SHCC Meeting Minutes – December 2002

SHCC Meeting Minutes – December 2002




PLACE: Sprague Library 2131 South 1100 East

TIME: 7:00 PM


Helen Peters, Chair. Conducting

7:00 – 7:10 Welcome & Introductions, Minute Approval, Treasurers Report
7:10 – 7:15 Chair Report
7:15 – 7:20 Public Input
7:20 – 7:25 Mayor’s Office Update – Barry Esham
7:25 – 7:30 City Council Update – Dale Lambert
7:30 – 7:40 Tree Replacement in Fairmont Park – Agnes Greenhall
7:40 – 7:55 Fairmont Park Skate Park Final Design Concept for Approval – Dell Cook
7:55 – 8:05 Planning Dept. Update – Melissa Anderson
8:05 – 8:10 Distribution of Westminster Small Area Master Plan
For SHCC To Begin Review Process – Melissa Anderson
8:10 – 8:20 33rd So./Brickyard Development – Matt Swain
8:20 – 8:35 Commercial Development, 21st So. & McClelland St.
Construction of 3 Restaurants – Armond Johansen
8:35 – 9:00 Organizational Issues
Performance Zoning Report – Judi Short
Committee Reports:
Land Use and Zoning – Gayan Wharton
Parks, Trails, & Recreation – Lynne Olson
Public Safety & Education – Ray Pugsley
Transportation – Claudia Holm
Historical – Susan Petheram
Activities & Fund Raising – Deedra Hansen-Lambert
Housing – Claudia O’Grady
9:00 Adjourn

January Agenda Deadline – December 13, 2002 -Call Alice Edvalson – 485-1663
SHCC Executive Meeting – December 11, 2002, Contact Alice for time/place
Merry Christmas to All!!! – December 25, 2002
Next Community Council Meeting-January 2, 2003, 7:00 PM, Sprague Library
“El Dia De Los Ninos” (The Day of the Children) Celebration – April 30, 2003, Contact Barbara Lovejoy for information at [email protected]


Call Chair Helen Peters – 466-7170
Vice Chair Susan Petheram – 467-7657
Vice Chair Kevan Adams – 484-9153
Vice Chair Su Armitage – 467-1708
Secretary Alice Edvalson – 485-1663
Treasurer Dolores Donohoo – 485-0180

See us also on: or
hhtp:// or

*****NOTE: If you are able to read the minutes and agenda on the internet or are no longer interested in receiving them please call Alice at 485-1663 and let us know so we can remove you from the mailing list. ************


Sugar House Community Council

Sugar House Community Council
Minutes for December 4, 2002

Trustees: Su Armitage, Rich Bennett, Philip Carlson, Alice Edvalson, Deedra Hansen-Lambert, Michael G. Kavanagh, Scott Kisling, Julie Nitzkowski, Claudia O’Grady, Lynne Olson, Helen Peters, Susan Petheram, Ray Pugsley, Judi Short, Grace Sperry, Gina Thompson, Gayen Wharton, Rawlins Young (18)

Trustees Excused: Kevan Adams, Dolores Donohoo, Justin Jones

City/State Representatives: Melissa Anderson, SLC Planning Dept.; Barry Esham, SLC Mayor’s Office; Dell Cook, SLC Public Services (3)

Others: Melissa Lichtenstein, Bill Servoss, Reva Servoss, Agnes Greenhall, Michael Lane, Lara Jones, Richard Howe, Janet Howe, David Spatafore, Matt Swain, Armand Johanson (11) Total Attending: 32

Meeting began at 7:00 PM with Chair Helen Peters conducting. The minutes from the November meeting were approved.

TREASURERS REPORT: No Report. Dolores Donohoo was excused due to the death of her father.

