SHCC Meeting Minutes – August 2004

SHCC Meeting Minutes – August 2004


August 4, 2004


From Sugar House



Trustees Present

Su Armitage, Rich Bennett, Dolores Donohoo, Alice Edvalson, Bill Habel, Mark Holland, Michael G. Kavanagh, David Lawver, Cabot Nelson, Julie Nitzkowski, Lynne Olson, Tina Ottesen, Helen Peters, Susan Petheram, L. Rex Sears, Judi Short, Martin Smith, Grace Sperry, Rawlins Young (19)

Trustees Excused

Ray Pugsley, Doug Green, Scott Kisling

City/State Representatives

Ranae Pierce, Sprague Library, Dan Bergenthall, SLC Transportation, Sam Guevera, Chief of Staff, Mayor’s Office (3)


Tom Wharton, Patricia Rickers, Karen Lloyd, Gina Crezee, Emil Kmet, Phil Janovak, Jake Wharton, Hollie Wharton, William Simmons, Audrey DuRoss, Jennie Thueson, Milton Braselton, Joyce Cheney, Robert Cheney, Melissa Lichtenstein (15) Total – 37 + other members of the Wharton and Bennett families


The meeting began at 7:00 PM

With Chair Helen Peters conducting. The minutes of the July meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report

There was a beginning balance of $4,138.77, with a deposit of $499.00, leaving a balance of $ 4,637.77.

Special Recognition

Helen reported that several members of the community had received special recognition by the Mayor for their volunteer efforts. She introduced those being recognized, including Gayen Wharton, Lynne Olson, and Alice Edvalson. Certificates were presented by Sam Guevera in behalf of the Mayor. Tom Wharton accepted the certificate in behalf of his wife, Gayen who passed away a few months ago. Patricia Rickers also recognized Gayen and all she had done for the community and noted that a plaque will be placed in her honor in the Westminster neighborhood park. Helen suggested a donation of $100 be given to help cover the cost of the plaque.

Chair Report

Helen reminded us of our summer social on Aug. 28 at 6 PM at the home of Judi Short. She reported on a successful Friday Night Market held last Fri. evening at the monument. This will continue every Fri. evening from 5 to 10 PM for 10 weeks. Her report also included: a fund raising activity at Westminster College on Aug. 7, a report on the Sugar House Merchants meeting, a place to recycle electronic waste, and noted the death of Sugar House friend Thomas Q. Bailey. Tina Ottesen reported that a letter has been drafted to Council Member Dale Lambert requesting Olympic Legacy funds for a trail past Sugar House Park. Helen talked about the SHBD zoning issue, noting that the Sugar House Master Plan Update was adopted in November of 2001. The Master Plan recommended five land use designations in the business district. The height limits and density in the Master Plan do not match the zoning that is currently in place. To resolve the inconsistencies between the current zoning and the new Master Plan, the City developed a proposal. There has been much discussion regarding this proposal and a group of commercial property owners presented their recommendations at our July meeting. There are several disagreements between the City’s proposal and the recommendations of those Stakeholders. Lynne Olson expressed her concern that the Master Plan had been adopted several years ago and because of the time that has lapsed in getting the recommended zoning changes through the process, much development has already been done that is causing the deterioration of the historic nature of our business district. Lynne feels the zoning ordinance should have been changed to match the adopted master plan and that we should not be changing the master plan to match the current zoning. Su Armitage is opposed to the Stakeholder’s recommendations, especially the height recommendations they are proposing. Tina Ottesen questioned why the process has taken so long. Rawlins Young has concerns with the City’s proposal for the zoning. He is also concerned with their deletion of the town center overlay district. He doesn’t feel our transportation system can support the greater heights that are wanted by the Stakeholders. Grace Sperry feels the City broke a promise that was made that there would be no left turn lane exiting from the Shop-Ko Center onto Highland Drive, but one was installed at the intersection of Simpson and 21st South. Judi Short doesn’t feel that the higher building height can be justified in this area. A sub-committee will look at all these issues and come up with a recommendation. Helen noted a couple of City Council public hearings to be held in the next couple of weeks. She also noted that the Transportation Advisory Board is still in need of a representative from the Sugar House area. There are also opportunities for Certified Emergency Response Team (CERT) training if anyone is interested. Helen always has a printed chair report which includes other information of interest to the community.

