SHCC Meeting Minutes – February 1997

SHCC Meeting Minutes – February 1997


February 5, 1997

 Present: Trustees: Scott Kisling. Rawlins Young, Rich Bennett, Sandy Hiskey, Alice Edvalson, Cheri Carleson, Dolores A. Donohoo, Ivana Thomas, Ruth Robbins, John Richards, Sheila O’Driscoll, Dorothy Tuddenham, Judi Short, Tree Brown Hayes, Gene Davis (15) City Representatives: Dave Lambert. Veronica Crandall, Kathy Daly, Diane Stover, Officer R Fred Ross (5) Others: MarvTuddenham, Wendi Wells, Dianna Merrill, Ray Puglsey, Mat Klnk, Christie N. Corbin, Coleen Menlove, Saul Tysop, . ? Blunt, Matt Christiansen, Helen M. Peters, Lynne Olson. Mark Owens, Noreen Owens (14) Total  – 34            Excused: Julina Parker & Elizabeth Brayman Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Scott Kisling. The minutes for the January meeting were approved with the following correction: (1). near the bottom of the first page, “He also reported a problem with a colored man”, delete the word colored.• Scott reported on the meeting with the mayor for community council chairs … He had a handout describing the discussion with the guests from the City Design Workshop. Scott indicated the only expressed interest in the proposed Transportation Advisory Board came from Marvin Tuddenham. Marv introduced himself. A motion was made, seconded, and approved unanimously that we recommend him as the representative for Dist. 7. Scott encouraged him to report back to the community council on a regular basis. A letter needs to be sent to the Mayor’s office indicating our recommendation. Treasurers Report:Cheri indicated we still have a balance of $1,400 in our account with no activity during the past month;· ..• Mayor’s Office Report: Veronica Crandall representing the Mayor’s office wanted to talk about the SLC Youth City Government program, but since the youth that were expected to attend were not there,  due to the bad weather, she ask to wait until a later time. City Council Update: Keith Christensen was unable to be in attendance. Capital Improvement Board Proposal: Tree Brown Hayes, our representative on this board reported that the Crawford &Day furniture business on Highland Drive was going out of business. They also own a piece of property behind (East) their property. The board is proposing that the East property be obtained for a park/open space. She encouraged those interested in seeing this take place to call Veronica (535-7918) of the mayor’s office and Keith Christensen (535-7600) of the city council and make your wishes known. A motion was made, seconded, and approved in support of funding for a potential park/open space at this location. The motion was amended to include a copy of the letter to also go to John Hiskey. Questions on this issue can be directed to Tree Brown Hayes (485-8349). Sugar House Merchants Meeting: Librarian, Kathy Daly reported on a meeting that was held recently at the library. The purpose is to help the business community know the resources that are available to them in the library as well as provide an avenue of communication among the business community. This will be held each 3rdWed. at 9:00AM in the basement of the library. Kathy indicated they could possibly invite guest speakers at future meetings. Main Library Planning: Kathy also indicated that there is planning being done regarding the future of the main city library. She had a flyer with information regarding this and also asked for public input. McIntyre/Hygiea Development Update: Rich Bennett reported on the Design Workshop that was sponsored by the city. The guests for this workshop had many worthwhile suggestions for this area. The developers and the city are working on coming up with a better plan as a result of these suggestions. Judi Short asked that we keep this item on our agenda each month in an effort to keep the community informed about what is going on. Rich also indicated that the city is looking at the possibility of narrowing 13th East in an effort to cut down traffic in this area instead of making it easier for more traffic. Lynne Olson reported on a workshop she had been involved in at the “U”. The students were studying this area and have been looking at ways the neighborhood can get back the control of the business district, “Give the Neighborhood Back to the Community”. Scott also indicated there is a real need to have a connect between this block and Sugar House Park. Crime Report Dorothy Tuddenham said that information given at the crime prevention meetings would indicate that we are losing the war on crime. She encouraged Gene Davis to work on bills in the legislature that would help us in the crime effort. She again reiterated