SHCC Meeting Minutes February 5, 2014

SHCC Meeting Minutes February 5, 2014

Sugar House Community Council Board of Trustees Meeting

Meeting Minutes –  February 5, 2014

Trustees Present: Sally Barraclough, Amy Barry, Laurie Bray, Ed Dieringer, Deb Henry,  Michael G. Kavanagh, Benny Keele, Matt Kirkegaard, Scott Kisling, Joedy Lister, Larry Migliaccio, David Mulder, Jack Perry, Maggie Shaw, Judi Short,  Christopher Thomas, Rawlins Young

Trustees Excused Absent:  Robin Bastar, Topher Horman, Steve Lester, Carole Straughn

Trustees Absent: Russ Callister, Sheila O’Driscoll

Meeting called to order at 7:00 by Maggie Shaw SHCC Chair

Motion to approve the meeting minutes from Feb 5, 2014.  Judy noted that she made an amendment via e-mail regarding Jack Perry’s attendance.  The correction was made before  tonight’s meeting.  Motion to approve amended minutes was made by Matt and seconded by Ed.  Motion passed unanimously.


Chair Report: Maggie Shaw

The SLC  Transit Pass goes on sale March first.  More information is available on the slcgov web site.

Congratulations to Amy Barry who promoted the Hawk Light on 21st South at 12th East.  This was a very dangerous crossing prior to the new light.  It became operational today and Maggie noted that indeed one person can make a difference!


Secretary Report: Sally Barraclough

Dave Mulder submitted his trustee petition for renewal. It was noted that this is his 10th year as a trustee.  Amy moved to accept the petition, Matt seconded.  Motion was approved unanimously.

Scott Kisling was not in attendance last month when his petition was renewed so he was recognized for his 20 years of service to the SHCC.

Sheila O’Driscoll’s petition will expire in March.  She will be contacted by Sally with a reminder.  The petitions for Laurie Bray and Russ Callister expire in April.

Treasurers Report: Robin Bastar absent


Fire Department Report: absent


Police Report: Detective Scott Mourtgos

For the Sugar House area:

  • No homicides this month. Burglaries were down 25%, please continue to secure your homes and remind your neighbors.  Robberies decreased by 67%.  Thefts increased 12% due to Christmas packages being stolen off porches.  That will likely continue through Valentines Day.  We were reminded to request that delivery people ring the doorbell.  Also report any suspicious people on your neighbor’s doorsteps to the police department.  Motor vehicle thefts went up 50% again from people leaving cars idling in the morning. Vandalisms decreased by 60%.
  • Update on the homicide suspect from last month’s report: she was apprehended in the Glendale area and she is currently in jail.
  • The Chief’s Message for this month is the Student Art Contest.  It is open to all high school aged students who want to design a “Just say No to drugs” poster.  The department offers a $2,500 college scholarship to the winner along with other prizes to the top entries.  The winning design will be displayed on bus boards and at movie previews.  For more information go to
  • Lisa Adams City Councilperson from District 7 asked about windows being shot out at the architecture business on Parley’s way.  There were also car windows shot out.  There has been a detective assigned to case and it is being investigated.
  • Judi asked if we could get information about the “see something say something” program out to the public.  This program makes it easier for citizens to report crimes as they happen.  Detective Mourtgos will bring the cards with him next month.
  • A community member asked about the issue of the homeless and drug dealing.  The police department is in communication with the narcotics unit and will be kept informed whenever there is a raid or search warrants issued for our area. Detective Mourtgos will be able to give us updates at future meetings. Deb asked if the homeless community contributes to both dealing and using.  In the Sugar House area, consumption of drugs by the homeless is a bigger problem than dealing drugs.


Public Comments for Items not on the agenda:

A community member expressed condolences to the police department regarding the recent shooting of an officer in Utah County.


