SHCC Meeting Minutes – February 2006

SHCC Meeting Minutes – February 2006


February 1, 2006


From Sugar House



Trustees present

Russell D. Callister, Dolores Donohoo, Barbara Green, Art Haddow, Mark Holland, Michael G. Kavanagh, Emil Kmet, Andrea Moesser, David Mulder, Cabot Nelson, Lynne Olson, Derek Payne, Helen Peters, Susan Petheram, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, L.Rex Sears, Judi Short, Grace Sperry, Rawlins Young (20)

Trustees excused

Steve Wilson (1)

City/State Representatives

Annette Daley, SLC Mayor’s Office; Soren Simonsen, SLC Council; JR Smith, SLPD; Lex Traughber, SLC Planning; Alan Michelsen, SLC Planning enforcement; Larry Butcher, SLC Planning enforcement (6)


Melissa Lichtenstein, Shelia O’Driscoll, Jennie Theuson, Robert Cheney, Joyce Cheney, R. Pierce, Sarah Moyer, Matthew Airmet, Andrew Mitchell (9)

Meeting Minutes

Call to order

7:01pm. Mark Holland, Chair. The minutes of January’s meeting were approved, 8-0-1, with Dave Mulder moving and Dolores Donohoo seconding.

Treasurer’s report

by Dolores Donohoo. We started with a balance of $4812,03. With a check for $7.00 to State of Utah for corporate renewal, we have a balance of $4805.03

Chair’s report

There will be an open house 5:30pm, 9th of February at the City & County Building regarding specialty housing. This includes group homes, etc. On Wednesday, the 15th, there will a proposed revision to daycare rezones.

Mark mentioned Senate Bill 170, currently in the Utah Legislature, Art Haddow moved and Judy Short seconded in moving to address SB170. Mark said he sent a message to L. Rex Sears. Cabot Nelson moved defer until we could discuss the matter with the land use and zoning presentation. The deferment passed, 10-0-1.

Public Input

No public input.

Crime Update

By JR Smith, SLPD, ph# 799-4640. Good news for January for crime statistics in districts 6 & 7. Burglaries down 80%, Car brake-ins, 60%. In fact, break-ins down one-third. In district 7, auto theft down 30%. Home break-ins down 30%. Car break-ins down. 180 last year, 41 this year. We give Mobile Watch credit. There was a burglary in Bonneville neighborhood. Nephew was responding, saw suspicious vehicle. Officer on the case remembered seeing a similar vehicle, went to a motel on S. Temple, caught the suspect. Officer Smith reminds us to please call in anything suspicious. Three sexual assaults in Dist 6, but the victims knew perpetrators. In Dist 7, six aggravated assaults. This resulted in 3 arrests. One with no other information, and the final was between friends, no charges filed. Of one concern is robberies. One in bank which is still outstanding. Two others resulted in arrests. One at Circuit City a lady made purchase and confronted by two male blacks in their 30s with a handgun. Again, call on suspicious activity. Mostly, the general crime trend is down. Credit to the Mobile Watch.

Dave Mulder inquired about a bank robbery on 2000 S 2300 E, occurred at around 6:30pm. Officer Smith said that is wasn’t a pro, mostly drug addicts. The suspect has not been caught. Call Officer JR Smith for other info, 799-4640.

Mayor’s Office Report

By Annette Daley. Flyer for discussion about alcohol, tobacco, & drugs. May people seek religious ministers’ help first. Call 535-7976 for more information or talk to Patrick Thronson in the communication office. The book club, Salt Lake Reads Together, is seeking a selection in March. The Mayor’s state of the city speech is online. The Utah State Legislature is in session. The city is concerned about SB170.

On the 11th of Feb at all libraries. children can make Valentine’s. Also on the city calendar with other organizations, Intermountain Music Association is having an event on Friday, the 3rd of Feb. The YWCA is holding is 2nd annual chocolate festival. It’ll be at the Hardware Building. Call 537-8600 for more information.

