SHCC Meeting Minutes – February 2005

SHCC Meeting Minutes – February 2005


February 2, 2005


From Sugar House



Trustees Present

Mark Holland, Cabot Nelson, Sarah Carlson, Judi Short, David Mulder, Doug Green, Paul Nash, Julie Nitzkowski, Helen Peters, Su Armitage, Susan Petheram, Lyyne Olson, Grace Sperry, Janice Anderl, Rawlins Young, Russell Callister, Derek Payne, Tina Ottesen, Michael G. Kavanagh, Bill Habel, L. Rex Sears, David Lawver (22)

Trustees Excused

Scott Kisling, Barbara Green (2)

City/State Representatives

Alicia Orgill, SLCPD; Janeel Ericksen, SLCPD; Dale Lambert, SLC Council; Annette Daley, SLC Mayor’s office (4)


Jennie Thueson, Robert Cheney, Joyce Cheney, Emil Kmet, Steve Wilson, Rourke Boynkin, Ben Burdett, Tom Nitzkowski, Melissa Lichtenstein, Cindy Cromer, Philip Carlson, Sallie Young, Dr. Sanderson (13)

Meeting minutes

Call to order at 7:02pm, Mark Holland, chair conducting. Minutes of the last meeting were amended as follows: Bill Habel and Helen Peters were excused. “Sarah Payne” should read “Sarah Carlson”. Doug Green was present. Helen Peters to provide changes in writing. Michael G. Kavanagh’s name was misspelled. Minutes as amended accepted with Michael G. Kavanagh moving and Doug Green seconding, 15-0-1.

Chair Announcements

There was a notice from the city about a new business. Mr. John D. Richard, formerly of Granite Furniture, opened Granite Galleries a retail business on Jan 14. There will be a planning commission meeting on Feb 9 at 3:45pm regarding Redmond LLC to allow a long term lease agreement for sidewalk canopy, 1240 E 2100 S. Also, there will be a hearing with the SLC Council to remove statue expiration for portable signs.

Treasurer Report

Dolores Donohoo was not present.

Public Input

None. A comment from Judi Short: She noticed graffiti, called authorities, and it was gone in 2 hours. Credit to swift city action. Lynne Olson: Wasatch Front Regional Council and Envision Utah has a workshop where the public can comment on Sugar House, to be held March 9 at the Gallivan Center; no time listed. Rawlins Young: review of Wasatch Front Long Range plan. Is this on the commission agenda? It was not shown in the announcement.

Mayor’s Office report


Land Use and Zoning Committee

By Helen Peters. Cindy Cromer of East Central Community Council spoke about non-conforming uses. In 1927, Salt Lake City created its first zoning ordinance. There is a concern about borrowing money for non-conforming uses. Many in Sugar House would be affected by changes regarding non-conforming uses. For instance, in a commercial non-com., parking would be a major factor if the business sought to expand. Helen Peters: The SHCC could address this. Cindy Cromer: Effort to address the non-conforming uses is not scheduled with the city right now. It would not affect all parts of the city equally. Everett Joyce: We should put this on the March agenda. Rawlins Young: Ordinances should relate to master plans.

Transportation Committee Report

By Grace Sperry. Bike lane information on Highland. Report of Meeting with affected residents, especially people on south end of Highland Drive who were the most impacted, including the Dutch Store, GP Studios, area condos, and Yanni’s. Safety is highest concern. It would be a major hazard by having this changed. Prior to 1993, there used to be parking, then it was removed gone. Area businesses desire to have on-street parking back. Grace Sperry offer a motion on the behalf of the Committee to have parking back as prior to 1993, then area businesses might be willing to give up some landscaping, etc. Tina Otteson offered a second. L. Rex Sears: No 2nd needed if by committee. Discussion: Rawlins Young: Public property might be reappropriated from public walking areas. Lynne Olson presented an aerial photo of 1990. Zoning and set backs are also concerns. Would it be possible to have parking lanes on exterior lanes? L. Rex Sears: This would require more study with a chance to present this to the group when they return on April. Friendly amendment? Grace Sperry: No. Sarah Carlson: Was any opposition invited to this meeting? We’d like more discussion and study to understand what is wanted. There might not have been enough representation. The committee and meeting may have been stacked in favor. Mark Holland, Chair: It is possible to have a subsidiary motion to continue this discussion later. Bill Habel: Is there enough to fit bike lane, parking, and two lanes? No. L. Rex Sears: Moved to continue discussion of Transportation Committee motion in April, Seconded by Helen Peters. Discussion: Tina Ottesen: Opposed to postponing. Rawlins Young: I want better study. This would be done best in committee. Passed, 15-5-0. Susan Petheram: Moved to support the concept that Grace Sperry came up with; that they evaluate and return in April. Seconded by Grace Sperry. Passed, 19-0-0. Grace Sperry moved to ask for reports of safety and an environmental impact statement for 6 months before the city and SHCC make any other decisions, especially considering idling cars, bikes, filth, dirt, grime, accidents, and noise. Seconded by Paul Nash. L. Rex Sears: How would such a study be done? Barricades? Bill Habel: Is there enough to fit bike lane, parking, and two lanes? There were comments from Sarah Carlson, Janice Anderl, and Russell Callister in favor of a trial run. Derek Payne and Rawlins Young concurred. Motion failed, 5-13-0.