Committee Reports:

Land Use and Zoning: Judi Short

  • Last month they met with Aber Malik from the Colmena Group regarding the new project across from the Wilmington Gardens project on Wilmington.   It will be called “The Legacy at Sugar House”.  This will be a six story building which will provide additional parking for Wilmington Gardens in addition to a senior housing development.  The building does not require SHCC approval. They will have to get a text amendment to the zoning for the Sugar House business district, that at this time does not include provisions for senior housing.  The Land Use Committee approved that and Judi sent a letter last week.  The building will have approximately 274 units but the full details have not been worked out.  There will also be excess parking to function like a park-and-ride. When they have their renderings complete they will present them to the SHCC.
  • Wasatch Pub to be located in the Sugar House Crossing on 21st and Highland has applied for a full service restaurant license.  There was a public meeting that wasn’t well advertised, held in the Sprague Library last night.  A member of the public saw a poster at the library advertising the meeting.  Judi had solicited comments from the council and seeing no objections sent a letter of support.
  • Home 2 Suites is on the planning commission agenda for next Wednesday.  Judi sent a letter of support for the project.  She also sent a letter for the McClelland Court project but doesn’t know when it will be presented to the planning commission.
  • Golds Gym has a proposal for Brickyard Plaza that will be presented tonight at this meeting.
  • Tennis courts on Sugarmont update. There will be no public meeting about pulling the courts from the open space inventory until the city council addresses the form based code which has not gotten out of planning but should be forwarded to the city council soon.
  • Judi asked Councilwoman Lisa Adams to speak about the blade sign ordinance.  Judi and Lynne Olson wrote a grant and received $30,000 from the RDA for the restoration of some of the old historic signs in Sugar House.  They will be meeting with the RDA in the next few weeks to determine how they will work with sign owners and move forward on the restoration process.
  • Next meeting will be on the 10th of Feb because the 17th is a holiday. At this meeting they will be working on a vision statement for Sugar House regarding walkability, signage, amenities etc.


Parks and Open Space:Sally Barraclough

  • The POST committee did not meet.  Sally announced that there is going to be another public meeting regarding the design for the Imperial Park on Thursday Feb 13th from 6:00 -8:00 pm at the Forest Dale Golf Course Clubhouse.
  • There is a new project called the Emigration Creek Restoration project on Blaine.  Chris Lee is spearheading this project with assistance from  SL City Parks and Public Lands.   He will be on the agenda for the Feb 10th meeting.  Amy Barry will be giving an update from the Parks, Natural Lands, Urban Forestry and Trails Board.

The next POST meeting will be Feb 10th at 5:00pm.


Transportation: Deb Henry

  • The right hand turn lane on 21st South and Highland is temporarily closed during a phase of the construction in the area.
  • Deb talked to the street maintenance regarding snow removal south of the old DI on the Sugarmont corridor. That short section is treated as a secondary road, so it is cleared after the primary streets have been cleared.  Deb has requested that it be treated like a sidewalk so that salt will be applied and she sent the streets department a picture after the snowstorm two days ago so that they are aware of the situation.  She is also recommending that the S-Line streetcar be extended to Highland Dr. as soon as possible to increase the visibility of the transit line so that as we start to have more auto congestion people will think about their transportation options.
  • New crosswalks are being proposed near the S-Line.  One from the west side of the Smiths grocery store across to the Este Pizza Shop and another across McClelland to Elm Street near the new developments.
  • If you have ideas about where you would like to see bike racks placed you can email Deb at [email protected]. Deb brought our attention the cycling culture and recent articles that have been published in the SL Tribune.  One was about the positive economic impact of having more bicycles on the streets. Another was about how Mayor Becker is asking the legislature to allow local options for supplementing public transit, and to look at different transit options in addition to the regional service by UTA.
  • Applications for the Hive Pass for Salt Lake City residents will be available March 1st. You may be able to apply early.
  • There was another article about how adding bike lanes improves the streets for everyone including drivers by increasing compliance with helmets, lane directions, stopping at red lights, following signs, etc.  The studies also show that if parents ride it is likely that the children in the family will also ride. In Sugar House there were 104 crashes in 2013.  853 auto/bike crashes in all of Salt Lake. If you add in the United Fire Department statistics from 2008-2013 there were a total of 1193 crashes. We are the 14th most bike friendly state in the nation.
  • Utahns are in favor of stricter air quality laws according to a poll conducted by the SL Tribune, and there are multiple ways to start lobbying our representatives on both the local and state levels.

Next Transportation meeting is Feb 10th at 7:00pm


Arts and Cultural: Lauri Bray

  • The Art Walk for 2014 is starting this month and will be on the second Friday of each month.  This one falls on Valentines Day so make it a date night.  Several new businesses are involved this month.  The purpose of the Art Walk is to help support local businesses in addition to highlighting artists from our area.


