SHCC Meeting Minutes – August 2007

SHCC Meeting Minutes – August 2007


August 1, 2007


Trustees present

Susan Petheram, Michael G. Kavanagh, Russ Callister, Barbara Green, Derek Payne, Rawlins Young, Emil Kmet, Cabot Nelson, Phil Carlson, Ray Pugsley, Grace Sperry, Dave Holbrook, Renae Richards, Judi Short, Dave Mulder, Sarah Carlson

Trustees excused

Dolores Donohoo, Art Haddow, Andy Wargula

City/State representatives

Michael Stott, SLC Mayor’s Office; Fred Ross, SLPD; Soren Simonsen, SLC Council; (3)


No role was taken.

Meeting minutes

Call to order, 7:04pm. Phil Carlson, Chair. The June minutes could not be approved in the July meeting because no one had received them. Secretary Cabot Nelson submitted the June minutes 9 days prior to the meeting, but it still was not enough time to be delivered on time. The only change to the June minutes is to add Michael G. Kavanagh as excused. There was no objection to approve the June minutes with changes.

For the July minutes, add Dave Holbrook as excused. There was no objection to approve the July minutes with changes.

Treasurer’s Report

There was no activity.

Crime Update

By Officer Ross, SLPD. Although he can’t take sides in a political issue, he said that the bond for a new public safety building would be a good idea. The SH Boys & Girls club will have games, etc., Tues., Aug 7. from 5pm – 7pm.

Crimes against persons was down last month. There was a spike in property crimes: burglaries & car strips. They are all occurred on major thoroughfares. For the Independence celebration, 75,000 people attended the fireworks on the 4th of July in SH park. It went well in comparisons to years past.

SLC’s IMS department has discussed what kinds of crime stats could go on a web site. Rawlins Young pointed out that we haven’t had a longitudinal study to whether the SLPD is doing well.

Emil expressed concerns about illegal activity in Fairmont Park, especially acts that occur in public view. The park closes at 11pm. Anyone can be arrested for trespassing after that hour. On attended asked if the 11pm curfew was the same on all parks. Some parks close at 10pm, like SH Park and Rotary Park.

Merchants Association Update

By Barb Green. Maria Vyas of the UTA came to the Merchants Association meeting to talk about transit modes. Lt. Drake of the SLPD came to speak about the bond issue. Tess from the library explained about how businesses may use the the library for renting conference rooms, etc. MediaOne, the publisher and advertising handler for the SL Tribune and Deseret News, offers a good advertising rate for members of the Merchants Association. Mr. Soren Simonsen also attended the meeting. The 4th of July street fest was a tremendous success. No rain. Very good event. This past Saturday was the “Battle of the Bands” to help with the displaced businesses in the SHBD.

City Council Update

Mr. Søren Simonsen was delayed.

Parks Committee

By Grace Sperry. City Council voted to make Parley’s Historic Nature Preserve an off-leash dog park. The Redman Building redevelopment involves Hidden Hollow. Emil Kmet added that for Parley’s, SLC Councilman Eric Jergensen moved to allow the off-leash access to the entire park. It isn’t completely over; it was a mere motion but no amendment to the ordinance, passing 6-1. There will be more with master plan. It isn’t in perpetuity. They’ll have the motion for now while the issue is being analyzed. It counters what the SHCC wanted.

Land Use & Zoning Committee

By Derek Payne. There is nothing to report. Grace is working on the Redman Building redevelopment. Next month, there will be two possible legalized duplexes. Redeemer Lutheran will present next month. We could invite the planner and have the city property manager attend. There is a meeting about this on August 21st.

Redman Building Conditional Use

This is a proposal by Michael Maloy, James Derby (architect), Steven Perry, and Kevin Packer.

It is simply a proposal to build a parking structure. Floors 2 – 6 will be residential. There will be mixed use on main floor. The original redevelopment plan had floors 2-3 to be offices. For parking, the requirement is 2 spaces per 1000 sq ft., thus 36 stalls are required, but the plan provides 41 total stalls. Plans were handed out.

Grace Sperry handed out her analysis in 3 points. Dave Mulder asked why having more condos would work. Mr. Derby said that limited parking was key. Limited parking hurts retail. The project is a conditional use. The petitioners will go to the planning commission.

