SHCC Meeting Minutes – February 2001

SHCC Meeting Minutes – February 2001


WEDNESDAY February 7, 2001

PLACE:    FOREST DALE CLUB HOUSE – 2375 SO. 900 EASTTIME:        7:00 PM

Ray Pugsley, Chair. Conducting


7:00 – 7:15     Welcome & Introductions, Minute Approval                        Chair Report, Treasurers Report7:15 – 7:25    Public Input7:25 – 7:40     Hollywood Traffic Report – Craig Timothy7:40 – 7:45     Organizational Issues7:45 – 7:55    Parliamentary Procedure Training – Robert Marsh7:55 – 8:05     Envirocare License to Dispose of Class B & C Waste -Rachel White8:05 – 8:10     PACE Car Report – Rawlins Young8:10 – 8:25     Alley Vacation Policy & Process – Wayne Mills8:25 – 8:35     Walgreen’s Update – Melissa Anderson8:35 – 8:45     Flag Lot Study Update – Melissa Anderson8:45 – 8:55     Planning Dept. Update – Melissa Anderson8:55                Adjourn


March Agenda Deadline – February 16, 2001 – Call Alice Edvalson – 485-1664SHCC Executive Meeting – February 19, 2001 – 7:00 PM –

Contact Alice for place

Next Community Council Meeting – March 7, 2001 – 7:00 PM


Questions: Call        Chair Ray Pugsley – 466-1181                         Vice Chair Su Armitage – 487-2321                        Vice Chair Helen Peters – 466-7170                        Vice Chair Robert Marsh – 467-0497                         Secretary Alice Edvalson – 485-1663                        Asst. Sec./Correspondence Lynne Olson – 484-8352                        Treasurer Dolores Donohoo – 485-0180