Outreach and Communications Committee: Christopher Thomas

  • Amy Barry, Carole Straughn and Scott Kisling have joined the committee and their first meeting was Monday Feb 3rd in the Sprague Library. Christopher presented a demo of a new website templet that is hosted through that he would like to see us change to.   It is very photocentric which invites interactive use of the website content.  It would also be much easier to update.
  • They are looking for more members, specifically someone to be a business outreach coordinator.  An example of this outreach would be a Sugar House Community Night where they would coordinate with a business to offer a discount for the evening and a notice could be sent out to everyone on our email list.  This would be a way to promote a business in Sugar House. Christopher is going to see if Michael G would be interested in this position.
  • They would also like to create a team that could provide outreach to the community by going door-to-door, distributing information regarding new projects or developments  in that area.  Carole has expressed an interest in coordinating the teams.  These two member teams could include community members, not necessarily just trustees.  If you or someone you know wants to be involved on a team contact Christopher at [email protected].
  • There is a new email group for the Outreach Committee at [email protected].  Contact Christopher if you want to be added to the group.
  • Another initiative is to have photos of the trustees on the new website so that community members can recognize who we are.  This is a work in progress as some changes have to be made to the website first.
  • They would also like one member of each of the other committees to act as a liaison to the Outreach Committee so that they can identify the latest information or hot topic to be posted on the website.

The next meeting will be Monday, March 24th in the Sprague Library at 6:00pm


Community Groups and Projects:

SL Community Network: No Meeting


Sugar House Chamber of Commerce: Lauri Bray for Annalisa Holcomb

  • Laurie introduced Brad Di Iorio, Chair of the Marketing Committee for the SH Chamber of Commerce.  The Chamber of Commerce has officially replaced the Merchants Association.  They currently have about 50 members with a goal of 70 members by the end of the year.    They are holding a networking social at Zaniac tomorrow night at 6:30 – 9:00.  The trustees are invited to attend.  You can bring your children.  Food is being provided by the Annex Epic Brewery.
  • The chamber will be involved in numerous projects including the 4th of July celebration.  They have an online newsletter that you can sign up for.
  • Judi suggested that Brad Di Iorio join the Outreach Committee to provide information directly from the Chamber of Commerce to the SHCC and he agreed to do so.


Fundraising Project – Amy Barry

  • The new developments in the business district and pedestrian plaza will be completed this year.  There used to be a large Christmas tree located in the business district for the holidays.  Amy would like to lead a fundraising team to raise money for the purchase of an artificial tree that could be decorated and placed on the plaza during the holiday season.  A 20 ft tree, pre-lit with lights could cost as much as $5000.  She would like this to be the SHCC’s gift to Sugar House and the business district.

Motion by Amy Barry ” I move that the SHCC form a fundraising committee to raise money for a holiday fund.”

Judi seconded the motion.


  • Laurie has concern about where the tree would be stored because as of now we don’t even have a place to store the Santa Shack.
  • Judi requested that donation checks be made to the SHCC so that donors can have a tax deduction.
  • Lisa Adams supports the project but has concerns about storage for the tree.
  • Dave asked about the storage of the Santa Shack.  Lauri  answered that an original offer to provide storage has been withdrawn.  The area behind Sterling Furniture where the old Santa Shack is stored will no longer be available. Annalisa is working with the RDA to find a new space.  Fairmont Park and Sugar House Park are too far away to make the moving it there feasible.
  • Deb asked about the financial goal and what type of fundraising would be done.  Amy said that would be up to the committee.
  • Judi asked if a business like Sterling Furniture or Modern Display could buy the treee and sell it to us at cost.
  • Laurie thinks there should also be some kind of sign with the tree recognizing SHCC as the donor, raising public awareness of the Community Council.
  • Amy feels that decorating the tree would provide a great outreach project opportunity for the community.
  • Ed asked if this fundraising would conflict with funds needed by the Outreach Committee for web design etc.  Amy said there is money in our general fund for web sites and outreach and this would be separate funding.   Christopher said the the city gave us $1000 to conduct outreach activities that the city  no longer performs.
  • Joedy suggested that this could be part of a holiday event held the second week of December and that maybe businesses would contribute toward the fund since it promotes the local businesses.

