SHCC Meeting Minutes – February 2008

SHCC Meeting Minutes – February 2008


February 6, 2008


From Sugar House


Trustees Present: Andrea Wargula, David Holbrook, Steve Wilson, Jan Brittain, David Mulder, Gary Johnson, Ray Pugsley, Grace Sperry, Sarah Carlson , Cabot Nelson, Derek Payne, Rawlins Young, Emil Kmet, Maggie Shaw, Russ Callister, Barbara Green, Jessica Warner, Michael Kavanagh, Philip Carlson, Susan Petheram, Judi Short, Rene Richards, Ruth Price

Trustees Excused: Dolores Donahoo, Rawlins Young,

Call to Order: 7:00, Grace Sperry, Chair. Dec. 5th minutes approved with noted revision: Michael Kavanagh, Excused. Jan. 3rd minutes approved with noted revision: “Cavanagh” to “Kavanagh”. Treasury Report: SHCC has renewed its license as a non-profit corporation. Treasurer to reimburse C. Nelson $7.00 for renewal fee. SHCC expenditure of $531.00 for conc. cutting in connection with SE Furniture “compass” salvage effort. Balance: $4266.03 given by Chair.

Chair Report: Grace Sperry Wal-Mart meeting scheduled for Feb 19th at 7:00 p.m. at the Sugar House Garden Club. An informative presentation will be made to the SHCC by Wal-Mart regarding their plans for the K-Mart property located on Parley’s Way. This presentation is open to the public, as is the one on Feb 20th, 7:00 at Dilworth Elem. (1950 So, 2100 E). Wal-Mart has submitted a Re-Zone application to Planning Commission. Saturday, Feb. 9th Fisher Mansion Open House

Crime update: Grace Sperry and Hank Welsh for Officer Smart Glass shooting vandals apprehended! Good job SLC Police! JURY DUTY SCAM: Please be cautious about answering personal questions from callers identifying themselves as court officers, claiming that you have not fulfilled jury duty obligations, and as such, have issued a warrant for your arrest!! DO NOT provide birth date or SSN. Please report any suspicious activity. M. Kavanagh noted light fixtures on Lincoln St. (2100 So. to Elm St.) not functioning. Art said Lights must be certain number of feet above street if they overhang street so that trucks can pass under. C. Nelson requested that monthly crime statistics be available on the web. B. Green requested that the 3 vacancies on the Liberty Bike Patrol (responsible for patrolling SH Park and SH Business District) be filled. They are a vital part of our neighborhood.

Land Use and Zoning Committee Report: Derek Payne Urbana on 11th Petition scheduled for Feb. 13th. City Council passed ordinance: Conditional Use permits issuance suspended for commercial uses in residential zones and on properties abutting residential properties. City Council resolution regarding SH Business District: legislative efforts to address conflicts between SH Master Plan and Zoning Ordinances to move forward. Historic South East Furniture sidewalk emblem (inlaid terrazzo compass) located in the demolition zone on the Mecham properties was successfully removed. Thank you Laurie Bray. RDA: issued $2500.00 for “compass” removal & preservation.

C.E.R.T.S. Program Presentation: cancelled

Business Focus: the Bike Guy: 1555 So. 900 East. Go see Johnny Barlow for your bike needs, including vintage, racing, and huffy $15.00 tune-ups. ALSO $20.00 ski tune-ups.


Mayor’s Report: Hank Welsh (new community liaison representative for Districts 5, 6, & 7 (535-6338) Mayor Becker’s plan for “community road trips” which involve tours of communities with their residents presented. This out-reach program is intended to improve the Mayor Becker’s knowledge of each community neighborhood. See Land Use and Zoning Committee Report, Parks and Open Space Report, & Crime Update for additional items.

Parks and Open Space Report (P&OSC): Emil Kmet City Council adopted an ordinance that would place restrictions on building, structure, and impervious surface construction within a specified set back from stream & river corridors (both public and private) throughout the city. Ordinance to be refined at a later date. Announcement of Salt Lake City’s Open Space Lands Program new program manager: Emy Storheim. SLC Parks Department: Fairmont Park Master Plan Committee formed. 2700 South Bike Trail: No official proposal currently filed with city. P. Carlson gave a brief history of bike lane considerations. S. Carlson requested that people on 2700 So. be part of decision making process with respect to possible bike lane implementation E. Kmet will handle public involvement E. Kmet distributed SH Master Plan excerpt relating to bicycles. See Public Comment item. PDFC new chair: P. Carlson. Please be aware of issues regarding the Wal-Mart plans and zoning change application.

Soren Simonsen: City Council Report Coming up in February: City Creek Center: mid-street Xing, sky bridge, below grade parking, Review of Leonardo Funding shortfalls, Power line upgrade funding: Sunnyside Ave. and 1300 East.

Public Input: Concerning the possible bike route on 2700 So.: L. Downing, B. Ethington, C. Myers, B. Simpson, while not opposed to a defined bike route, are VERY opposed to the elimination of street parking. Laurie Bray provided photographs of unsafe crossing activities due to sidewalk closure at the corner of 1100 E and 2100 So. She requested that something be done about the public hazard and ask trustees to assist in mitigating hazard. H. Peters introduced Woodbury Group: Elevations and Plans of previously presented project re-presented. J. Short suggested that the P&OSC (and any other trustees) walk the property together. Adjourned: 8:50 p.m

Landon Clark
[email protected]