SHCC Meeting Minutes – December 2006

SHCC Meeting Minutes – December 2006


December 6, 2006

 From Sugar House


Trustees present

Russell D. Callister, Philip Carlson, Dolores Donohoo, Barbara Green, David Holbrook, Mark Holland, Michael G. Kavanagh, Emil Kmet, Andrea Moesser, David Mulder, Cabot Nelson, Derek Payne, Helen Peters, Ray Pugsley, Grace Sperry, Andrea Wargula, Steve Wilson, Rawlins Young (18)

Trustees excused

Judi Short, L. Rex Sears, Art Haddow, Su Armitage, Ruth Price (4)

City/State representatives

Dave Buehler, SLC Council; Mark Crockett, Salt Lake Co. Council; Ben Johnson, SLPD; Michael Stott, Mayor’s office (4)


Adam Mangone, Steve Morgan, Pablo Gotay, Dana Tumpowsky, Jon Goates, Edith Welker, Merlene Taylor, David Muse, Melo Flores, Gloria Kucia, Richard Goddard, Lex Hemphill, Jan Brittain, Ranae Pierce, Cristine Corondo, Nancy von Allman

Meeting minutes

Call to order, 7:04pm. Minutes were approved without objection.

Treasurer’s report

Balance was $4,778.03; no change in funds.

Amendment to the agenda

Grace Sperry moved to amend the agenda to accommodate discussion about the historic nature park. David Mulder seconded. Helen Peters opened discussion, asking about email or documentation being done on the park. David said that there are people to speak on either side of the issue. He realizes it is somewhat controversial. As it is already scheduled for January 2nd with the Mayor’s office, Grace withdrew her motion.

Westminster College Alumni House

By Steve Morgan, Exec VP.

Alumni House was discussed with Westminster staffers Adam Mangone, Pablo Gotay and Dana Tompowski. Handout: map, detail, and elevation. The project was approved by SHCC in 2003 for rezoning. In July, 2004, the SLC Council passed it. Westminster deferred the project for the Health and Wellness Building which was finished last July. Engineers found that the old footings, foundations, walls, etc., wouldn’t work for the project. The Board started over. Issues at meeting on November 30th were construction dust, mice, water table, traffic on Blaine, and delivery of materials. Mr. Morgan asked SHCC for its support. The project will start in the spring.

Michael G. Kavanagh attended that meeting and said that Westminster agreed not to start construction until 8am. They were very responsive, and Michael supports it.

David Mulder asked about mice. Since it is near Emigration Creek and with the construction, more mice are heading to surrounding homes. Steve Wilson said that any time you disturb the land, then the animals migrate.

Helen Peters moved to approve of this plan, with Michael seconding. Ray Pugsley said that we approved something in 2003, but now there’s a change. He asked about the house itself. It will be demolished. Pablo Gotay showed the floor plans. David Holbrook asked about eliminating parking for contractors. There will only be four parking stalls. Grace Sperry asked about the average age. Dana Tompowski said about 45. Andrea Wargula asked if there was a liaison. Mr. Morgan said that was he.

Rawlins asked if the Alumni house expands into the neighborhood.

The motion passed unanimously on a voice vote, but their may have been abstentions.

Business spotlight: Guthrie Bicycle

Presented by Michael G. Kavanagh with Guthrie Cyclery owner Mr. Richard Goddard. (Two SH businesses are gone: Sugar House Mower and Sugar House Bread.) Guthrie Bicycle has moved from 731 East to 800 East 2100 South. They are also helping with flags at the crosswalks at that intersection. Guthrie’s roots go to 1888. It is written as the oldest cyclery in the nation, but there are two others. It stems from Great Grandfather Guthrie, from Meridith & Guthrie. Dave Mulder asked where the 1888 store was located. For the first 20 years, it was on State & 200 S., then 300 S & Main. Dave wished there were an article in SH Close Up in SL Tribune. Helen wishes to preserve the green space directly in back. Mr. Kay Park owns that land. Mr. Goddard has offered to buy and manage it. The business hours 9:30am – 7pm, 6pm on Sat. Closed Sun. Grace Sperry asked if they restore 2-seat Huffys. Andrea Moesser asked about a bike shop on Foothill. Grace mentioned an illegal fix-it shop on 900 E.

University of Utah Students – Survey of Sugar House Business District

They will be on next month’s agenda.

Land Use & Zoning Committee

By Helen Peters. Helen provided a Land Use and Zoning Report handout. Helen indicated that there have been no updates for Ballet West, Garfield School, Foothill Place Apartments, Redevelopment of Craig Mecham’s property on the Granite Block and the SugarMill Condominium project.

The Country Club View Luxury Condominiums started excavating and preparing the site development without permits at 2005 South 2100 East. A stop order was issued by Salt Lake City on November 16, 2006. As of the date of the SHCC the stop work order is still in effect.

Andrea Wargula reported that the Redman Building was sold at auction for $5,450,000 which equates to $180 Sq ft. PCP purchased the property.

Westminster College’s Environment Center and Center for Civic Engagement have been established and is interested in working with the community for the benefit of Sugar House and Westminster’s students.

Helen reported that she has been contacted by Susan Koehn, a lobbyist for WalMart with Sego Strategies, to set up a meeting to discuss the redevelopment of the KMart site on Parley’s Way. KMart’s lease expires on January 1, 2008.

