SHCC Meeting Minutes – August 1999

SHCC Meeting Minutes – August 1999


August 4, 1999

 SUGAR HOUSE COMMUNITY COUNCILMinutes for August 4, 1999Trustees: Helen Peters, Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Dorothy Tuddenham, Judi Short, Cheri Carleson, Dolores Donohoo, Sandy Hiskey, Ty McCartney, Phil Carlson, Ray Pugsley, Rich Bennett (12)Excused: Su Armitage, Tiffany Starbuck, Ruth Robbins City/State Representatives: Bill Allayaud, Kathy Daly, Barry Esham, Bill Rutherford, Officer Kirkwood, Keith Christensen, Diane Olsen, Dan Bergenthal, Karen Wiley (9) Others: Robert E. Wiskirchen, Robert Marsh, Paul R. Parker, Kevan Adams, Dottie Bintz, C. T. Bintz, Jason Yocom, Donna Mirabelli, Federica M. Gallegos, Rosalie Mirabelli, Kevin Brown, Robert E. Gallegos, Tamera C. J. Babbett, David T. Thackeray, Melissa Lichtenstein, Lynne Olson, Rebecca Arrowood, Wolfgang J. Pfister, David K. Eaby, Wanda. S. Eaby, Ralph Riedl, Lon Sheffield, Terry Hogan, Mo Myers, Jim Cannon, Milton Braselton, Claudia Pack, Jim Bradley, Brent Applonie, Terry Chatwin, Eric Johnson, Bip Daniels, Marion Wiley, Ty Markham and Husband, Tamera Baggett, Roger Miller (37) Total – 58 Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chair Helen Peters. The minutes for the July meeting were approved. Chair Report: Helen reported on several meetings and hearings coming up in the next weeks. Helen indicated that some temporary traffic calming devices had been installed on “I” street and in the Country Club area to determine the effectiveness of permanent traffic calming devices. Helen reported on the transportation open house that had been held a week ago. There will be an open house at Westminster College on Aug. 17 & 19 in the library for those that are interested. She also indicated that several of the candidates for mayor have indicated a desire to be on our community council agenda. She indicated we are trying to accommodate as many as possible, but that time will not allow all of them. She indicated there will be debates held sometime in Sept. and Oct. Transportation Sub-committee Report: Rawlins Young reported that the sub-committee has been working on recommendations for the Bonneville Resource Conservation & Deve1opment ( RC & D) trail connecting Sugar House from Parleys Canyon to 20th East. It is hoped that this study will also be able to continue with the trail clear to the Jordan River. The traffic sub-committee will be meeting again on Sat. Aug. 7 and will be looking at issues regarding the trail from 20th East to the railroad line. They will also be looking at what we could do to help with the traffic calming issues in the Westminster and Country Club neighborhoods. Night Out Against Crime Report: The Night Out activity in Sugar House Park was reported as a success and much thanks were expressed to Ty McCartney for all his efforts in the success of this activity. Neighborhood Matching Grants for Street Lighting: Several persons were present needing signatures from the community council for requests for street lighting in their neighborhoods. These included: Dave Thackery – Wellington St. from 21st to 23rd So., Rebecca Arrowood – Ramona Ave. from 15th to 16th East., Brent Applonie – Filmore St. from Statford to Parkway, Terry Hogan – Hollywood Ave. from 17th to 18th East, Paul Parker – 18th East from 27th So. to Hillcrest Ave. Trustee Petition: Robert Marsh presented a petition for becoming a trustee in the Wilford neighborhood. The voting was unanimous in support. Treasurers Report: No report was available but Helen indicated she had authorized expenditures of $50 for the use of Sugar House Park for the Night Out activity and $10 for flyers for notification of the neighborhood of the Preston Place parking meeting. Public Input: Melissa Lichtenstein asked a question regarding the parking strip ordinance and wondering about the use of water intensive plants vs landscape not needing water. It was indicted that some of the issues involved with the parking ordinance were public safety issues because the city is liable for injuries incurred on these areas. The city is re-evaluating the zoning ordinance regarding parking strips. Trees in Sugar House: Bill Rutherford, urban forester, indicated that they are responsible for the pruning, removal, and spraying of trees. They are currently on a 21 year pruning cycle and they have a several month backlog on trees that currently need to be pruned. Emergency pruning takes precedence over routine pruning. There is a problem with aphids in the linden trees that are in many parking strips. He indicated that they only have money budgeted for 1 spraying per year and that if home owners want to do additional sprayings, they can contact the city and they will give them information necessary to allow them to do it at the owners’ expense, but at a reduced rate. Regarding the trees in Fairmont Park, he said that many of the trees are very old and that some new ones have been planted in the last few years. There is a need to plant more. There were 4 blue spruce trees that needed to be moved for the new Fairmont pool, but because we couldn’t find a crane to move them they were cut down. Bill indicated that they need to get involved earlier in the development so they could possibly do more to preserve some the trees that need to be removed. Civilian Review Board: Dorothy Tuddenham reported that there are currently 5 persons on this board and there is a need for 7. If anyone is interested contact the Police Dept. There is a brochure available at the library for those interested. Bikeways Master Plan: Dan Bergenthal of the Trans. Dept. presented some of the things the city is doing to provide bike lanes and bike routes throughout the city. He indicated that class 3 bike routes are the