SHCC Meeting Minutes Dec 3, 2014

SHCC Meeting Minutes Dec 3, 2014

Sugar House Community Council Board of Trustees Meeting

Meeting Minutes – December 3, 2014

Trustees Present: Teddy Anderson, Sally Barraclough, Amy Barry, Robin Baster, Lucy Hawes, Deb Henry, Topher Horman, Sue Ann Jones, Steve Kirkegaard, Susan Koelliker, Larry Migliaccio, David Mulder, David Read, Maggie Shaw, Judi Short, Carole Straughn, Christopher Thomas

Trustees Excused Absent: Laurie Bray, Ed Dieringer, Michael G Kavanagh, Benny Keele, Joedy Lister, Rawlins Young

Trustees Absent:  Jack Perry

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Amy Barry, SHCC Chair

Approval of the November minutes: Steve moved to approve the minutes, Carol seconded. The motion passed with no corrections to the November meeting minutes.

Secretary Report: Sally Barraclough

There was a trustee petition renewal presented by Amy Barry.  Amy has been representing the Westminster area for six years.  She has served on many committees including Land Use and Zoning, POST, Sustainability, and Communications and  Outreach.  She has served on the Executive Committee as Secretary and Vice Chair.  She is the current Chairperson for the council.  Sally moved to approve her petition, Susan seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.

Sally’s petition expires at the end of December.  Michael G. ‘s petition will expire in February.

The attendance roster was passed around so that trustees could see how their attendance was during 2014.

Treasurers Report: Robin Bastar

Last month there was a disbursement of $274.46 for our internet web site, copying and printing. There is a balance of $3592.10 in the checking account.

Robin also wanted to remind us that SHCC accepts tax-deductible contributions.  Several years ago the council agreed to a suggested donation of $60.oo per year per trustee.  He has not received very many of those contributions this year.  If you want to mail him a donation before the end of the year send it to:

Robin Bastar

1791 E 2100 South

SLC, UT 84106

Amy made a reminder that donations can also be made from our website.  Click on the “donate” button in the upper right corner of the home page. You can use PayPal or a credit card to make your donation.

Chair Report: Amy Barry

The Monument Plaza will be substantially complete by December 25th.  Ben Davis reported that the delay was due to vandalism that occurred to the concrete that was poured along the south side.  The concrete had to be dug out and replaced, which added time and expense.  While they were digging, they also found some buried pipes that they hadn’t anticipated.  They had to do some re-engineering to work around the pipes.  If the weather holds, the northside sidewalk should be open by the first weekend in December and trees will be planted by the following week. Tile work for the  fountain basin will be installed in the spring after the weather warms up.

Capital Improvement Project (CIP) applications are due January 12, 2015.  The city is encouraging citizens who would like funding for a city project to apply.  Funding for projects can be a 5 to 10 year process with multiple re-applications, as many city departments are also vying for the limited funds available. If you have a project in mind for a city owned piece of property or street, it helps to go through our subcommittees, as part of the application requires cost estimates.

Welcome to new trustees and a reminder that Amy needs a digital photo of each of the trustees to put on the website.  Judi offered to take pictures of the new trustees.

Fire Department Report: Captain Bob Silverthorne


Police Report: Detective Sam Wolf for Detective Bill Manzanaras

Detective Wolf distributed a crime report that was broken down by area for the month of November.  Totals for Sugar House included:  3 Sexual Assaults, 11 Robberies, 2 Aggravated Assaults, 29 Burglaries, 188 Larcenies, 29 Motor Vehicle Thefts, and 4 Arsons.

The detectives that are working on the shooting incident at the Karumba Club have been looking at videos and believe they have identified the suspects involved.  The victim was not able to identify the shooter from photos, likely because he was a random, innocent bystander who happened to be in the wrong place when the shooting occurred.   The detectives are still taking interviews from witnesses and are continuing to work the case.