Motion passed unanimously


Community Presentations:


Gold’s Gym Express at Brickyard

Richardson Design Partnership

Jeff Byers, Rachel McKenzie, Shawn Harrison

Claude Yocoel – Owner Brickyard Plaza

This proposed project is to locate a Gold’s Gym in the southwest corner of the Brickyard Plaza in an empty store that used to house Curves gym, located between Kohls and Zurchers.  They would like to incorporate an existing, little-used courtyard into the gym by closing off the courtyard.  They would be adding 10,500 square feet to the existing 12,000-13,000 square feet with the primary entrance facing west.  They would add a new facade to the outside utilizing the same stucco and brick to match the existing building.  The new parapet would be about 33 feet high so that it can be seen from 33rd south.  Their intent is to reactivate the large west parking lot that currently is underutilized.  The courtyard is also deemed inactive and would be put to better use inside the gym.  The total project size is 2 acres of the 24 acres total in the Brickyard Master Plan.

  • Amy inquired about the purpose of their presentation to the SHCC.  An audience member from the Salt Lake City Planning Division explained that on a CS zone, if you are adding more than 35% on to the building you have to go through the planning and development process.  After tonight’s presentation they will be going to the Planning Commission.  This project is on the February 12th agenda.
  • Deb asked if these owners also own the Gold’s Gym on 21st South in Sugar House.  It was confirmed that it is the same owner but the design team would not disclose the owners plans for the gym on 21st South.  He did confirm that the 21st location is currently one of the owner’s busiest gyms.
  • Rawlins asked if the walkway through the courtyard would be closed. He expressed his concern that open space is part of the walkability of the mall and at the very least should be replaced with more open space.
  • Scott also agreed that the walkway should be retained because it will add an extra 435 ft to the walking distance by going through the stores.  It would be easily double that if you have to walk around the buildings on the outside.  It was noted that the narrow 25 ft drive through alley on the east end of the complex is not a safe place to walk.
  • Amy commented that this mall is not really pedestrian friendly as it is now.  She is hopeful that the gym will be moving from 21st south because the parking at that location has a negative impact on the surrounding neighborhood.
  • Deb is not supportive of encouraging more driving to get to another gym.  She stated that there are already nine gyms in Sugar House, seven locally owned.  She is not in favor of losing a gym you can walk to and adding a gym that you have to drive to.
  • A member of the public expressed concern regarding access to the entrance.  The gym on 21st South does not have an entrance on 21st South and she sees this being the same situation requiring you to enter from the back side of the building.  The lack of walkability is a detriment to the site and future development within the complex.
  • Another member of the public stated that the neighborhood is very much in favor of the gym.  There is a green area just north of the Nichols Lab Building and west of the proposed project that has developed into a drug dealing area.  More activity in the parking lot will reduce the drug traffic in the area.  The neighbors, the Brickyard Condo Association, and the developer of the new housing project across from Brickyard Plaza are all supportive of this project.
  • Larry asked if this is in the area of the Canal Trail.  Amy stated that the Canal Trail does not extend to 33rd South and would not be impacted by this project.
  • Joedy asked how long the lease would be and when the lease is up on the 21st South location.  The Brickyard site will be a 20yr lease.  They declined to answer when the 21st South lease is up.
  • Scott said the project would get his support if they would start with a new building on the parking lot further to the west, closer to the green area near Nichols Lab.
  • Christopher asked about the construction timeline.  They would like to start construction in 4-6 weeks and it would take 4-5 months to complete construction.
  • An audience member reminded the council that this area was addressed when the council looked at the master plan for the Auto Zone store on 33rd South.  He felt like we should let the master plan guide our decisions on this proposal and that we should re-examine the master plan for this area of Sugar House.
  • Claude Yocoel, property owner commented that the owners are trying to bring Brickyard out of the 1970’s without razing the whole property, which means they have to work with what they have.  Mervins had store entrances on both sides of the building utilizing front and back parking lots.  Kohls has a twenty year lease and has closed the back entrances.  Observation of the courtyard area revealed that only one to two people a day walk through the small plaza between Kohls and Zurchers.  He stated that Kohls, Office Max, Roths and TJ Max have within their leases control over what additional uses can go in the property and they will not allow a parking-intensive business to utilize the front parking lot areas. It has taken six months of negotiations with these anchor stores to get them to agree to a gym as long as the parking was in the rear west lot.  He also stated that if the owners could maintain a pedestrian walkway within the new expansion, the walls would be 20ft tall on each side and not very inviting.
  • Judy will forward tonight’s comments to the Planning Commission.  No vote on the project was taken by the council.