Trustee Petition Renewal

Dolores Donohoo’s petition for renewal was approved by acclamation.

Public Comment

Karen Lloyd – 1849 Crandall Circle is concerned with the number of homes with basement apartments in the area and the number of those occupants of basement apartments that are parking on the street. Street cleaning equipment is not able to clean the street because of this. There are also cars parking on both sides of Melbourne during activities at the large open space at Highland Park, causing traffic problems in the area. Helen will work with her to get some help. Rich Bennett – 1344 Dover Rd. resigned as a trustee as he has moved to the St. Mary’s area by the Bonneville Golf Course. He complimented the SHCC in what they are doing to preserve our community. He presented an old aerial view picture of the Sugar House Business District and a centennial plate to Susan Petheram for the Sugar House Historical Society.

Mayor’s Office Update

No report as Annette Daley is out of town.

City Council Update

No report as Dale Lambert is not feeling well.

Miscellaneous Community Issues

Helen noted a couple of issues that she is working on with Dale. There has been some discussion regarding the open space north of the LDS Church at Fillmore & 27th South. The Carden School, next to this is wanting to make this open space into a parking lot. Several neighbors are concerned about this and wonder if there could be some negotiation with the school and the church to preserve the open space. There is also another LDS Ward in this same area (Atkin & Filmore) that is being sold and neighbors are concerned that it will be bought and reused for something that is not desirable in the neighborhood. Tina Ottesen noted that the building is actually going to be torn down and feels that the ward is working with the community on what is being done there.

Pedestrian Signage in Sugar House

Dan Bergenthal reported on proposed signage for the Parley’s Trail between 13th & 9th East. He is suggesting they use the same design of signs that are being used elsewhere in Sugar House and down town. The signs would point to and designate Hidden Hollow, Fairmont Park, the Library, Fairmont Swimming Pool, and the Post Office. Su Armitage expressed her approval of the signs.

Crossing Flags

It was noted that the crossing flags at 12th East & 21st South will need a new sponsor, due to the death of Thomas Q. Bailey, who has been taking care of them.

PacifiCorp Power Station Update

Gina Crezee reported that the 3 vacant homes next to the substation were broken into but they found who had done it and most of the stolen property has been recovered. These three homes are going to be torn down to accommodate the upgrade to the substation. On Aug. 16 at 6 PM, at 1407 West North Temple PacifiCorp is going to have a drawing for items from the three homes. Everything in the homes will go. This will be limited to persons living in the Sugar House area. On Sept. 1, the homes will be demolished.

Sesquicentennial Report

Helen suggested we give Westminster College a pin, plate, & t-shirt for their historic display. If we do that, the plates would be gone and there would be only 9 large t-shirts left. There are still lots of pins left. We have now cleared the cost of the pins, plates, and t-shirts and have collected $208 in addition to that cost. Anyone wanting one of the Sesquicentennial pins should contact Alice Edvalson at 485-1663.

Election Orientation

Su Armitage will take nominations for officers for the upcoming elections. She will check with those who have been nominated to assure they will accept. We will allot time for candidates to do some campaigning at the Sept. meeting. Helen commented on the Granite store closing and the impact that could have on the community. Grace Sperry made a motion we send a letter to Granite Furniture expressing our appreciation for their contribution to the community over the many years they have been in business here. Representatives from The Valley Journals newspaper told of their plans for a local paper for the South Salt Lake area. This will include Sugar House. The first edition should be ready by Sept. 19 and will be mailed to the homes in the area.

Discussion of By-Laws

The following sections of the By-Laws were approved as read: 3.3, 8.2, 8.3, 9.1, 9.2, Attachment A, and Attachment B. Sections 3.2 and 8.4 were approved with minor modifications. Attachment C was approved with modifications to represent the changes that were made in section 3.2. After completion and approval of each part of the By-Laws that has taken a LONG time to accomplish, the motion was made that we accept the By-Laws as they have been amended, with voting 15 in favor, 1 opposed, and 0 abstaining.


Adjourned at 9:33

Landon Clark
[email protected]