Rawlins Young had major concerns about the city property as an alley can access to the property behind the Redman building. Derek Payne had concerns about having more direct access to the building for the tenants to the Hidden Hollow.

Motion by Grace Sperry: The SHCC trustees support the petition of the Redman Building developers to build a two-level garage and use SLC’s public access on the east side of the Redman Building as an exit from the garage with a four-foot wide pedestrian walkway to Hidden Hollow on the east side as presented to the SHCC on August 1, 2007. Dave Mulder seconded. Rawlins said he is opposed due to the use of city land. Russ Callister was also concerned but supports the use. The motion passed, 12-2.

Motion by Grace Sperry: The SHCC trustees request that the SLC RDA reinstate the funding of the new garage construction. Judi Short seconded. Rawlins feels that there still is not enough information. Derek wondered if the funding has sunset, but Susan Petherham said not until 2008. Sarah Carlson compared what Vic Ayers asked for and what was being funded now. Another architect said that what Mr. Ayers intended was to cost $5.5 million, but it is actually up to $12.5 million.

Amendment to the motion by Grace Sperry: “provide new funding for”, not “reinstate the funding of.” The amended motion passed, 11-1.

City Council Update, continued

Soren Simonsen arrived. The Sister City Program for SLC is with Matsumoto, Japan. There was a meeting prior to tonight’s meeting. This is the 50th anniversary for the sister cities.

The SLC budget is done. The CIP requests are being reviewed. For the bond initiative, the general obligation bond for the Zoo is by SL County. The county would fund, but city would own the zoo. They will have to work this out.

The Canyon Racket Club of Cottonwood Heights might be interested in the Fairmont tennis courts. They might be refurbished. The Boys & Girls club is interested. Also, there are bonds for public safety for a new building and new precinct in SH. FD and PD would share facility. There would be a new emergency operations center in downtown.

There is a the sales tax revenue bond for the Leonardo. The property tax bond for the Leonardo came a couple of years ago. The original project was $20 million. Now it’s about $33 million. Construction cost inflation for the past two years has been over 25%.

The SLC Council supported making a permanent dog park in Parley’s HNP. Soren & Councilman Eric Jorgensen are still working on a management plan. Russ Callister wants to know the rationale in granting an exception for Parley’s HNP. The answer was that there was a legal provision to handle it. There is a county master plan for the dog parks underway.

WalMart’s rezone petition has brought attention from several community councils. It won’t come to the SHCC for the next few months. The interests include the Emigration District Coalition.

On August 23rd, the RDA retreat will set goals, etc. SHBD is an RDA area. It expires 2011. On August 15th, at Westminster at 7pm, Local First Utah will meet. Mr. Simonsen & Susan Petheram will speak.

For FD & PD precinct, there are ideas for in the SHBD, maybe in the current space. The tennis courts are too small and the Garfield school is not an option.

Mayor’s Office Update

By Michael Stott. The Night out against crime is on Tuesday. On Thursday, Aug 16th, at the Clayton Middle School is the meet the candidates night from the Emigration District Coalition. All mayoral candidates will attend except Jenny Wilson, and all of the candidates for SLC Council district 6.

Resource guides are still available. Emil Kmet asked about Hidden Hollow’s graffiti on the markers and about the Artesian Well on 800 South 500 East. Rawlins Young asked how the park staff will patrol Hidden Hollow when they’re going to be burdened with 88 acres at Parley’s HNP.

Public Input

Cabot Nelson was upset about the condition of Fairmont Park. The lawn is parched, the graffiti clean-up is sloppy, and the drinking fountains are still not fixed.

UDOT will be having meetings regarding sound walls. They will be on Aug. 15th from 6pm-8pm at the Columbus Center, and again on Aug. 28th, from 7pm-9pm.

Chair Report

Sarah and Phil to host trustees party. Andrea Moesser resigned. Her committee will have to reconstitute for Parley’s Foothill Dev.

Parliamentary Postmortem

Ray Pugsley provided a handout on “Discussion Rules.”


Adjourned, 9:53pm.

Landon Clark
[email protected]