SHCC Meeting Minutes – December 2004

SHCC Meeting Minutes – December 2004


December 1, 2004


From Sugar House



Trustees Present

Mark Holland, Cabot Nelson, Julie Nitkowski, Barbara Green, Tina Ottesen, Bill Habel, Dolores Donohoo, Lynne Olson, Derek Payne, Rawlins Young, Rex Sears, Paul Nash, Helen Peters, Ruth Price, Judi Short, Susie Petheram, Ray Pugsley (16)

Trustees Excused

Doug Green, Grace Sperry, Su Armitage (3)

City/State Representatives

Sonny Riggs, SLC Police; Annette Daley, Mayor’s office (2)


Richard Howe, Carson Bohner, Alec Bowman, Jake Bowman, Jennie Thueson, Emil Kmet, Art Haddow, Janice Anderl, Ranae Pierce, Dan Going, Lorin Ronnow, Katie Olson. (12)

Meeting minutes

Call to order at 7:04pm, Mark Holland, chair, conducting. Chair offered special recognition of Boy Scout Troop 38 of the Wasatch Presbyterian Church. Minutes last meeting amended to reflect Julie Nitzkowski’s excused absence. They were approved from with Dolores Donohoo moving and Derek Payne seconding. Dave Mulder (who was not present) applied to be a new trustee of the Grandview neighborhood. The motion to accept Mr. Mulder’s petition was accepted unanimously. With his appointment, Philip Carlson is no longer a trustee.

Chair Announcements

1) SL Planning commission meeting to be held Dec 8, 5:45pm at the City & County Building. This will be a hearing to correct errors during re-write process of zoning districts to clarify parcels, including splits across parcels. 2) A Board of Adjustment meeting will be held on Monday, December 13, 5:45pm, at the City & County Building. At issue: a) case # 2761-B of 1799 East 1700 South for an accessory structure, and b) case #2762-B for 1540 East Kensington Avenue for a conditional use permit for a hair salon. 3) Planning administration hearing on Tuesday, December 7 for Cyprus Point Condominium, a 16-unit complex. 4) Joel Macey, operations director of the Memorial Medical Center, extended a written invitation to the SHCC to review the progress of the building and the site. 5) Donna Irabelli submitted a letter regarding a dilapidated fence near 1700 East 2100 S. She requests a letter of support from the SHCC to seeks capital improvement money. Rawlins Young moved to support Ms. Irabelli with a letter supporting replacing the fence, with a second from Dolores Donohoo. Derek Payne wanted more details, especially regarding the design. The Chair explained that the letter would merely start the process. Rawlins Young expounded that the fence has had a purpose to separate a stub street for 40 years. Rex Sears asked if there would be a design process. The Chair assumed so. Derek Payne asked if something else would work. Motion passed 10-0-0. 6) Rita Lund of SH Park Authority wrote to the SHCC, asking for a letter of support to ask for $25,000 of CIP money for the SH Park master plan. The Park Authority needs this money to match other funds. Lynne Olson moved to have the SHCC write a letter to support the CIP application for funds for Sugar House park master plan. Tina Ottesen seconded the motion. Rawlins Young asked whether the SH Park needed a CIP project. Lynne Olson clarified.

Rawlins noted that the SH Park never had plan before. Motion approved, 10-0-0.

Treasurer Report

Dolores Donohoo said that October’s balance was $4,466.72. There was a deposit for $100, yielding a current balance of $4,566.72.

Crime Update

Alicia Orgill could not attend. Officer Sonny Riggs explained that burglaries were down. Robberies increased, mostly in businesses. Aggravated assaults were down. There was a marked increase in stolen vehicles, many due to unattended cars warming up. Officer Riggs reminded the council to not leave warming cars unattended. Officer Riggs also clarified a question from Tina Otteson.

Public Input

1) Lynne Olson reported on her meeting with the Merchants Association. There will be no Christmas lights this year as SLC expected users of electricity from the existing lighting must pay. Annette Daley suggested that they talk to Department of Economic Development. 2) Emil Kmet expressed concern about graffiti on the Redman building.

Mayor’s Office Update

Annette Dailey announced a Freedom Forum regarding adoption by unmarried couples to be held December 2 at the Main Library. Also, the SHCC needs to submit the new bylaws to SLC for SHCC’s continuing recognition by the city.

Land Use and Zoning Committee

Helen Peters announced that the LU&Z committee will meet soon for the first time.