Way finding signs on Monument Plaza

Ben Davis Project Coordinator with the Redevelopment Agency

Monument Plaza construction will be starting in April-May of this year and should be complete by the fall.  They are gathering final comments and the project will go out to bid in mid March. Ben presented a mockup of a proposed information marker for the plaza. The sign would be approximately 9ft tall and 8 inches wide, made out of metal.  The lower portion would contain a box for printed maps. They are considering adding a QR Code that would allow someone with a smartphone to download maps and information, coupons, and advertising.  The sign would be made of powder coated brushed steel.  The “i”  which is the universal sign meaning information could be added to the very top so that pedestrians coming into the plaza from either the east or west would see the sign.  They would like to also add a marker in the pesao.

  • Amy asked who would fund the website for the QR Code.  Ben wasn’t sure at this point who would control the website. He suggested that possibly it would be in the SH Chamber’s best interest to do it because of the advertising and promotional aspects of the website.  Other organizations would be able to add links.  They are in discussions with the SH Chamber of Commerce.
  • Lauri stated the the Chamber doesn’t have the manpower to collect all the information regarding parks, events, bike trails, SHCC, etc to keep the site current.  The Chamber will provide information about the businesses that are members but that would exclude the other businesses and the activities taking place in Sugar House.
  • Christopher feels that most people with a smartphone already have access to apps like Google Maps, and Yelp etc.  He feels that maybe having something that is pared down and more specific to Sugar House would be an option.
  • Deb expressed concern that the because the Chamber isn’t focused on parks and bicycle parking in areas like Hidden Hollow, she would like to see the SHCC take a more active role in promoting those aspects because studies have shown that the stronger the biking community, the stronger the economy
  • Larry commented that we may not need two signs on the plaza and Judi suggested that the second sign could be used somewhere else in Sugar House.
  • Ben asked if we have preference for placing the marker to the East or West side of the plaza, or in the pesao.  Larry suggested the north side and center of the plaza.  Judi asked if we could decide after the plaza is built.  Ben said that it could be bolted in after the plaza construction is finished and that the marker does not require wiring or lighting.
  • Rawlins asked for confirmation about the type of information that would actually be on the marker.
  • Deb stated that the QR Code may not meet the needs of a larger demographic of people.
  • A community member from the SH Chamber said that they questioned the idea of the QR Code.  He said that is was presented as an idea to the Chamber.  He also stated that they were shown several options for kiosks and this is the one they supported.  Ben confirmed that this is just an idea that they are looking at and if we want to support it that would be fine but if it feels too complicated it doesn’t have to happen.
  • Maggie and Judi suggested that the Outreach Committee address the functional design before we make a decision.
  • Amy asked when they would have a complete design. Ben said the timeline isn’t defined.

Comments regarding the marker can be sent to [email protected].


Waste Management Recycling Program

Robin Carbough, Consultant to the SL Division of Sustainability

Robin is working with the SL Division of Sustainability on a study and survey regarding waste management for SLC.   The SHCC website has some good information submitted by Lynne Olson regarding Salt Lake City’s waste management program.  SLC is moving away from waste disposal and moving toward preventing waste products from entering the landfill.  Due to current recycling practices, Salt Lake is currently at a 38% waste diversion rate.  The goal is  50% by 2015.  Currently, there is a city ordinance making recycling and green waste composting mandatory with fines associated for non-compliance.  To date the city has not levied the fines and instead has issued warnings.  The city has decided that the time has come to start enforcing fines. Starting in 2014, warnings (up to three) will be given before citations are issued.  The schedule of fines is $25 for the 1st citation, $50 for the 2nd citation within 6 months of the first citation, and $100 for the 3rd citation within 6 months of the first citation.  Robin reminded us that there are three sizes for green garbage cans with lower charges for smaller cans.

  • Michael G. confirmed that the number to call for new cans the is 801 585-6999  and to participate in the survey go to
  • Carole asked if they are working toward getting businesses and apartments on the program.  Robin said the the Division of Sustainability is working on that issue and taking public comments.
  • Larry asked how the city will monitor the bins.  Robin said that there are employees who randomly look in cans on pickup day.  They can also narrow down offenders by neighborhood when they see the load dumped at the landfill or recycling center.
  • Amy commented that she uses the smallest can and asked if the city is doing anything to reward citizens for recycling.  Robin said that there is an area on the survey that addresses this idea.
  • Deb asked about the capacity of the landfill.  Robin said that there is not another area in Salt Lake County to build a landfill so we must do what we can to preserve the landfill space that is left.