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SUGAR HOUSE COMMUNITY COUNCILMINUTES FOR February 7, 2001 Trustees:  Alice Edvalson, Rawlins Young, Ruth Price, Robert Marsh, Rich Bennett, Fred Conlon, Ray Pugsley, Gayen Wharton, Lynne Olson, Kevan Adams, Judi Short, Todd Slack, Justin Jones, Dorothy Tuddenham, Jared Fredrick  (15)  Excused:  Sheila O’Driscoll, Gary Bengtzen, Tiffany Starbuck, Helen Peters, Ty McCartney, Dolores Donohoo City/State Representatives: Kathy Daly, Sprague Library; Roger Thompson, City Council; Melissa Anderson, Wayne Mills, SLC Planning Dept.; Scott Vaterlaus, Craig Timothy, SLC Transportation; Diane Olsen, SLC Police Dept. (7) Others: Roger Black, Derek Payne, Jerry Schmidt, Agnes Greenhall, Reed Rowland, Mike Gabel, Rachel White, Ted Colby, E. Paddington Campos, Beverly Takos, Karin Whitlock, Kitty Stewart, Neil Stewart, Claudia Pack, Tom Nitzkowski, Julie Nitzkowski, Edward Glashien, John Barrus, Jefferson Burgess, Susan Petheram, Tom Lee  (21) Total Attending – 43 Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by new Chair Ray Pugsley.  The minutes were approved. There was no Treasurer’s report since Dolores was unable to attend the meeting. CHAIR REPORT: Diane Olsen of the Police Dept. reported that the City is working on building a skateboard park in Fairmont Park in the South East corner. Anyone with comments on this issue can contact Val Pope of the SLC Parks Dept. A motion was made that we write a letter in support of the park and suggesting that Tom Lee and his group be involved in the design of the park. The voting was 14 in favor. Tom Lee, a representative from a group called “Blindside” is collecting petitions in favor of a skateboard park. He volunteered his group to help in the design of the park. Tom can be reached at 412-9200 for any questions or comments. Dorothy Tuddenham asked for volunteers for the Mobile Watch program. Ray Pugsley indicated that the City is having discussions on transitional housing. They are proposing that there be such homes, one in each of four City Council districts. They are also recommending that multiple single room occupancy housing units be developed near each TRAX station. PUBLIC INPUT:            Judi Short indicated that a WEB page for the Sugar House Community Council is almost up and ready for viewing information regarding council activities. This can be found at To get information on this web page, contact: Kevan Adams, at 484-9153 or [email protected] or or Judi Short at 487-7387 or [email protected] . Roger Thompson, Councilman from Dist. 5 reported that the City Council is discussing the inter-modal hub. He said there will be a big Olympic celebration tomorrow at the Gallivan Center to celebrate 365 days until the Olympics begin. Roger is following the Sugar House Master Plan process and is very interested in its progress. Jerry Schmidt feels that a skateboard park in the suggested location could cause some problems in the park. Melissa Anderson announced an Envision Utah presentation on Feb. 24 from 9:30 – 12:00 noon in the City Council Chambers at 451 S. State St. Rm. 315. Kathy Daly announced that the Sprague Library will be closed from Feb. 12 through March 4 for carpeting and painting. It will then be opened again with a planned dedication of the new addition sometime in April. It is hoped that we will be able to begin holding our community council meetings back at the library beginning with the April meeting. Watch for the agenda for verification of this. HOLLYWOOD TRAFFIC REPORT:            Craig Timothy of SLC Traffic Calming reported that the study in this area was done from Oct. 8 through Dec. 1. When the City polled the neighborhood to determine if the study should be done, 82-85% of the neighborhood was in favor of the study. The study included a pie-shaped barrier at 9th East and Hollywood, a circle at the 10th East and Hollywood intersection, “bulbouts” at the Hollywood/McClelland end, and a blockade separating the business and residential area on the South end of McClelland. After the study was completed, another poll was taken of those in the neighborhood. There were 65% of the residents responding to the poll and 67-75% were in favor of the calming measures. The only real objection was with the blocking of McClelland. This objection was mainly with the businesses and those living in the one apartment house on that part of McClelland. The Planning Commission will need to approve the blocking of McClelland St. It was pointed out that the City needs to do all parts of this project at the same time because of the high cost to just bring a contractor into the area to begin the work. A representative from Barrus Piano expressed concerns with the blocking because it did not allow large trucks to get into his business. Dennis Glass, owner of the apartment house expressed the frustrations of his tenants with the closure of that street. A motion was made that we support moving this forward to the Planning Commission. The voting was 6 in favor, 2 opposed, and 1 abstaining. ORGANIZATION ISSUES:           New trustee petitions were presented from Julie Nitzkowski of the Nibley neighborhood, Jefferson Burgess requesting to be At Large/Garfield, and Edward Paddington “Paddy” Campos from the Garfield neighborhood. A motion to accept these trustees was approved unanimously. PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE TRAINING:              Vice Chair Robert Marsh presented a brief guide to making motions under the Robert’s Rules of Order. We are making an effort to more effectively carry out the business of our meetings. ENVIROCARE LOCENSE TO DISPOSE OF CLASS B & C WASTE:            Envirocare is a for profit organization that operates a disposal site