SHCC Meeting Minutes – February 1999

SHCC Meeting Minutes – February 1999


February 3, 1999

Trustees: Helen Peters, Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, John Richards, Dorothy Tuddenham, Ruth Robbins, Sandy Hiskey, Su Armitage, Judi Short, Doris Williams, Sheila O’Driscol, Ray Pugsley, Dolores Donohoo, Scott Kisling, Cheri Carleson (15) Excused: NoneCity/State Representatives: Bill Allayaud, Howard Brown, Barry Esham, Dan Andrus, McKay Edwards, Suzanne Weaver (6) Others: Melissa Lichtenstien, Ty McCartney, Tim Rhodes, Heidie Hoffinan, Branden Lawson, JeIlllifer Wilson, Bobby Lamabee, Jacquelyn Havey, Matthew Parr, Jennifer Parr, John Sabodski, Dr. Michael A. Popech, Brent A. Dayton, Carolee L. Dayton, Tom Judd, Jeff Laver, Ladd Birch, Mike McPheeters, Chris Conner, Jared Wilburn, Alec Clawson, Patrick Whiting, Chase Robbins, Jamae Kenney, Erik Abbott, Joseph O’Driscoll, Travis Hopkins, Billy Johana, Jared Holt, Braddy Anderson, Alex Kenney, Adam Taylor, Agnes Greenhall (33)Total- 54 Meeting called to order at 7:10 PM by Chair Helen Peters. The minutes for the January meeting were approved with one correction. Under the Public Input, “She indicated that the vacant            ” should be changed to – “It was also indicated that the vacant           “. Chair Report: Helen reported that she had received a letter from the RDA requesting possible boarded up comer lot properties within a specified area as indicated on a map that was passed out to those interested. This area covers mostly the Sugar House business district. The RDA is interested in these lots as a possibility for turning them into housing. The comer of the old Herzog service station was suggested as a possibility, but it is not within the specified boundaries. Helen recognized two groups of Boy Scouts who are attending the meeting to help in filling requirements for merit badges. Helen announced several meetings and other information she has received information on during the past month. Representatives for Mayor Candidates, Rocky Anderson and Dave Jones were introduced and welcomed to the meeting. Treasurers Report: An expenditure of $74.41 for copies and misc. expenses was made during the past month, leaving a balance of $2,095.98. Public Input: Tom Judd of956 Elm St. asked why the crosswalk in front of the Library had been removed. He expressed a strong objection to this action. It was suggested that a sub-committee be formed to look into this issue. Rawlins Young will work with Tom Judd on this committee. The elimination of this cross walk has created major problems since it was removed, especially with all the construction that has been going on in this area. Jeff Laver of 1957 So. 9th East expressed a big concern with the condition of 9th East especially between Ramona Ave. and 21st So. The road is quite narrow and motorists do not observe the 30 MPH speed limit. Because of the deep gutter on the East side and the raised drive way entrances, several cars have lost control and have ended up on the lawns of the homes in this area. The traffic/transportation sub-committee will work with that neighborhood in seeing what can be done. Tim Rhodes asked why the East entrance to Sugar House Park has been blocked off. No one had an answer but Sheila O’Driscoll indicated she would get Tim the phone number of someone from the Park Authority to contact. Unit Legalization – 2324 So. 9th East – Brent Dayton indicated that the home at this address was built in 1949 and was listed as a 3 unit apartment in the Polk Directory at least as far back as 1960. He indicated the utilities are separate for each unit and there are 5 off-street parking stalls in an asphalted area. He had the signatures of approval from the neighbors and had all other necessary information required by the city. The motion was made to recommend approval of this request. The motion passed with a vote of 10 in favor, and 2 opposed. Correct Spelling of Sugar House: Note was made that many persons do not know the correct spelling of Sugar House. A note had been put on the agenda regarding this issue. It indicated that, in 1949, the spelling of Sugar House provided a lively debate. D. James Cannon, executive secretary of the Sugar House Chamber of Commerce and Richard James, editor of the local newspaper, noticed that local companies had two ways of spelling the name Sugar House. Should it be one word or two. They made a check of the Post Office guide and announced the official spelling as two words, Sugar House. It was suggested we write a letter to SLC Corporation, Boyer, the South East Chamber of Commerce and others that may be concerned with this issues or any other method that would help to make people aware of the correct spelling. It has been noted that signs appearing in the new McIntyre development have spelled Sugar House both ways. Mayor’s Office Update: Barry Esham reported that a letter had been sent to the owners of the property at 15th East and Redondo Ave. requesting their cooperation in cleaning up this property. They are still working with the Herzog property to keep it boarded up, including the upper story. He reported they had been successful in the removal of a junk car on Lake St. He asked those present to contact his office of other problems of similar nature. Cars are considered “junk cars” when they are not licensed and are in a bad state of disrepair. He also indicated that it was not appropriate for cars to be sold on the Herzog property (it was also noted that this is being done at the Conoco station at 10th East and 21st