SHCC Meeting Minutes – December 2003

SHCC Meeting Minutes – December 2003


December 3, 2003


From Sugar House



Trustees Present

Rich Bennett, Philip Carlson, Sarah Carlson, Dolores Donohoo, Alice Edvalson, Mark Holland, Michael G. Kavanagh, Scott Kisling, David Lawver, Andrea Moesser, Cabot Nelson, Julie Nitzkowski, Tina Ottesen, Helen Peters, Susan Petheram, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, L. Rex Sears, Judi Short, Martin Smith, Grace Sperry, Gayen Wharton, Rawlins Young (23)

Trustees Excused

Su Armitage, Lynne Olson

City/State Representatives

Lex Traughber, SLC Planning; Ranae Pierce, Sprague Library; Lyman Guest, SLC Police (3)


Doug Green, Lee Matthews, Karen Matthews, Julie Brown, Karen Flynn, Thomas Q. Bailey, Jennie Thueson, M. Michelle Gourley, Julie Peaslee, Tom Nitzkowski, Eric Cook, John Holbrook, Dave Abraham, John Anderson, Kandis Beverley, Melissa Lichtenstein, Rachel Funk, Arla Funk, Lucy Truitt, Soren Simonsen, Erick Strain, Armand Johansen, John Clayton, Rick Plewe (24) TOTAL (50)


Meeting Minutes

A new Sugar House business at 837 E. 21st So., the Sugar House Bakery provided free bread for those in attendance. The new business is being operated by Arla Funk and family members. Many thanks to them for a delicious treat and wishes for success in our neighborhood. The meeting commenced at 7:00 PM with Chair Helen Peters conducting. Helen had a copy of the Sugar House Master Plan for all trustees. Minutes of the November meeting were amended to include Michael G. Kavanagh as being excused. Voting on approval of the minutes was 10 in favor, 0 opposed, 2 abstentions.


A beginning balance of $4,709.11, a payment to Sugar Post Pottery for the setup of the Sesquicentennial Plate of $600, leaving a balance of $4,109.11.


Helen noted that we are now taking orders for the Sesquicentennial pins, t-shirts, and plate. Pre-order forms are available from Alice Edvalson. Items will be available after the 20th of December. The Santa Shack on the Monument Plaza is open for the holidays. See the signs in the window for hours. Photos will be available for $10.00.

Public Hearings coming up include

(1) Gateway Academy at 2487 So. 7th East conditional use to increase residents from 12 to 16 – Dec. 10, 7:00 PM, Rm. 326, (2) an appeal of the Planning Commission’s approval of a conditional use permit by Smith’s Food & Drug at 9th East and 21st So. – Dec. 16, 5:30 PM, Rm. 126. Helen encouraged those interested in hearings of the City Council or Planning Commission to check their agendas on the web site. There will be free parking at City-owned parking meters from Dec. 5 – Jan. 4. There is an effort to have a year round market in the block north of Pioneer Park. Those interested can contact Jeff at 596-7944. Plans are being made for the Sugar House Sesquicentennial celebration on April 23, 2004. Anyone interested in getting involved in these plans should contact a member of the Sugar House Merchants Assoc. or trustees of the Sugar House Community Council.


Thomas Q. Bailey manages the apartments at 2025 South 12th East and is concerned about the speed of the traffic and the disregard of pedestrians at the cross-walks along 21st South in that area. He is also discouraged with the disappearance of the crossing flags that have been placed there several times. Tom Nitzkowski was concerned with the impact on the library personnel when our meetings run as long as they have been going.


Helen explained the situation of the by-laws in regards to the 501 ( c )(3) application, and the fact that we did vote in favor of the new version (Bowler version) of the by-laws in Aug. but lacked the 2/3 majority vote by less than one person. At the Sept. meeting it was voted on that we postpone another vote on the by-laws until a special meeting could be held to discuss the issues regarding: 1) the boundaries, 2) the trustee term limits, 3) the voting process, and 4) the functioning of committees. Scott Kisling is proposing going back to the 1993 version for revisions. Mark Holland explained that he proposes to address the four above issues based on the Bowler version. Between now and the Jan. meeting, Mark will address questions on the Bowler version and Scott will address questions on the 1993 version. The motion was made that we be prepared to vote at the Jan. meeting on which version of the by-laws we will start with and voting was 13 in favor, 6 opposed, 0 abstentions.


Lex Traughber said that the rezone of the Sugar House Business District is being actively looked at again as well as the zoning between 9th – McClelland and 21st South


Karen Matthews told of possible activities for the celebration next year that were discussed at the Sugar House Merchants meeting. Many volunteers will be needed in order for this to be a successful celebration in the Sugar House area. Any one interested in getting involved with any of the activities will be welcomed.


