SHCC Meeting Minutes – December 2012

SHCC Meeting Minutes – December 2012


Meeting Minutes – December 5, 2012

The regular meeting of the Sugar House Community Council was held on Wednesday, December 5, 2012, at 7:00pm, at the Sprague Library. Trustees in attendance were Shelia O’Driscoll, Sally Barraclough, Joedy Lister, Cabot Nelson, Amy Barry, Judi Short, Christopher Thomas, Rawlins Young, Topher Horman, Benny Keele, Michael G. Kavanagh, and Scott Kisling. Christopher Thomas served as chair and Cabot Nelson as secretary. The trustees noted as excused were Larry Migliaccio, Laurie Bray, Steve Lister, Robyn Bastar, and Annalisa Holcombe.

Call to order at 7:05pm. Cabot Nelson gave his secretary report. Motion to approve the minutes of the November meeting passed with an amendment noting that Sally Barraclough was present.

Christopher Thomas as chair made announcements. Amy Barry acted as chair so that Christopher could speak to the following motion which passed on a voice vote:


SHCC requests that the Planning Comm not vote on the proposed Community Based Orgs ordinance until we have had time to review proposed policies regarding LU&Z reviews.

We believe a fair policy in this regard is one that:

+affords community councils early notice of planned development projects

+encourages developers to meet with, answer questions posed by, and hear recommendations from the community councils and our members, and

+enables community councils to provide thoughtful feedback to the city regarding proposed projects.


Motion to disband the Sustainability Committee passed on a voice vote.

Police report

Officer Andy Leonard, SLPD, gave a report on area crime.

Committee reports

Judi Short reported for the Land Use and Zoning committee.

Community groups and projects

Judi Short reported on the SL Community Network.

Committee reports, continued

For CIP (capital improvement projects) applications, there was the following motion:


The Sugar House Community Council supports the submission of the following applications for CIP funding for 2013:

Imperial Neighborhood Park

Fairmont Park Tennis Courts / Community Garden (relocation)

McClelland Canal Corridor

Parley’s Trail

2100 South Complete Street

Highland Drive Complete Street

Beautification of 1300 East and Highland Drive intersection

Road Diet for Parley’s Way between 2300 East and Wilshire Blvd.


The motion passed on a voice vote.

Bill Knowles provided an update about the street car and area parking and circulation.

Secretary report, continued for a trustee petition

Maggie Shaw’s petition to become a trustee passed on a voice vote.

Special presentations

Ed Butterfield presented the RDA’s goals for 2013.

Soren Simonsen updated progress on the Sugar House Circulation Plan and streetcar zoning. Motion: The SHCC is supportive of the plan in general for orienting businesses toward the streetcar for the areas identified along the streetcar. The motion passed as amended on a voice vote.

Agenda amended; Business spotlight

Motion passed to limit the agenda for the remainder of the meeting to just the business spotlight.

For the business spotlight, Michael G. Kavanagh introduced Karalee, Warehouse Manager of Utah Idaho Supply and Map World at 2010 South 1000 East.


Meeting adjourned at 9:20pm.

Landon Clark
[email protected]