SHCC Meeting Minutes – December 1998

SHCC Meeting Minutes – December 1998


December 2, 1998

SUGAR HOUSE COMMUNITY COUNCIL Minutes for December 2,1998 Trustees: Helen Peters, Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Cheri Carleson, John Richards, Dorothy Tuddenham , Ruth Robbins, Sandy Hiskey, Su Armitage, Philip Carlson, Dolores Donohoo, Scott Kisling, Judi Short, Doris Williams, Gene Davis, Rich Bennett (16) Excused: Ray Pugsley City/State Representatives: Bill Allayaud, Kathy Daly, Barry Esham, Ron Bruno, Jed Hunt, Brendon Kirkwood, Shaun T. Wihongi, Brian Purvis, Cale Lennberg, Tom Ward, Veronica Wilson, Cindy Gust Jenson, Keith Christensen, Jackie Biskupski (14) Others: C. T. Bintz, Dottie Bintz, Janet Hopkins, Travis Hopkins, Kenneth Higgs, Melissa Lichtenstien, LaMar O. Dew, Dr. Michael A. Pepich, Armand Johanson (9) Total – 39

Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM by Chair Helen Peters. The minutes for the November meeting were approved with one correction. The statement near the bottom of page 1 that stated “Sugar House Park is a county facility.” should have read “Sugar House Park is funded equally by the City and the County.” Treasurers Report: None

Chair Report: Since Helen was out of town most of the month, Vice-Chair Su Armitage attended the Mayor’s meeting for Community Council chairs. Su reported on that meeting. The leaf bag pickup is behind schedule because the same people who pick these up have also been the ones to pick up all the limbs that were downed in the heavy snow fall a few weeks ago. They are making an effort to catch up as quickly as possible. The city is gearing up for the upcoming census that will be taken in the year 2000. More information will be coming on that in the future. They also discussed the freeway status. Helen announced open house meetings to discuss future projects and planning for Sugar House Park. These will be held at the Garden Club Bldg. in the park on Fri. evening Dec. 4 from 7 – 9 PM and on Sat. Dec. 5 from 11 AM – 5 PM. There were also flyers available regarding a Certified Citizen Planner Seminar. Persons interested should call 296-6400 ext. 302. Helen also reported on a Proposed Pedestrian Bill of Rights she had received from a Tammi Diaz. She asked for comments on the contents of this document. It was suggested they not include the statements referring to the county because of the expense involved in that large of an area. It was also noted that pedestrians also have responsibilities, including the need to use cross walks. Anyone interested in this document could call Tammi at 485-3676 or Tom Rogan at 328-8933 (home), 355-0461 (work). Public Input: Dottie Bintz commented on the lack of available parking for the First Security Bank on the comer of 11th East and 21st South.