On the 12th of February at 7pm, the Wagner center is offering a free concert pianist performance of Mozart and Mussorgsky. Call 581-0098 for more details. The SL Film Society is featuring French films on Valentine’s day. Movie titled “Look at me” to run. Google SL Film Society for more info. Ruth Price asked about the chocolate fest this Saturday.

City Council update

By Soren Simonsen. Thanks for your support in the election for District 7. He was sworn in Jan. 3 and went right to work that evening. January came in like a lamb. Councilor Simonsen apologized for not attending last month SHCC meeting. The football game U. of Texas vs U. of Southern California was playing. Councilor Simonsen is an alumnus of U of Texas.

In December, the city council passed a new taxi ordinance to limit the numbers of taxis at the airport at any one time. We want more cabs in city. David Mulder mentioned that we couldn’t hail a cab in Salt Lake, but the consensus was that that had changed a couple of years ago. Also, December’s council passed the residential infill and compatibility ordinance. The intent is to limit out-of-scale homes. This is especially a concern in more mature neighborhoods. There are different tiers of approval. Two neighborhoods, Wasatch Hollow and the Avenues, are to set their own guidelines. Neighborhoods have that option. As member of the landmark commission, Mr. Simonsen hoped that neighborhoods could have control over historic districts. This city will hire more planners. This is an opportunity for neighborhoods to create historic districts, as we haven’t had in 12 years.

Transit corridor ordinance for 400 South only. 700 East & 900 East have been looked at with additional interest. For the rezoning SHBD, merchants may very well be displaced. Mr. Simonsen will entertain ideas.

Community impact program funding, including CIP funding. This could be for roads, parks, 10-year master plan. There are funding guidelines. For Large projects: There may be money for police & fire buildings, even Parley’s Trail. PRATT may get $10.5 million from the Feds. A local match would be necessary.

In newspaper, there was mention of holding work sessions each month in each district. This would enable council members to look into other districts. This would occur the first Thursday of each month. Dist 7 would be later in the year. Given Parleys Trail, this may happen sooner.

For the Redevelopment Agency activities, the SH monument restoration had bids too high. It’s been rescheduled and combined with plaza improvements. This should occur in early spring. There should be a favorable bid, completed with RDA funds. Realignment of Sugarmont and Wilmington. Redevelopment proposals for the Granite block. For transit improvements, there could be the improvement of the rail spur along with other transit (historic trolley, bus rapid trans, trail, etc.)

Susan Petheram asked about the how much of the design was given to the bidders. Mr. Simonsen is not sure what’s included. It did include repointng the mortar, replacing missing stones, cleaning out the flowerbeds, cleaning and replacing missing pieces, installing new lights even on top. Also, replacing large paver areas. It would get rid of the quarry tile.

Dave Mulder jested that attending the SHCC meetings is a part of tradition, and welcomed Mr. Simonsen back to meetings. Mr. Simonsen said he plans to be here every month. He might make arrangements if he cannot.

Ruth Price asked about Sugarmont alignments. Will we lose it? Sugarmont was never desiged, it just happened, according to Rawlins Young. Cabot Nelson said that his mother remembered that the name “Sugarmont” was a combination of “Sugar House” and “Fairmont”.

Susan Petheram asked whether the realignments would affect the nearby neighborhoods. It might, said Mr. Simonsen, and the realignments are needed by transit. Rawlins Young said there is not enough density for transit along that line. The viability is questionable. We ought to study it before.

Ruth Price asked if Rawlins Young would be willing to head it up this study. Rawlins said he doesn’t have the capacity. Ruth requested a subcommittee with Rawlins in charge for transportation. The Chair said this should be done through Helen Peters and the land use and zoning committee. Ruth withdrew her motion. The Chair continued: sit down with Helen and coordinate. Ruth Price said that in the past, she couldn’t play much of a part.

Ray Pugsley interjected, asking for a reasoning. This is already a part of LU&Z. The Chair said coordination makes sense. Ray asked if we should coordinate with Helen. Rawlins said there was a city concern with buses and reduced transit. The city council should be aware.