Dave Mulder asked about the recent armed robberies that have taken place at the Maverik on 27th South and 20th East. There have been two robberies in a week and a half.  Sally asked if they were related to the robbery that she heard occurred at the Seven-Eleven located on Highland Dr. and Zenith.  Detective Wolf was unaware of these crimes but will have Detective Manzanaras follow up with us next month.  Amy said that in the future we should email her prior to the meeting, so that she can give Detective Manzanaras time to research specific crime incidents.

Public Comments for Items Not On The Agenda:

  • Sheila O’Driscoll publicly thanked Judi Short and others for getting a representative from the planning commission in touch with her.   Sheila has questions regarding the time frame for public comment to the planning commission regarding subdivision projects.  Amy said that it is by ordinance, and the process is controlled by the City Council.  It is complicated because the time frame for notification varies depending on the type of project.  Judi recommended that Sheila write an email to the City Council.

Committee Reports

Land Use and Zoning: Judi Short

  • The City Council has been asked to extend the RDA period for two more years.  The Sugar House RDA has been in place for 25 yrs and has helped pay for many of the projects that have taken place during that time by offering low interest loans, and paying for public projects such as the Monument Plaza.  The extension would allow the RDA to finish projects such as the Wilmington/Sugarmont realignment, relocation of the fire station, bring back a street network through the Sugar House Center parcel, extend the Streetcar to Highland Dr., and the Green-way extension.
  • The streetcar corridor master plan (form based code) will be on the agenda for the Jan 6th Council work session.  City Council Planner Russell Weeks, will be giving us an abbreviated version that includes recommendations made by the SH Land Use Committee and the Planning Commission.  The form based code will be on the LUZ agenda for the Dec 15th meeting.
  • The Planning Commission approved the project at 2202 South 800 East which is a four owner-occupied town homes that will face the green-way.
  • The City Council is updating its nonconforming use policy.  There are only 4 properties in Sugar House that are nonconforming, all are small businesses along 27th South.
  • There is a proposed subdivision before the city for the parcel located at 1650 East, 1700 South.  It is one parcel, to be divided into three parcels.  The new parcels would each be approximately 50’ wide and 150’ deep.  A subcommittee of the LUZ committee studied a map of the area and concluded that three parcels, each with their own driveway onto 17th South, was more in keeping with the neighborhood than the more recent PUD developments that have 6-8 homes on a short street facing each other.  Sheila expressed concern that the neighbors in the area weren’t informed of the project.  There were street signs and notices sent to residents in the immediate area, but that occurred over the holiday weekend and the 10 day comment period was felt to be too short.
  • The developer for the Legacy Senior Housing project received a lot consolidation petition from the Planning Commission for the housing project.  The Keller Williams building was purchased last year and that parcel needed to be added to the other two lots where the new building will be located. The developer is also adjusting the lot line between the new property and the back of Nordstrom Rack and Michaels.
  • The next LUZ meeting is Dec 15th at 6:00pm in the Sprague Library.

Items for the agenda include:

  1. A CB development for the parcel located at 2855 Highland Dr and the corner of Crandal Ave. It involves a rezone from R 1/7000 to CB and removal of the rear parcel from the Future Land Use Map as Open Space
  2. Relocation of the Sugar House Fire
  3. Rezoning of Sugar House Streetcar Corridor to Form-based Code
  4. RMF 45 zone – City is updating the regulations and LUZ will be providing input.

Dave Mulder inquired as to what has happened to the Granite Furniture Compass after it was put in storage.  Amy confirmed that it will be re-installed on the Monument Plaza by the end of construction.

Parks, Open Space and Trails: Sally Barraclough

No Report

Transportation: Deb Henry

  • The transportation meeting held on Dec 15th was very well attended with approximately 30 people there to discuss the parking lot issue in Sugar House.  Currently, 2hr parking is being enforced at the parking lots behind the library, the post office, and the Granite block.  The parking lot at Smith’s is now often full.  They had a discussion about the impact that constrained parking will have on Sugar House.
  • UTA had their budget meeting for 2015, during which Deb and George gave comments to the board.  UTA is planning on spending 10 million dollars to provide service on Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day and to make sure there is no rate increase for existing service.  Deb requested another 2 million be spent to extend late night service for the S-Line and downtown bus service.
  • The Transportation Committee has purchased more reflective flags for crosswalks.  Let Deb know if you know of a crosswalk that needs new flags.
  • There is a draft of the Pedestrian/Bike Master Plan up for comment on the SLC website.  Please look at the plan and make comments to the city.
  • The city has banned horse-drawn carriages downtown.  The business that used to provide the service went out of business last year.  There are however, pedicabs throughout the downtown area that are providing street service.
  • Lyft and Uber Companies are still trying to work out an agreement with the city to provide transportation services.

