SHCC Meeting Minutes – February 2002

SHCC Meeting Minutes – February 2002


WEDNESDAY February 6, 2002



PLACE:          SPRAGUE LIBRARY – 2131 South 1100 East TIME:  7:00 PM AGENDA:      Ray Pugsley, Chair. Conducting 7:00 – 7:10     Welcome & Introductions, Minute Approval, Chair Report,                        Treasurers Report7:10 – 7:20     Public Input7:20 – 7:25     SHCC Purpose Statement Update – Kevan Adams7:25 – 7:30     Mayor’s Office Update – Barry Esham7:30 – 7:45     Planning Dept. Update – Melissa Anderson                                    Ballet West Update                                    RDA Applications7:45 – 7:50     Hidden Hollow Management Committee Report – Lynne Olson7:50 – 8:05    Rezone from residential to residential business –                                    2157 So. Lincoln St. – John Peters8:05 – 8:20     QWest Communications box – NE corner 27th So. &                        Glenmare (on 27th So. side) – Ralph Vigil8:20 – 8:35     Conditional Use Permit for Veterinarian Office in CN                        Zone – 677 East Warnock Ave. (7th East south of freeway) – Heather Franc8:35 – 8:55     Emigration Creek Homeowners & Occupants (ECHO) Update8:55 – 9:15     Conditional Use Permit for redevelopment of Smith’s                        Food on 21st So. & 9th East – Great Basin Engineering9:15                Adjourn            FUTURE MEETINGS:March Agenda Deadline – February 15, 2002 – Call Alice Edvalson – 485-1663SHCC Executive Meeting – February 18, 2002 – 7:00 PM – Contact Alice for placeNext Community Council Meeting – March 6, 2002 – 7:00 PM –  Sprague LibraryOlympic Torch Run Going North on 7th E Past Hawthorne School –  Feb. 7, 2002 – 8PM THE COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING IS THE FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH AT 7:00 PM – Sprague Branch Library      Questions: Call    Chair Ray Pugsley – 466-1181             Vice Chair Justin Jones – 466-4160            Vice Chair Su Armitage – 467-1708            Vice Chair Scott Kisling – 484-7340            Secretary Alice Edvalson – 485-1663            Asst. Sec./Correspondence Lynne Olson – 484-8352            Asst. Sec./Parliamentarian Kevan Adams – 484-9153            Treasurer Dolores Donohoo – 485-0180
Sugar House Community CouncilMinutes for February 6, 2002 Trustees: Kevan Adams, Su Armitage, Gary Bengtzen, Rich Bennett, Paddington Campos, Philip Carlson, Dolores Donohoo, Julie Nitzkowski, Sheila O’Driscoll, Claudia O’Grady, Lynne Olson, Helen Peters, Susan Petheram, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, Judi Short, Martin Smith, Gayen Wharton, Rawlins Young (19)Trustees Excused: Scott Kisling, Alice Edvalson, Justin Jones.City/State Representatives: Debbie Gabrenas, Sprague Library; Melissa Anderson, SLC Planning Dept. (2)Others:  Chad Johnson, Suzanne Weaver, Don Zarkou, Diane Taylor, Beverly Tahos, Milton Braselton, Karin Whitlock, Amy Price, Vince Rampton, Bret Wahlen, Gina Thompson, Dennis Guy-Sell, Kathy Scott, Robin Sussingham, Mary House, Kathy Demal, Tom Nitzkowski, Grace Mackay, Doris Martinez, Lisa Martinez, Maurine Smith, Barbara Green, Richard Mendenhall. Ron Weber, and David Nielson (25)Total Attending: 46 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chair Ray Pugsley. The minutes from the January meeting were approved. Chair Report:Ray Pugsley reported that Alice Edvalson had been in the hospital and was recovering at home, and expressed the Council’s hope for her speedy recovery.  The Sugar House Olympic pins are selling well. He urged trustees and residents take home a SHCC tote bag. The new Fairmont Pool is open and is a great addition to the Sugar House community.Poplar Grove Community Council is trying to stop Union Pacific Railroad from running trains on tracks through the neighborhood around 900 S. Anyone interested in supporting them should contact Ray. Olympic Update: The Olympic Torch will be carried through Sugar House on Thursday, the 7th. There will be many activities in downtown festival areas. Ray advised celebrants to park their cars at park and ride lots, and take a shuttle downtown. Transportation guides are available at Smith’s, or online at or City’s draft Pedestrian & Bicycle Master Plan is available online at An open house will be held at Forest Dale Golf Club on March 21, 4-7 pm, for those interesting in making comments. Treasurer’s Report: The beginning balance for January ’02 was $3,134.41. We made $1,728 from donations, and paid out $2,682.98 for expenses. The ending balance was $2,179.43. Public Input:Susan Petheram reported that 38 children were registered for the Beets & Banners visual arts workshops. Council trustees approved (14-0-1) a motion to donate $200 to supplement two $1,000 grants from the SLC Neighborhood Festival Program to pay for the artists, supplies, and refreshments. The public is invited to attend the “Arts for Kids” open house on Saturday, Feb. 23 between 2-4 p.m. when the children will present the artwork that they created.  SHCC Purpose Statement Update: Kevan Adams said that the Trustees had approved a motion last month to continue the discussion of our Purpose Statement to this meeting.  