SHCC Meeting Minutes February 6, 2013

SHCC Meeting Minutes February 6, 2013


Meeting Minutes – February 6, 2013

The regular meeting of the Sugar House Community Council was held on Wednesday, February 6, 2013, at 7:00pm, at the Sprague Library. Trustees in attendance were Shelia O’Driscoll, Larry Migliaccio, Laurie Bray, David Mulder, Robin Bastar, Cabot Nelson, Amy Barry, Judi Short, Christopher Thomas, Rawlins Young, Benny Keele, Maggie Shaw, Sally Barraclough, and Michael G. Kavanagh. Christopher Thomas served as chair and Cabot Nelson as secretary. The trustee noted as excused were Joedy Lister, Annalisa, Steve Lester, and Topher Horman.

Call to order at 7:03pm. Cabot Nelson gave his secretary report. Motion to approve the minutes of the December meeting passed on a voice vote.

Robin Bastar gave his treasurer report.

Christopher Thomas as chair made announcements.

Motion by Amy Barry: The SHCC shall pay $150 for community gathering events to The SH Merchant’s Association. This passed unanimously on a voice vote.

Police report

Officer Andy Leonard, SLPD, gave a report on area crime.

Public comments for items not on the agenda

Philip Carlson demonstrated his mask with a filter, talked about air quality advocacy. Motion by Cabot Nelson: The SHCC denounces bad air quality. The motions passed unanimously by voice vote.

Committee reports

Judi Short reported for the Land Use and Zoning committee.

Sally Barraclough reported for the Parks, Open Space, and Trails committee.

Larry Migliacchio reported for the Transportation committee.

Cabot Nelson reported for the Web and Internet committee.

Laurie Bray reported for the Arts and Cultural committee.

Special presentations

Bryan Wrigley of Lotus Blue Koi Development presented some project plans for the development at 1700 South 900 East.

Ed Butterfield of the Sugar House Redevelopment Agency (RDA) presented plans for the SH Monument Plaza design and public restrooms.

Judi Short presented ideas the SH RDA funding priorities.

Community and City Presentations

Soren Simonsen gave updates about Salt Lake City Council.

For the business spotlight, Michael G Kavanagh introduced Tom Hartman, Market Partner of Habit Burger Grill at 2121 South McClelland.

Dolly Rauh reported on library events.

Shawn McDonough gave a report for the Mayor’s Office.


Adjourned 9:04pm.

Landon Clark
[email protected]