SHCC Meeting Minutes – August 2005

SHCC Meeting Minutes – August 2005


August 8, 2005


From Sugar House



Trustees Present

Janice Anderl, Su Armitage, Dolores Donohoo, Barbara Green, Art Haddow, Mark Holland, Michael G. Kavanagh, Scott Kisling, Emil Kmet, Andrea Moesser, Tina Otteson, Cabot Nelson, Derek Payne, L. Rex Sears, Judi Short, Grace Sperry, Rawlins Young (17)

Trustees Excused

Sarah Carlson, Phil Carlson, Lynne Olson, Susan Petheram (4)

City/State Representatives

Annette Daley, SLC Mayor’s office; JR Smith, SLPD; Jason Hathaway SLPD; Dale Lambert, City Council (4)


Jaelene V. Myrup, Shelia O’Driscoll, Karen Lloyd, Ben Burdett, Melissa Lichtenstein, Holly Coleman, Becky Lejarzar, Katie McDonald, Patrick Jefferies, Jennifer Rugby, Steve Wilson, Jan Brickman (12)

Meeting minutes

Call to Order at 7:01. Mark Holland conducting. The SHCC recognized the attendance of Boy Scout Troop 192.

Minutes of the July meeting were amended to count for Michael G. Kavanagh as excused and Helen Peters in attendance. Art Haddow moved to approve the minutes as amended with a second from Michael G. Kavanagh.

Treasurer’s Report

Dolores Donohoo reported the same numbers as last month, to wit, the funds started with $4709.37, added $293.50 from the 4th of July street fest and $15.00 in sales of pins, and had a final balance of $5017.87.

Chair Announcements

Street lights: Jennifer Rugby of Blaine Avenue presented signatures to install street lights for Blaine and Wilson Avenues, near the entrance of Westminster College.

Steve Wilson presented his petition to become a SH at-large trustee from the Wilford neighborhood. Mr. Wilson has been a SH resident for almost 6 years. The SHCC approved the petition by acclamation.

On Thursday, Aug. 4 at 7pm, Doug White will formally present the SH Trolley concept at the downtown Radisson hotel. On Aug. 28, the SLC Library will host a discussion for plans to end homelessness, featuring a 10-year plan. It will also have a presentation in South Jordan. On Aug. 15, The Board of Adjustments will address petition #2794B regarding setbacks at 841 S McClelland.

Public Input

Jan Brickman of Wilshire Drive mentioned a rumor that WalMart bought the KMart on Parley’s Way. Scott Kisling said that it is true, WalMart has bought it but KMart still has a lease. Also, in SLC, WalMart has founded an Industrial Bank, or “Credit Corp”. Helen Peters mentioned another development: the renovation of Foothill Place Apts. Dave Mortensen is the chair of that Beacon Heights who will be addressing both issues. Jan Brickman added that there is a fear of overnight camping in the WalMart parking lot. She also mentioned another rumor that says the plan calls for the new WalMart building to face north.

Scott Kisling moved to keep track of this event. Judi Short seconded. In the discussion, Rex Sears pointed out that the committee would get its own chair. This motion would form a subcommittee of LU&Z committee to follow this WalMart issue. Motion passed, 15-0-1.

SH Merchants Association

Cabot Nelson read a message from Lynne Olson. 1) Utah Lung Ass’n fundraiser at La Caille, Aug. 25. 2) City of Hope fundraiser at SH Park, Oct. 15. 3) The SH Monument to be repaired this fall. Some work will have to wait for additional funding.

Crime update

By JR Smith and Jason Hathaway. Regarding violent crimes, some places had arrests. On one occasion, the victim knew the perpetrator. Arson charges were due to illegal fireworks. Many robberies occurred on 700 E, 2200 – 2300 Block. These resulted in 2 arrests, all male whites in 20s with various lengths of hair. 3 sex assaults with 1 consensual underage and 2 with victims knowing the perpetrators. There have been robberies in pharmacies. The suspect is male, white, 6 feet tall, and 170 lbs., with reddish hair. Oxycontin sought. The Amber Alert was lifted, as there was no additional evidence that anyone was missing or kidnapped. Of note was a new alerting service, at no cost to the city, which called surrounding homes and businesses, alerting them of the missing child.

