislative session to address, contact Del and he can help in getting them on that agenda. 13th East/I-80-27th So. Parking Strip: Ty McCartney reported that they had previously raised $1200 and planted 7 trees in this parking area. Vandals have broken off some of them already. They are looking for more funds to plant more trees. They would like to plant 47 trees and need $3525 – $4700 for 1 1/2″ trees. This is the size tree that has been recommended by the urban forester. The motion was made that we write a letter to Sherri Hansen of Capital Planning in support of this project and that we contribute a sum of money to be determined by the executive committee for this project. The motion passed unanimously. Helen Peters would like to work with Ty to get this grant application completed as quickly as possible. Planning Dept. Issues: Bill Allayaud, of the Planning Dept., reported that most of the building permits have now been issued for the McIntyre development and indicated we should start to see development starting in these other areas real soon. He said that Mecham is still looking at other options for development north of the Park View Plaza. Westminster construction is still experiencing problems. The Fairmont pool geo-physical study did point out some problems with the water level that still have to be addressed. They also need to look at fault line problems. The traffic study still needs to be done. The Heritage Hotel is scheduled to be opened by Aug. 27th. The Lone Star Steak House will be opened soon after. Unit Legalization -1827 East 2100 So.: Frank Robinson presented a request to legalize a basement apartment at this address. The necessary paper work and requirements had been met. A motion was made, seconded, and approved with 8 in favor, 1 abstaining to recommend approval of this request. Sugar House Park Authority Information: Ray Pugsley and Cheri Carleson introduced Clark Nielson, the chairman of the Sugar House Park Authority. Clark was elected as chairman by the board in 1995. Clark indicated that he has been interested in gathering and organizing the records of the park and the park authority. The park authority is a non-profit organization, organized to be free from the political pull. Articles of Incorporation were set up. The park authority owns the rights to the park. Operation of the park is paid 1/2 by SL County and 1/2 by SL City. They have contracted with SL County to do the maintenance. There are 7 board members, 1 is the mayor, 1 is representative Callahan plus 5 other individuals. The Articles of Incorporation have been redone to clear up some of the ambiguities. Pay for board members was eliminated. Approval of the revised articles sat in the Mayor’s office for over a year. The Mayor’s office wanted to change the way board members are selected. The park authority objected to the changes. For this fiscal year, the county has paid their share for operation of the park, but the city has not. Clark does not see any changes that will be made to the park. There is a lot of talk, but the board is not in favor of changes. There is an opening on the board. They are trying to keep the park a local perspective. When asked what he felt were the top 3 problems with the park, he responded, 1) funding (with a special need to replace an obsolete irrigation system), 2) lack of a master plan, 3) security. Questions or comments can be directed to Clark at 322-0591 (office) or 581-9561 (home). Redman Bldg. DevelopmentJeff Woodbury of Woodbury/Westfield Properties presented plans to remodel the building into a live/work type of building. The developer is currently under contract to buy this building, depending on the response of the community to this proposal. There is a demand for housing in this area and housing in this area fits with the Master Plan and the Wikstrom Study. They would need to make structural changes to comply with seismic requirements. The plan would be similar to what has been done with the old Salt Lake Stamp building down town with 4 live/work facilities on the first two levels, then 32 condominiums on the next levels, with 3 loft apartments on the top level. The existing cell phone antennae would be worked into the design because there is a long term lease for these. Parking would be enclosed, underground parking with access from the Homestead Village parking. A motion was made that we approve this in concept and that the developers continue to work closely with us as plans progress. The voting was unanimous in favor. Adjourned at 9:30 PM.


Landon Clark
[email protected]