SHCC Meeting Minutes – February 2004

SHCC Meeting Minutes – February 2004


February 4, 2004


From Sugar House



Trustees Present

Rich Bennett, Philip Carlson, Sarah Carlson, Dolores Donohoo, Alice Edvalson, Mark Holland, Michael G. Kavanagh, David Lawver, Cabot Nelson, Julie Nitzkowski, Lynne Olson, Tina Ottesen, Helen Peters, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, L. Rex Sears, Rawlins Young (17)

Trustees Excused

Su Armitage, Gene Davis, Susan Petheram, Judi Short, Grace Sperry, Gayen Wharton, Ron Weber

City/State Representatives

Danny Walz, Mack McDonald, SLC RDA; Alicia Orgill, SLC Police; Ranae Pierce, Sprague Library; Lex Traughber, Cheri Coffey, SLC Planning; Gordon Haight, SLC Transportation, Pat Peterson, SLC Engineering; Annette Daley, Mayor’s Office; Dale Lambert, SLC Council; (10)


Stephanie Marthakis, Darren Petterson, Al Dieffenbach, Barbara Green, Rick Plewe, Dean Menlove, Tony Romney & his wife, Milton Braselton, Mike Dotson, Cheryl Dotson, Dennis Glass, Gary Lloyd, Bob Evans, Emil Kmet, Jennie Thueson, Gary Findlay, Robert Cheney, Joyce Cheney, John Williams, Jason Fowles, Mick Campbell, Ben Burdett, Melissa Lichtenstein, Tyson Small, Brad Ferguson, Kandis Beverley, Don Zarkou, Deac Thomas, Larry C. Naylor, Duncan Williamson, Dow Richardson (Heath Engineering) (32) TOTAL 59

Meeting Minutes

Meeting began at 7:00 pm with Chair Helen Peters conducting.

Treasurer’s Report

Doloros Donohoo reported a beginning balance of $4,091.11, with expenditures of $3,250.19 and deposits of $983.00 and $697.00 leaving an ending balance of $2,520.92.

Report on sale of Sesquicentennial items included

148 pins sold, 17 t-shirts sold, 34 plates sold. Total cost of sesquicentennial items – $5,643.19, deposited from sales to date – $1,680.00.

Chair Report

Helen encouraged everyone to purchase the pins, t-shirts, and plates in support of the Sugar House Sesquicentennial celebration. A Resolution recognizing the Sugar House Sesquicentennial is being sponsored by Senator Gene Davis. Helen’s chair handout included information on public hearings that are being held and other information. Helen also noted that Trustee Su Armitage’s mother-in-law had died and expressed our sympathy to Su. Ruth Price submitted an addition she wants noted in the Sept. 2003 minutes regarding the Westminster College presentation by Steve Morgan concerning Emigration Creek. Ruth asked for the definitions of Riparian, Corridor, and Riparian Corridor. Following the answer, Ruth asked if this designation by the College would set a precedent for the creek and/or property owners along the stream east and west of the College property. She recalls that both Steve Morgan and Helen Peters responded “No.” Voting to accept this addition was 10 in favor, 0 opposed, and 4 abstaining.

RDA Goals for Sugar House

Danny Walz of the Redevelopment Agency presented the goals for the redevelopment of the Sugar House area. These included: 1) Close the loan for the renovation and conversion of the Redman building into loft condominium units; 2) Acquire property for redevelopment as multi-family housing or mixed use development south of 21st South including but not limited to the block west of Highland Drive between 21st South and Simpson Avenue; 3) Finalize terms for development of Wilmington Ave. property by Ballet West for construction of new facility adjacent to Hidden Hollow; 4) Provide loan for construction of the Sugar House Heights Apartments on 12th East; 5) Acquire necessary property and install improvements to connect Wilmington and Sugarmont Avenues between 9th and 13th East; 6) Acquire properties for development of shared parking structures, create cross-easements across properties granting access to parking and/or provide loans to property owners for parking improvements; 7) Replace brick pavers and reconstruct sidewalks for ADA compliance; 8) Install button-activated pedestrian traffic signals along 21st South at 10th East and 12th East; 9) Upgrade and install decorative street lighting; 10) Continue to provide funds for public art throughout project area and encourage inclusion of art in development projects; 11) Close two Neighborhood Business Loans within area; 12) Complete the design for the monument and surrounding plaza and provide funds for construction. Danny reported that the Monument Plaza plans are 90% complete and they are planning on putting in the funding request for this project in next years budget with work beginning possibly in the spring of 2005.