for low-level nuclear waste in the Tooele County desert, approximately 80 miles west of Salt Lake. This facility currently is licensed to dispose of Class A low-level waste. There are many institutions in Utah with a license to use radioactive materials in their work, thus there is a critical need for a safe place to dispose of the nuclear waste these operations create. Rachel White presented additional information on this issue. She indicated that just because this waste is considered “low level” doesn’t mean that it is “low hazard”. She feels that this waste would be transported over the highways and rail lines through our neighborhoods on its way to the west desert. There is a special concern because I-80 is so close to our neighborhoods. Several of our representatives in the Legislature have received contributions from Envirocare of Utah. Rachel encouraged us to write to our representatives and senators expressing our concerns with this issue. Jerry Schmidt also asked us to send a letter in opposition to this. A motion was made that we send a letter to the Division of Radiation Control in opposition to this waste coming to Utah. The voting was 12 in favor, 0 opposed and 2 abstaining. PACE CAR REPORT:            Rawlins Young suggested that we all get involved with this program and that we need to ask the City to make a report on the progress of the program in some future meeting. Rawlins also reported that the City is proposing a bicycle striping of 9th East from South Temple to 13th South and wondered why it is stopping there. Roger Thompson felt it was because that was where the resurfacing of 9th East will be stopping for the current upgrade of 9th East. ALLEY VACATION POLICY & PROCESS:            Wayne Mills of the SLC Planning Division presented some information on the alley vacation process. He said that alleys are vacated by ordinance of the City Council. The City is currently re-evaluating their policy. They are taking pictures of alleys that have not been vacated as well as some that were vacated in the recent past. They will be looking at those that have recently been vacated to determine if the issues that were agreed upon at the time of vacation have been followed through. Alleys will not be vacated if they are the sole access to a property. There is a difference between and alley “vacation” and an alley “closure”. A “vacation” is an alley that is given away to the adjoining residential property. A “closure” is an alley that is sold at fair market value. The city is currently not accepting any applications to vacate or close an alley until they have completed the evaluation of their policy. If you have questions or comments on this issue, call Wayne Mills at 535-6173 or Janice Jardine in the City Council office at 535-7600. WALGREEN’S UPDATE:            Melissa Anderson of the SLC Planning Division reported that the City tried to negotiate and work with Walgreen’s on the design for a new building at the corner of 9th East and 21st South but they were unwilling to work with the City and were, in fact, going to sue the City if the City would not allow them to proceed with their plans. The City has been in the process of changing the requirements for the design of buildings in the Sugar House Business Dist. and tried to get Walgreen’s to fit in with these new requirements, but they would not. The City did not feel that it was worth the cost involved in a lawsuit. Planning principles for a “walkable” community call for buildings to be next to the sidewalk with parking lots in the rear of the buildings (Barnes & Noble is a good example of this). Walgreen’s refused to do this and instead is proposing their building set back from 21st South with the end on 9th East and the parking lot in front of the building. The design of the building is pretty much just a box with not much nice design at all. They anticipate beginning construction in the spring. It was suggested by some in attendance at the meeting that there are other ways we can show our discontent with this development, such as a boycott of the business when it does open, as well as written comments to their corporate headquarters expressing our feelings. Comments could be addressed to Walgreen’s Headquarters, 200 Wilmot Rd., Deerfield, IL 60015, Attn. Dick Hadler – Phone: (847) 940-2500, Fax: (847) 914-2804. Other Walgreen Contacts at that same address are: Chairman and CEO: L. Daniel Jorndt, President and COO: David W. Bernauer, EVP Store Operations: Jerome B. Karlin, SVP Central Store Operations: W. Lynn Earnest, VP, Retail Marketing: Robert E. Sgarlata, SVP Western Store Operations: Robert C. Atlas. FLAG LOT STUDY UPDATE:            Melissa Anderson, of SLC Planning, reported that the Planning Commission has a sub-committee looking at flag lot issues. Different parts of the City seem to have different concerns with this issue and they are trying to look at all of the concerns and issues. PLANNING DEPT. UPDATE:            Melissa Anderson reported that a 38 unit condominium is being planned for 2235 So. 5th East. There is a hearing on this issue on Feb. 15 at 5:10 pm in Rm. 126 of the City/County building. Questions on this issue can be directed to Margaret Pahl at 535-6220.            There has been a request to annex into the City an area from 30-33rd South and from 11th East to 17th East.            The Sugar House Master Plan Update is currently looking at the Historical aspects of the Sugar House area. It is anticipated that the Master Plan will be ready for public review by the end of March. There are 3 open houses planned at Highland High. There will be more information on this at a future meeting. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM

Landon Clark
[email protected]