SHCC Meeting Minutes – December 2000

SHCC Meeting Minutes – December 2000


December 6, 2000

Trustees: Alice Edvalson, Ty McCartney, Dorothy Tuddenham, Rawlins Young, Ruth Price, Philip Carlson, Robert Marsh, Rich Bennett, Fred Conlon, Helen Peters, Ray Pugsley, Todd Slack, Gayen Wharton, Lynne Olson, Kevan Adams (15)

Excused: Su Armitage, Dolores Donohoo, Tiffany Starbuck.

City/State Representatives: Kathy Daly, Sprague Library; Barry Esham, Mayor’s Office; Gordon Haight, SLC Transportation; Linda Ward, Officer Kirkwood & Officer Lougy, SLC Police Dept.; Scott Vaterlaus, SLC Transportation; Jackie Gasparik, SLC Planning Dept. (8)

Others: Daren Willden, Megan Holmes, Rich Doxey, Micah Shirts, Chris Coltrin, Sherry Baranowski, Kathy Campbell, Melissa Lichtenstein, Andrew Chase, Gary Bengtzan, Randy Pettit, Nick Taylor, Josh Pace, Roger Metzger, Derek Payne, Rob Spangler, Jan Brittain, Mike Gobel, Charles Parsons, Rachel White, Ted Colby, Mr. & Mrs. Bill Servoss, Justin L. Jones, Larry D. Richardson, Jim Burdette, Bev Burdette, Jamie Slack, Patrick Sinclair, Edward Glashien, Misuk Kang, Milton Braselton, David Silvers, Eva Dane, Adrianne Price, Jerry Schmidt (36) Total Attending – 59

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chair Ty McCartney. The minutes were approved after an addition to the public comments by Tiffany Starbuck. She also suggested a need for a left turn signal on 9th East at the intersections of 13th, 17th, and 21st South.

CHAIR REPORT: There will be a public hearing on Monday, Dec. 18 at 5:10 PM at the City and County Building, room 126B regarding approval of a 38 unit condominium located at 2235 So. 500 East, in a residential RMF-35 zoning district. The trustees have been given a draft of a letter to be sent to the CDAC committee in support of two requests for funds sponsored by the community council. These are: 1) $10,000 to nominate several contributing historical buildings in the Sugar House Business District to the National Register of Historic Places, and 2) $30,000 for a “Small Area Master Plan” for the Westminster neighborhood. Ty asked for any comments or approval for the letter to be sent. A motion was made that we send the letter of support for these two requests and that we also send a letter of support for three other requests from organizations within the Sugar House area. These are: 1) The Boys and Girls Club of Greater Salt Lake, 2) The Rape Recovery Center, and 3) The Family Support Center. The motion was approved unanimously.

TREASURERS REPORT: Dolores Donohoo was excused because of illness, but the current financial statement shows a balance of $2,025.03.


Rachel White presented information on a neighborhood meeting to be held on Thurs. Dec. 14, from 6:00 – 7:30 PM at the Forest Dale Club House regarding the issue of nuclear waste coming to Utah.

A question was asked regarding the status of the Walgreen development. As far as we know it is still in litigation.

Jerry Schmidt asked why the traffic calming barricades on Hollywood have been removed. Derek Payne and Scott Vaterlaus explained they were temporary to determine their effectiveness and that the study period has been completed and final data is being evaluated. Derek will give a report of the outcome and status at the next meeting. Jerry also encouraged the community council to get involved in the neighborhood meeting regarding the nuclear waste issue.


Scott Vaterlaus of the SLC Transportation Dept. explained this new program designed to calm traffic. Persons volunteering for this program sign a pledge that they will: 1) drive within the speed limit, 2) minimize their car use, 3) stop to let pedestrians cross, 4) display a PACE CAR identification on their car, 5) reclaim their streets, 6) have fun while caring for others. Scott displayed several items available to identify the car as a PACE car and encouraged everyone to get involved. There have already been over 200 persons in the Avenues area who have volunteered for the program. A motion was made that we support the PACE CAR program and that we send a letter of support to the city and that we encourage them to adequately fund this program and also provide some accounting as to the success of the program. The voting was 10 in favor, 0 opposed, and 2 abstaining. For more information, call the SLC Transportation Division at 535-6630.