CHAIR REPORT: Graffiti Removal Hotline – 972-7885; Grocery Cart Removal Hotline – 446-7984; Barry Esham, Community Affairs Analyst, SLC Mayor’s Office – 535-7971; Sugar House Planner, Melissa Anderson – 535-7184;
A public hearing with the SLC Planning Commission is scheduled for Dec. 5, 2002 at 7:35 PM for the proposed Smith’s Food and Drug re-development of the store at 2135 South 900 East.
Sugar House Community Council January meeting will be Thurs. 2 Jan. 2003 instead of the first Wed. which is New Years Day.
Rules for the SHCC elections will be discussed and voted on at the January Council meeting. A copy of the proposed rules were distributed at the November meeting. If you have questions, call Alice Edvalson at 485-1663.
Thanks to the generosity of local merchants and Sugar House residents, the Santa House will be back on the plaza for the holiday season. Santa will be in residence from 3-7 PM on weekdays and 1-7 PM on Saturdays. Photographer Robert Munk will be on hand to take pictures of Santa’s visitors.
Nominations are now being accepted for the next Neighborhood Recognition awards that will be presented for the Sugar House Park, Beacon Heights, Country Club, Grandview, Highland Park, Wilford, and Forest Dale neighborhood districts. See our web site or contact Kevan Adams for nomination forms.
An open house will be held December 10, 2002 from 5-7 PM in room 126 of the City/County Building for the SLC Historic Landmark Commission’s proposed amendment to the Historic Preservation Overlay District Ordinance.
A request for a unit legalization has been received from Steve Townsend for property at 869 Ramona Ave. The executive committee will discuss this request at the next executive meeting. The executive committee will also discuss the unit legalization process and try to come up with some guidelines that can be used in addressing these requests.
The new Chair of the Merchants Association is Duncan Williamson of Sterling Furniture. Vice Chair’s are Fred Conlon of Sugar Post Pottery and Tina Rowell of Jack’s Drum and Guitar. The Merchants Association is sponsoring a prize drawing at several stores during the holiday season. We were encouraged to support our local merchants.

Michael G. Kavanagh had a question regarding unleashed dogs in Fairmont Park. Barry Esham suggested he call Animal Control.
Deedra Hansen-Lambert had a question regarding a neighborhood where the mailman would not deliver the mail because of dogs. It was suggested that they also contact Animal Control.

Barry indicated that because of the holiday season, things are rather slowing down in the City departments. The City is in the middle of hosting the National League of Cities conference and our City Council is the host for this conference. For our Feb. meeting, the Mayor and his staff will be here. Barry encouraged anyone having information regarding the recent robbery at Pipers Quilts to contact the Police and he encouraged the Mobile Watch people to especially watch for activities of this nature.

Dale was unable to attend due to the League of Cities conference.

The money that was pledged for this activity at our last council meeting was a huge success. All pledged money has been received except one pledge. A total of $1,090 was received.

This is being planned for the old swimming pool in Fairmont Park. There are two planning companies involved, ASWN and Site Design Inc. whose specialty is skate parks. It will be basically the same size as the one at Jordan Park. Three workshops have been held with user groups. They have tried to involve the community in these workshops. There has been good input from skaters. The park will have two parts, one a bowl (going back and forth) and the other a street skater (sort of obstacle course). The old pool and bath house will be removed. It is anticipated construction will begin in March or April and be completed in July or August. There will be a new restroom facility built near that area. They need to meet with Public Utilities to determine the best place for the restrooms. The actual skate facility will be fenced so that kids in the play area can’t get into that area. There was a question if bikers would be allowed to use the park. It was noted that bikes cause considerable damage to the concrete and other things in the skate board park. Rawlins Young cautioned the City about damaging the historic stone wall to the west of that area. A motion was made that the Executive Committee generate a letter indicating our support of the conceptual design of the park. Discussion centered around the problems with having bicycles use the same park and the general feeling was that there should be a separate facility for bicycles. Voting on the motion was unanimously in favor.

Melissa again pointed out the public hearing on December 5 for the Smith’s Food proposal. She distributed draft copies of the Westminster Small Area Master Plan for our review. This can also be seen at The Landmark Design consultants will be at the January 2nd Council meeting to highlight the plan and answer questions. It is hoped that we can be prepared to vote on approval of the plan at the January meeting or at the latest, the February meeting. Comments may be directed to Gayen Wharton. The Land Use and Zoning committee will give a recommendation at the Jan. meeting.

33rd SOUTH/BRICKYARD DEVELOPMENT: Matt Swain, Johanson/Thackery
There were problems with the lease agreements on the plan that had originally been presented to us. After Melissa discussed another proposal at our last meeting, a sub-committee met with the developers and that has resulted in a third plan being presented. This plan has the building parallel to 33rd South abutting the west boundary and back from the street with a two-step terraced retaining wall in front. The front of the building will be facing the Brickyard. There would be entrances on the north and the east with exit only doors on the south. There would be an outside patio with seating around the east side. Possible tenants are Quizno’s Restaurant, a beauty supply, and an electronic game shop. A motion was made that we send Melissa Anderson a letter noting our approval of the design. Discussion included a suggestion for an entrance on the South and recommendation for a walkway from the bus stop to the stores. Voting was 10 in favor, 2 opposed, 4 abstaining.
It is proposed that the old Walker/1st Interstate/Wells Fargo Bank building be demolished and a new building built. The new building would be 9,000 sq. ft. and the building will be built to the corner of 21st South and McClelland St. and would face 21st South. It would house three restaurants. Possible tenants are Baja Fresh and Noodles. There would be entrances on the north and the south and sidewalk seating on 21st South. The building will be one story of brick and some stucco. We were assured that this plan is consistent with our Sugar House Master Plan. A motion was made that we approve the conceptual design of this proposal. Discussion included a suggestion that the tenants be locally owned restaurants instead of chain restaurants. Voting on the motion was 12 in favor, 2 opposed, and 3 abstaining.

