SHCC Meeting Minutes – December 1994

SHCC Meeting Minutes – December 1994


December 7, 1994


Present: Jerry Romero, Alice Edvalson, Cheryl Sue Click, Terry Switzer, Ken Andersen, Jim Powell, Kate Deiss, Allen Johnson, Ruth Robbins, Everett Joyce, Geoff Kerby, Greg Corey, Del Brewster, Luke Hansen, Alan Shelfield, Brant Westover, Mark S. Fetzer, Scott L. Kisling, Liz Davis, Cheri Carleson, Brian K. Bintz, Barbara Kleiner, Wendy Merrill, Sheila O’Driscoll, Rachael Sheffield, Don Parker, Harrison Smithwick, Wes .Groesbeck, Dolores A. Donohoo, Dorothy Tuddenham, Sharon Ashcraft, Kathleen Evans Daly, Richard Lauritzen, Pam Grimes, Paul Corey, Michael Abacock, Dan Naylor, Ben Newbold, John Morris, Jan Haug, Judi Short, Leland J. Myers, Ron Artinian, Jeff Jonas, Pam Daley.Meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Jerry Romero.  Minutes of the November meeting were approved with the correction of the date of the minutes from October to November. Boy Scouts from Troop 82 were visiting the meeting working on a merit badge. Pam Daley, the new Librarian at the Sprague Library was in attendance A trustee holiday party is being planned for Jan 21, 1995. Dolores Donohoo will chair a committee to plan the party. Rawlins Young will check on using the cottage at Fairmont Park. Jerry attended a community action meeting yesterday. They discussed the growth in the Sugar House area. There is a moratorium on further action at Irving School at the present time, but they are working on plans for a planned unit development similar to what was presented at the council meeting a few months ago. Jerry also attended a workshop regarding SLACC and its function. Another meeting is planned to further discuss the role of SLACC. We still need another representative to SLACC. Pam Grimes reported· the Sugar House area has been hit again with graffiti the past weekend. The graffiti had been pretty clean since the bad weather started, but the area was hit again the past week because of the good weather. She encouraged everyone to please report the graffiti when it is seen. Pam reported that neighborhood residential burglaries for the area are about normal for this year. The Mobil Watch program is becoming very effective in the area. They were responsible for 2 arrests from a burglary in progress at Stout Bicycle on Highland Drive the past week.Woodbury Eastland/Regency Development called shortly before the meeting indicating they were not going to be at the meeting. Neighbors that came specifically for this presentation were again upset since this has happened several times now. The Land Use committee recommended that we should not approve their development under the .current circumstances. It was felt that they should officially file with the city first and then meet with the Land Use committee. Then that committee will schedule them on a future agenda when appropriate. A motion was made, seconded and approved that this development not be approved by the council until they have made appropriate application with the city, then met with the SHCC Land Use committee and then a presentation can be made again to the council when scheduled by the Land Use committee. This motion was also amended to include the ongoing concerns as expressed at a previous meeting. These concerns need to be resolved in writing. New Trustee Petitions: A letter of resignation has been received from Miriam Murphy. Other; trustees whose terms have expired or otherwise have expressed they no longer want to serve as a trustee include: Dave Buhler, Afton Kyropoulos, Anne Menzies, Diana Smoot, Wendy Sorenson, Martel Steckler, and Michael VanWagoner. New petitions were presented by Leland Myers from the Wilford neighborhood and Scott Kisling from the Country Club neighborhood. Both of these petitions were accepted. A unit legalization presentation was made by Sue Click representing a duplex at 1387 E 13th South. This has been a basement duplex since 1978. They are anticipating remodeling the h0Use with main floor and the basement as one apartment and on upper level a second apartment. There was a lot of discussion regarding remodeling details, however, this action only applies to the unit legalization of the existing basement apartment. A suggestion. was made that more parking space needs to be added. A motion was made, seconded and approved to approve this application for legalization of the basement apartment. The remodeling issue will have to be resolved through the required building permits. A planned unit development proposed for a 4+ acre lot at 2900 So. and 20th East was presented by Kenny Andersen. The proposed units would be large single family units. Some concerns were expressed that the proposed homes would be larger and more expensive than those already existing in the area. A motion was made, seconded, and passed to table any decision on this development until after the proposal had been presented to the city. A unit legalization was presented by Ron Artinian of Cornerstone Properties for a triplex at 1948 So. 1100 East. This has been a triplex since 1944. It is desired to remodel and fix it up and maintain it as a duplex. Since this borders on both 11th East and. McClelland Ave, a motion was made and approved to accept this application with the stipulation of the minimum set back on McClelland Ave. as required by the city and with at least some nice landscaping of that area. A planned unit development proposal was presented by Jeff Jonas of American Housing for the US West property on 27th South and 11th East. This would consist of 14 single family homes. The neighbors are concerned with preserving the many trees and other foliage that exist in the area, especially those along the bordering property owned by the city where the Salt Lake/Jordan Canal runs. The motion was made and approved to accept this proposal. Del Brewster reported on the plans for the “Rails to Trails” project which is developing the right of way along the old railroad lines from the Jordan River to Sugar House Park. This is a joint project with UTA, Salt Lake City, and South Salt Lake. The plans include a bicycle/walking path. Money is being raised thru a grant. • Salt Lake City and South Salt Lake will maintain the path. This project does not include doing anything with the tracks themselves, but only the right of way. Alice Edvalson reported that the Sugar House area survey which was taken in the spring has been tabulated and a final report has been made. Since funds to pay· for the survey have not materialized as previously anticipated, a suggestion was made that the SHCC assist in the financing of this effort with a donation of $100 towards miscellaneous copying and postage expenses and a receipt acknowledging a donation of $477 to cover the cost of the preparation of the survey by Utah State Extension Service. A motion was made, seconded and approved to do this.Everett Joyce reported that the public review of the Sugar House Business District Master Plan with the city council will probably held in January. At the present time, a building moratorium is in effect for the 2 blocks including the McIntyre Center and Granite Furniture. This will be in effect until the master plans and the re-zoning are put in place. Anyone interested in seeing the new master plan document can see it at the Sugar House Chamber of Commerce office, the city planning office, or the Sprague Library. The Sugar House Park Authority will be meeting tomorrow night at 6:00 at the County Commission chambers in the County complex at 21st So. and State St. Part of their agenda will include the issue of the Highland High baseball diamonds. There will be no Council committee meetings in December, but there will be an executive meeting Dec. 12 at 7:00 P.M. at Alice’s home. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
Landon Clark
[email protected]