SHCC Meeting Minutes – December 2001

SHCC Meeting Minutes – December 2001


DATE: WEDNESDAY December 5, 2001    PLACE:          SPRAGUE LIBRARY – 2131 South 1100 East TIME:  7:00 PM AGENDA  Ray Pugsley, Chair. Conducting 7:00 – 7:15       Welcome & Introductions, Minute Approval,                        Chair Report, Treasurers Report7:15 – 7:30       Public Input7:30 – 7:35       Mayor’s Office Update – Barry Esham7:30 – 7:40       Police Update – Officer Kirkwood, Diane Olsen7:40 – 7:45       Historical Update – Susan Petheram7:45 – 7:50       Planning Dept. Update – Melissa Anderson7:50 – 8:00       Legislative Update – Ty McCartney8:00 – 8:05       Beets N Banners – Susan Petheram8:05 – 9:00       Organizational Issues                          Tote Bag Sales                          New Trustee Petition – Martin Smith,                                    Highland Park neighborhood 1385 East 2700 South                          Discussion Robert’s Rules – Kevan Adams                          Discussion SHCC Goals – Kevan Adams9:00                 Adjourn            FUTURE MEETINGS: Sugar House Merchants Shopping Stroll – Dec. 7, 5-9 PM            Stores will be open late with Christmas Carolers in areaHistorical Walking Tour – Dec. 7, 5:30 & 7:00 PM Starting at the MonumentJanuary Agenda Deadline – December 14, 2001 –    Call Alice Edvalson – 485-1663SHCC Executive Meeting – Dec 17, 2001 – 7:00 PM -Contact Alice for placeNext Community Council Meeting – January 2, 2002 – 7:00 PM – Sprague Library            THE COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING IS THE FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH AT 7:00 PM – Sprague Branch Library         Questions: Call     Chair Ray Pugsley – 466-1181             Vice Chair Justin Jones – 466-4160            Vice Chair Su Armitage – 467-1708            Vice Chair Scott Kisling – 484-7340            Secretary Alice Edvalson – 485-1663            Asst. Sec./Correspondence Lynne Olson – 484-8352            Asst. Sec./Parliamentarian Kevan Adams – 484-9153            Treasurer Dolores Donohoo – 485-0180 See us also on:  orhhtp://



result of the redistricting.


Beets N Banners – Susan Petheram:

Susan indicated that the reques6for $2,000 for an Olympic neighborhoo



activity has been approved.  This.activity will be composed of three ar



workshops for children held on the three Saturdays during the Olympics


The first will be a          walking tour of historic sites in the


Sugar House area, the second will be a workshop with           1


talking about                   the area, the third will be

0                        1         OL@ C,


activity with the chi        their parents. The children$ @Tt


‘sI@of -ttt@’Sugar–House area. I,

i,t ant p@ated t @@-t i         will later be used for banners that


will be displayed in the business district.


Organizational Issues:

We still have some of the tote bags that were made as a money making

project for the community council.  Each of the trustees that were

present were given three of them to sell.  Our Sugar House Olympic pin

has now been ordered and it is anticipated it will be here the,first

part of January. This will be a limited edition pin.,@@&3e are -t 4ay


er    n      available from Alice Edval’gon,


485-1663 or from any 0 t@  trustees@;Pins may be had for a $7 donatio



to the community council.

NEW TRUSTEE: A petition for trustee was presented by Martin Smith of

the Highland Park neighborhood.  A motion was made to approve the


petition with a unanimous approval.


Kevan handed out a four page summary of the most@IFUI@ed rules and

reviewed them with us.  We discussed our use of these rules and how we

can better conduct our meetings using them.


Kevan explained that we need to consider again what the goals of our

council should be.  Are they the same now as they were when the council


was incorporated in 1975?  At that time, some of the goals were

@: 1) to combat neighborhood and community deterioration, 2) provide

for city beautification, and 3) preserve and improve the business,

residential, recreational areas and facilities of the area.  Kevan aske



each of the trustees to tell us why they wanted to be involved with th



council.  The following is a summary of these comments: RICH – He felt

there was a lack of communication of what is going on in the community

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and wanted to know and share this kind of information.  PHILIP – He

wanted to have input in what is going on in the neighborhood.  RUTH –

She wanted to be involved at a grass roots level in what is going on i


the neighborhood.  PAUL – He wanted tQ get information about what is

going on in the neighborhood.  GAYEN -,She wanted to have input in what


goes on in the neighborhood.  SUSAN – She wanted to get involved at the


grass roots level because she cares about what goes on in the

neighborhood.  SCOTT – He wanted to learn more about the planning

process and described a difference between information and

intelligence, that learning more about the planning pr ocess does make


difference.  JUSTIN – He wanted to be involved and to help his

neighbors understand why decisions are made the way they are.  RAY – H


first got involved with the crime, school district, and Sugar House

Park issues and has learned that growth can happen when done in an

orderly fashion, not just haphazardly.  ALICE – She first got involved


because she saw a need for help with secretary duties, but is now

learning more about planning processes and the importance of having a

plan and would like to help others understand this also.  RAWLINS – He


first got involved because of some traffic fatalities in his

neighborhood and has since become a mediator between his neighbors and


the elected officials.  He has made efforts to alter policies if they

are not in      with our goals and likes to help shape public policy.


TIFFANY – She wanted to be more involved and her involvement has made

her appreciate living in the Sugar House area.  She is protective of ou


life style.  SU – She was upset with all the construction in the Sugar


House area and wanted to be involved where her opinions could be heard


She wants to represent her neighbors.  She feels like she wants to be

protective of her neighborhood and likes to get things done.  DOLORES


She grew up in this area and loves it.  She attended many of the school


in the area, being bussed all over the city.  She is interested in the

historical nature of the area and wants to have a say in what is

happening in the community and likes to know what is going on.  Kevan

then asked the few who were left in the audience why they came to the

meetings.  Their comments included: representing their neighborhood,

concerned with what goes on in the neighborhood, learn what is going o


and then report back to their neighbors, a learning experience, just

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enjoys learning what is going on, they are involved with the election

process, they want to know what is going on before it is toolate to do

anything about it, this is where planning really starts.


Meeting adjourned at 9:11 PM.


Landon Clark
[email protected]