So. and at the Wells Fargo Bank parking lot). The police should be notified of offenders. Barry suggested we should support the 9th East neighborhood in their efforts do something with the condition of 9th East. They have been trying to do something with this area as well. Su Armitage showed a map of the Sugar House area and pointed out that ourarea includes parts of City Council Districts 5,6 and 7. This is a large area and requires a lot of coordination with the city. Public Safety Update: Dan Andrus from the Fire Dept. handed out some information regarding the storage of emergency fuel. He indicated this is becoming a problem with people attempting to prepare for supposed problems as we move from this century to the next (Y2K problem). He encouraged us all to follow the guidelines as outlined. Ray Pugsley presented information regarding the Neighborhood Watch and Mobil Watch programs. Both of these are especially effective programs for keeping crime at a minimum in our neighborhoods. He again encouraged anyone interested to get involved with these programs. It was noted that several of the trustees of the Sugar House Community Council are actively involved with these programs. It was noted that car prowls are up again in our area. Transportation Sub-Committee Report: Rawlins Young explained that this sub-committee is examining the transportation issues involved with the update of the Sugar House Master Plan. This sub-committee is meeting each month on the Sat. morning following the Sugar House Community Council meeting at 9:00 AM in the basement of the Sprague Library and invited anyone interested in attending those meetings. They are also meeting at other times to specifically address traffic calming and public transportation issues. There are several areas in the Sugar House area that are of main concern and are being looked at for traffic calming measures. These areas are: Hollywood Ave. between 9th and 11th East, the Parkway/Forest Dale area, Highland Park area along 27th So. between 15th and 21st East, Yuma St. at 21st So. and 21st East, 13th East across to the park, and the 9th East problems that have already been mentioned earlier in this meeting. Trustees working with this committee include, Rawlins Young, Scott Kisling, Alice Edvalson, and Philip Carlson. Su Armitage asked the Scouts in attendance at the meeting if they would ride their bikes, skateboards, rollerblades, etc. from their homes on the East side of 13th East to the proposed Fairmont Pool which will be located on the West side of 13th East. Most agreed they probably would not because of the traffic problems on 13th East and 21st South and along 13th East to the East of 21st South.Planning Commission Update: Judi Short, who is a trustee of the Sugar House Community Council and is also a member of the Planning Commission reported on how the commission works. She indicated the commission is made up of 11 members. They represent different areas in the city and are representative of many different professions. They are responsible for making recommendations to the city regarding planning issues, including zoning issues and street closures. Planning Dept. Update: Bill Allayaud reported that Mecham is scheduled to meet with the Planning Commission on Feb. 18 at 6:45 PM in room 315 regarding the proposed office building on 13th East. Bill reported on a house that is being built behind another home at 1859 East 21st So. The Planning Commission had approved this development, but the neighbors are concerned about it because of the size of it. In this case, it has already been approved, but Bill indicated similar situations need to be looked at more carefully in the future. Bill had taken a few of the trustees on a tour of some of the Sugar House area a week or so ago. This proved to be a meaningful experience and was suggested as something that could be done again in the future. Bill reported that the Sugar House Master Plan update process is looking at the housing issues now. Bill presented a map of the area of Hidden Hollow that has been included in the land trade for that area and is now being proposed to be rezoned from open space to commercial/Sugar House Business District. The hearing for this rezoning will be held on Feb. 18. Bill spoke about the Unit Legalization process and gave us a sample of documents that are being used by the Liberty-Wells Community Council in addressing these issues. The plans for the Fairmont Pool were approved by the Planning Commission in November. The lowest bid on this project was 1 1/2 million over the projected cost. He is not sure what is going to happen to these plans now. They are looking at what could possibly be scaled down with the plans.SLC Transportation Advisory Board Discussion: McKay Edwards and Suzanne Weaver, our representative on this board, explained a bit about the purpose of this board and the kinds of issues they deal with. We talked with them of the concerns we have in our area with traffic issues and encouraged them to do anything they could to help with these problems. This is the first time they have met with us and been aware of the concerns we have. They suggested we include this discussion on the agenda for our next meeting so we could continue looking at these traffic issues. As a final note to the meeting, Helen indicated she was going to meet with Councilman Keith Christensen in March and would be interested in any items we feel need to be discussed with him. Call Helen with any issues. Adjourned at 9:20 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]