SHCC Meeting Minutes – February 2000

SHCC Meeting Minutes – February 2000


Minutes for February 2, 2000

Trustees: Helen Peters, Alice Edvalson, Judi Short, Cheri Carleson, Sheila O’Driscol, Ray Pugsley, Tiffany Starbuck, L}ll11e Olson, Dorothy Tuddenham, Gayen Wharton, John Richards, Dolores Donohoo, Scott Kisling(13) Excused: Ruth Robbins, Rawlins Young, Ruth Price, Ty McCartney City/State Representatives: Barry Esham, Kathy Daly, Bill Allauad, Linda Ward (4)Others: Verdi White, Beverly Takos, Karin Whitlock, Tilly Van Egmond, Reva Servoss, Bill Servoss, Jim Archuletta, Monty Thurber, Susan Petheram, James Boulter, Mike McNally, Steven Skola, Matt Holliday, Tracy Schmidt, Alex Engar, Brayden Forbes, Alex Finlinson, Charles Kyurnong, Grace Sperry, Kern Weaver, Tom Wharton, Agnes Greenhall, Kevan Adams, Amy Price, Christine Winslow, Milton Braselton, Joshua Flack (27) Total· 44 Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Vice Chair Scott Kisling. Minutes of the January meeting were approved. Chair Report: Alice Edvalson’s trustee petition was presented and approved for renewal for another 3 years. A letter has been received from the Sugar House Park Authority advising us that the Authority is considering the closure of the east half of the center road in Sugar House Park in order to create additional open space and to reduce cruising traffic in the park. This will also involve changes in the traffic flow at various entrances and exits at the Park, and access to the Garden Center. This matter will be fully considered at the Park Authority’s meeting on March 16, 2000 at 6:00 at the County Commission Chambers. Clark Nielsen of the Sugar House Park Authority also informed us that repair work will probably begin sometime in April on the 17th East overpass. We have received notice, of a public hearing by the City Council on Feb. 8 at 6:00 at the City & County Building, room 315 regarding amendments to the standards for landscaping in parking strips. We have been informed that the Lone Star restaurant is now scheduled to open in March. Ty McCartney will be meeting with Mayor Anderson on Feb. 18 and would welcome any issues anyone has that they would like him to address with the mayor. Some issues suggested were: the Crandall Park property, desired traffic signal at Stratford Ave. and 13th East, bad design and access of the TRAX park-n-ride lot at 21st South. Treasurers Report: The Jan. 1, 2000 balance was 1,766.98. Checks have been written to: Ruth Price for 59.66 for miscellaneous copies, a donation to Gilgal Gardens for 50.00, and Alice Edvalson for 35.61 for stamps and miscellaneous copies leaving a current balance of 1,621.71. Public Input: Dorothy Tuddenham reported that the Mobil Watch group have been involved in the Dilworth School area as a result of the recent problems there. She indicated that there is still a real need for more volunteers for the Mobil Watch program. Lynne Olson reported that Ty had a meeting with City Councilman, Tom Rogan and they discussed the open space master plan and land trust issues. An open space committee is being activated and are looking at possible open spaces in the city. A question was asked regarding the status of the Herzog service station property on 21st So. Barry Esham indicated there is suppose to be some development beginning there in the near future. Rumors had it being a Blockbuster store, but that was not confirmed by anyone. A neighbor living next door to that property is concerned with what is being done there. A question was asked about what was being done with the old shoe store on 21 st So. That is being remodeled as the new location for Albion Management which is now located on 10th East North of Millie’s Burgers. Crime Update: Linda Ward distributed maps showing Meth Lab locations identified in the last 2 years in the city as well as the crime statistics for council districts 5 and 7. It seems we have now become the Meth capitol of the nation. She again emphasized the precautions that need to be taken to prevent car prowl/thefts. There was some discussion on the large number of car prowl/thefts in the area. Mayor’s Office Update: .Barry Esham of the Mayor’s office reported onthe chip/seal problems in the area that had been reported at the previous meeting. As a result of Barry’s efforts, the loose rocks have been cleaned up from the street as well as in the parking areas. Barry reported on the renewed efforts of the Mayor to enforce illegal signs on utility poles and parking strips. The city will begin enforcement of this ordinance within the next week. If anyone has any ideas of better ways to deal with these illegal signs, call the Mayor’s office. Barry indicated that the Hollywood and 9th East traffic issues have been getting some positive attention in recent meetings and is in hopes that something will be done in the near future. He indicated that there will be a Mayor’s meeting held on Feb. 9 from 5:30 – 9:30 at the Forest Dale Golf Clubhouse. The public is invited to attend. There will also be a time to meet with the mayor on Feb. 12 from 10 – 12 noon at Cactus and Tropicals. There will also be 1 on 1 meetings with the Mayor on Feb. 14 and March 1 from 6 – 9 PM. If you are interested in meeting with the Mayor at these 1 on 1 times, call the mayor’s office for an appointment. Pat Van Tyne, who has been with the Mayor’s office for community affairs for many years is retiring at the end of Jan. Barry Esham will be taking over some of her duties. He again asked that the agenda and minutes be to him at least 15 days prior to the next council meeting. Barry also indicated that the CAT teams are now under the office of Community affairs. There is going to be a special media campaign warning of the dangers of Meth use. To report suspicious Meth activities, call 799-DRUG. 24 Hour Fitness Update: No Show. TRAX Update: No Show. Planning Dept. Update: Bill Allayaud reported that the proposed zone change from commercial business to Sugar House Business for the south part of the block on 21st South between 9th East and Lincoln St. have been approved by the City Council. As a result of this change, the Walgreen’s proposal has been withdrawn. The proposal of McDonald’s to build the enclosed playground is proceeding. Bill reported that a group of U of U students and doing a study and small area master plan for the Granite block. They are looking at all kinds of ideas and designs for this area. They will present their plans to their class in April and will present their final plans to the community council in May. Bill has been working on changes to the zoning from commercial business to neighborhood/commercial and wants to present information on this at the March meeting. Councilman Keith Christensen is looking at getting the area along 21 st South from 5th East to the Herzog station rezone a from commercial business to Sugar House Business. It is felt that this needs to be done as soon as possible and not wait until all other zone changes have been looked at in an effort to prevent future problems such as have been experienced with the Walgreen proposal. The Westminster Master Plan has been approved by the City Council. Westminster should be ready for a presentation on the North West parking addition for our March meeting. Sugar House Master Plan Update: Those working on the master plan have divided into sub-committees and Bill feels that things are moving a bit faster because of this. He anticipates having a draft of the new master plan sometime in March and hopes to have it available for public comment by April. He is planning on having it for review by the Planning Commission in Mayor June and for approval of the City Council by Fall. Bill indicated that it is sort of an unwritten rule that there be no more commercial development along 7th East. Bill addressed several questions regarding development in the Sugar House area from the audience. Library Update: Kathy Daly handed out information on a Citizen’s Day at the Legislature to be held on Feb. 21. She indicated that Hogan Construction has won the bid on the new library expansion. They are still waiting on a transfer of some 750 sq. ft of property from the Boyer company to the City before the new expansion project can begin. As a result of this, we will be able to hold our March meeting at the library. Bill indicated he would see if there was anything he could do to facilitate getting the building permit issued as soon as possible. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 PM.!!!!!!!!!!!!

Landon Clark
[email protected]