SHCC Meeting Minutes – January 1995

SHCC Meeting Minutes – January 1995


January 5, 1995

Present: Jerry Romero, Alice Edvalson, Keith Christenson, Judy Short, Craig Bohn, Jim Powell, David Halling, Dorothy Tuddenham, Joe Clark, Dolores Donohoo, Jerry Hatch, Sharon Ashcraft, Wendy Merrill, Kathy Daly, Ron Snarr, Sheila 0′ Driscoll, Liz Davis, Cheri Carleson, Ralph Shino, Rich Bennett, Jan Haug, Wade Jones, Allen C. Johnson, Marty Vuyk, Wayne Halverson, Roselyn Kirk, Tree Brown Hayes, Leland J. Myers, Scott L. Kisling, Nancy K. Pace Excused: Rawlins Young, James Lund Meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Jerry Romero. The minutes of December 7, 1994 meeting were approved. Jerry reported that the plans for the Irving school property were presented to the Historic Landmarks committee today. A few modifications will need to be made, but basically looked real good. They are trying to keep with the historical appearance of the old building. City Council Update: Keith Christenson reported that police and community involvement will be his top priority for the coming year and encouraged all of us to get involved and send a strong message that we are in control of our community. He indicated that the Sugar House Business District Master Plan re-write is being presented before the City Council on the 17th of January. He also reported that the Zoning re-write has been through the review of the Planning Dept. and is ready to be presented to the City Council. Keith addressed some questions on the pedestrian traffic along 13th East between Sugar House Park and the Shop-Ko center. Several options have been considered including a surface cross-walk, an underground tunnel, and an overpass. The favored option so far is an overpass, however, this would be the most expensive. Jerry reported that the Olympic Bid committee would like to make their presentation at one of our council meetings and recommended that as a very good presentation. Jerry suggested we put them on our agenda for the March meeting. The Certified Emergency Response Team (CERT) program is in need of more volunteers to be involved in this training. This program is administered by the Fire Dept. Jerry indicated there has been some suggestions that a larger place for our community council meetings is needed. It was suggested we look into the Forest Dale Golf Course Club House when the remodeling is completed there. Other suggestions were made to use some of the local schools. Judy Short made a motion that we appoint a committee to investigate the possibilities for a new meeting place. The motion was seconded and approved. The committee is: Chair-Jan Haug, members-Craig Bohn, Jim Powell, David Halling, Dorothy Tuddenham. A discussion was held regarding the need to split the Sugar House Community Council. Some felt the council area is too large. Others felt there is an advantage in having a larger representation. The Sugar House Community Council is the largest council in the city. A motion was made to table this discussion until there is a greater need felt by more council members. The motion was seconded and approved. It was suggested we revisit this issue in the March or April meeting. In the meantime, the sustainable communities committee can look at this issue. We have received applications for nominations for the “Good Neighbor” award that is presented annually at the SLACC Neighborhood Conference. We need to have representation from our area in these awards. Officer Joe Clark indicated that the Sugar House Chamber of Commerce has made application to close streets in the Sugar House Business area (Highland Drive from 21st South to Wilmington and West on 21st So. to the monument) for an Arts Festival to be held on July 14-15 between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 9:00 P.M. The police are in favor of the festival, but feel there are other alternatives for blocking traffic that would have less impact on the traffic in the area. There are an estimated 20,000 cars traveling the N-S route on an average business day and 28,000 E-W. Dorothy Tuddenham will work with Officer Clark and Del Brewster of the Chamber of Commerce to determine an alternative. There will be a pot luck dinner and workshop for trustees and partners at the home of Jerry Romero, 1034 Hollywood Ave. on Jan. 21 from 7:00 – 9:00 P.M. Dolores Donohoo passed around a sign up sheet for food.Crime Report: Pam Grimes reported that the area has been hit again with graffiti and vandalism. It was also reported there had been some drive-by bb gun shootings in the business district. There are now 20 people in the area that are trained and working with the Crime Watch program. The goal is to have 200 or more persons in the area involved with this program. Jerry asked the Sustainable Communities committee to get more involved with these programs. Recreation Report: The plan for a new Highland High baseball field in Sugar House Park will be discussed again at the Sugar House Park Authority meeting on the 16th of Jan. The school is trying very hard to work out an acceptable solution to enlarging their baseball facilities. Traffic Report: The traffic committee reported that they are looking at the intersection at 21st So. and 23rd East. There is a possibility this will be re-done in 1996. There have been many accidents in that area. They are also looking at the intersection of Wilshire by K-Mart. Zoning Report: The Zoning committee will be looking at the Sugar House Business District Master Plan and zoning issues at their meeting on the 18th of January at 7:00 P.M. at 2348 So. Foothill Drive. Anyone interested was invited to attend this meeting. New Development: Kenny Anderson, the developer for the property at 2900 So. and 20th East has made his presentation to the city now and will possibly be on the agenda to make a final presentation to us at our February meeting. Jerry Hatch presented a planned proposal for a Residential Senior House and Elderly Care facility he is planning to build at 825 East Stratford Ave. This property is currently a vacant lot. Jerry suggested he meet with Allen Johnson and the Land Use committee. Trustee Changes: A letter of resignation has been received from trustee Marty Steckler who is unable to continue as a trustee because of other commitments. A petition was received from David Halling who is requesting to take his place in the Westminster neighborhood. His petition was approved. Jerry will be out of town on National Guard duty for the February meeting so Allen Johnson will be conducting the meeting. The SHCC Executive meeting will be Jan. 9th at 7:00 P.M. at Alice’s home. Meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M.

Landon Clark
[email protected]