SHCC Meeting Minutes – February 1995

SHCC Meeting Minutes – February 1995


February 1, 1995

Present: Allen Johnson, Alice Edvalson. Henry Andersen. Leland Myers, Cal Briggs, Dorothy Tuddenham, Joe Clark, Pamela Grimes, Rawlins Young, Susan Greene, Karen Corey, Don Howell, Grace MacKay, Marvin Stewart, Mark and Caralyn Buehner, Jan Haug, Kate Deiss, Ben and Pam Sewell, Stan and Audrey Graen. George and Nancy Hansen. Barbara Kleiner, Dave Buhler, Cheri Carleson, Scott Kisling, Ken Andersen, Tree Brown Hayes, Ruth A Robbins, Rachael Sheffield, Marlene Zapper, Helen Swensen, Kathy Daly, Sheila O’Driscoll, Terry Seites  Excused: Dolores Donohoo  Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Vice Chairman Allen Johnson. Minutes of the January meeting were approved.  Announcements: Good Neighbor Award applications must be submitted by February 25. Sugar House Park Authority meeting Feb. 16, 7:00, County Complex Commissioners Meeting Room Public Hearing on approval of Sugar House Business District Master Plan, Feb. 7 – 6: 15 – City & County Bldg.ASSIST Inc. workshop March 25 at the Salt Palace. Discussing future transportation choices. Salt Lake Transportation Master Plan comments due now. New Trustee Name and Address list, updated council map, and trustee information folders available for trustees.  Senate Report: Senator Dave Buhler thanked the members of the Sugar House Community Council for being able to serve on the council the last 3 years. He reported on some of the items being addressed by the Senate including, I) a need to build more prison facilities, 2) building a new courts complex, and 3) explained the state legislature tax issues, indicating there is not much support for the tax shifting plan that is being proposed. Treasurers Report: Treasurer Jan Haug asked for approval for the following expenditures:                                                      . 1) a replacement check for $35.90 to Holmes, Roberts, and Owens (Gary Thorpe’s business) for the printing of the council’s bylaws. A motion was made, seconded, and approved to replace this check 2) A check for $33.43 to reimburse Jerry Romero for expenses incurred in the recent Trustee party. The motion was made, seconded, and approved for payment 3) Jan reported on a motion approved a few months ago to acknowledge a contribution of $477.00 paid by one of the trustees for the cost of the preparation of the survey that was taken in the spring of 1994. She indicated that in checking the feasibility of considering this as a tax deductible contribution was perhaps not the best way of dealing with this issue. It was suggested that since the council had adequate funds to cover this cost, that the cost for the survey be paid by the council. The motion was made, seconded, and approved with one opposed to pay the amount of $477.00. The balance in the council funds as of Jan. 18th was $1,925.58. There is one check received from “The Friends of Irving” that needs to be deposited Jan will make another treasurers report at the next meeting.  Development at 2900 So. and 20th East – Presentedby Ken Andersen: There are three issues that need resolution in connection with this development, 1) a change in zoning from R2 (duplex or single family) to RIA (single family or planned unit development), 2) annexing the small portion of the property that is in the county into the city, and 3) approval for a planned unit development (POO). The Land Use, Zoning, and Housing sub-committee has discussed this project and as a group have agreed to approve this project and are recommending it be presented to the council for their approval. A large group of neighbors were present to express some concerns. These mainly centered around a concern that the development was isolating this area from the surrounding neighborhood which is currently a closely knit, friendly neighborhood. They want this neighborhood to be a part of that kind of environment. Mr. Andersen explained the reason the plan had purposely isolated this area with access only on 20th East was because of previous concerns regarding access onto Preston St. which is quite narrow. After much discussion, the motion was made that the council recommend approval of the annexation of the section in the county to the city and the zoning change, and we favor a residential community and strongly suggest the developer work with the concerns of the neighbors in their plans. The motion was seconded and approved with 1 opposing. Scott Kisling suggested that the neighbors stay involved through the complete approval process and make their desires known to the city planners and other approval processes.  LDSEmerson Ward Building at 1053 Emerson Ave.: Jeff Peterson, a builder who is attempting to buy this property to build single family homes, had requested to make a presentation before the council. He did not come to the meeting. Allen Johnson explained some of the known information regarding this issue. This area is zoned R2, which allows for churches, public

schools, and other public uses. There has been rumor that the church was going to donate the building to the city for a midnight basketball program. It was indicated that this was only a rumor. Bishop Ken Luker of the Emerson ward indicated that the neighbors did not want midnight basketball or any other activity that would encourage gang activities in the area. The neighbors are very much in favor of single family homes. Those in attendance at the meeting felt that activities for youth living in the area would be acceptable, but not activities that would bring in youth from outside the community. Rawlins Young suggested that the East Central Community Council should be included in discussions concerning this property. A motion was made that the council suggest to the city that the desires of the community for this property would be: 1) single family housing, 2) senior citizen center type activities, or 3) local community youth activities, but NO midnight basketball or drug rehabilitation type activities. The motion was seconded and passed.Proposed Senior Citizen Center at 825 Stratford Ave.: Mr. Hatch met with the Housing sub-committee. They have suggested that he present his plans to the city and work out questions and details with them and then they will be invited back to present the final plans to the community council. Sub-committee Report on other meeting places for the SHCC: Jan Haug reported that Westminster College doesn’t have any facilities available. The Forest Dale club house is supposed to be completed in April, but the only available room there would be no bigger than the present room at the library. There are several areas available at Highland High School including the library, and the little theater. The committee will continue checking on the best possibilities for an area that would provide a larger meeting area for the council meetings. Crime Report: Officer Joe Clark reported that the request from the Sugar House Chamber of Commerce to close some of the streets in the business district for an Arts Festival in July has been withdrawn because the festival has been moved to 19%. He presented copies of the crime report for the area for those that are interested. He indicated there had been a graffiti arrest recently and a confession that has led to several other activities in the area. There has been a lot of concern with activities going on at the Java Jive and Officer Clark indicated that they are being taken to Federal Court concerning these activities. Office Clark reported that the heavy metal music store on Wilmington had an autograph party recently and an unexpected large number of persons attended. As a result, there were problems with vandalism in adjoining businesses. Officer Clark has talked with the music store owners indicating that in the future, they need to have a permit to hold such an activity so that adequate preparations can be made to control the large crowd. Several persons in attendance expressed concerns regarding activities going on at the 7-11 on 21st So. and Oneida St. They could not understand why there were questionable activities going on there and not at a Rainbow station next to it. Officer Clark indicated he would try to find out what he could about this area. Traffic Report: The Traffic committee met 2 weeks go and are looking specifically at the Traffic Master Plan rewrite, traffic problems in the Wilshire/Parleys area, and on Parkway by Shop-Ko. A meeting was held with the neighbors on Parkway and they are suggesting that a partial one way street on Parkway could help, allowing no entering Parkway from 13th East, with one way above Douglas and two way below Douglas. A motion was made, seconded and approved to support this suggestion. It was agreed that we send a letter to Tim Harpst of the City Traffic division making the feelings of the community council known. It was also suggested that the traffic committee follow up on the traffic problems on Hollywood Ave., West of the new post office. There was some studies done on this previously, but there has been no follow-up with the resolution of those problems. Parks & Recreation Committee Report: The committee is trying to identify all the park facilities in the area. They will be meeting on Feb. 21, at 7:00 P.M. at 1353 Ramona Ave. Sustainable Communities Report: The committee will be meeting the 3rd Wed. of each month at 7:00P.M. in room 117 at Highland High School at least until school closes. Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M.

Landon Clark
[email protected]