Arts and Cultural: Amy Barry for Laurie Bray

  • Laurie is excused tonight as she is taking photos at the Santa Shack
  • The Santa Shack is open Mon-Fri 3:00pm to 7:00pm and Sat 11:00am to 7:00pm
  • The Sugar House Winter Carnival, sponsored by the SH Chamber of Commerce will be on Saturday, Dec 6th starting at 10:00am at Sugarmont Plaza.  There will be a variety of activities for the whole family to enjoy.  T-shirts will be sold for $5 with proceeds going to the Ronald McDonald house in honor of Bob Evans from Sugar House Coffee who passed away earlier this year.

Communications and Outreach: Christopher Thomas

The committee did not meet in November, however Christopher wanted to announce that there has been several outreach activities carried out by various trustees.  The LUZ committee including Joedy, Judi, and Amy did a tremendous job informing the public about the 21st and 21st rezone issue.  There will also be more public outreach regarding the relocation of the fire station.

Salt Lake Community Network: Judi Short

Judi gave them an update on all the Sugar House building issues.  Next month David Everett, Chief of Staff for the Mayor’s Office will be presenting.

Action Item: 21st and 21st Rezone

Amy Barry introduced the subject by stating that because we have a motion that is coming from the LUZ Committee, it does not require a second. There was  time allowed for discussion, and questions and answers.

The developer, Thomas Hulbert has written a letter putting the project on hold.  That letter has not been delivered to the city.  The city is going ahead with the small area plan for the 21st and 21st area.  The planning commission is going to put out a Request for Proposal (RFP) to conduct the small area plan.

Judi outlined the number of meetings which have taken place regarding this issue including at least 3 meetings of the LUZ Committee, 1 meeting with a subcommittee, 1 meeting with the architects, and 1 large community meeting held at Dilworth on Oct 21st.  Over 300 attended the meeting at Dilworth.  Comment cards were collected at that meeting, and Judi has scanned all of them and the emails that she has received since the meeting.  At this point it is over 30 pages of comments, very few in favor of the project. Judi will be forwarding the comments to the planning commission.

In view of all the public comment, on Nov 17th the LUZ Committee approved the following motion to be presented to the  Sugar House Community Council:  “We the Sugar House Community Council, do not recommend changes to the zone on the northeast corner of 2100 South and 2100 East, or amending the Sugar House Master Plan pending recommendations that may come out of the small area plan.”

Amy opened discussion of the motion.

  • An audience member asked about why nothing was included about not approving an up-zone in the language of the motion.  A resident of the neighborhood (Rex) had circulated a petition asking that     there not only be no change in the Master Plan,  but that it also include no up-zone changes to the current zone.  Judi will include the petition that includes many signatures along with the comment cards and email document to the city.  Sally clarified that the up-zone language was not included in the motion that was presented and approved at the LUZ meeting.
  • Dave Mulder asked if the buildings on the property could be remodeled without cleaning up the soil pollution.   Judi stated that we do not know for sure at this time.  She spoke to EPA officials at the public meeting held to discuss the plume of underground pollution left from businesses previously located in the area.  It is felt that the contaminated soil could be as much as 60 ft down from the surface.  Clearing all the polluted soil could make the property unstable.  It is possible that if a developer was willing to only go down 20 ft to put in footings for a building, they may not have to do soil remediation.  If they want an underground parking structure, that will cost a lot more because of the existing environmental issues.
  • Sheila wanted the council to know she has about 10 more pages of petition signatures to present.  Judi has asked Rex and Sheila to send her an electronic version of the petition pages so that she can present them to the city.