Lyman Guest reported that crime is up in our area and again encouraged people to not leave anything inside the car, even suggesting that the title to the car not be left in the glove box but put in the trunk in a safe place. Helen suggested that Ray Pugsley & Julie Nitzkowski make a presentation on Mobile Watch at our February meeting.


Soren Simonson and Susan Petheram gave a power point presentation on the status of this plan. Soren described the Mobility and Land use issues and Susan spoke on Design Guidelines and Mobility Analysis. Susan also described the proposed upgrade to the monument plaza.


Karen Flynn & Julie Brown presented information regarding this request. They would like to accommodate 16 residents instead of the current 12. They are planning on adding an additional fire escape to connect the 3rd floor to an existing escape on the 2nd floor. Ray Pugsley made the motion that the Sugar House Community Council approves the conditional use change, requested by Gateway Academy, to increase the number of residents from 12 to 16, with voting 16 in favor, 0 opposed, and 3 abstentions. There was also a proxy vote in favor.

UNIT LEGALIZATION – 2780-82 E. Wilshire Dr.

Julie Peaslee presented information regarding this request, following which a motion was made that the Sugar House Community Council approve the legalization of the duplex at 2780-82 E. Wilshire Drive and that the chair of the SHCC authorize Grace to send a letter to the SLC Board of Adjustment so stating our decision. Voting was 11 in favor, 5 opposed, and 2 abstentions.

ALLEY CLOSURE – 1990 View St.

Richard Bennett explained this alley runs from east to west and from 13th East to View St. The City planners are recommending the closure. Erick Strain of 1894 View St. spoke regarding problems he has had with both auto and pedestrian traffic through the alley. John Anderson of 1974 View St. also told of similar problems he has experienced. The concerns seem to center around auto & pedestrian traffic volumes and speed, criminal activity, and safety issues. They are requesting closure of only half of the alley. The motion was made that we write a letter to the Planning Commission & City Council in support of prohibiting automobile traffic in the alley but not precluding access to the private garages. The motion was amended that we ask the City to maintain the alley so that it is pedestrian friendly and safe. Voting on the amendment was 16 in favor, 1 opposed, 4 abstaining, and voting on the motion was 13 in favor, 5 opposed, and 2 abstentions.


Armand Johansen noted that they are doing the development on the corner of 21st South and McClelland with the alley in place. The City is requesting the vacation of the alley. Janice Lew of the SLC Planning Dept. indicated that commercial property owners make compensation at fair market value for alley vacations. The motion was made to vacate the alley and amended that we recommend that the fair market value of this alley vacation be placed in an open space fund. Voting on the amendment was 11 in favor, 5 opposed, and 2 abstentions. Voting on the motion was 13 in favor, 3 opposed, and 2 abstentions.


Petition renewals from Trustees Scott Kisling from the Country Club neighborhood and Rich Bennett from the Garfield neighborhood were approved. A new trustee petition from Doug Green in the Grandview neighborhood was approved unanimously.

REZONE FOR HOME AT 2157 Lincoln St.

John Clayton explained the reason for this request at this time, after which a motion was made that we approve this zone change from residential to RB. After some discussion the motion was approved with 15 in favor, 0 opposed, and 4 abstentions.


Rick Plewe explained the condominiums they would like to build at this location. Plans would include underground parking for a 4-story structure with 2-bedroom units, very similar to one at 838 East So. Temple. Units would sell from $200-300-thousand. The motion was made that the Sugar House Community Council give conceptual approval to the Country Club Motel Condominium project proposed by Rick Plewe, petitioner. Further moved that should Mr. Plewe be able to successfully acquire the adjoining property to the east, currently owned by Woodbury Investments, and should he request that Maywood Drive, the street currently crossing the Woodbury property and extending northeast to Foothill Drive be vacated, he will provide for a public passageway on that property only from the Foothill apartment complex to the northeast of his property so as to allow access to the public transportation on Parley’s Way. The motion was not seconded. The “Further Moved” portion was withdrawn. Of special note was “Rawlins sort of likes this project!!!!!” There was a question if this is really in our area. It is in the SHCC boundaries, but is not included in the Sugar House Master Plan. The motion was made that we indicate that we are interested in engaging in discussions for condominiums at this area with a potential zone change from commercial to residential. Voting on the motion was 19 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions with 1 proxy vote in favor.



The meeting was adjourned 10:35 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]