There are two public hearings before the Housing Advisory and Appeals Board for demolitions. One at 2005 South 2100 East and the other at approximately 2800 South Highland Drive. Helen indicated that Sarah Carlson had been working on these matters. The demolitions are of concern because of the loss of single family homes in the Sugar House area.

Attached to the Land Use and Zoning Committee’s report were various news articles and the like about issues pertaining to Sugar House.

Sugar House Merchants Association

By Barbara Green. The SLPD will talk about some issues. The Merchant’s Association talked about experimental coupon books for stores in SH. The Santa shack is open 12-8 on Saturdays, 3-8 on weekdays. The Turkey Trot was a success. Zions Bank even donated money. There was news coverage for the charity work.

Chair Report

Some people asked about attendance for Sarah Carlson, Rex Sears, Art Haddow, Scott Kisling, and Ruth Price. They were all excused for today’s meeting.

Crime Update

By Ben Johnson, SLPD ph#799-4642. In the Merchants Association meeting, there is concern about crime in the SH area for merchants and residents. They requested Chief Burbank and Simonsen to look into it. During the month of November, there were some Robberies: 2 people by same person in Fairmont park “looking for a date.” Red Hanger 700E 2100S, 2 holdups with knife by the same guy. The got him on the second time. Auto thefts are frequently because of warming up cars. Also, don’t have gifts visible. Chief Burbank is streamlining the department. The community action will be more with patrols and squads with better coordination. Mark Holland noted some fires set on 1700 E Highland High. The suspicion was that students were setting the fires. Regarding graffiti, Dave Mulder said that there was some on Stratford. May not be signs of gangs. They’ve been in area, but the PD is not aware of an increase. Ray Pugsley asked about the red light on 1300 E 2100 S. There was a request to the traffic unit, but not aware if there was a response. Russ Callister mentioned panhandling on 1300 E from Wilmington to I-80. One from the audience mentioned that the ACE Dumpster pickup is coming earlier. There are homes 100 yards away. It serves the doughnut shop and Arby’s. There has been no response. Barbara Green said there is a bad element creeping in. Some people have been robbed. Tina at the drum store was robbed several times.

City Council Update

By Dave Buehler instead of Soren Simonsen. Mr. Buehler is a former trustee of SHCC. The SLC Council approved a memorandum on Parley’s Trail. There are continued questions on Garfield School. Nothing new. The city is still renting to the arts academy. That fire and police might still need to be separate. The Grant Tower project is preoccupying SLC Property Management. Interesting last month.

Audience member Edith Welker asked if the SHBD going to be on the agenda. She asked that when the plans come out, if would the council meeting be a good venue to see them. Depends on what it requires in zoning, etc. Dave Holbrook mentioned that the H-Rock is sold. Is the land too steep? Probably to developed. He asked about access to the rock. It’s in the Foothill Zone. There was a legal settlement with another earlier owner. There is a lot of interest in downtown. Meetings to be on channel 17. and on the Internet.

Public Input

Limit set to two minutes. Gloria Kucia is a dog owner and uses Parley’s Historic Nature Park. There is a one-year study for off-leash impacts. No study results yet. She implored the SHCC to wait for results of studies. She wishes all the facts and sides can present their case.

Lex Hemphill of the SH Park Authority: They have a planning process. They wanted an open house by now, but it was too late. The authority met with Jerry Tully of PSOMAS. They scheduled an open house on Sat Jan 20, 9-4 with another on Sat Apr 7, 9-4. In part of the process, Mr. Tully will interview constituent groups. We could expect to hear from him soon. For the board meeting on Dec 16, the meeting will not be at county complex, but now at the garden center in the park. They also moved it to fourth Thursday. No meeting in December. They’ll start on Jan 25th, at 6pm.

Nancy von Allmen is concerned about Parley’s Historic Nature Park. She provided pictures. She said the park is overrun by dogs. Distributed email printout. The park has access from the Tanner Park area. We should expect information from the study on January 2. Helen Peters asked for this to be an agenda item for January with Rick Graham’s office.

Ramero Flores is working with UDOT for signage to reflect Sugar House area. Grace Sperry wants to hear from a councilman.

County Council Update

By Mark Crockett. The County Council is is the “city” for the unincorporated SLCounty. Most of what the county does is county-wide: senior services, library, parks, etc. The $808-million budget was finished this week. We discussed townships, municipal services and wall-to-wall cities. Mr. Crockett is “a recovering lawyer,” and is now a management consultant working in strategy marketing, venture funding, and performance improvements. He works in a hedge fund: “take other people’s money and pour it down a rat hole.” He is involved because he is concerned about better ways for government to work.

Mayor’s office update

Welcome to the new community affairs analyst, Michael Stott. He plans on attending henceforth. He Announced a new smoking ban ordinance of Nov 14th. It prohibits smoking in parks, cemeteries, rec areas, and mass gatherings. At 10am -11am on Saturday the 16th, “Meet the Mayor” at the Coffee Garden at 878 E 900 S.

Parliamentary Post Mortem

By Ray Pugsley. We’re having problems being recognized. If you want to speak, raise your hand and wait to be recognized. The Chair asked that with a committee report, should the recognition be the person with the floor.


Executive committee meeting at Dolores, next Wednesday at 8pm.

Adjourned, 9:04pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]