The Executive Committee will meet next Wednesday, where it’ll take up the idea. We’ve had transportation committees in past. Dave Mulder was involved in restriping. He might be willing to continue. Mr. Simonsen acknowledged that transit is a concern. Michael G. Kavanagh asked if the had the UTA right of way on the rail spur. Consensus, yes.

Sugar House Merchants Association

By Barbara Green. Councilor Simonsen attended the meeting. The Santa house will be gone thisFriday. Lynne Olson shared some documents about how the Merchchants’ Association came to be, its history from its beginning. A 1964 chamber brochure mentioned the first postmaster of Sugar House. The construction of a “paper mill station”. The white-way street lighting which was just recently replaced. Westminster’s founding in 1875. The road through Parley’s Canyon in 1850. The paper that was milled in SH was used in the Deseret News. Also “SUGAR HOUSE” is two words. The monument was created in 1930 and dedicated in 1934. In April 13, 1938, the “Business League” became the “Chamber of Commerce”. Duncan Williamson remembers when they met in an area coffee shop.

Art Haddow asked where the SH Merchants’ Association meets. They meet 8:15am on the 1st Wednesday of every month at Fiddler’s Elbow. An audience member said that there is a SH history book, “SH Golden Years” in the Sprague Library. The Library also had clippings in a vertical file.

Sugarbeats is gone. Orion Music moved into that space.

Sugar House Business Spotlight

Stationery store on corner of 2200 E 2100 S. They weren’t in attendance. In other news, the SH bakery has closed doors. Owner Ms. Funk said the younger members couldn’t take it on.

I-80 reconstruction — UDOT

Kim Clark of HW Lochner. w/ Horrocks Engineering. Conducted an Environmental Study. A slide presentation. I-80 State to 1300 E. Mentioned goals, committments, and issues identified. $45 million budget. The draft statement authored from Nov to Jun. There will be public hearings in August. The final study prepared in Jul-Oct. If selected in Fall ’06, construction will begin Fall ’07. Website:

Dave Mulder asked if the presenters could coordinate with the neighborhood as defined in the SHCC. Rawlins Young said many of us were involved in the MIS. Ms. Clark said the project will not add add’l traffic lanes. Jim Horrocks, Project Manager, said there is $45 million budgeted. If we build to the MIS, the costs run to $108 million. We must determine priorties. Rawlins pointed out that I-80 was built with Fed defense funds. But now it’s under the state’s transportation improvement plan. Some funds are currently allocated.

Ruth Price inquired about media relations, UDOT communication department, neighborhood newsletters, coordination in newsletters. More articles, if the newsletters pick up story. Ruth volunteered to help. Also, Jim Horrocks said John Montoya and Kim Clark are also contacts.

Proposal to light the Fairmont Park Skatepark.

By Andrew Mitchell. He collected a petition with 1,100 signatures. This is a proposal for CIP project. He offered handouts and cookies. The lights would not produce spillout or glare. Maintenance: 900 hours per year. control system w/ modem receiver. Remote control. Before dusk, control would turn on. 24/7 service. Electricity is already installed as it was used for the old pool. Cost: maximum at $3000 year. He seeks a letter of support. Why? 1) 1,100 petition signers: 904 SLC, 800 over 18. 2) Cooler summer nights.

3) Increase safety. Officer JR Smith said that lighting always is a crime deterrent. Lighting increases public use. Skaters are safer in a designated park. After all, SL City’s motto is to Provide top-of-class service.

Helen Peters thanked Mr. Mitchell for an efficient presentation. He’ll have to do CIP process with public services. Judi Short moved approve a write letter, seconded by Grace. Russell Callister clarified $1,450. Dave Mulder inquired of Cabot Nelson, who lives right next to the park. Cabot welcomes it. At 11:00 pm, the park closes. I’ll be up to the park.

