SHCC Meeting Minutes – December 1997

SHCC Meeting Minutes – December 1997


December 3, 1997

Trustees: Present: Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Cheri Carleson, Sandy Hiskey, Dorothy Tuddenham, Rich Bennett, Helen Peters, Sheila O’Driscoll, John Richards, Doris Williams, Dolores A. Donohoo, Ruth Robbins, Judi Short (13) Excused: Scott Kisling, Julina P. ParkerCity/State Representatives: Foster Mayo, Diane Stover, Larry Kirby, Howard Brown, Officer Fred Ross, Michele Hutchins, Bill Allayaud, Everett Joyce (8) Others; Max Williams, Michelle Deus, Chris Weiss, Dave Eldredge, Kito Shirzad, Stephen Morgan, Dane Finerfrock, David Fletcher, Su Armitage, Harrison Smithwick, Philip Carlson, R C. Stewart, John Thomas, Ed Sperry, Sarah McCarvill, Lynne Olson, Troy Horrall, Michael Bradley, Andrew Chase, Su Armitage, William R Nosack (21) Total- 42 Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by ·Vice Chair Helen Peters. The minutes for the November meeting were approved with a few grammatical corrections and it was noted that the Westminster North West parking plaza is scheduled for completion next Spring instead of next Fall. Chair Report: Helen reported that the city has made some changes in the zoning ordinance. They have made a modification to the term “family” and have made other typing and administrative changes. There will be a public hearing regarding these changes sometime in the future. There will be a meeting on the I-80 public walk way on Dec. 11 from 6-7 PM at the Sprague Library.  The Sugar House Park meeting will be on Dec. 9 from 6-9 PM in the County Commission Chambers, 2001 So. St. North Bldg., Main floor. They will have the Recreational Needs Analysis and Master Plans for the park for review. UDOT/Sear-Brown Report on I-80: John Thomas from Sear-Brown and Larry Kirby from UDOT indicated that the design and structure of the current roadway is in bad need of attention. The bridges are deteriorating badly and the accelerator lanes are not long enough as well as other design problems. They are giving special attention to adding capacity to the main line and better co-ordination of signaling on the off streets that feed onto I-80. The 11th East bridge in the Sugar House area is one of the worst. They are coordinating this effort with the Fairmont Park upgrade.Treasurers Report: No changes since last meeting. Mayor’s Office Update: Michele Hutchins also reported they are working with the Sear-Brown group to coordinate the upgrade of Fairmont Park with the I-80 modifications. City Council Update: None. School Board Update: None. Crime Report: Dorothy Tuddenham reported that the last DUI activity was very successful. Officer Ross indicated there were no statistics this month, however, this last month seemed to have a bit less crime activity. He again encouraged everyone to not leave valuables in cars and to turn on the porch lights in the evening. Report on Governor’s Conference on Volunteerism: Max Williams indicated the city is looking at doing a volunteer fair sometime after the first of the year. Any comments are welcomed. It is recognized that there is already a great deal of volunteer activity in this area. Westminster College Update: Rich Bennett reported that the college has met with the neighborhood in 4 meetings with a 5th one scheduled in 2 weeks. The college has agreed to build a sound wall separating the college from the neighborhood on the South. The neighbors have agreed to wait until they see the actual plans for the South parking area before they discuss parking issues. These meetings have accomplished a lot toward better relations between the college and the neighbors. There are still a lot of concerns with the traffic. The college have agreed that they will meet with the neighbors well in advance of the start of plans for the South parking plaza.

New Trustee Petition: A petition has been received from Su Armitage representing the Garfield neighborhood. This petition was approved. Zone Change Request – 1106 E. 2700 So.: This property is currently under contract to sell. The buyer would like to use the property as a beauty salon on the main floor, with an apartment or condo on top. In addition they would add landscaping of grass, trees. and flowers. Under current zoning covenants, the buyer could only use the property as a beauty salon in an “as is” condition with little improvements. They want to expand the building more than the current zoning allows and would like to add the housing on the upper level. The current zoning is RM30 Residential and the desire is to change to Neighborhood Commercial. Rawlins Young felt this property was part of the Kimball/Richards property and could be of historical value. We were assured that it is not part of that property and is of no historical value. A motion was made, seconded, and approved by a vote of 7 in favor, 2 opposed, 1 abstaining to recommend approval of this request for zone change. Future Development at 2333 So. 5th East: Kito Shirzad reported that he is involved with this property, explaining that they have done a lot of needed cleaning up of the area and are interested in doing some developing of the property. It is currently zoned as Medium Density Residential. He was interested in feedback from the neighborhood as to what they would be interested in having done at this location. Comments can be directed to Kito Shirzad by calling 355-5555. Proposed Division of Property at 1750 East 1700 So.: Michael Bradley presented a proposal to build two additional single family homes on this property. One neighbor living to the South of this property expressed concerns with a 2 story house, indicating it would block their view and felt it would be an invasion of their privacy and would not fit in with the style of houses in that neighborhood. They also asked that we assure adequate financial backing to complete such a project. They expressed a concern for creating rental units on this property and questioned whether Mr. Bradley planned to live in one of the homes. Another neighbor spoke in favor of maintaining the open space that exists there. Because of the many questions and concerns that were raised, a motion was made, seconded, and approved to postpone a decision on this issue until a later time. It was also recommended that Mr. Bradley meet with the neighbors and discuss more of these concerns. Conditional Use Permit for Replacement of LDS Church Building at 3153 So. 9th East: Architect, Dave Fletcher presented plans for replacement of a new LDS Church building. The Church has purchased additional property to the South of the existing property ·for expansion of the parking area. This property is partially in Salt Lake City and partially in Salt Lake County. The development requires a right-of-way for the extension of the present dead-end of Lincoln St. which presently terminates about 150 ft. South of the Church’s property. Regulations require a new Conditional Use permit even though the new building is replacing an existing one and will be built on basically the same site as the old one. Trustee, Doris Williams reported that the neighborhood was favorable to the plans as presented. The motion was made, seconded, and approved to recommend approval of this request, 9 in favor, 0 opposed, 2 abstaining. Unit Legalization at 1896/8 So. 18th East: William R. Nosack presented a request for the legalization of the basement apartment at this address. He indicated that the building was listed in the Polk directory as under construction in 1951 and has been listed as a duplex since 1952. Trustee, Sheila O’Driscoll, reported very favorable comments from the neighbors. The motion was made, seconded, and approved to recommend the legalization of this unit, 9 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstaining. New SLC Planner for Sugar House Area: Everett Joyce, who has been our city planner for a long time is being replaced by Bill Allayaud. Everett reported that the development at 9th East and Stratford Ave. that had previously been presented to us had been changed from 17 units to 14 units and from a town house style to a single family unit in the back.

Motion to adjourn was seconded and approved at 9:10 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]