07 Feb SHCC Meeting Minutes – February 2007
February 7, 2007
From Sugar House
Trustees present
Helen Peters, Dolores Donohoo, L. Rex Sears, Mark Holland, Dave Mulder, Sarah Carlson, Andrea Moesser, Art Haddow, Ruth Price, Andrea Wargula, Ray Pugsley, Phil Carlson, Cabot Nelson, Emil Kmet, Grace Sperry, Rawlins Young, David Holbrook, Derek Payne, Scott Kisling, Russell Callister, Michael G. Kavanagh. (21)
Trustees excused
Su Armitage (1)
City/State representatives
Michael Stott, SLC Mayor’s Office; Nick Britton, SLC Planning Division; Fred Ross, SLPD (3)
Grant Hogarth, Ann Lane, Sean Thompson, Bonnie Remington, Jason Esplin, Nancy von Allmen, Jason Kane, Karen Anthony, Jaelene V. Myrup, Robert Cheney, Gordon Poulson, Thom Benedict, Ranae Pierce, Gary Findlay, Jan Brittain, Stacy Darden, Alex Palmer, Austin McBride, Susan Shields, Jamie Shields, Jana Johnson, Lex Hemphill (22)
Meeting minutes
The Sugarmill and Parks committee were left of the agenda. Neither issues will be placed on the agenda. The Parks committee will be on the agenda for next month with the off-leash dog issue as the main issue.
The minutes of January’s meeting were approved with no objection.
Chair Report
No chair report.
Public Input
Tom Benedict of Hawk Watch International. They are the new tenants in the old mower shop (old Quick’s, then SH Mower). They’ve been in SLC for over a decade.
Tiffany Shields is concerned about the SH Biz District.
Bonnie Remington of 1444 Redondo is concerned about the graffiti. It’s out of control in the alley behind her house.
Redeemer Lutheran Church and School
Zoning Amendment from Open Space (OS) to Institutional (I) at 1955 East Stratford Avenue
Lori Bresocker represented the school. The church with about 130 households now has a plan. There are 165-175 students currently attending the school. They will not encroach on much of the plan. Mark Graebel of Dan Cook & Assoc., said that they want to remain to be a good neighbor. He discussed details of the plan. The facade will be typical of the neighborhood. Helen Peters explained that the proposal is to combine the two parcels of property.
Grace Sperry asked why rezone the whole thing institutional. The OS zone doesn’t allow us to to anything institutional. Michael G. Kavanagh asked about parking. Russ Callister asked if it was close to existing setup. David Holbrook asked if the historical markers not being touched. They weren’t. Helen Peters asked if formal access was under consideration. Ms. Bresocker said the plans are for the new gym space. Scott Kisling liked the increased access to the park. He is concerned that the driveway would become a quick cut-through for speeders. Rawlins Young had questions that can be resolved by the legal description. He wants the presenters to provide additional information. Nick Britton of the SLC Planning Dept. explained that in 1987, the road was closed. In 1994, the church allowed city to use playground and half of the old right of way. The city agreement would have to change. Rawlins was involved with the “park in a day” where the Grandview neighborhood built that park.
Helen Peters made this motion: The SHCC moves to make a positive recommendation to rezone from Open Space to Institutional. Dave Mulder seconded.
Art Haddow asked if they might put a gate to shut off access for cut-throughs. No. It’ll make a limited use. Sarah Carlson said you need something to block the cars to prevent a speed-through. She wanted a firmer agreement from the city. The adjacent landowners concerns might not be addressed. The cooling fan is very loud. Dave Mulder said the “road” is actually a parking lot. There isn’t a concern in his view. Rex Sears didn’t know about the park until now. He ask for any input from the neighbors. It’s basically how the church has worked with the neighbors in the past. Scott Kisling wished he could see the original intent of the agreement. David Holbrook echoed those concerns. Nick Britton continued: the staff can put conditions to avoid a fence. Rawlins Young mentioned a good faith agreement. Grace Sperry said that the city seems to forget the reason for open space. It is a private property. Someone could make the whole open space institutional. To solve the parking, make the flow one-way. Art Haddow suggested to bring the exit to Hillcrest to turn right instead of left. Andrea Moesser suggested to make it one-way with higher gradings. She also wants input from the neighbors.
This is a 6-8 month process to get it finished. They’d begin the process in mid-March. They would like to move forward. Sarah Carlson still needed more information. Rex Sears said that zoning is the biggest change. He’s reluctant without neighbor input.
Motion to end debate passed on a voice-vote. Voice-vote on the question was indeterminate. The motion failed 8-11.
Grace Sperry moved to postpone until the March meeting in order to get further info in February from the city and the neighbors so as to make a better informed decision. Scott Kisling seconded.
Rex said that if there is another motion, then the motion would have to be made by one who voted against. Helen reminded the council that the presenters have met their obligation. They don’t need to return. Grace withdrew her motion. Rawlins asked if there was a date to appear before the planning commission. There was none.