Helen said he’ll address with CIP application. Ruth Price asked about constant lights and timers. When the park closes, banks of lights off would gradually turn off over 2 minutes.

Unit Legalization Process

By Alan Michelsen. administrative planner with Larry Butcher. Mr Mickelsen researches. The only enforcement comes from business license or residential complaints. Also, the community council guidelines. Applicant must prove continuous use since 1979. Evidence every 2-3 years. Polk directory research. Required # of parking stalls on hard surface. Neighbors’ signatures. Junk? maintenance? crime? parking problems? Inspection recommends # of units.

Does the department want approval at the community council or acknowledgment. Mr Mickelsen said that acknowledgment is approval.

Grace Sperry asked when they want input. If board doesn’t actually approve, should be submit the voting numbers? They want to know the conditions of the site. So you wnat to know if somebody when to see it? If the neighbor hasn’t seen it. Michael G. Kavanagh inquired how he could find out if legal or not. Contact Mr. Mickelsen. They’ll start a file. If it was in use that way prior to 1927, it is grandfathered.

Rawlins Young brought up the policy behind ordinance. Why should the city develop nonconforming uses where the idea for downzoning was to do away with nonconforming uses? Mr. Butcher said that he and Mr. Mickelsen couldn’t address it. They only administer the way it is written. Rawlins continued about federal funds programs and federal assistance for local code enforcement.

Mr. Mickelsen pointed out that legalization doesn’t increase rental stock. Audience member Shelia O’Driscoll asked 1) who does one call when one sees a problem, 2) Remedy for boarding houses. Complaints should be addressed to the housing office, which must follow through.

Dolores Donohoo asked if there is way of finding out owner. The county will provide that. L. Rex Sears asked about the approval vs. rejection rate. Most get approved, especially if it has been in continuous use.

Grace asked about the 1 to 1.5 parking stall requirements for new housing and its connection to transit encouragement. Finally if a unit burns down after it has been legalized, it can return as such.

Land Use & Zoning Committee

By Helen Peters. There will be a hearing for the Harrison Avenue apartments on Feb 8. Also, a restaurant and shared parking hearing. CN-CS zones. Amended definitions to restaurant for parking requirements. Beyond that, it has been slow this month.

The actions of the Utah Legislature is a matter of concern. L. Rex Sears said SB170 had been withdrawn. Should we empower Rex to represent us?

Also, in one bill sponsored by Wayne Harper would say what a workshop is, and if it’s a mix of people, then it would require that it be held in the regular meeting place, no neighborhood workshops.

Lynne Olson said that the bill would create a protected class of property owner for those owning more that two acres. Under 2 acres, then no notice. Ruth Price asked how that affects Lynne. Lynne pointed out that some would be precluded from notice.

Ray Pugsley asked about those who are not on Internet. One suggestion to call Ray, then he’ll call Rawlins and Ruth, two other trustees without much Internet access. Grace Sperry said we can’t do much. In our Bylaws, how can we get a special meeting?

L. Rex Sears moved to authorize chair in event any successor to 170 or any other bill is introduced to the Legislature session, that limits or eliminates or narrows public notice or public input; or that imposes limits on CC to hold meetings or conduct business that are greater than those in our bylaws; to communicate by whatever means and in whatever words the CC’s disapproval, but only after notice is given to all SHCC trustees by email (including posting to Yahoo group) or phone at least 48 hours prior to such communication. Judi Short seconded. Cabot Nelson moved to call the question. Debate stopped, 12-3-0. Motion passed, 13-3-0.

Ruth Price moved to keep tabs on trustees so that they can be accounted to their neighborhoods. Essentially, to have all votes by roll call. Seconded by Grace Sperry. Rawlins Young said it would be unnecessarily cumbersome. A motion to call the question passed, 12-1-0. The motion failed as only one voted for, one abstained, and the rest voted against.

Concluding words

The executive committee will meet next Wednesday, the 8th, at Dolores’ house.


Unanimous motion to adjourn, 10:15pm.

Landon Clark
[email protected]