Most of the parking in that area is reserved for the restaurant adjacent to the bank. The use of this parking lot for other than restaurant use has created an unfriendly situation in the neighborhood. Officer Bruno introduced a team of police officers in attendance. Historical Sub-Committee Report: Dolores Donohoo, chair of this sub-committee has sent several letters inquiring about items of historical interest in the Sugar House area. She is making an effort to collect historical information regarding past businesses, schools, and anything of a historical interest. It was mentioned that Westminster College has some valuable information as well as the Irving School House Apartments. Mobil Watch Update: Doris Williams indicated that an effort is being made to have another Mobil Watch training seminar sometime in Jan. Anyone interested, please contact Doris at 485-0244. There is still a great need to have more people trained in our area. Water Dept. Information: Tom Ward of the Water Dept. indicated they are looking for input from the neighborhoods on any needs or other comments regarding drinking water, sanitation, or storm water. Tom had forms that can be used to submit these comments. Forms are available from the Public Utilities Dept. 483-6900 or from the Sugar House Community Council, contact Alice Edvalson at 485-1663. SLC Recognition Ordinance Information:Cindy Gust Jenson and Veronica Wilson of the City Council office presented a document identifying changes that are being recommended to this ordinance. This was broken down into categories of Purpose, Participation, Open Participation, Yearly Certification, Groups of recognized organizations, Rights of Recognized Organizations. The main concerns of the city have been the size of some of the existing councils, the number of councils in some of the city council districts, and participation issues. Those in attendance basically supported the statements made under the Purpose category. The biggest concerns expressed from those present were in the area of the Participation categories. There was a concern with all in attendance having a vote because of the possibility of a “stacked” vote, lack of education of master plans and other planning processes by the general public. There is currently a very limited mailing list to inform of meetings and there have been ongoing problems with timely notification of issues. The City Council feels that a board that is not elected should not have the only vote on issues. There are several statements in the city’s document that could create a possible conflict with the Articles of Incorporation and the By Laws of the Sugar House Community Council. They include “All who reside in, own property in or own or operate a business within the boundaries of a City-funded and recognized community council are entitled to cast a vote on matters before the group.” “Recognized community councils should give those who choose to attend community council meetings the opportunity to vote on issues that affect that community.” “Community council boards, where they exist, may do so for the purpose of setting the agenda and must reflect the diversity of the community. Aside from setting the agenda, the board should have no decision making power for the community. “The Sugar House Community Council was incorporated as a non-profit corporation of the State of Utah in 1975. Our Articles of Incorporation state that “The affairs of the Corporation shall be managed by a governing board called the Board of Trustees.” “The Board of Trustees shall be vested with the power to adopt, amend or repeal the by-laws of the Corporation.” The by-laws state, “The business and affairs of SHCC shall be managed and its powers and authorities exercised by its members through a Board of Trustees, except as otherwise provided in the Utah Nonprofit Corporations and Co-operative Association Act, the articles of incorporation or these bylaws. The Board of Trustees may adopt such resolutions for the regulation and management of SHCC as are consistent with law, the Articles of incorporation and these bylaws.” There will be further discussion of this issue at the next meeting. It is our desire that the city will be willing to work with us on a workable solution.Legislature Preview: Representative Jackie Biskupski and Senator Gene Davis were in attendance. Other Legislature representatives were in meetings in Washington. Some of the issues that will be a part of the upcoming legislative session include: the Olympic games and the role of the state and city in these games, money from the games that should go to the city and the state, and public safety issues; Education issues including early child literacy programs, professional teacher development, and affordable higher education; law enforcement, prison facilities, and correctional officer compensation; transportation issues including highway jurisdictions and funding and seat belt laws. There was a lot of discussion on the traffic, highway, and transportation issues. There is a lot of concern with these issues in our area. Proposed COP Shop Location: Armand Johanson, of Johanson/Thackeray showed the plans for the proposed COP shop on the lower level of the office bldg. looking out to the underground parking plaza in the Sugar House Commons development on the Wilmington (South) side. The original request was for a ground level location on the Highland Drive side. The original proposal was to provide 300 sq. ft. This new proposal will provide 1,400 sq. ft. free of charge for life with all utilities paid. The additional space will allow this to become a main headquarters facility for those officers working in our area and will be easily accessible for more officers to be in and out of this facility. There were at least 6 officers in attendance at the meeting to see the plans and they feel the trade-off in location for more space is a nice trade-off. All seemed to be in favor of the proposed plan.

Planning Dept. Issues: Bill Allayaud reported that the sub-committee working on the rewrite of the Sugar House Master plan now has 15 members and meetings have been planned to begin work on the rewrite of the plan. Bill reported that the Fairmont Pool has been approved by the Planning Commission. The design of the building and traffic are still of concern to many, but it was felt the benefits outweigh the objections. They feel they will deal with traffic problems when they become problems. The ground breaking is scheduled for Feb. 1999. The Planning Dept. is looking at revised plans for the Park View Plaza II development. The flag lot issues that were raised at the last meeting should be included in the 1 year plans of the Planning Dept. The land trade issues with Hidden Hollow will be addressed by the Planning Commission at their meeting tomorrow night. The proposed Conservation Easement on Hidden Hollow is being reviewed by the City Council. The Planning Commission will be reviewing the recommendations for the CB/CN zone changes at the Jan. 7, 1999 meeting

Adjourned at 9:35 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]