Amy called for a vote on the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.


Leslie Reberg, Assistant to Salt Lake County Councilman Sam Granato

Update on County Projects

Leslie, who is a resident of the Forest Glen Condominium Complex, thanked the SHCC personally for all the work we do in the community.  She went on to point out how much the county is involved in the Sugar House area.   The Fairmont Aquatic Center is a county facility.  SL County is also a partner with the city on Sugar House Park.  The county recently finished their budget for the upcoming year.  It includes $680,000 for the remodel of the Sugar House Park restrooms.  There will also be an 18 million dollar rebuild of the current health building downtown, and a new DA building downtown.  She also brought maps of the Parley’s Trail which is proceeding nicely. For questions regarding city vs county projects call  (385) 468-7457

Scott  Baird and Liesel Allen, SL County Flood Control

Parley’s Historic Nature Park and Hidden Hollow Natural Area

Parley’s Historic Nature Park

Liesel informed us that Parley’s Park is a city park, but by ordinance the county provides flood control and maintenance of Parley’s Creek.  The funding for the current flood control project is being paid for by the county.  The project involves:

  1. Removing the existing H pile structure
  2. Reconstructing and improving the existing debris structure
  3. Improving the access alignment to the debris structure.  Rocky Mountain Power also uses this access trail to get to their substation.

The purpose of the project is to provide county crews with a safe access to remove debris from the creek before it enters the culvert that runs under I-80.  The reconstruction of the existing debris structure will allow the maintenance crew to access it with their excavator from above so that they will no longer have to get in the stream to clean out debris.  This is a safety issue for the maintenance crew.

They will also be installing access ramps to the creek so that boulders and sediment can be removed from around the debris structure.  Salt Lake City is moving the trail that runs parallel to the creek, which was used by the county and RMP for access.  Because of this, the county is improving their access without using the trail.

Construction began last month and will continue through February, weather permitting.  They hope to be done before spring flooding.  Several trees had to be removed, but the county has an agreement with SLC Parks Department to replant over 140 trees.  If you plan to use the park during construction, please use caution because of the construction vehicles that are in the area.

Scott reminded us that during the floods of 1983-84, the water that ran down State Street came from City Creek that runs west to the Jordan River in a conduit which runs under North Temple.  The conduit was large enough to handle the water but it became jammed with debris.  In the floods in recent years of Big and Little Cottonwood Creeks, the retention ponds at Wheeler Farm had a wood debris field the size of a football field.  That is why it is so important to keep these small debris traps clear during flood season.

Hidden Hollow Natural Area

This is an area that is maintained by SLC Parks and Open Lands Department with Utah Open Lands holding the conservation easement. The county, again by ordinance, is responsible for flood control.  This project is similar to the project in Parley’s Park.

The debris grate for the creek is located at the west end of the natural area behind Petco.  The county needs better access to the grate for the safe removal of debris, as this is the last place to access Parley’s Creek before it enters the underground conduit headed for Jordan River.  By making these improvements, they will be able to clean the grate more often and in a safe manner. They are looking at several options and are still in the design process.  Some the of alternatives include:

  1. Accessing from behind the Yellow Fin restaurant by improving the access trail parallel to the creek.
  2. Accessing from the Petco area.  One challenge with this alternative is that the elevation is higher on this side making access more difficult.
  3. Improve the grate itself by widening the sidewalk that is over the top.  They would not be able to use an excavator because the creek/grate is lower than the excavator can reach, so the work would have to be done with hand tools.  They would not be able to remove larger tree limbs and rocks with hand tools.
  4. A combination plan of improving the grate and covering the top, so that an excavator could access the debris.

JUB Engineers has been hired to look at the alternatives and develop a design.  The county is meeting with stakeholders including SLC Parks and Utah Open Lands to approve a design this winter, with construction starting summer of 2015 depending on funding.

