SHCC Meeting Minutes – December 1996

SHCC Meeting Minutes – December 1996


December 4, 1996

Present: Rawlins Young, Alice Edva1son, Veronica Crandall, Ivana Thomas, Ruth Robbins, Elizabeth S. Braymen, Kathy Daly, John Richards, Scott Kisling, Sandy Risky, Shane Jones, Rich Bennett, Everett Joyce, Cheri Car1eson, Louis W. Owen, Paul Crabtree, Sheila O’Driscoll, Gregory Upwall, Diane Stover, Tracy Pierce, Doug Jackson, Donna Mirabelli, Derek Payne, Steven Fisher, Florence Reynolds, Daren Young (26) Excused: Doris Williams, Tree Brown Hayes, Dolores Donohoo, Julina Parker Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Scott Kisling. The minutes for the November meeting were approved. Scott introduced the executive committee of the Community Council, Scott Kisling-Chair, Rawlins Young-Vice Chair, Rich Bennett-Vice Chair, Sandy Hiskey-Vice Chair, Alice Edvalson-Secretary, Cheri Carleson- Treasurer. Alice announced a special Christmas program featuring the International Children’s Choir to be held on Dec. 15 at the LDS Stake Center on 17th So. and 11th East. Scott spoke of the need for an information/talent survey so we could better know the resources that could be available to the community council. A questionnaire will be included with the next agenda. Treasurers Report: Cheri indicated we still have a balance of $1 ,400 in our account with no activity during the past month. City Council Update: None, Keith Christensen was not in attendance. SLACC Update: Doug Jackson, the chair of SLACC explained what the purpose of SLACC is, indicating SLACC has representation from all the community councils. SLACC has been functioning for 25 years. They study issues and assist the community councils in coordinating activities that affect all or at least multiple councils. He presented a certificate of appreciation for their service to SLACC in the past years to Rawlins Young, Ruth Robbins, and Cheri Carleson. He also gave the council chair a book of information that will help in conducting our meetings and activities. Mayor’s Office Report: Veronica Crandall, representing the mayor’s office reported on the gang workshop that was held last month. She indicated that the Community Action Program (CAP) group are working with citizens in an effort to curb gang activities. She also indicated there are some problems with the English as a second language (ESL) program at Highland High. Committee ReportsCrime Report – Shane Jones reported that car prowls/burglaries were really high this past month, but other crime activities were a little better than previous months. He cautioned that criminal activity will be high during the holiday season, especially phone and business type scams and suggested we all be aware of these activities. He also reiterated the fact that gang members come from all cultures and economic situations. He indicated that it is currently just a misdemeanor for kids to take a car with the intent of mischief and joy riding. There is an effort to change this to a 3rd degree felony. For problems, call 799-3000 to get a dispatched police. Call 799-3464 to reach Shane or Diane. Shane or Diane will also work with neighborhoods in setting up a neighborhood watch program. Shane stated that 80% of our crimes are being committed by juveniles. Our current juvenile crime laws were never designed to deal with the violent types of crimes juveniles are committing today. Traffic: Rich Bennett indicated the next Coalition for Livable Streets (CLS) meeting will be Jan. 6 at 6:00 pm at the Foothill Cop station. He said that Tim Harpst of the SLC Transportation Dept. is concentration more of his efforts on traffic calming activities and encouraged citizens that have neighborhood traffic problems to contact Rich at 486-5774 and he will convey these concerns to the city. He indicated that surveys have shown that 90% of the traffic on 15th East are traveling above the speed limit. There are several methods that could be used to slow down the traffic. He said the new traffic light at 15th East and 21st So. should be installed next month. Rich also mentioned a cleanup activity in Hidden Hollow and thanked Diane Stover’s family and Michelle Bennett for their efforts in that activity. Parks Recreation: Cheri Carelson reported on the Sugar House Park Authority meeting held on Nov. 16. They discussed the SLC Open Space Master Plan. The Park & Recreation sub-committee of the SHCC are requesting funding from Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to help incorporate Hidden Hollow into the Open Space Master Plan as a sesquicentennial project. The next Park & Recreation sub-committee meeting will be held Jan. 9th. A topic of discussion will be the Dilworth park next to the Dilworth school on 21st East. There is discussion of putting a drive through parking lot where there is green space in front of the tennis court. The next Sugar House Park Authority meeting will be held on Jan. 16th. Housing, Land Use, Zoning: No report Miscellaneous Items: Ruth Robbins expressed concern over the huge piles of bags of leaves that are being dumped at Fairmont Park. They are next to the rock wall on the west side. She is concerned that the rock wall will be damaged by city equipment when the leaves are picked up. This wall was damaged a few years ago when the city dumped snow in this same area and the cost to repair the wall was very high .Neighborhood Matching Grant Project: Ivana Thomas & Tracy Pierce presented a street lighting project on the 1500 and 1600 block of Emerson Ave. that is being submitted for Neighborhood Matching Grant funding. A motion was made that the Sugar House Community Council support this project. It was unanimously approved. If other neighborhoods are interested in projects using these funds, Ivana & Tracy would be willing to assist in that process. Water Quality Presentation: Florence Reynolds, the water quality administrator for the city presented information on’ the chloride levels in the county streams. The levels are highest during the winter months when the roads are being heavily salted. The city is making real efforts to control the salt levels that drain into the canyon creeks. It is a real effort to balance the need to salt the roads for safety purposes and the need to control the chloride levels. SH Master Plan Update Task Force: Rawlins handed out the remaining parts of the information describing activities involved in the master plan updating process. We will all be involved in a survey of our neighborhoods as part of the master plan update process. McIntyre/Hygiea Update: Everett Joyce reported on the Planning Commission Issues Only hearing on Nov. 7. The Planning Commission has set up a sub-committee to look further into the issues that were raised at that hearing. The sub-committee is chaired by Judi Short. Rich Bennett is a member of the sub-committee. When the sub-committee has completed their study, there will be another hearing set. No date is projected for this at the present time. Any written comments regarding this development can be directed to Everett Joyce, at the SLC Planning Dept. Rich Bennett reported on the sub-committee’s activities. They are using the Wikstrom study to analyze the issues. If you have issues that need to be addressed by the sub-committee, contact Rich. Both Rich and Everett answered many questions regarding this development. Scott indicated that 2 copies of the video that was shown a month ago have been purchased by the community council and will be made available to anyone interested. One copy will be put in the library. Scott explained what the Resource Conservation & Development (RC&D) organization is and how it can help in resolving some of the issues with the McIntyre/Hygiea block development. They have many resources that will help in getting things done in the appropriate manner. They have been involved in other trails projects and could be of special help in getting Hidden Hollow integrated into the trail system. To become a member of the RC&D organization requires a $40 membership fee. Rich made a motion that we spend the $40 from the council funds to become a member. The motion passed unanimously. Futures Commission Report: No report Meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm.

Landon Clark
[email protected]