Community and City Presentations:

City Council Update: Lisa Adams District 7

  • At the SLC Council work session the Blade Sign Ordinance that Soren was working on has been reassigned to Lisa. It is not currently on future agendas through mid March but the next step is to get it before the City Council.
  • Sugar House Transit Corridor Rezone is on the agenda in the next few weeks.  That will include discussion about the Boys and Girls Club and the open space on Sugarmont.
  • At yesterday’s meeting, the council approved funding for environmental impact study for the new streetcar extension.  This would be a complete study including the extension up to Highland Dr, north to 21st south, and continuing north to 17th south. At this time they are not reopening a discussion on the streetcar route.  She strongly expressed her concerns to the Community Development and the Transportation Departments that they communicate with the neighbors and businesses throughout the process.
  • Amy asked if this would be an environmental assessment (EA) or an environmental impact statement (EIS).  Lisa said that it’s her understanding that if it is done just to 21st south it would be an EA but if it goes all the way to 17th south it would be an EIS.  It will depend on the budget as one is a lot more expensive than the other.
  • Lisa feels it is very important that the Council addresses the transit master plan before making more decisions on future extensions of the streetcar.  The transit master plan is to be completed in the next 18 months.


Lisa asked to be excused from the March 6th meeting and the May meeting.  At Amy’s suggestion, she will see if Charlie Luke from District 6 or her liaison can come to the meeting.


Business Spotlight: Michael G. Kavanagh

Advanced Hearing Center

Dr. Enoch Cox AuD, Audiologist, BC-HIS

Asked to be excused


Library Events: Mary Maloney

See a list of events for the month of February in the Library Newsletter.  The newsletter is available on the back table and at the front desk of the library.

There will be a Food for Fines event Feb 15-28th. Bring in a nonperishable food item for the food bank, and the library will take $1.00 off your library fine.  There is no limit on the number of food items and fine reductions, but it will not apply to lost library items.


Report from the Mayor’s Office:  Shawn McDonough

The Hive Pass for mass transit will launch on March 1st.  This is a pilot program so please sign up early so that they will continue the program.  The cost is $350 if you pay for the whole year and $360 if you pay by the month.  The pass pays for itself if you take 6 round trip rides in a month. The pass is good for all mass transit including busses, streetcar, trax, and the frontrunner train.  There are satellite locations for purchasing the pass including the libraries.   The libraries are also taking photos for the pass.  You must bring proof of residency because it is currently only available to SLC residents.  That is because SLC residents are paying higher taxes for the system and this is a type of reward.  SLC is paying $150,000 for the startup costs of the program.

  • Christopher thanked the city for the program which received applause from the rest of the trustees.
  • Amy asked if we can do anything to get the streetcar to run past 9pm and to not run so slow.  Lisa said that the when the outgoing and incoming SLC Council members met with UTA the council members stated that for the streetcar to be successful it absolutely has to run past 9pm.  She also said that the 15mph speed is unlikely to be changed because of the pedestrian park beside the streetcar.
  • Sally stated that she thought originally the plan was for the streetcar to move at 20-25 mph.  Lisa said that after they double track the line, they can pick up the speed to 20 mph and under the federal grant they are required to pick up the speed at some point but it will never be more than 20 mph.


The Mayor’s State of the City Address focused on our air quality.  The mayor requesting that citizens contact their legislators and ask for five debates which would include allocating more money for public transit, making lower sulfur gasoline a requirement, requiring buildings use power efficiently, making the true cost of driving transparent at the pump, and allowing Utah to set Utah specific air quality standards.

  • Maggie forwarded the information to the SHCC and is going to write a letter on our behalf in support of these initiatives. Judi suggested that we also write individual letters.
  • Christopher reminded us that as Director of HEAL Utah, he did a presentation to  SHCC regarding Tier 3 standards for automobiles which included lower sulfur gas.  HEAL Utah has an email communication group that provides daily updates on actions being taken by the state legislature.  Go to HEAL Utah’s home page at  to signup to get those updates.
  • Amy said that Gene Davis’s bill regarding air quality was killed in committee but another bill is in the works.

Joyce Valdez has retired and her work has been split between Shawn and Michael Stott.  In the future Shawn will be coming to our meeting every other month.  You can still contact her with concerns at her email address or call her at her direct number.

Meeting adjourned at 8:55

Landon Clark
[email protected]