Linda Ward reported that car prowls are still high and this is the season where there are even more of them. There are also a lot of robberies and purse snatches. She encourage us to NOT leave purses in the shopping cart since this makes it easy for them to be taken. There have been an unusually high number of burglaries in the area of 5th East to 9th East and from 21st South to Windsor Circle. They have found an outlet in this area for stolen goods and are hoping this will stop the burglaries. Officer Kirkwood reported on the continuing problems in the SE parking lot of Fairmont Park. He is looking for possible suggestions for that area. He is suggesting closing the gate or tearing up the parking lot or a possibility of creating a skate board park in that area. They would like comments from the public. Send comments to Barry Esham in the Mayor’s office or to Councilman Keith Christensen in the City Council office. Officer Kirkwood can be reached at: 799-3306 (secretary) or 799-3000 (dispatch). Linda Ward can be reached at: 799-3203 (office) or 249-2268 (pager).


Barry Esham had flyers for a Saturday Morning with the Mayor to be held at The Green Ant, 2022 South 1100 East on Sat. Dec. 9 from 10:00 AM – 12 Noon.


Jim & Bev Burdette presented a request to build a home at 1744 E. 1700 South. This would require a conditional use permit. This property is considered a flag lot since the lot is in back of an existing home with access to it by a narrow strip of property from the street to the back lot. The Burdette’s own this property including the narrow strip from the street and want to build a home for their own use. Their plans include a home of approximately 1600 sq. ft. on the main floor with approximately 600 sq. ft on an upper floor. There would also be a detached garage approximately 30 X 24 ft. Jackie Gasparik from the SLC Planning Dept. indicated the City has taken a stand in support of development on flag lots as an acceptable means for infill in the City. Jackie also brought printed information for the trustees from the City regarding the conditional use process. The Sugar House Community Council has been trying to get the City to develop some guidelines for dealing with flag lots for several years now and this was the first time we had heard that the City has a policy. There is quite a bit of opposition to this development from the surrounding neighbors. A motion was made that we create a sub-committee to meet with the Burdettes and neighbors in an effort to work out a solution acceptable to both parties and then report back at the next meeting. The motion passes with 11 in favor, 1 opposed, and 1 abstaining. The sub-committee meeting is set for Sat., Dec. 30, 9 AM at Forest Dale Golf Club House.


Jan Brittain presented a request to move ten street lights from their current location on Wilshire Drive and Wilshire Circle and reposition them in the Parley’s Way Park. These ten lights were purchased at the property owners’ expense and installed on Wilshire Dr. and Wilshire Circle at 300 ft. intervals. Recently new lights were purchased, also at the property owners’ expense, and installed at ninety-foot intervals in the Parley’s Way Park. The neighborhood would like Salt Lake City to pay the cost of moving the older and now unnecessary lights from Wilshire Drive and Wilshire Circle into Parley’s Way Park, in order to provide better lighting and greater security there. A motion was made that we support this effort and encourage the city to work with them on getting the lights moved. The voting was 10 in favor, 0 opposed, 2 abstaining.


Four students from the BYU History Dept., Chris Coltrin, Megan Holmes, Micah Shirts, and Rich Doxey, shared information they had collected about the history of the Sprague Library in Sugar House. This has been done in an effort to have the library listed on the National Historic Register. The initial request for a library in the Sugar House area was first made in 1913 but due to lack of money, the request was refused. The City finally provided a small amount of money in 1914 and a small library was created at 1065 East 2100 South in a rented building. The library was named for Miss Joanna Sprague, who for many years was in charge of the Salt Lake library system. The present library was built in 1928 at a cost of $43,000 and opened for use on Dec. 5, 1928. When visitors from the American Library Assoc. visited the library around 1935-36, they declared it to be the Most Beautiful Branch in America. Major renovations in 1971 added the staircase and public restrooms and an improved meeting room for use by community groups. By 1978 the collection had grown to 66,000 items. In 1989-90 another major renovation upgraded the heating, lighting, and structural foundations. Elevator access was added as well as the East ramp entrance. This library should create a real source of pride for our community. A motion was made that we send a letter of commendation to the professor at BYU who directed these students. This was approved unanimously.