Merchants Meeting Report

Sesquicentennial plans for the business district were presented. The Sesquicentennial pins are at 3 businesses, Smith-Crown, Got Beauty, and The Singing Cricket.

Public Input

Stephanie Marthakis spoke concerning Planning Commission Petition #410-658 for a conditional use permit by T-Mobile. Stephanie does not want this pole on her property or in her neighborhood. She is concerned about how these poles look in the neighborhoods. City Council Member Dave Buhler has written a letter in support of her appeal. The hearing is scheduled for next Wed. at the Planning Commission. Rawlins Young made the motion that we reconsider the decision we made at the November meeting based on the fact that we were not aware that an immediate neighbor was not in favor of this proposal and it appears that the neighbors were probably not given adequate notice of this issue. Rawlins amended that motion to include that we wait an hour to vote on it so that trustees could look at Stephanie’s petition from her neighbors. Darren Petterson also spoke regarding the same T-Mobile petition, noting that this pole is 20 feet from his bedroom.

Crime Update

Alicia Orgill noted the crime statistics on the back table along with magnets with the phone number to contact in case of problems. Alicia thanked Tina Otteson for organizing about 20 neighborhood watch programs in her area noting that it has made a difference in the crime in that area. Alicia said there have been a lot of burglaries by people breaking into garages and encouraged us to make sure that garages are secure. She also noted that car registrations are being stolen and used for identity theft. She suggested keeping the registration in a locked area in the car.

Mayor’s Office Update

Annette Daley handed out information regarding the facts about panhandling with suggestions of what we can do about it. She noted a complaint about junk behind Crown Durrant Bakery, saying they are looking into this.

Mobile Watch Presentation

Ray Pugsley explained the neighborhood watch program. He said that a burglary is when someone takes something when you are not there and a robbery is something taken from you in person. Neighborhood watch encourages neighbors to work together to fight crime. Alicia Orgill is anxious to meet with neighbors to train them how to implement this program. She will also help tell you what would help make your home safer. There were booklets for noting information you should keep on your child in case something happens to the child. Julie Nitzkowski reported on Mobile Neighborhood Watch. There were six people from the program at the meeting. These are all volunteers patrolling in their own neighborhoods, looking for suspicious activity. The Sugar House Mobile Watch group received 6 of 10 awards given by the City.

City Council Update

Dale Lambert said he endorses the efforts of the Mobile Watch program. Dale asked for our input on the Sugar House Business District zoning amendments that will be presented by Lex, especially the proposal for the Granite block and the12th East proposed height limits. He spoke about the communication between Westminster College and the neighborhood and he feels communication will be better in the future. The City Council is taking a harder look at the master planning process. He encouraged comments on this process. He said the Open Space Trust Fund Ordinance is taking longer than he had hoped, but hopes it will be done right. Helen spoke about a document that had been prepared by Judi Short regarding the adoption of the Central Community Master Plan. This plan has been held up for quite awhile by the City Council as they feel it contains items that should not be in a master plan. In the document, Judi Short presented a motion (as follows: “I move) that the Sugar House Community Council write a letter to the City Council, expressing our concern that the Central City Master Plan remain as written”. Lynne Olson noted that the motion was referring to the Central Master Plan being left as it is, not our Sugar House Community Master Plan. Ray Pugsley is concerned that we shouldn’t be in favor of a plan that we don’t know anything about. Dale Lambert responded suggesting that we should not suggest approval of a plan we have not read. He feels the way the implementation plan is stated is the key. The City Council cannot adopt a plan that is worded such that it binds the City to fund certain things. After much discussion, voting on the motion was 6 in favor, 8 opposed, and 2 abstaining. It was suggested we have a presentation on the Central Community Master Plan at a future meeting.