green signs that indicate a bike route and class 2 routes are those that actually have a painted lane on the roadway. He indicated proposed lanes are for 11th East, 17th East, and 23rd East. The lane on 17th East is a proposed class 2 lane to I-80 then class 3 to 27th So. The lane on 23rd East is a proposed class 2 from Foothill to Country Club. The majority of those in attendance were in favor of these actions. He was asked to look into the possibility of lanes on 27th So. also on Stratford Ave. and Crystal Ave. above 20th East. He indicated that 21st East and 21st So. to Parleys Canyon were class 3 because parking prevented making them a class 2. There was one comment favoring the homeowners right to park their cars on the street. Planning Dept. UpdateBill A1layaud of the Planning Dept. indicated that the Mecham bldg. proposal was going before the Planning Commission possibly in Sept. They are still negotiating with UDOT for the 13th East access. The planned development of the Redman Bldg. is still in the planning process, but they have dropped the plan for the underground parking. The Sugar House Master Plan process is currently working on the commercial development part. It has been suggested that there be a small (60 day) Master Plan for the 13th East/21st So. area of development. Bill reported that there has been some interest from Walgreen Drug in locating on the North/East comer of 21st So. and 9th East. The Planning Dept. is working with Walgreen on this. It was suggested that we send a letter to the Walgreen Corporate management letting them know of our feelings for development in this area. Unit Legalization -1995/97 Lincoln St.: Terry Chatwin presented a request for legalizing the apartments at this address as a 6-plex. He indicated that the Polk directory had it listed as a 6-plex since 1989 and as a 4-plex since 1960. There is 1 gas meter and 4 electrical meters. Kevin Brown, a tenant, expressed a concern with the lack of parking and inadequate water pressure. Because of several unanswered questions regarding this legalization, it was suggested that we carry this item over to our next meeting and that Barry Esham of the Mayor’s office talk with Housing Development in an effort to answer some of the questions. Fairmont Bowl conversion to a “24-Hour Fitness Center”Mo Myers, Architect, indicated that the purchase of this property for the fitness center was under contract and they were planning on closing this Fri. They would be adding landscaping in the parking area and would be adding more landscaping around the outside boundaries. The required parking spaces is 111 and they will be providing 139. A survey of surrounding businesses were all in favor of the new proposal. The proposal was very positive from the review of the police from a public safety standpoint. This proposal will be going to the Planning Commission tomorrow night. The Planning Dept. will be recommending approval.  Preston PlaceParkingPhil Carlson and Helen Peters met with the neighbors in an effort to resolve some of the issues raised at the last meeting. This was a very heated discussion and resulted in the neighborhood suggesting the proposal be rejected and that the city should be held accountable for maintaining the open space we have and not continually getting rid of it. Eric Johnson was appointed to work with the city in an effort to find another place for additional parking. Roger Miller was appointed to work with the city in an effort to develop that parcel into the park as originally intended. Keith Christensen indicated that the city has already appropriated funds to do the parking lot. Comments were made by Bip Daniels who manages the Preston Place senior center, Marion Wiley who was representing the Preston Place center, and Karen Wiley of the City Planning Dept. It was suggested that we postpone a decision on this issue until a compromise proposal could be made. Those responsible for working on such a proposal are Eric Johnson, Roger Miller, Bill Allayaud, Karen Wiley, Bip Daniels, Marion Wiley, and Phil Carlson. The majority of the audience felt it appropriate to wait to see what could be done.  Zone Change for northeast corner of 2000 East/27th So.: Ty Markham presented a proposal for a zone change from commercial/business to institutional in order for her to start a private college preparatory high school, “Cardon Preparatory Academy”. It would provide grades 9 – 12. The enrollment is projected to be 100-200 with 10 staff. Business owners and residents in the area are generally in favor of the proposal This would require a change in the master plan as well as a zone change. A straw poll of those in attendance showed generally in favor. The motion was made that we approve the zone change from community-business to institutional and that the master plan be amended appropriately. The voting was 7 in favor, 1 opposed, and 1 abstaining. Mayor Candidate – Jim BradleyJim feels that we have a budget crisis in the city. He feels we need 600 million in Capital Improvement funds. He feels we need to “bite the bullet” and make decisions that will commit these funds. He feels we need a mayor, city council, and community councils that will work together to resolve the problems we have. He feels he has a good track record from his term on the county commission in maintaining a balanced budget. When asked if he would replace city employees, he responded that he would re-evaluate each one and keep those that were doing a good job and get rid of those that were not. He also feels that developers need to shoulder more of the cost of the impact of the development to the neighborhood. Many cities have impact fees to do this and he feels that this need to be done here.Adjourned at 10:30 PM.   

Landon Clark
[email protected]