  • Sally asked if any of the alternatives included laying a concrete pad anywhere near the creek.  The Yellow Finn side is not a good alternative due to access.  They are considering a large enough section of concrete over the top of the culvert that it could support an excavator.

Scott reminded us that it isn’t safe for the crews to be in the water during a flood.  It is not optimal to come from the side because of the structure of the grate.  It is much better to access the grate from above, in terms of cleaning the grate and also loading the debris onto trucks to be hauled away.

  • Teddy commented that a lot of cleanup needs to happen in the creek. She asked if any design work could be done to disguise the culvert, possibly with large rocks etc.  She also pointed out that if the trail is accessed with equipment it get deeply rutted.
  • Maggie asked about flood control in the culvert near Wilson Ave and 11st East.  It often floods into the surrounding area.  Scott said they are out there often, cleaning it out with hand tools.

Amy thanked the county employees for coming to the SHCC meeting.  She clarified that most of Sugar House is in Sam Granato’s County District 4, with the exception of a small area that is in Arlyn Brandshaw’s County District 1.

Salt Lake City Council:  Lisa Adams District 7

Lisa gave an update on the following topics:

  • The transit corridor form based rezone will on the Council’s Jan 7th agenda
  • The 21st and 21st rezone
  • The council took a vote on Uber and Lyft transportation companies operating in Salt Lake.  The council received 11,200 emails regarding this topic, most the identical in nature, supporting the service. The council is glad to have them in the community but wants them to meet the same standards for safety that the cab companies must meet.  That includes safety inspections of vehicles, background checks for drivers, and insurance on drivers and passengers.  Lyft is looking at a large group policy to cover their drivers and riders. Some of the comments from the public included those from people who are sight impaired, who stated that Lyft and Uber had made a great improvement to their quality of life.
  • The city has been in a 5 yr lawsuit brought by Ute Cab and Yellow Cap after they were not chosen to be the contracted city cab providers. The requirements to be the contracted company included a willingness to provide 24 hr service, provide service to every part of the city, and to assure that a portion of the cab fleet is ADA compliant.  The new companies, ACE and Total, have agreed to the requirements and at this time are not opposed to Uber and Lyft coming into the area. The city is trying to find a way to compensate ACE and Total for providing the extended services.  Lisa suggested to Lyft and Uber that if they have drivers that are also willing to meet these requirements, the companies could increase the percentage that the drivers keep for providing the service. The companies were not in favor of the idea.

Larry suggested that Salt Lake City should move quickly, before the state legislature gets involved. Lisa is hopeful that the city and the state can work together to provide practical solutions so that both the cab companies and Uber and Lyft can function together in the city.

Melo Flores from the SH Chamber asked for clarification of Lyft and Ubers’ intentions regarding the regular cab companies.  Lisa said that Lyft and Uber would prefer to have no regulation.  The council has worked to level the playing field by getting rid of the Cab Services’ requirements of 30 min notice and $30 minimum for fares.

Amy asked about the budget amendment for the golf land transfer.  The public comment period closed  last night, and the council will vote on it next week.

  • The council voted in favor to extend the time for the RDA for 2 more years.  This will allow the new RDA properties in Sugar House to add to funding that can be used for such things as mosquito abatement and the school districts.

Amy said that Ed Butterfield from the RDA will be on our agenda for January.