Human Service Provider Report =

Tina Otteson introduced the Road Home charity. Mr. Lee Carter, Senior VP of Zions Bank and on RH board presented more about the Road Home charity. It started as the Travelers Aid Society. In 1983-84, a SLC man froze to death, which underscored the need for a homeless shelter. Travelers Aid Society changed their name to Road Home three years ago. The main shelter is on 200 South and Rio Grande, across from St. Vinny’s. It houses 300 men, 75 women, and 31 families. Mr. Carter affirmed that most panhandlers are not deserving of help. One can call the RH shelter at 359-4142 to get help for those who need it. Mr. Carter admonished the council to learn about homelessness. Most homeless people are like us. He encourages us to donate time, play bingo w/ kids, spend an hour with front desk, donate blankets and gloves. Rawlins Young was concerned that the problem gets institutionalized. Mr. Carter acknowledged the chronic homelessness, those 10-15% that take 60% resources. Efforts to help the temporary homeless are more successful. Tina Ottesen noted that the phone number 211 can direct those who need help. She also asked if the Oxbow jail could be used as shelter. Paul Nash reminded the council of preserving the childrens’ dignity. He shared his experience as a principal and clothing a clothing drive. City Council Update: Dale Lambert was not present.

Pedestrian Friendly Highland Drive

Dan Berganthal could not make it. The topic was deferred until next month.

Featured Sugar House Business

Lynne Olson introduced “10,000 Villages,” a business that has been in SH for several years. Katy Olson, a manager, explained that there are 100 stores in US. It is a “fair trade” organization that ensures fair income to artists for the product they make in good working conditions. In 1999, it incorporated. In August, 2000, 10,000 Villages opened its SH store with a mission to educate about fair trade. Mostly run by volunteers, especially high school students. A few of exhibits: Bengali-inscribed terracotta pot, Nepalese wallhanging from leper workers, a Guatamalan ornament, a Peruvian gourd ornament.

Public Comment revisited

Lorin Ronnow suggested crosswalks on 1300 East. There are none from 2100 to 2700 South. Paul Nash attended a meeting regarding 1900 East traffic near 2100 South with Councilman Buehler. No effect by the new stop signs. At that meeting, Greg Smith of traffic enforcement took 2 measurements. Before: Ave speed 28 mph, high 54. After with stop signs: Ave. 32 mph, high 48. Tim Harpst had opinions that more stop signs would work by diverting traffic to 2100 East. There will be a meeting on Dec. 7 at 7pm at Dilworth Library mtg. regarding CIP. Julie Nitzkowski asked about speed bumps. SLC Council not in favor right now. Planters are an option. It is a budgetary issue. Barbara Green noted that it is scary to have people not notice those new stop signs. Sunnyside and Foothill redesign should help.

SH Merchants Assoc.

Lynne Olson attended a meeting with the following report: Lynne Rasmussen of Coldwell Banker is collecting toys for servicemen’s children as “Operation Santa” at various stores. Gene McIntyre reported that the Annual Turkey Trot was successful. On Fri. Dec. 10, there will be an art and shopping stroll, 4-8pm. Drawing held Sat. Dec 11 with the Art stroll. The Santa Shack now open 3-8pm. Merchants noted that criminal bad checks are on rise. They are frustrated with on-property crimes.

Open Discussion on Business District Rezone

With the Highland Drive traffic not addressed since key people could not attend, the meeting opened to comment on the business district rezone. Chair: Issues re: zoning and stakeholders. There is a view that stakeholders are not being in the same point of view, hence, SHCC asked members of Mech. Assoc. to become trustees. Recent trustee Barbara Green is a merchant. There will be a meeting on Dec. 3 at 8:30am to noon at library to discuss a fundamental choice: follow master plan and change zoning, or change plan based on current zoning. Any and all concerns should be heard. It behooves all involved to know what is understood on each side. There is a risk that the city will make decisions that would be imposed on us. Barbara Green: Make positive directions; voice what the SHCC wants, not what it doesn’t want. Phil Carlson disputed “stakeholders” term. Chair noted that this is merely name of an association. Rawlins Young: We need to know the actual issues. Could we see them on a map? Are people being left out of this study session? SH is an economic development area. Long term could be an area of major employment. Chair: The Dec. 3 meeting is to address exactly what the sticking points are. One point among other factors: existing zoning would allow taller building. Owners want to keep this. There was clarification that the plan asks for upzoning or downzoning. Bill Habel: Who are we dealing with? Barbara Green gave some statistics. Bill wanted to know who stood to benefit the most. Lynne Olson: non-property owners might fear retaliation and might not be willing to speak regarding the condition of buildings, arrangements, etc. Rawlins Young noted a historical concern: Then-city councilman Keith Christensen struck deals that allowed the 1300 East buildings. Susan Petheram wants to know specifics for each point. Judi Short: If buildings go 60 feet, what would happen to the character of SH? Lynne Olson proffered a written motion. (See attached.) Motion to end discussion passed 12-0-0. Lynne’s motion approved, 13-0-3. Tina Ottesen: Avoid Analysis paralysis. Barbara Green: Will design review be incorporated? Susan Petheram: Yes. All will be conditional use permits. Judi Short commented that the design review process forced the SH Commons to back off their promise to keep the local, current tenants. They were forced to raise the price to cover the design demands.

New Form for Those Approaching the SHCC

Tina Ottesen received two responses. Tabled until January. Trustees are encouraged to bring it back next month.


Meeting adjourned 9:31pm.

Amendment of January 5, 2005: Sarah Carlson and Phil Carlson were present

Landon Clark
[email protected]