Kevan Adams presented a proposal to create a neighborhood park along the old Salt Lake/Jordan Canal property located at approximately 1150 East and 2800 South. The City owns this property. Kevan has circulated a petition among the neighbors in support of a park. The motion was made that we write a letter to the City in support of this project. Voting was 11 in favor, 0 opposed, and 1 abstaining.


Fred Conlon, a business man in the Sugar House area and a trustee of the Sugar House Community Council reported that the new Christmas lights in the Sugar House Business District were paid for by the businesses. The local businesses are sponsoring a Sugar House Shopping Stroll on Friday, Dec. 8 from 5 – 10 PM. They are encouraging neighbors to walk the streets of the business district and shop and observe carolers, lights, great restaurants, unique shops, and gifts galore and also visit Santa. The business owners meet regularly to discuss matters of interest to the community. Next month they will be discussing a 4th of July Street Fair. We thanked Fred for the work that is being done by this group. A motion was made that we contribute $100 to the Christmas lighting fund. Voting was unanimously in favor.


Trustee, Lynne Olson, indicated that last May our Council chair had received a letter from the City Council asking for input from citizens to update the City’s policy on alley vacation and closure. In the early days of the city, these alleys were rear entrances to properties and provided off street access to carriage houses and garages as well as access for delivery of heating oil and coal and for trash pickup. As these needs have diminished, the City often is asked to vacate them and allow them to become part of the adjoining properties. The City Council supports this action when it can be shown that this alley area contributes to crime in the area, unwanted traffic or otherwise creates a public nuisance. They also support maintaining this property when it is shown to be a benefit to the community. The main reason the City is willing to give up these alleys is their inability to maintain them. The Sugar House Master Plan Update (draft) recommends keeping alleyways open as pedestrian corridors and connections to the City’s Open Space trail system where applicable. It also recommends appropriate compensation for any loss of public property. A motion was made that we send a letter to the Planning Dept. requesting that representatives of all the Community Councils be invited to meet to gather information and share ideas for updating the alley vacation policy in an effort to find some creative solutions to the problems that cause individuals to ask for alley closures, without losing forever public resources that may still be of value to the whole neighborhood. Voting was 12 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstaining.


Lynne Olson reported on the activities of the Trails committee for the past year. Committee members include Gayen Wharton, Su Armitage, Helen Peters, Lynne Olson. The purpose of this committee is to create bicycle and pedestrian trails through Sugar House that link to the Bonneville Shoreline Trail and the Jordan River. She listed 11 goals that have been completed or are in progress: 1) Identify trails and create master trail map of Sugar House to be included in the Sugar House Master Plan, 2) Develop language for the Sugar House Master Plan that expresses the importance of trails and identifies mechanisms for the development of trails, 3) Identify owners of property along the trail corridors, 4) Identify ways to acquire property along the trail, 5) Create the Salt Lake Open Land Bank, 6) Acquire property as it becomes available, 7) Develop/beautify trails as opportunities arise, 8) Create a Public Relations strategy to raise money for trail awareness and education, design, acquisition, development, and maintenance, 9) Create linkage for extending the Parley’s trail corridor into or around South Salt Lake, 10) Revive the SLC Open Space Committee, as advocates for open space preservation and trail development, 11) Identify the SLC Open Space coordinator or facilitate hiring one.


Vice Chair, Helen Peters presented trustee petitions for renewal from Dorothy Tuddenham of the Westminster neighborhood and Rich Bennett of the Garfield neighborhood. These were approved unanimously. Helen submitted drafts of several documents for review and comment by the trustees. These included: (1) the responsibilities of a Sugar House Community Council Trustee, the Chair, Executive Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Member of a committee, (2) The purpose, goal and members of each of the committees which include: a) Trails, b) Historical, c) Transportation, d) Parks and Recreation, e) Land Use and Zoning, f) Public Safety and Education, and g) Membership, (3) Job descriptions for the Developer Liaison, the Business District Liaison, and the Master Plan Update Liaison. Helen asked for volunteers for each of the committees. Helen also presented information regarding the Utah Humanities Council Front Porch Discussions and suggested 3 subjects that would be of interest to us. She asked for comments on these. Helen reported that Ballet West is exercising their option on the RDA property South of Hidden Hollow. We saw a presentation for a proposed development on this property a few months ago. We created a sub-committee to work with Ballet West on this development. The sub-committee will meet with them in January.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM

Landon Clark
[email protected]