Grace moved to invite church to revisit after we’ve had more information from the city and the neighbors and the SHCC will make a motion. Grace wanted to clarify her motion. Rawlins seconded.
Rex Sears helped clarify. The SHCC moves to 1) invite the reps of Redeemer Lutheran Church to next months meeting, and in the interim, 2) the SHCC’s LU&Z and the Parks Committee will review with the city to get the information on the original agreement from the city and the church, and 3) invite the reps of Redeemer Lutheran Church to report on their efforts in getting input from the neighbors.
Chair’s prerogative to move on. Grace and Rex continued to clarify the motion.
Helen will write the letter. The presenters can proceed to the planning commission.
Human Rights Commission
By Francisca Blanc. Raymond Gunn: One of 9 member of the HRC. A year old. Formed by the Mayor and Council. Work with issues of diversity. Issue in the media. Office of Minority Affairs to be Office of Diversity Issues. Partner with that office. Seeks candidate for the commission.
Impetus was from the city council. The diversity of the city. They wanted to bridge issues of assimilation. Do not replace the EEOC city.
Salt Lake Symphonic Winds
Chad Davis could not attend. Cabot Nelson mentioned that the Salt Lake Symphonic Winds has had its home in SH for the past 10 years. They rehearse once a week at Highland High School.
Business spotlight: Saltimbocca Casual Italian
By Cabot Nelson No invitation reminder. No more.
Land Use & Zoning Committee – Helen Peters
Helen gave her monthly report of the Land Use and Zoning Committee. She directed the Trustees to the report she provided each individual which is incorporated into the Minutes.
Sugar House Merchants Association
Barbara Green did not attend. Instead, Helen Peters reported about the Mecham development on the Granite Block. At the Sugar House Merchant’s meeting earlier in the day, it was reported that developers of Granite Furniture are developing a plan for their holdings within 3-4 months. It will include Granite Furniture, Leisure Living and the Granite Warehouse. Leisure Living and the Granite Warehouse will be converted to lofts. Building on the canal will not be allowed. It is anticipated that construction will begin in Spring of next year and last 24-36 months. The Mecham development will occur independently and move faster than the Granite project.
City Council Update
Neither Soren Simonsen nor Dave Buhler could attend. Helen attached a report.
Crime Update
By Officer Fred Ross. Chief Burbank has restructured the department and created a new group, a “Fusion Center” for intelligence-based policing. There were layoffs of civilian employees. Officer Ross could cover SHCC shortly or longer. He’s here to ask what we’d like addressed.
Crime stats are available. Officer Ross’ phone number is 799-3669 for his desk, 301-1251 for his cell. His email is[email protected] .
Helen Peters asked about merchants’ crime. There have been car prowls in Pizza & Pasta and Fiddlers’ Elbow parking lots. Scott Kisling said welcome back. Officer Ross had been here before, about 10 years ago.
Mayor’s Office Update
By Michael Stott. His office number is 535-7976. You can call 535-NEED for general SLC information. Pauline of the mayor’s office staff will answer. Regarding the Downtown commercial development, the Downtown CC will have an open house in three weeks. See flier. For SLC Emergency Preparedness, contact Mike Stever at 535-6030 for disaster preparedness and planning. The concerns are for earthquakes in the valley, etc. Rich Foster, a full time VISTA volunteer, is assigned to special needs preparedness. Contact Mr. Stever at [email protected] . See slcneighborhoodpreparedness.net. Michael G. Kavanagh asked about CERT training. Yes, AVERT is countywide. The mayor did cut the budget and participants are paying for it on their own. Maybe the mayor will get the funding back. 21 hours of training costs $50.
Treasurers Report
There has been no action. The account balance remains at $4797.03. Tshirts are for sale at $12 each, pins for $7.
Redeemer Lutheran Church and School (cont’d)
Grace Sperry returned with a formal, written motion. The SHCC moves: 1) That the representatives of the Redeemer Lutheran Church be invited to the March meeting of the SHCC council, and be given time on the March agenda; 2) That the representatives be invited to notify neighbors that the proposed rezone will be on the March agenda and of the date and time of the meeting; and 3) That the representatives be invited to make information regarding the proposed rezone available to the neighbors prior to the council’s March agenda. The reps of the church said that they will return next month.
Grace said this is a more detailed motion. Art Haddow was embarrassed by the process for what it did to the reps of the church. Rex Sears said that parliamentary procedure was followed. He wasn’t embarrassed. Sarah Carlson lives in the area and was concerned that last month’s agenda and some showed up. Rex said some things are not governed by conversation. He is generally in favor. Rawlins Young is in favor. The voice-vote was indeterminate. The count of the vote was 13-4. The motion passed.
Parliamentary Post Mortem – Ray Pugsley
If you want to address, you need to recognized by the chair. Several conversations. We need to work on stopping outside conversation. Need to ask the chair: “Mr. Chair, May I address ____?”
We do have a rule: if you have a long motion, it must be written out.
Adjourned, 9:29pm