Kevan suggested sending it to committee to have them work on it. Council trustees approved (13-0-0) a motion by Su Armitage to send it the Purpose Statement to the Constitution/Bylaws committee. Dolores, 2nd. Mayor’s Office Update: Barry Esham was excused from the meeting. Planning Dept. Update – Melissa Anderson:Ballet West: Melissa reported that the Ballet West architects are finalizing details of the development plan and will come to the Community Council next month. In the meantime, they will continue working with City staff, the Council Developer Liaison committee, and representatives of the Hidden Hollow Mgt committee. Helen Peters reported meeting with Ballet representatives, architects and engineers, and is very pleased with the plan and developers’ response to suggestions. RDA Applications:Melissa requested a letter of endorsement from the Community Council for six Sugar House applications for RDA grants. She will apply on our behalf for funds to (1) prepare a Small Area Master Plan for the Business District next year; (2) fund a competition to design a connection between Sugar House Park and Hidden Hollow at 1300 East; (3) supplement funds for decorative street lighting in the Business District; (4) replace brick sidewalks in the Business District with concrete pavers that are less slippery; (5) restore the historic Sugar House Monument; and (6) create an ongoing Public Art fund.Helen moved that we provide a letter of general support for the whole list of applications. Claudia O’Grady seconded it. The Council voted to send a letter supporting all the applications, 14-0-1. Hidden Hollow Management Committee Report:Lynne Olson reported on the creation of an organization to oversee management and maintenance of Hidden Hollow Natural Area. Lynne moved that the Council adopt the Hidden Hollow Management Committee as the advisory group that will be consulted on any issues or proposals that involve the natural area. The motion passed, 14-0-2. Rezone from residential to RB-2157 S Lincoln St:This item was cancelled. League of Women Voters Study – Mary HouseThe League of Women Voters of Salt Lake has undertaken a brief study of SLC Community Councils and neighborhood organizations. Helen Peters chairs the LWV-SL committee that will prepare a report intended to help improve city and county government and make planning more effective in the SL area. Mary House distributed a survey to Trustees and members, asking them to mail it in or return it at the March meeting. QWest Communications Box-NE corner 27th S. & Glenmare – Ralph VigilRay Pugsley presented information about this item. Ray said we had heard items like this many times. The green communication boxes are installed to update lines for television/computer/phone service. He indicated on a site plan that the box would be in back, next to a fence, out of the public way so it won’t be so visible. QWest has purchased an easement from Mr. Wang, the property owner. Martin Smith said the neighbors don’t have a problem with it. Helen made a motion to approve the placement of a QWest Communications Box at the NE corner of 27th S. & Glenmare. (2nd by Martin)The motion passed 5-4-6. Conditional Use Permit for Veterinarian Office in CN Zone-Heather FrancMelissa explained that the zoning ordinance used to permit veterinary offices only in CB zones or as a conditional use in RB zones. SHCC supported a text change to allow veterinary clinics as a conditional use in a CN zone. Heather Franc owns the Yuppy Puppy at 677 E Warnock Ave. (the former Wild Oats site,) and wants the conditional use permit so she can add a full service vet clinic to her store. Rawlins opposed the motion, in support of the City’s position that commercial activities should be discouraged on 700 East, and said that in view of plans to widen I-80 someday, the City should probably acquire this particular property. Helen moved that the Council approve the conditional use permit. The motion passed, 12-3-1. The Council will send a letter to City Planning indicating its support. Other Business:Susie Petheram reminded Trustees that last month, Melissa gave a presentation on the walkable communities ordinance. She said that it has passed the Planning Commission. It is still being reviewed by the City Attorney, prior to being transmitted to the City Council. Gayen Wharton, chair of the Housing & Zoning Committee, said she received comments on this during the month, mostly questions, which Melissa had answered. Helen made a motion to endorse the walkable communities ordinance and send a letter to Planning, noting that our community is working toward those principles of walkability. Discussion followed, regarding the exemption of commercial zones CC and CS, which include large shopping areas like Brickyard. Kevan Adams asked why it was left out. Melissa answered that the large retail areas like Brickyard and Shopko are zoned for more intensive commercial use. The Sugar House Master Plan update has a recommendation to reevaluate the zoning for Brickyard, which might promote more transit-oriented development there. Kevan thought we should be able to address every zone with some pedestrian guidelines. A motion to end debate passed 7-4-0.  