SHCC Meeting Minutes – December 2009

SHCC Meeting Minutes – December 2009


December 2, 2009


~ Sugar House Community Council Meeting Minutes – December 2, 2009 ~Trustees Present – Sally Barraclough, Amy Barry, Robin Bastar, Laurie Bray, Elaine Brown, Jim Brown, Philip Carlson, Sarah Carlson, Pat Denslow-Kilroy, Pattie DeNunzio, Dolores Donohoo, Barbara Green, Mallie Jowell, Michael G. Kavanagh, Benny Keele, Larry Migliaccio, Dave Mulder, Cabot Nelson, Sheila O’Driscoll, Lynne Olson, Lindsey Oswald, Derek Payne, Susie Petheram, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, Maggie Shaw, Judi Short, Ed Sperry, Grace Sperry and Rawlins YoungTrustees Absent Excused –  Jason Bradley

Trustees Absent Unexcused – Russ Callister and Greg Carter

Others Present –  C.T. Binlz, Milton Braselton, Adriane Juarez, Ayle Khan, Becky Topham, SOren Simonsen, Richard Mendenhall and Dennis Kezer

Call to Order – Philip Carlson, Chair 7:00pm

Approval of Minutes –  Dolores Donohoo made a correction of last month’s balance to $3,911.11.  Philip Carlson’s motion to approve the amended minutes passed on voice vote.

Public Comments – none.

Officer Reports 

Chair –Mayor Becker presented a proclamation during the November Sugar House Summit declaring November 14th to be Sugar House History Day for Salt Lake City.  Lindsey Oswald resigned as she is moving out of Sugar House and presented a petition her replacement.  Grace Sperry’s motion to postpone approval for Christopher Thomas’s petition passed 19-10.

Vice Chair’s –  none.

Treasurer’s Report – Dolores Donohoo reports a beginning balance of $3,871.98 a $500 withdrawal to Sugar House Merchant Association for a $3,371.98 ending balance.

Committee Reports – To read the full committee report visit

Parks, Open Space & Trails – Elaine Brown’s motion to postpone vote to approve the POST committee charter until next month fails 10-18.  Philip Carlson’s motion to approve the POST committee charter passes 20-6.Land Use & Zoning –Westminster Small Area Business Plan is back up and running with city.  Philip Carlson met with Walmart and they indicated they will be going ahead with original plan to remodel the building.Transportation – Downtown Rising is a study of development in SLC and Downtown in Motion is a corollary plan which deals with transportation issues.  Sugar House Business District is the same size as the downtown core and the committee is exploring the benefit of the city doing a similar study for the Sugar House Business District zone.Website/Technology –  noneBylaws –  Continuing work on bylaws.Sustainability –  Assisting with the Shop Local in Sugar House event and will be offering assistance for the March Sugar House Summit.Historical – January 23rd from 11 am – 2 pm the public is invited to bring pictures and other history items to Sprague Library to get them scanned and put on disks.Philip Carlson reports that Sarah will be heading a finance committee.  If trustees are interested please contact Sarah Carlson for report next month. Philip Carlson’s motion to dissolve the Parley’s/Foothill Development Committee met opposition so it will be discussed next month.

Monthly Presentations 

Police Report – Detective Cryder 801-799- 3669 – go to website for statistics

Mayor’s Office Report – Shawn McDonough 535-6338 SLC Community Liaison – SLC hosting open house for comments on initial downtown street car line Monday December 7th, 4-6pm 1st floor.  December 7th main library workshops conference room A, B, C 6-8:30pm for new public safety building.  City offering free parking for holidays downtown.  One on one meetings next December 16th4-6pm, call ahead to schedule 10 minute meeting 801-535-7704.  Salt Lake Regional Sports Complex is underway public meetings will soon be scheduled.  Jordan River trail construction Alzheimer’s Park to 200 S is open.  Sustainability resources for more info.  Hot topics on front page and under community councils.

City Council Update – Soren Simonsen – Landlord/tenant ordinance to help with rental properties, requires registration for every rental unit in the city to communicate with landlords when problems arise.  Creates incentive program to set base fee – 3 strikes you’re out if you have a property with repeated calls for police and zoning compliance issues.  Demolition ordinance seeks to change timing of when demolition is granted from the planning commission to getting a building permit in hand.  There is also  concerns about areas on national register that are not currently in a local historical district and how to best handle those concerns.   The demolition ordinance is available online and open houses will be scheduled after the beginning of the year for public input.  RDA property on Wilmington Ave deadline for proposals is next month.  RDA will be meeting next Wednesday to discuss concerns about development to give stakeholder feedback prior to the RFP deadline.  Possible temporary uses for Wilmington Ave have been submitted to RDA and hopefully action will take place after the year.  Currently looking at budget amendment at beginning of the year due to decrease in sales tax revenue.  Interest by city council to preserve funding in budget to help support fireworks program of $15,000 to assist in the costs.

Sprague Library Update – Adriane Juarez – Visit for full calendar of library events for kids and adults. Sprague Library is the only branch that hosts the Master of Library Science program.

Sugar House Merchants’ Report – Barbara Green – Santa will be at Santa Shack until December 23rd.  Tess Epstein of Salt Lake City Library invited merchant’s to leave cards at library for display.  Holiday lights have been put up and horse mounted police officers will be around for most of the month.  Schools painted some holiday cards that will be displayed at monument.  Shop locally in Sugar House event that is part of the Sugar House Summit on December 5th from 11 am to 5 pm over 40 stores are participating, programs will be in every store, Helen Peters will be heading a survey of shoppers – event sponsored by the Sugar House Merchant Association and Westminster College.

Business Spotlight – Michael G. Kavanagh introduces Cucina Nassi, which is located in the old post office building next door to the library,  Cucina Nassi has a restaurant downtown and operated the Sugar House location to host conferences, meetings and special events.  They can host up to 250 guest for any level of event.

New Business –

Richard Mendenhall with Westfield Properties presented petition to rezone a property located at 2028 Lake St from residential to low density commercial – single family lot that is adjacent to commercial zone that faces 2100 South.  The owners want  to change zoning to allow this property to become part of a redesign of the commercial zone.  Held a meeting for neighbors of this property to collect feedback, identify issues and hopefully gain support from residents.  Issues raised by neighbors is closing Lake St to prevent thru traffic from 2100 S and create a cul de sac with dead end signs,  provide off-street parking for the United Way home located to the north, dumpster control, restrictions on deliveries, landscaping, light control, and screening for HVAC units on top of building. Presently they are asking for a general plan/master plan amendment that would be eligible for a zone change application for this parcel.

Public comments Dennis Kezar lives near this property and expressed concerns of trust.  Residents are not certain is their approval now will ensure the developer follows through.  Kirk Moushegain, another neighbor reports commercial property is not the most desirable place due to limited parking and in order to offset that is to move buildings back to facilitate more parking.  Will impact residential and knows why house is abandoned and is an eye sore and not a benefit to neighbors.  He questions if they don’t rezone it what do they do with it?  Net benefit to society from a commercial and residential standpoint and what do residents get out of this rezone?

Bylaws Committee set to present two motions to amend current bylaws.  Grace Sperry’s motion to postpone the SHCC bylaws amendment until the next meeting where it will be the first item after the approval of minutes, treasurers, and public comments passes on voice vote.

Phil Carlson’s motion made by to adjourn passed unanimously.

Adjournment 8:59 pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]