SHCC Meeting Minutes – February 2003

SHCC Meeting Minutes – February 2003


February 5, 2003


From Sugar House



The Mayor and a number of his staff met with those in attendance from 6:00 – 7:30 PM and responded to various questions and comments. The Community Council meeting followed the Mayor’s meeting.


Su Armitage, Rich Bennett, Chris Bowler, Philip Carlson, Dolores Donohoo, Alice Edvalson, Deedra Hansen-Lambert, Michael G. Kavanagh, Julie Nitzkowski, Lynne Olson, Helen Peters, Susan Petheram, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, Judi Short, Martin Smith, Grace Sperry, Rawlins Young (18)

Trustees Excused


City/State Representatives

Lt. Troy Wood, SL County Animal Control, Bill Rutherford, Urban Forester; Lyman Guest, SLC Police Dept.; Ranae Pierce, Sprague Library, Sherrie Reich, SLC Corporation (5)


Tom Nitzkowski, Robert Cheney, Joyce Cheney, Amy Price, Mike Marron, Peter O. Marron, Bob Evans, Rita Lund, Mike McBride, Lisa McBride, Reva Servoss, Bill Servoss, Melissa Lichtenstein, Agnes Greenhall, Andrew Serivruh, Al Dieffenbach, Don Zarkou, Dany Tremblay, Janet Hatch, Barbara Green, Michael Lane, Rosemary Tanner, Vic Ayers, Susan Ayers, Lee Lindquist (25) TOTAL ATTENDING (48)


Meeting Minutes

Sugar House Community Council meeting started at 7:40 PM with Chair Helen Peters conducting. The minutes from the January meeting were approved. Treasurer Doloros Donohoo thanked the trustees for the card at the passing of her father. Dolores reported a balance forward from December of $5,909.11, expenditures of $961.81, income of $695.00 leaving a balance of $5,642.30. Helen noted the passing of Su Armitage’s father and expressed our sympathy.


Public Hearings coming up include: SL Historic Landmark Commission Meeting will include a presentation of the Westminster Neighborhood Small Area Master Plan – Feb. 5, 4:00 PM Room 126, City/County Building; Smith’s Food, 21st So. & 9th East proposal – Feb. 26, Room 326, City/County Building; UTA proposed merger of routes 6 & 52 and elimination of route 4 – Feb. 6 4:30-6:30 PM UofU V. Randall Turpin Building. The new Main Library is opening on Sat. Feb. 8 at 11:00 AM. The SL Art Design Board will meet on Friday to review the Sugar House Business District Public Art Proposals. Trustee Kevan Adams has moved. We haven’t been able to get the necessary information and codes for our web site so Chris Bowler is going to redesign a web site for us. Kevan will be replaced as a Vice Chair by Chris Bowler who was the next in line for Vice Chair from the elections in October. A Petition renewal has been received from Julie Nitzkowski. It was unanimously approved. Trustee petition’s that are not current are: Paddington Campos, Philip Carlson, Gene Davis, Scott Kisling, Sheila O’Driscoll, Ruth Price, and Judi Short.


Danny Tremblay asked about the progress on the Smith’s proposal. Helen indicated that the Planning Commission put it to a sub-committee. Judi Short, a member of that sub-committee noted that Smith’s brought the same plan to the Planning Commission that had been brought to us. In discussions with the sub-committee, the plan was changed somewhat, adding 2 small buildings on 21st South , one on the west corner and one on the east corner, and some better landscaping. There would be an entrance on 9th East. All the trees would be preserved. It was suggested that a CPTED study be requested. It was also suggested that the surface for parking be something other than asphalt. The narrowing down to two lanes on 9th East would be extended south of 21st South. The “Walkable Community” concept would suggest a strong pedestrian presence from 21st South. A vote was taken with the sub-committee and no one was in favor of that plan as it presently stood. Lynne Olson and Helen Peters met with the Mayor and found that the Mayor was pretty much in support of the Smith’s proposal. Smith’s was doing some lobbying with the neighbors and it was felt they were giving them some misinformation. This still has to go back to the Planning Commission. The few residents directly behind Smith’s on Elm Ave. have always been supportive of Smith’s development and have been opposed to the stand of the SHCC. Susan Petheram indicated the Utah Heritage Foundation’s Historic Home tour will be in the Highland Park area this year. A representative from the Heritage Foundation will be coming to the next council meeting to discuss this tour.

