SHCC Meeting Minutes – February 2011

SHCC Meeting Minutes – February 2011


Meeting Minutes – February 2, 2011

Approved: March 2, 2011

The regular monthly meeting of the Sugar House Community Council Board of Trustees was held on Wednesday, February 2, 2011 at 7:01 pm, in the meeting room of the Sprague Branch Library, Chairman Cabot Nelson in the Chair, Secretary – Philip Carlson being present.  Trustees in attendance: Michael G. Kavanagh, Jason Bradley, Grace Sperry, Benny Keele, Ruth Price, Rawlins Young, Russell Callister, Larry Migliaccio, Amy Barry, Carlyle Harris, Scott Kisling, Lynne Olson, Judi Short, Sheila O’Driscoll, Robin Bastar, Sally Barraclough, Sarah Carlson, Barbara Green, Travis Pearce, Derek Payne.  Absent Trustees:  Pattie DeNunzio.  Excused Trustees: Dave Mulder, Dolores Donohoo, Annalisa Holcombe, Christopher Thomas, Laurie Bray, Sandra Walsh, Jim Brown and Elaine Brown.

Cabot Nelson provided a Chair’s report.  The minutes were read and approved without amendment.  Secretary, Philip Carlson, reported to the Board at which time David Mulder’s petition was presented and accepted by the Board.  Treasurer Robin Bastar also reported.

City Council Report was given by Councilman Soren Simonsen.

Ron Molen spoke during Public Comments.  Heidi Spence also spoke, later in the meeting.

Fire Department’s Dan Riley gave a presentation.

Committee Reports: LU&Z by Judi Short, POST by Lynne Olson, Transportation by Rawlins Young, Sustainability by Amy Barry, CERT by Carlyle Harris, PFDC by Scott Kisling, Finance by Sarah Carlson, Web and Internet by Cabot Nelson.

During Committee Reports PFDC’s motion that Scott Kisling be reimbursed $20 for a PFDC mailing was approved.

W&I presented two motions that were both approved.  “1. The SHCC Website and Internet Committee moves to reimburse Cabot Nelson no more than $70 for the domain name ‘SUGARHOUSECOUNCIL.COM’ and to take ownership of the same.”  And, “2. The SHCC Website and Internet Committee moves to pay no more than $15 per month for 1 year (no more than $180 for the year) for email delivery service through Constant Contact, Inc., for the monthly SHCC newsletter and other email communication.”

Sugar House Apartments presentation by John Gardiner.  Public comments were taken followed by Trustee discussion.

Community Presentations:  Business Spotlight (introduced by Michael G. Kavanagh) X2C presented by Chris & Sarah Tolstrup, SHMA by Barbara Green, Crime & Public Safety by Detective Boelter, Mayor’s Office by Shawn McDonough, and Library Events by Mary Maloney.

The meeting adjourned at 9:02 pm.

Landon Clark
[email protected]