Agnes reported that there are about 5 trees near the area of the old swimming pool that are badly damaged and in need of being replaced. They will be replaced 1 for 1. Agnes has talked with Bill Rutherford, the City’s Urban Forester, and has investigated trees that would be good for this area. She suggests that the old Cottonwood trees be phased out and replaced with a variety of others. One suggestion was a Sycamore, but after looking at other possibilities, Agnes is suggesting these trees be replaced with Northern Catalpa. She said these trees are easy to keep up, they are not so common, they have pretty flowers in the spring, they have huge leaves and lose the leaves early in the fall. With a dark bark they look pretty even in the winter. Grace Sperry felt we should keep the Cottonwood trees because of their historic value. The Cottonwoods go way back in this area and were typical along the creek banks in the valley in the early days. A motion was made that we accept the recommendation of Agnes and replace the 5 or so trees now in question with the Northern Catalpa tree and then look at a phased replacement of the others as part of the Fairmont Park Master Plan. Discussion suggested that we take more time to look at this issue. Voting was 7 in favor, 7 opposed, 2 abstaining. The Chair broke the tie by voting in favor of the motion.

It is anticipated that the mission/purpose of each committee will be available to the public at the library as soon as they are available.

LAND USE & ZONING – Gayen Wharton, Chair
Gayen presented a document describing the mission of this committee and the minutes of a meeting they had Oct. 29.
This committee will be looking at the areas of the Sugar House Master Plan that address land use/zoning issues, unit legalization issues, other land use/zoning matters such as problem homes and illegal homes/apartments. This committee will look at the unit legalization request for 869 Ramona Ave. from Steve Townsend. They will give a recommendation at our Jan. meeting. Earlier in the meeting Gayen also requested that trustees report any houses advertising mother-in-law units. These are illegal as income producers. Call Gayen to report any problem houses in the neighborhoods.

The trails committee is looking at bicycle and pedestrian trails through Sugar House that link to the Bonneville Shoreline Trail and the Jordan River. They are currently developing a master plan for the Parley’s Creek Corridor Trail. They are also looking at a pedestrian crossing across 1300 East from Sugar House Park to Hidden Hollow. They are starting a sesquicentennial project for Sugar House to develop the Canal/McClelland Trail between the UP&L substation on Highland Drive and Fairmont Park. The are working to create a Gold Medal Mile trail along the Canal/McClelland corridor where the route is well established north of 1700 South.

This issue is looking at properties that are being used in ways that are not consistent with the historic use of the area. The committee is looking at what changes to the zoning ordinance is needed to better suit these areas. They are looking at uses on a more individual basis and are trying to preserve small neighborhood corner businesses.

Julie Nitzkowski distributed a sheet with lots of tips for preventing vehicle theft and other safety measures. In the future, the Night Out Against Crime will be on a small neighborhood basis instead of the larger activity that has been sometimes held in the past. This committee is going to have special messages each month to help inform us of Public Safety issues. The problem near the north side of the freeway at 17th East and 2321 South that was brought up at our last meeting is being worked on. Deedra Hansen-Lambert is also working on the south side of the freeway in that same area.

HISTORICAL – Susan Petheram, Chair
During the Olympics, this committee sponsored 3 Saturday art workshops for kids. The first Sat. they had two story tellers tell the kids stories about the Sugar House area. The second Sat. they took a walking tour of the Sugar House Business District. The third Sat. they created an art project with the help of an artist.
In April, they held a slide show on the history of Sugar House and a walking tour. They also worked with the Utah Heritage Foundation on a presentation on the Sugar House area and are continuing education of the Sugar House history. They are working on a historic district designation for the Sugar House area. This allows some tax credit programs for historic work on historic homes.

ACTIVITIES AND FUND RAISING – Deedra Hansen-Lambert, Chair
This committee is trying to get some ideas for fund raisers. Some suggestions are: 1) a farmer’s market in the summer, 2) a commemorative pin or plate for the 150-year anniversary in 2004 of the founding of Sugar House, 3) license plate holders. Any suggestions are welcomed.

HOUSING – Claudia O’Grady, Chair
Claudia said this committee will be meeting in the near future to get things going.

Claudia was unable to come.

Adjourned at 9:20 PM


Landon Clark
[email protected]