Redman Building Re-Development

– Vic Ayers – Vic noted that the previous proposals with the Woodbury group that had been made for this building had met with considerable delays and problems due to issues regarding the eastside easement with Chevron. As a result, those plans have been dropped and a new proposal with Vic Ayers as the sole partner of the project is being made. This is a much smaller plan. This proposal is to be mixed-use as suggested in the Sugar House Master Plan. The basement and first floor will be commercial and the second and third floors will house art studios, professional offices, and music and light industrial lofts. The 4th and 5th floors and proposed 6th floor would be converted into housing units. Vic’s daughter, Susan, will be the landscape architect. The alley from 21st South down into Hidden Hollow will be improved with lighting and landscaping and jointly maintained with SLC Parks. Native plants would be included along that way. The current parking area would have approximately 20 parking places and would be private parking for building residents. A lower parking area, further south would provide an additional 50 parking spaces. Vic indicated he would like our blessing so they could move forward with this project. It was suggested that they keep the sign, at least the Redman part of it. Vic said they would do that as long as they don’t have to light it. Lynne Olson went on a tour of the building, including a ride in the freight elevator and to the top of the building. Lynne was impressed with the plan and the concepts that are being proposing. She likes the public ownership of the east easement and the plans to enhance that area. A motion was made that we approve the plan as it has been presented. Rawlins Young was not in favor because he feels that we need a lot more information. Grace Sperry was not in favor of plan because she felt there was not enough parking. Vic explained that the additional lot below would provide 50 additional places along with the 20 above. Grace felt better about that. Susan Petheram noted that this building has been nominated for the National Historic Registry and could provide some tax credits for work done. Rich Bennett suggested a sub-committee to follow up on this project. Helen suggested a modification to the motion. Since the original motion was seconded it couldn’t be modified. Voting on the motion is 9 in favor, 3 opposed, 4 abstentions. Vic indicated that it would probably take a year or so to complete the project once they were able to begin.

Telecommunication Facility – 675 E. 21st So.

– Jacob Reeves was not here.

Animal Control Report

– Lt. Troy Wood – It was determined that there were no easily visible signs designating that off-leash dogs are allowed in Fairmont Park. With the help of Lt. Wood and Bob Burgess of the SLC Parks Dept., they have put up some signs and the problem has improved. The police are trying to be more visible in the area in an effort to alleviate the problems. Rawlins reported being held at bay by a dog at a bus stop. It was noted that part of Memory Grove is ok for off- leash dogs. Herman Franks Park is designated as an off-leash park, and Taylorsville has one part that is designated as off-leash for dogs. Lindsay Gardens also has an area that is off-leash. Judi Short suggested that we should try to fence in a place in Sugar House Park and/or Fairmont Park for an off-leash area. It was noted that dog owners are responsible for cleaning up after their dogs.

Alley Vacation, 2327 So. 5th East

– Lee Lindquist – Lee bought his house in 1974 and moved into the house in 1977. The man behind him has lived there since 1950. Lee only wants to vacate a portion of the alley. Lynne walked this area and noted tire tracks in part of the alley at the Driggs end. Lynne noted that the alley vacation guidelines indicated that there needs to be a demonstrated public benefit in the vacation of an alley. Lee indicated that this alley is a real nuisance, due to vandalism. Part of the alley has been vacated at one end so the alley cannot function as intended. Ray Pugsley made a motion to approve this request as presented then he spoke against the motion. He is afraid someone could build another house at the back. He feels that the entire alley should be vacated. Grace Sperry felt that it is in the best interest to close it because he is taking care of it. If he closes it then others may be more inclined to close their part. Chris Bowler was in favor of the motion. Ruth Price asked if he knew that it was public property when he bought the house and he indicated that he did. Judi Short wanted him to come back with a proposal to close the whole alley. Lynne suggested that if the alley is vacated, the value of the public property be donated to the open space fund. Voting on the motion was 7 in favor, 7 opposed, 2 abstaining. Helen broke the tie by opposing the motion. She feels there should be more public good.

Street Lighting Proposal

– Janet Hatch – Janet presented a proposal for 6 street lights in her neighborhood on both sides of 15th East from Zenith Ave. to Adkins Avenue. There are18 houses in this area with one being vacant. They have 12 signatures. Helen gave the appropriate signature.

Fairmont Park Tree Report

– Bill Rutherford, Urban Forester – Bill reported that the dead trees have been removed and replaced with the catalpa trees as we had requested at our last meeting. There were 5 trees that were replaced and the stumps have also been removed. There are a number of other trees that are in need of being replaced. The plan is to phase out the bad ones and replace them. Rawlins suggested that because of the historical nature of the park the trees should be replaced with the same kind of trees that were there. Susan Petheram suggested that the master plan for Fairmont park should include a study of the trees. Bill agreed with that. Rich Bennett asked how the scheduling of tree trimming in the neighborhood was done. Bill said it is pretty much done on request. Bill noted that tree replacement in the park would probably be done with more than 1 for 1. Grace made a motion that trees in the future be replaced with trees from a list of historical trees that was provided by Bill. Deedra Hansen-Lambert felt that if the historical trees have proven to be problems, we shouldn’t use them again. Agnes Greenhall would really like to see other kinds be used to create some variety. Judi Short suggested that when the master plan is made that some professional help be given in the variety and layout of the trees. Voting on the motion that trees in the future be replaced with trees from a list of historical trees provided by Bill Rutherford was 15 in favor, 1 opposed, and 1 abstention.

Committee Reports

Housing – Claudia O’Grady was not here so no report. Land Use and Zoning – Gayen Wharton was not here so no report. Activities – Deedra Hansen-Lambert reported that she has been sick so they had held no meeting. She has talked on the phone with the two of the committee members and they would like to do some kind of activity/fund raiser at the time the skate park in Fairmont Park is opened. They are also looking at the possibility of a sesquicentennial plate, book, pin or something as a fund raiser in connection with the 150 year anniversary of the founding of Sugar House next year. They are going to have a standing meeting the 1st Wed. of each month at 6:00 PM.


Adjourned at 9:20 P. M.

Landon Clark
[email protected]