A motion was made to amend the original motion, adding to our letter of general support a recommendation that pedestrian orientation be considered in all commercial zones in Salt Lake City. The amended motion passed, 14-1-1. A letter with the Trustees comments and recommendations will be sent to Planning before the briefing with the City Council.Last month, Melissa took the Sugar House Business District rezone and text amendment to the Planning Commission. It was approved and goes to the City Council next spring. In their approval, the Planning Commission made a motion to reevaluate the zoning of the RMF35 area southeast of Smiths.Dolores Donohoo provided additional information about Olympic events that are free. She said that people could call her for more information. Emigration Creek Homeowners & Occupants (ECHO) Update:Ray explained that ECHO is making a petition to the Planning Commission to amend the Open Space Master Plan (OSMP). This was a hot item during Sugar House Master Plan discussions. He said that ECHO will present their petition this month, and next month the SHCC Trails Committee will give their report on the matter. Ruth Price asked for time to rebut the Trails Committee report, and Ray said they could have another five minutes at that time.Ron Weber explained ECHO’s opposition to a proposed trailway along Emigration Creek and its alignment through the backyards of privately owned residences. ECHO has submitted a petition to amend the OSMP by relocating the trail segment between 1100 East and1900 East onto City streets and sidewalks to prevent encroachment and confiscation of homeowners’ backyards. The petition notes that in 1992 the OSMP was amended to relocate the 19th E-to-21st E segment of the Emigration Corridor trail to the streets fronting the houses behind which the Creek is located. Weber said that if there are no plans to build a trail through privately owned back yards, then the City should remove from Master Plan documents the black line that indicates the trail route along the Emigration Creek corridor. When and if a final alignment for the trail is decided, then line can be redrawn. Vince Rampton said ECHO intends to bring the OSMP into conformance with the SHMP. The City Council altered the language of the community master plan as it pertains to the Emigration Creek corridor. He was concerned about the attitude that master planning is merely conceptual, because the City Council takes master plans very seriously. He urged the trustees to support the petition. Melissa Anderson said that Planning staff will give the Planning Commission an educational briefing about the Open Space Master Plan, before the Commission reconsiders the ECHO petition in March. The Trails Committee will meet on Monday, February 25th, 5-7 p.m. in Sprague Branch Library. Conditional Use Permit for redevelopment of Smith’s Food on 21st S. & 9th E.David Nielson, Smith’s Corporation, said the Smith’s at 21st and 9th is an old, inefficient store, and the owners want to put a new store on the site. Bret Wahlen, Great Basin Engineering, said the existing truck docks are outdated. Old compactors don’t contain smells and liquids. The building has been enlarged at the ends, and the long building is inefficient.The owners need the building to be competitive, and want to try to find as much available parking space as possible. To justify their investment in a new store, Smith’s wants to put their building in a location where it will have visibility and exposure. The proposed building is 6,000 sf bigger than the existing 54,000 sf store. It would have one entrance and one dock location. They plan to relocate driveways and eliminate others. At the suggestion of City staff, the designers have put the new truck docks on the east side, where there are businesses facing them. They plan to landscape on the south to screen the building, and on the east where a 14ft. wall will hide the truck docks. To add to the pedestrian experience, Wahlen said they could add display windows on the west wall, although this would require the removal of trees on 900 East. If the plan is supported, they could minimize the amount of parking. The City requires 163 parking stalls (3.5/1000 sf), but because Smiths would like to have 5 per 1000sf, the design allows for 194 spaces to make this project economical.Helen Peters said that it is a smaller store than other Smiths, and will have no gas station or drive-through drug store. The developer is offering to enhance the bus stop and create a gateway feature on the NW corner. Discussion included questions about transparent windows; the impact of the store’s placement on motorists driving north on 9th E; pedestrian activity and transit-oriented development in the Business District; bike racks, and placement of a driveway across from Commonwealth Ave. to avoid an off-t access to site. Helen made a motion to send this item to committee. Melissa said because this project is a conditional use, the applicant is required only to appear before the Community Council, and they have complied. Smith’s may choose to continue working with the Council. Trustees approved the motion to send this item to the Developer Liaison, who will work with the Master Plan and Land Use & Zoning Committees by a vote of 10-0-2. The meeting adjourned at 9:35.

Landon Clark
[email protected]