SHCC Meeting Minutes – January 1993

SHCC Meeting Minutes – January 1993


January 6, 1993

PRESENT: Jerry Romero, Rich Bennett, Dorothy and Marv Tuddenham, Miriam Murphy, Petter and Belinda Bellows, Barbara Kleiner, Gleave and Susan Greene, Rick and Ronda Stayner, Del Brewster, Laura Robinson, M.S. Henricks, Melinda N. Lund, Ralph M. Barrus, Lori N. Griffith, Florence S. Black, Dora Bailey, John and Marghie Mannos, Tina Mannos, Paul Lund, Mark S. Fetzer, Rawlins Young, Gary Thorup, Diana Hart, Vere Campbell, John E. Hiskey, Richard G. Woodford, Richard Lauritzen, Dale Chalmers, Don and Shirley Hale, Pam Grimes, Judi Short, Colleen Menlove, Steve LesterFRIENDS OF IRVING: Student representatives from the Gifted and Talented Class at Beacon Heights, under the direction of Colleen Menlove, explained that they were very concerned that the old Irving School be preserved. They passed out a survey to locate individuals who would be willing to help clean up the site, lend financial support, help with fundraising etc. The students explained that they were going to hold a fundraiser during the month of May for the Irving project. Steve Lester showed a drawing of the proposed restoration. Gary Thorup suggested that the ELP class return next month to report back on the survey and tell us exactly how they would like the Sugarhouse Cement Council to help. PETITION FOR NEW TRUSTEE: Rich Bennett presented his petition to become the trustee from the Garfield neighborhood. Miriam Murphy made a MOTION that we accept this petition. Jerry Romero seconded the motion, The motion was unanimously PASSED.TRAFFIC ISSUES UPDATE-Lincoln/McClelland/Hollywood Jerry Romero mailed a petition of 105 names of neighborhood residents in favor of the street closure to the Mayor and several Councilmen. Del Brewster of the Sugarhouse Chamber of Commerce lined up 3 businessmen to sit on a committee with 3 neighborhood residents. The city traffic department will facilitate. They are waiting for the neighborhood committee members. Pam Grimes said they need to change the in and out direction of the parking lot of the Post Office to help solve the problem of traffic shooting straight into the neighborhood. Jerry Romero made a MOTION: Sugar House Community Council should support the formation of a committee of neighborhood and business persons to come up with possible solutions to the traffic problems on the above mentioned streets.  Dorothy seconded. Miriam felt that there would be a need for differing views to be represented on the committee. Del Brewster: Suggested that some criteria for the committee could be developed with Jerry and a report could be made in February before any major solutions to the problem were attacked. Gary suggested that the criteria include ways the selection process for the committee could be made so that the committee wasn’t stacked with single-minded people which could create a stalemate instead of a solution. Jerry Romero WITHDREW THE MOTION. He will be placed on February’s agenda. WESTMINISTER PARKING TERRACE ISSUE: Steve Morgan and Richard Brockmeyer from Westminster addressed this issue. They will build a new library and a 180 car double deck parking plaza as soon as funding is found. John Mannos objected to its placement because it would distort the views of expensive homes along 1200 East with its 10 foot wall. Pam said if the parking lot was placed on 1200 East neighborhood surveillance would be disrupted and it would tend to promote crime against students because of its isolation in relation to the rest of the campus. Rawlins asked if it was possible to build a parking terrace without access through residential areas. John asked if the parking lot could be moved to the south end of 1300 East so that it faced the back yards of homes. Gary Thorup was excused and Jerry Romero took over. John Mannos made a MOTION: The Sugarhouse Community Council is concerned about the placement of the proposed parking terrace at Westminster and would like the college to explore with the Master Planner an alternate site closer in within the boundary of the campus and report back its findings and proposals to us. Rawlins seconded the motion The vote was PASSED unanimous. A NEW OFFICER-Officer Dave Warner introduced himself. Miriam asked about the emergence of gang graffiti opposite the Boys and Girls Club. Warner said he would have the Gang Officer come speak to us. Del Brewster said the business community appreciated holiday foot officers. CITY COUNCIL UPDATE: Councilman Don Hale said the semaphore at 11th East and 5th South was placed there to allow a break in the heavy traffic for cars traveling east and west. The Post Office should be acquired by the 30th of the month Don said he was impressed with Chief of Police Ortega. He has broken up a lot of drug traffic and gangs already. There is a hearing on where the baseball stadium should be tomorrow night at 7p.m. in the council chambers. Dale Chalmers made a MOTTON: The SHCC wants the site to be Dirks Field. Rich Bennett: Seconded Vote unanimously PASSED PARK Way Closing-Mr. Peter Bellows said they had great problems with traffic cutting through to businesses and cars traveling to speeds of 60 mph. Mr. Hendricks said cars are often stranded without gas and need a phone. They come to his house at all hours. He would be willing to donate part of his property for a public phone. He lives at 1285 East Park Way Ave. Jerry said we will look at this property  Dale C. MOTIONED that SHCC back the blockage of Park Way. Rawlins Seconded.  Richard Lauritzen worried about the frustration of other neighbors trying to get to their homes.  Dale AMENDED his MOTION to say that SHCC should back the temporary blockage and study of that blockage of Park Way.  Rawlins seconded  Vote: 2 opposed, 6 favored, 2 abstained VOTE PASSED WELLHEAD PROJECT; Rawlins said we should have been done the end of December. We had 80% completed. The state and League of Women voters will help us complete it. We may still get the $2000 but will ask trustees to help do the bookkeeping. Minutes for November were approved. Dorothy mentioned Diana Smoot had a stroke.  Jerry MOTIONED that SHCC send flowers balloons or a plant. Mannos seconded  Vote PASSED unanimous Dorothy MOTIONED: SHCC support Night out Against Crime in Aug. Rawlins seconded. Dorothy wants it on the Chambers calendar as the second Tues. of August now.  Vote PASSED unanimous. Dorothy moved we adjourn. Dale C. seconded

Landon Clark
[email protected]