SHCC Meeting Minutes – February 1996

SHCC Meeting Minutes – February 1996


February 7, 1996

Present: Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Louis W. Owen, John Richards, Tree Hayes, Allen Johnson, Scott Kisling, Joe Clark, Sgt. Mark Peck, Jacquelyn Havey, Donna H. Rigby, Cheri Carlson, Dolores A. Donohoo, Sam Piazza, Wayne Halverson, Bob Fish, Ray Pugsley, Brad D. Slaugh, Tamara CJ Baggett, Derek Payne, Carol McEntee, Marvin Stewart, John P. Spencer, Dorothy Tuddenham, Keith S. Christensen, Jane Anne Hartford, Lynne Olson, Susan Greene, Russ Terry, Rich Bennett, Judi Short, Jan Haug Excused: Julina Parker, Ruth Robbins Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Rawlins Young. Minutes of the January meeting were approved. Rawlins indicated that Mayor Corradini was unable to attend the meeting, but that Councilman Keith Christensen would try to respond to questions from the audience. City Council Update: Councilman Keith Christensen told us that the City Council is the Board of Directors for the Redevelopment Agency (RDA) who is responsible for several development projects in the city. – They were responsible for the Gallivan Center on block 57. They are responsible for the West Capitol Hill Project. Keith spoke extensively regarding the proposed expansion of Little America on the block between 5th and 6th South and State and Main streets. He indicated that property owners can request an area to be studied as a blighted area. He indicated there had been a public hearing regarding this block for the purpose of a study to determine if that area could be considered blighted. The result showed the area to be blighted. A hearing was also held to receive input on what could be done with the area. Sinclair Oil made a proposal to build a 5 star hotel. The benefit in money to the city and state would be great. He indicated that Sinclair does not own 3 pieces of the property on that block. Sinclair is asking the city to assist in obtaining these 3 pieces. At the present time, 2 owners are willing to negotiate, the 3rd is not. Keith explained the right of the RDA to condemn another’s property for the public good, but also indicated that fair market value must be paid for the property. Keith reported that the RDA is making low cost loans available for business owners on Main Street for the purpose of fixing up the building facade and upper stories. He also reported that the City Council at last night’s meeting voted to abolish their previous ordinance that required police officers to live in SLC.  They will instead be looking at incentives to encourage police officers to live in SLC. A question was raised regarding the UP&L work in the area of Hannibal St. The residents of that area have been upset with the way this project has been handled. Keith indicated the City Council is aware of the problem and has asked UP&L to look into the concerns. A question was also asked regarding Tanner Park and the proposed development of the Jewish Recreation Center adjacent to the park. Keith indicated that this is going to the Planning Commission but both parties are being asked to try to work something out that will be satisfactory for both.Community Action representative replacement: An election was held for the representative for our area to the Community Action program. Two candidates were presented: Sam Piazza and Tree Brown Hayes. The election resulted in a tie with 8 votes for each. Both parties agreed to a coin toss to select the winner. The winner of the coin toss was Sam Piazza. A letter will be sent to the Community Action Program notifying them of the change. Committee Reports:Traffic – Jan Haug reported on a request from the neighborhood to reduce the speed along Parleys Way. The current speed is 45 MPH. Jan indicated the city would reduce the speed upon a request from the Sugar House Community Council. Jan made a motion to request reducing the speed on Parleys Way from KMart to 23rd East from 45 to 40 MPH. A substitute motion was made to change the motion from 40 to 35 MPH. The substitute motion was accepted 3 to 9. Jan Haug will prepare a letter to the Transportation Dept. requesting the change. Rich Bennett reported on a public meeting regarding the traffic light at 2100 South and 1500 East. The meeting will be held Feb. 15 at 7:00 PM at the Garfield Learning Center Gymnasium at 1838 So. 15th East.

Housing, Land Use, Zoning – Jan Haug reported that the Woodbury development proposal is again scheduled to go before the Planning Commission on March 7. Their current plans have still not complied with the zoning restrictions in this area. The area is zoned as community business which allows 2 stories and a max. of20,000 sq. ft. Woodbury’s plans are for 3 stories and a total of 88,000 sq. ft. This property does not have any direct access from either Parleys Way or Foothill Blvd. There has been no evidence of approval from the owners of the KMart property for access through their property. Reference was made to our motion made at the Dec. council meeting in which we withdrew previous approval of their plans because of changes in the plans from a previously presented plan that had been approved with some specific concerns. A motion was made and approved unanimously to send a letter to the Planning commission reiterating our disapproval of the proposal because of the following: I) non-compliance of zoning ordinance requirements of size and height, 2) traffic problems, both internal and external. Rawlins indicated the Board of Adjustment Variance request from Reaveley Engineers & Associates at 1515 So. 11th East has been referred to the Planning Commission and will be reviewed at a future meeting. Boys Girls Club: John Spencer of the SLC Property Management office reported that some of the adjacent property owner’s have encroached over the Spring Ditch property which lies between their property and the Boys & Girls Club property. He indicated that the city is responsible for keeping access clear for the irrigation water through the Spring Ditch on the city property. Property owners are responsible to keep the ditch clear on their property. He indicated a new survey is being made of the Boys & Girls Ciub property and a new lease wiii be drawn up with appropriate legal descriptions. There will need to be special considerations on what needs to be done with the Spring Ditch. Parks and Recreation – Cheri Carlson reported on upcoming plans of the Parks Dept. They include: 1) Exploring the public/private partnership in relationship to the proposed Jewish Community Center and the Sugar House Boys and girls Club, 2) Implementation of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles in all park designs, 3) Implementation of the “Gateways” plan to identify and beautify entrances into Salt Lake City, 4) Continued renovation of Fairmont Park including the swimming pool and tennis courts, 5) Complete the restoration of Hidden Hollow and the proposed green corridors connecting the parks, 6) Implementation of the trails development i.e. rails to trails and the bike trails masterplan, 7) Continue the implementation of physically challenged design, 8) Identify potential new park sites, especially in the Southwest comer of the community, and 9) Implementation of the Masterplan for Parley’s Historic Nature Park. Cheri also suggested we invite the Jewish Community and the Canyon Rim organization to present their plans and issues at a future meeting. Sustainable Communities – Rawlins announced the next Sugar House Business District meeting to be held Wed. , Feb. 28 from 6 – 8 PM at the SLC Council Chambers, 451 So. State St., room 315. This meeting will discuss many items of interest to the Sugar House Community. Rawlins indicated a proposal being made for the development of Holiday City. There is a hearing scheduled Fri. 9th at 8:00 AM in room 303 of the Capital. Crime Report– Dorothy Tuddenham reported on the crime activities in the area. Of special concern is the increased number of home burglaries. She suggests a Home Security check to assure the security of our homes. For information call Phil David at 799-3457 .. Copies of the monthly crime report continue to be available at each council meeting. A new phone number was given to report graffiti ­972-7885. The Police Dept. is asking the schools to help in paying for school crossing guards in some areas due to a shortage of funds in the Police Dept. budget. If the schools are not willing to assist, the Police Dept. may be required to cut back on some crossing guards and school resource officers. Dorothy also indicated that we as citizens are needed in keeping UP&L informed of street lights that have burned out. Call Ron Crockett at 220-7315 or mobile phone 580-7376. Dorothy indicated that a bill (#28) before the legislature would make car theft a felony.MOTIONS: 1) Motion to request the Transportation Dept. to lower the speed from 45 down to 35 on Parleys Way from KMart to 23rd East. 2) Motion to send letter to Planning Commission reiterating our disapproval of the proposal of Woodbury. Meeting adjourned approximately 9: 10 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]