cautions regarding leaving cars unlocked, running, etc. have been a large number of burglaries in the area in the past month or so. She also indicated we still need to call Capt. Folsom (799-3306) to encourage him of the need for the bike patrol in the business district. Diane Stover gave us a new pamphlet they have prepared with information on the community policing neighborhood services. Diane asked us to encourage the businesses to take beer bottles off the market and only sell beer in cans. Bottles break and make weapons. Cans can be recycled. She indicated that Utah is now # 10 in the nation in the number of crimes per 100,000 and at the rate it is increasing, it is projected that we will be #1 by the year 2000. She also talked about our lack of jail space and indicated that the criminal community knows that this is a good place to come. It is well known that we take care of our homeless and that we don’t have jail space to lock up offenders.  Legislature Update: Gene Davis reported on some of the bills that are being addressed at the legislature this session. A lot of effort is being spent on funding for the I-15 construction. He indicated there are proposed budget cuts in health care areas, the increase in gas tax is not supported, there are proposed children’s welfare program cuts. He indicated that we are trying to build a prison a year. He said the deregulation of the power system could cause an increase in the cost to households at the same time it would be an advantage to businesses. He indicated that the billboard ordinance that is being proposed could be a problem for the city.  He said there is some discussion to shift the school hours to go later in the afternoon in an effort to keep kids off the street more. Gene answered a lot of questions from those in attendance. Traffic: Rawlins Young indicated that the University Transportation Alliance has expressed a desire to include the Sugar House Community Council area in their group. They have expressed a concern about the growth in the surrounding areas and the impact this is having on traffic in the area. They are especially concerned with the upcoming Olympics. Parks & Recreation: Cheri Carleson reported that we were unable to send a representative to the Lincoln Land Institute seminar on open space because of attendance limitations due to the size of the meeting room, . The community council parks sub-committee is working with the Canyon Rim Citizens Association to sponsoring a trails presentation. This will be held Feb. 6th at 6:00 PM at the Foothill Police Substation. Cheri had flyers available of this workshop. The.SLC Open Space Plan is now available. You can obtain copies from the Planning Dept. You need to make a special request for the maps that support the plan. The maps are valuable in pointing out the possibilities of connecting bike and pedestrian pathways.  Cheri also talked about the Dilworth School parking issue. There is a concern with this because the proposals include putting a parking lot where there is currently open space.  Trustee, Sheila O’Driscoll spoke in .favor of the school’s proposal for .the parking .lot.. She feels that the swap of green space in front of the school for open space in the back; would be better. This issue remains a hot issue. Comments regarding this issue can be directed to City Councilman Keith Christensen or Bryce Jolley at 535-7600 or School Board Member Kathy Black at 484-5082 or School Principal Mrs. Hendersen at 481-4806. The CDBG funding request for Hidden Hollow is still in the process of being evaluated. The final decisions will not be made until next month, •. Some of the KOPE KIDS are working on designs for benches for the Hidden Hollow area. Other students are making plans for the McIntyre/Hygiea / Hidden Hollow area using suggestions from the city’s design workshop. Students at Beacon Heights Grade School under the direction of Coleen Menlove are coordinating with the state’s sesquicentennial council to help .with a commemorative gathering to celebrate the pioneers settling along Parley’s Creek. The Sugar House Park Authority met on Jan. 16th. Connie Cannon was re-elected as trustee for another term. Reservation fees for use of Sugar House Park have increased to $50 for1/2 day for a pavilion or $75for all day, $100 for events with up to 1,000 attendees and $200 for events with over 1,000 or with animalsinvolved. Fee waivers for nonprofit organizations have been rescinded though the board will be flexible if a volunteer work-crew can be provided to trade up to 50% of the reservation fee for labor, such as weeders for the rose garden.Meeting Adjourned· at 9:00 PM


Landon Clark
[email protected]