SHBD Zoning Amendments Petitions

Lex Traughber, of the Planning Dept. explained that the object of these petitions is to create consistency between the Sugar House Master Plan and the zoning map. Implementing the Plan led to five different zones in the Business District. There were six issues raised by the city council. Lex is proposing to make only 2 zones with one zone being the area of the Irving Schoolhouse, The Sugar House Commons, and the Shop-Ko area and the second zone being along 21st South. He wants to take the height limits out of the master plan and put them in the zoning ordinance. Rawlins feels height limit statements should be in both documents but they should be in agreement. Lynne pointed out that the five zones were used because of the difference in the ground elevations and other special characteristics of sections of the business district. Sarah feels there was good reason to have the 5. Al Dieffenbach of Fiddler’s Elbow feels the central business district should all be the same zone. The motion was made that we set up a sub committee to discuss this issue and include the business people as part of the committee. Barbara Green of Smith-Crown encouraged us to consider the economics of limiting the height of buildings. Voting on the motion to create the sub-committee was 15 in favor, 0 opposed, and 1 abstention. Helen will coordinate with Barbara to get 3-4 business people and Ray will represent the SHCC and the land use/zoning committee. Others interested can contact Ray.

Street lights and Pavers in Business District

Pat Peterson explained that the slick corner pavers are going to be replaced with ones that are safer. The intent in installing the pavers is to not interrupt the driving patterns so businesses will not be impacted during the installation process. The new corners will be designed to ADA code. The installation of the new street lights will be done mostly at night. It will seem like these two are one project. The lights are being installed along 21st South, 11th East, Highland Drive, and Wilmington Avenue, defining the business district. The new lights will increase the level of lighting. The yellow light will be replaced by a white light. There will be a test period to let us see if the brightness is what we really want. Mack McDonald from the RDA said that the merchants wanted the business area lighter than it currently is. The motion was made that we approve the proposal that has been presented with voting 14 in favor, 0 opposed, and 1 abstention.

Stratford Park Committee Report

This is being postponed till the March meeting.

Vote on T-Mobile Request

The motion by Rawlins Young to reconsider the T-Mobile was voted on with 13 in favor, 0 opposed, and 2 abstentions. A motion was made that we send a letter to the Planning Commission indicating that additional information has come to our attention and that we reverse our original decision. An amendment to the motion was made, that we withdraw the previous recommendation and that we not taking any action. Voting on the amendment failed for lack of a second. Voting on the original motion was 13 in favor, 2 opposed, and 1 abstaining. Sarah Carlson will go to the Planning Commission meeting next Wednesday and Helen will write the letter.

Country Club Condominiums – 2665 E. Parley’s Way

Rick Plewe showed an architectural drawing of the proposed building and surrounding landscape. There will be two levels of underground parking. The current zone is commercial and it needs to be changed to RMF45. There will need to be two variances to permit the porte-cochere on the front driveway and to allow the roof to be 53 ft. on some of the upper design levels. The motion was made that we approve the proposed development as presented, including the zone change and the two variances. Tony Romney and his wife spoke in favor of the proposal. Voting on the motion was 11 in favor, 1 opposed, and 0 abstentions. There was also 1 proxy in favor and 1 opposed.

Reading of the By-laws

Ruth Price objected to proceeding with the reading of the By-Laws with so few trustees in attendance. Helen felt that we needed to proceed regardless, because if we continue to postpone this activity, it will never get done. Due to the lateness of the hour, there were only 12 trustees left at this time of the meeting; Julie Nitzkowski, Mark Holland, Dolores Donohoo, Lynne Olson, Alice Edvalso, Helen Peters, Jeff Lawver, Ray Pugsley, Rawlins Young, Rex Sears, Cabot Nelson, and Tina Otteson. Helen started at the front reading the by-laws and we voted on each section as read.

Article 1 – Purposes: Unanimously approved with a couple of small modifications

Article II – Offices of the Corporation: Unanimously approved as read

Article III – Board of Trustees: – 3.1 was unanimously approved as read.

Section 3.2 and 3.3 and 3.4 will have further discussion at a later meeting
Section 3.5 with some modifications was approved by 10 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstaining.
Section 3.6 with some modifications was unanimously approved.
Section 3.7 with some modifications was approved by 11 in favor, 0 opposed, 1 abstaining.

We will start with Article IV – Meetings at the next meeting.


Adjourn approx. 11:15 pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]