SHCC Meeting Minutes – February 1998

SHCC Meeting Minutes – February 1998


February 4, 1998

Trustees: Present: Scott Kisling, Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Cheri Carleson, Sandy Hiskey, Helen Peters, Sheila O’Driscoll, John Richards, Su Armitage, Dolores Donohoo, Ron Snarr, Del Brewster, Jan Haug (13)              Excused: Julina P. Parker, Rich Bennett, Dorothy Tuddenham, Doris Williams, Ruth Robbins (5) City/State Representatives: Virginia Walton, Pauline Zvonkovic, Michele Hutchins, Kathy Daly, Bill Allayaud, Rick Graham, Kathy Black, Ron Love, Danny Walz, David Villa, (10) Others: Ray Pugsley, Mel Henricks, Valerie Kreipl, Ray Edvalson, Trudy Edvalson, Dave Finerfrock, Ron Love, Will Proctor, Beth Proctor, Dagny Healey, Jody Hadfield, Sherry Baranowski, Cheryl Mac Arthur, Maxine Shoell, Horst von Recum, Sarah McCarvill, Lynne Olson, Daniel Johnson, Jared Wilburn, Wayne Halverson, Stephen Andersen (21) ~Total- 43 Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chair Scott Kisling. Scott introduced the executive committee members that were present at the meeting. The minutes for the January meeting were approved. Chair Report: Scott complimented the effort of Westminster College and the neighborhood in working out issues of concern relating to the development that is being done on the college campus. Both parties have been willing to work together to find acceptable solutions to problems. Scott reported that he had a request for a zoning change from R17000 to RMF-30 at 2529 Stratford Ave. He asked trustees living in that area to check out the details on this. City Snow Removal Information: Ron Love of the city explained the snow removal ordinance which deals with the removal of snow from sidewalks. He answered questions from the audience regarding this issue. Treasurers Report: None Mayor’s Office Report: Pauline Zvonkovic encouraged anyone to call her office if they have issues that the Mayor’s office could assist with. She encouraged those present to get involved with and take the Certified Emergency Response Team (CERT) training that is given by the Fire Dept. David Villa of the Fire Dept. explained what is involved with this training. The city would like to have persons in every neighborhood with this training. Business District Report: Del Brewster of the South East Chamber of Commerce encouraged persons with problems in the business district to contact his office. They will try to resolve problems. The South East Chamber covers an area between 9th South to 7600 South and from State St. to the mountains. A question was asked why there had been no Christmas decorations in the Sugar House area this past Christmas. Del explained they had not been put up because they were in a bad state of disrepair. They are trying to form a committee to determine what can be done for decorations in the future. They are encouraging the businesses to decorate their stores and they will try to do some decorating of the trees in the parking. They are open to suggestions. Part of the problem is a lack of money to purchase new decorations. They are still trying to focus on the monument as the center of the business district. When the McIntyre block is completed, they will concentrate on what needs to be done in the Granite Furniture block. They want to eliminate the little side road to the South of the monument in front of Rockwood Furniture. There was some objection to doing that by some in attendance. It is hoped that there will be a group involved in the planning process of this block similar to that which was done in the McIntyre block. Del indicated that the Irving Schoolhouse apartments are about 85% filled. They are renting from approximately $550-­$1200 per month depending on a 1 or 2 bedroom and the desirability of the view. Public Input Process: Scott explained a form that we would like to use to get some public input to help in knowing how we are doing as a community council and what things people would like to see us do. This form was passed to those in attendance and persons were asked to return the completed form at the end of the meeting or to get them to members of the executive committee. Community Action Program Report: Virginia Walton explained what this program does and indicated that there is a need for a representative on that board from our area. Anyone interested in serving on this board should contact members of that board at 359-2444 or call Scott Kisling. Hidden Hollow Plan Presentation: Keith Smith from MGB+A Architecture firm and Danny Walz from the RDA showed drawings of the proposed plans. They explained where the pathways would be through the hollow. No real time line has been established for this development, but they are working with the current development of the Hygiea and McIntyre properties. Details are being looked at to create a Conservation Easement for this area to protect it from future development. A motion was made and approved to form a sub committee to examine what is needed to get a conservation easement. Bill Allayaud volunteered to help with this effort. The committee will report their findings for our March 4 meeting. FairmontPark Swimming Pool: Helen Peters explained what has been discussed at meetings involving this issue. She presented a list of issues that had been raised that need to be addressed. She invited those in attendance to suggest any additional issues they felt needed to be addressed. She also asked those in attendance to rank the issues in order of their importance. There were representatives at the meeting from many interests in this issue including, neighbors of Fairmont Park,

persons especially interested in the swimming pool, and persons especially interested in the soccer fields that could be impacted by the proposed plans. A major concern seemed to be the consideration of eliminating soccer field space. We were asked to carefully consider areas that would be the least impact and areas that are now being utilized the least. It was suggested that we see a vote from those in attendance of those who favored 1) the pool stay in Fairmont Park, 2) the pool stay on the same footprint as the current pool and just cover it, and 3) put the pool outside the park. It was finally decided that it was premature to try and take a vote of this nature. It was felt there needs to be more information available before this should be done. This issue will be discussed further at future meetings. Questions and/or comments should be addressed to Helen Peters at 466-7170. Adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]