SHCC Meeting Minutes – December 2010

SHCC Meeting Minutes – December 2010


December 1, 2010


The regular monthly meeting of the SHCC was held on Wednesday, December 1, 2010 at 7:01 p.m., in the meeting room of the Sprague Branch Library, with the Chair, Cabot Nelson, presiding and the Secretary, Philip Carlson, being present.  Trustees in attendance: Sally Barclough, Jason Bradley, Robin Bastar, Judi Short, Lynne Olsen, Shelia O’Driscoll, Sarah Carlson, Grace Sperry, Derek Payne, Carlyle Harris, David Mulder, Larry Migliaccio, Amy Barry, Ruth Price, Jim Brown, Elaine Brown, Barbara, Green, Laurie Bray, Rawlins Young, Michael G Kavanagh, Russell Callister, Annalisa Holcombe, Pattie DeNunzio, Bennie Keele , Derek Payne,  and Scott Kisling.  Trustees excused, Dolores Donohoo, Travis Pierce and Christopher Thomas.  Trustees absent:  Sandra Walsh & Greg Carter.  The November Minutes were approved without correction.

Officer’s reports were given by Chairman Cabot Nelson, Secretary Philip Carlson, Treasurer Robin Bastar (bank balance $2,430.53) and Vice-Chair Amy Barry.

Amy Barry moved “SHCC writes a letter of support for the farmer’s market for 501c3 application.”  The motion carries.

Ruth Price spoke during Public Comments.

Committee Reports were made by Judi Short for Land Use and Zoning, Lynne Olsen for Parks, Openspase and Trails, Rawlins Young for Transportation, Philip Carlson for Parley’s/Foothill Development, Sarah Carlson for Finance and Cabot Nelson for Website.  Larry Migliaccio took the Chair during the Website report.

Sarah Carlson moved for the Finance Committee during reports:  “We move that each SHCC Board Member contribute a suggested donation of $60 a year, which is the same as $5 a month, to the SHCC General Fund.” After debate the motion passed, 14-12

During Committee Reports, Cabot Nelson moved for the Website Committee the adoption it’s charter as presented which passed after debate 24-2.

A special presentation was given by Craig Mecham regarding his Granite Block project.  This was followed by public comment, then trustee discussion.

Dr. Koper of the University of Utah gave a special presentation on Earthquakes.

Regular Monthly Community/City presentations were given by Barbara Green for the Sugar House Merchant’s Association, Michael G. Kavanagh introduced Bob Evans of Sugar House Coffee for a Business Spotlight Presentation, Detective Tyler Boelter presented the Crime Report, Shawn McDonough gave a presentation from the Mayor’s Office and Adriane Juarez gave a Library Events presentation.

The meeting adjourned at 9:08 pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]