Mayor’s Office Report: Shawn McDonough

  • On Nov 22nd in Austin Texas, Mayor Becker was named president of the National League of Cities.  This is a one year term.  The organization represents 19,000 cities and 218 million citizens.  Mayor Becker will be a representative to the US Congress on behalf of cities, towns and villages.  His address to the League of Cities was titled “The Year of Connecting”, and stated that the major role of city leaders is to connect their community to resources, ideas, and talent to achieve their goals and aspirations.  He also called on members to become an army of advocates on three federal priorities.
  1. Climate Change
  2. Marketplace Fairness, which involves small local businesses and big box stores
  3. Grow America, which will provide local governments with federal funding for planning and constructing transportation systems to meet our mobile needs.
  • The city has been working on the homeless issue primarily in the downtown Rio Grande area.  They have developed a six point strategy that they hope to achieve within 18 months.
  1. House 20, which would be short term housing for the 20 individuals who most frequently use the shelters.
  2. Housing First, which proposes to build 300 permanent units.
  3. Day Services, which would provide programs for the homeless during the day.  The city council approved $30,000 for a pilot program.
  4. Locations for Services.  There is a committee that is looking at the current location of facilities for the homeless to see if there is a location that would be better.
  5. Public Safety, primarily around Pioneer Park.  Shawn suggested they also look at Fairmont Park. This would possibly include providing more activities in and around Pioneer Park to keep it more lively.
  6. HOST Program, which is the program of red meters where you can donate your spare change and it is directed to homeless services rather than giving directly to people who are begging.
  • Shawn distributed a brochure that describes the budget process for the city.  The process starts in January and the City Council adopts the budget in June.
  • There was a flier distributed regarding snow removal and the responsibility of the home or business owner for snow removal.
  • Utah State Prison relocation is being addressed by the State Prison Relocation Commission.  They have recommended six sites, two of which are in SLC.  One is by the airport, and one is by the Kennecott tailings ponds.  Lisa stated that the city is not very excited to take another entity that doesn’t pay taxes.
  1. Sally asked if the issue would be on open city hall, so that we could make comment. Shawn wasn’t sure but will ask.
  2. Christopher expressed concern that if no one wants the prison it could jeopardize the prison sentencing reforms. He also stated that prisons are part of our societal makeup and they should be visible to the public.
  3. Lisa said that one concern that the city has it that both locations have no infrastructure to support the facility.  Secondly, at both sites, the prison would be susceptible to liquefaction in the event of an earthquake.
  4. Deb agreed with Christopher regarding the ever expanding prison population and the need for sentencing reform.
  • Amy asked about Christmas Tree disposal.  Shawn hasn’t heard if they are going to do a curbside pickup but they definitely prefer that you cut up your tree and put it in your brown can.
  • Larry asked if there is going to be public comment on the 24/7 proposal for the the downtown city library.  According to Lisa, the public comment period closed last night but the city council pulled it from the budget amendment so that they have more time for discussion. The proposal is to spend $300,000 over the next 2 yrs as a pilot program.
  1. Sheila inquired as to the purpose of keeping the library open 24/7.  The first reason is to provide access for those who can’t use the library during the day due to work or school. The second reason is to provide an warm place  for the homeless population in the winter who don’t want to access the homeless shelter.  This applies mainly to homeless youth who are afraid of the shelter.  Homeless citizens would not be allowed to sleep in the library, and only the first and second floors would be open.
  • Amy asked Lisa to remind the city council, that if they approve additional SLC Police street patrol for the Gate Way area, they need to provide additional street patrol for Sugar House.

State Legislative Update:Representative King

Excused.  He will be rescheduled for the January meeting

Spotlight on Business: Michael G Kavanagh

Excused.  The business to be highlighted cancelled.

Sprague Library – Dolly Rauh

The Sprague Library will be celebrating 100 years of service on Friday, Dec 6th from 2-4pm.  They have been in their current location for over 80 yrs.  There will be lots of activities including sponsoring an instagram competition for photos of the library.  You can submit photos until the 5th for a chance to win a camera.

The library is also participating in the Winter Carnival on Saturday.  There will be cardmaking from 2-5 and hot chocolate and balloon art.

  • Sally asked about the location of the first Sugar House Library.  It was located near 9th East and 21st South and there are photos on the library website.  The current building was built for the library in 1928.

Public Announcement: Topher Horman

The EVE Celebration

In lieu of fireworks, and to promote clean air,  this year they are building a large disco ball “drop” to celebrate the new year.  The ball will be located at the Salt Palace Plaza on 2nd South and West Temple.  On the 31st, using a crane, the ball will be raised 100 ft in the air and lowered at midnight.  Come, take pictures, and send them to friends and family in other cities to show what can be done to promote clean air while still providing a fun celebration.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35

Landon Clark
[email protected]