Mayor’s Office report

By Annette Daley. Yalecrest Community Council has changed its meeting date. Henceforth, Annette will be available later. “SLC Reads Together” book club to meet. On Feb 17, a presentation about biodeisel at the SL Main Library. On Feb 24, Freedom Forum on living wage. On Channel 17, SLC government’s information TV station, the State of the City address will be rebroadcast. Helen Peters: Soccer Stadium? We’d like more public input.

Crime Update

Alicia Orgill (phone # 799-4640) is retiring. Now assigned to Janeel Ericksen & members of the bike squad. Contact phone #799-4632.

City Council update

By Dale Lambert. Planning commissions’s draft for SH Business District will be here this month. The SLC Council rounded up most of the funding for SH monument restoration. The SLC Council/RDA board is addressing soccer concerns. This will cover details regarding where money might come from, land agreements, and bonding. Ballet West in SH? This relates to the Arts Block of 1st & 2nd South and Main & West Temple. Dave Mulder: Is soccer selling? Helen Peters: Housing? Pro forma process?

Vest Pocket Coalition

By Kinde Nebeker. The VPC is a 501(c)(6) non-profit which was upset with city. It was created to “make some noise”. It’s a voice for locally owned businesses. Handouts. Web site URL:

Human Service Provider Report

By Tina Otteson. Presentation by Steve Slater of the Salvation Army (SA). SA provides food 364 days/year, with Thanksgiving off. SA provides emergency services. On July 5, the drug and alcohol treatment center will be back with money from hotel land lease of 300 S. 400 W. WalMart stepped up with Target banning kettle and bell ringers. New program: “Feed My Sheep”, designed to give vouchers for a meal and bus ticket to “needy” panhandlers. Call 988-4204 or 323-5824 (Mr. Slater’s office.)

Featured Sugar House Business

Mr. Karahalios of GPC studios couldn’t attend. The Council invited him back next month.

1900 E. Traffic Calming

By Paul Nash. CIP proposal with Dr. Sanderson. 25mph limit signs aren’t working, with speeds averaging 32mph and a high of 48mph. Stop signs at Westminster & 1900 East, 1400 South & 1900 East, and others. More stop signs between 1700 S & 2100 S, at Wilson, Ramona, Redondo, Garfield Avenues for traffic calming. There is a proposal similar to what Hollywood Avenue & 1000 E. Residents want immediate relief from speeding cars. Discussion: Helen Peters: True solution would be holistic; we want slow traffic in front of our street, but we’re willing to speed on others. Paul Nash moved to support the CIP proposals with a letter in favor for traffic calming on 1900 E between 1700 S and 2100 S., at Wilson, Ramona, Redondo, and Garfield Avenues with no speed bumps. Seconded by Sarah Carlson. There were comments of support from L. Rex Sears & Grace Sperry. Passed, 18-0-1.

Agenda Process

By Cabot Nelson. Distributed a handout regarding the Yahoo! group located on the WWW at This group will facilitate communication. Fundraising: L Rex Sears forwarded an idea to Associate brand identity. Our 15-year old logo is one example. Helen Peters: $1000 goal per year was her idea while chair. Lynne Olson: Merchants were doing the same kind thing. Perhaps there ought to be some coordination. Past efforts included pink lemonade sale? That was a pain. One idea to have a Dryers ice cream for SH. Paul Nash: Ask banks for a little help. Easy, no products, management, or extra time. Ought the SHCC create special recognitions?


Adjourned around 9:00pm.

Amendments as of March 2, 2005

Ray Pugsley and Dolores Donohoo were excused

Landon Clark
[email protected]