Mayor’s office report

By Annette Daley. The plans for Main Street look good. The Gallivan Center needs more volunteers; Call Tatiana if you are interested. The $10 million fundraising for the Leonardo is almost complete. As such, the current tenant, SL Arts Academy, needs a new home. On Aug. 8, Main Street will start having WiFi. Local ISP, XMisson, makes this possible. The Junior League Care Fair will happen on Aug. 11, 12, & 13. It’s for any age. Services include shots, mammograms, and cholesterol & diabetes screenings. On Aug. 27, SLC will host another downtown living tour from 8am – 2pm at the NW corner of Pioneer Park. Seven mayors from Mozambique called the city and wanted to know more about the mayor’s religions divide dialogues. November will wrap up the forums at the Sorenson Center. On Aug. 25, the Freedom Forum will have “clean air” as the topic.

City Council update

By Dale Lambert. He talked about his personally difficult summer, now out of wheel chair after rehabilitating a shoulder injury. The Olympic Legacy project for Fairmont Park is funded and authorized, along with the SHPark master plan. The will match county funds, 50-50. The project to redo the fence on 17th East will commence. The city was able to afford 10 new cops without a tax increase. These new officers will be required to be out on patrol. The Foothill Place apartments will be rezoned R35 to R45. Currently with about 450 units, it could increase to 800 units. It will be a full demolition and rebuild. The RDA funds are partially in place for the monument restoration. Regarding the Yalecrest ordinance, Mr. Lambert reversed his vote upon realizing that the ordinance didn’t work for entire city. We need to design an ordinance for each neighborhood. Next month, the city will designate neighborhoods and come up with something that works. The concern is that one home can completely change character but we must still enable revitalization and renewal. SLC has a new planning director from Savannah, GA.

Su Armitage asked about the rebuild of the downtown malls. Mr. Lambert has seen the plans and has urged for more public process. He bets that we’ll like the plans. There will be less retail, more residential uses. It will be more attractive and he is enthusiastic. Still, it’ll take about 3-4 years. The renovation will occur to both malls at the same time to save time. We should expect public announcements and presentations in the next 6 weeks. The Key Bank building will be demolished. Very few downtowns in the US have this opportunity. He also acknowledged proposals to daylight city creek further west.

Cabot Nelson asked about who will run for his council seat as Mr. Lambert is stepping down. Although Mr. Lambert appreciates the compliments, he won’t run and knows of 2 people seriously considering running. For a candidate, he would like no extremists or single-issue people. He’s concerned that time is running out for RDA as it was only set up for 20 years. There are only 2 – 3 years left. It will be very difficult to renew an RDA for SH. The SH RDA is a “poster child” of why properly run RDAs are good.

One trustee mentioned that the concrete is failing on the Fairmont skate park. This should be addressed with Dell Cook. Even the second pour of concrete is failing.

Michael G. Kavanagh was joined in applause for Dale Lambert’s work.

Sugar House Business Spotlight

Presented by Michael G. Kavanagh. The spotlight featured Paradise Bakery, located at 1010 E 2100 S (across from Pei Wei). Michael introduced the “3 lovely ladies” of the store’s management. They spoke of their offerings and local hires. They brought bread, muffins, croissants and cookies to share. Paradise Bakery hails from Aspen, Co. It will open this new location on Mon. Aug. 8, at 6am.

Envision Utah presentation

By Ted Knowlton, planning manager for Envision Utah. “Compact Housing” slideshow presentation. It is part of the “Wasatch choices 2040” plan in conjunction with the Wasatch Front Regional Council, discussing patterns of growth and project transportation ideas. It is a reactionary strategy.

Compact Housing includes multi family housing near single-family housing. Also helps with affordability. Two contrasts: Mona UT, with a “Drive till you qualify” approach at affordable housing, and a city in CA: “Housing near jobs and transit”.

Compatible buildings for compact housing would 1) control parking visibility, and 2) have windows and doors face the street. Good principles also are to disperse compact housing, connect streets to help traffic, and allow for this near transit.

North Brickyard Park Presentation

By Sharen Hauri, MGB&A Grassli Group. This was cancelled.

Land Use & Zoning update

By Helen Peters. She offered time to Soren Simonson to explain “high performance building.” He has a slideshow presentation. Featured buildings were awarded LEED (leadership in energy and environmental design) status from the Green Building Council, which emphasizes the environment, the economy, and social values. Helen also had handouts.

Party & fundraising

SHCC trustee party to be held at Tina Ottesen’s on August 27. For fundraising, Rex is working on branding ideas. Tina’s suggestion for holiday ornaments was well received.

Upcoming Elections

Mark Holland mentioned the officer roles available in the SHCC elections. Su Armitage will conduct the election.


Adjourned 9:25pm.

Landon Clark
[email protected]