SHCC Meeting Minutes – January 1996

SHCC Meeting Minutes – January 1996




January 3, 1996



Present: Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Dolores A. Donohoo, Dorothy Tuddenham, Kennard Eltinge, Liane H. Pearce, Liz Holt, B. L. Smith, Katina Ventura, Ruth A. Robbins, Ray Pugsley, Lynne Olson, Mary Carlson, Sgt. Mark Peck” Cheri Carleson, Scott Kisling, Del Brewster, V. Havey, Rich Bennett, Tree Hayes, Sam Piazza, John Richards, Susan Greene, Veronica Crandall, Dave Buhler, Kathy Daly, Gene Davis Excused: Tree Brown Hayes, Scott Kisling, Julina Parker Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Rawlins Young. Minutes of the December meeting were approved. Rawlins indicated the petition for trustee from Doris Williams needs to be held until a later date. The chairman from the community councils in the city have been asked to act on a communication advisory task force. They will meet on Jan. 10 from 4:45 -7:15 PM. The chairman are also requested to be in attendance at a training session sponsored by the Office of Community Affairs that same night, Jan. 10 from 6 – 8 PM in room 442 of the City & County bldg. They will be covering Parliamentary procedures, the SLC Recognition Ordinance, and Conflict resolution. All trustees are welcome. City Council Update: No City Councilmen in attendance Committee Reports:Sustainable Communities – Crime Report -Dorothy Tuddenham reported the Mobil Watch program is doing a wonderful job. We need it both day and night which would require many more volunteers. Rich Bennett reported very favorably on his activities with the Mobil Watch. B.L. Smith presented the December crime report. December was a bit low on crime activity considering the holiday season. He pointed out that in November, the majority of burglaries were in the 9th East area, but in December they had moved above the 13th East area. Sugar House Business District Issues: Veronica Crandall gave out copies of the minutes for the last two Sugar House Business District meetings. She indicated they are still in draft form since they have not as yet been approved. Boys & Girls Club: Veronica reported on the expansion project. She made available draft copies of the previous meeting. There are still a number of unresolved issues. Jacquelyn Harvey, a property owner adjacent to the park still has concerns specifically the landscaped buffer zone. She has not had adequate communication from those responsible for the project. Veronica will set up another meeting to discuss these issues. Java Jive: Liane Pearce, owner of Java Jive announced a meeting on Jan 29 from 6:30 – 8:00 PM at the Sprague library to address questions from the community. She explained their business standards and what they are trying to do with their business. They really want to make their business a respected one in the neighborhood. Capitol Improvement Program: Rawlins indicated this program is a city wide program and that all areas are eligible. He also indicated that, at least in most cases, projects approved at this time would probably take 5 years to complete. We still have until the end of February to submit requests. Community Action representative replacement: Ken Eltinge who has been serving as the representative from our area for the past 8 years is no longer able to serve. This program deals with low income programs such as Head Start, Utahn’s Against Hunger, etc. The Sugar House area is one of six areas represented in the city. The committee meets once a month, the 3rd Wed. at 7:30 PM at 8th So. and 2nd West. The board is composed of30 persons. Board members serve for a 2 year period. Persons interested in this position need to contact Rawlins before the next meeting. An election will be held at the Feb. meeting. Process of Neighborhood Change – Rawlins read from the Articles of Incorporation of the Sugar House Community Council the objectives, purpose and scope of the SHCC. They included: (a) It is organized as a non-profit Corporation under the Laws of the State of Utah. (b) To combat neighborhood and community deterioration (c) To provide for city beautification (d) To preserve and improve the business, residential, recreational areas and facilities of area boundaries: 13th South~ Foothill Drive; 7th East including West City limits and South to South City limits. He presented a paper describing conditions which contribute to changes in a neighborhood. These described the changing of a neighborhood from a healthy neighborhood to an abandoned one. A healthy neighborhood is usually defined as a new housing development or sub-division. He indicated that most neighborhoods in our area are 50 years or more old with only 1 or 2 new developments in the area. He also defined a medium income as above $40,000 a year. He also indicated that changes occur because of decisions that are made by individuals, investors, and public and private leaders. Decline in a neighborhood is best stopped when something is done at an early stage rather than in the final stages of decay. He encouraged the trustees to look at our neighborhoods and try to determine what is happening and in what stage our neighborhoods are in. He expressed concern over the lack of available information to let us know what is happening in our neighborhoods. Usually the city is responsible for data gathering and data keeping to provide this kind of information, but he feels our city has no clue as to what is happening. He feels we need to encourage the city council to take measures to better understand what is happening in our neighborhoods. Persons and organizations cannot be held accountable unless there are records to measure accountability. He stated that the State and the City must provide means to provide the necessary information and accountability. He explained that the CAT teams are an effort to stem the tide of problems in our areas. We need to take a PROACTIVE approach in the decline process. The rezoning of our area back to the single family dwelling status was an effort to stop the decline. Parks and Recreation – Cheri Carleson reported on the Dec. 14. meeting of the Sugar House Park Authority. She indicated there are two vacancies on the Sugar House Park Authority board. These positions are 5 year terms and are open to the public. There will be another opening in the near future as chairman, Ted Wilson is quitting. Anyone interested in these positions should send a resume to the Park Authority, 3383 So. 300 East, SLC 84115. She also reported that the Park Authority has signed the agreement for the baseball park. There will be an open house on Jan. 13 10:00 – 12:00 AM at the Park & Recreation Bldg. 1965 West 500 South to review the Parks Master Plan. Cheri indicated there are various definitions of “open space”. Some define it as anything without a building on it. It is more than structured recreation areas. Many “open spaces” can be non-structured areas. A question was asked about a barrier that was to be put up on the loop in the park. No one had an answer. Lynne Olson reported on the CDBG grant proposal the KOPE KIDS are making in an effort to finish the Hidden Hollow Park this year. Rawlins encouraged trustee support at the CDBG meeting on Jan. 24. A motion was made, seconded, and approved to send a letter of support to the Community Development committee. Lynne reported that the KOPE KIDS are learning about the city zoning and development policies. It was suggested they have the Police Dept. talk with them about how to develop with crime in mind. Traffic – No report. Housing, Land Use, Zoning – A question was asked regarding the Westminster parking lot, but no one was able to provide much information. It had been rumored that the City Council was going to hear their proposal, but had been rescheduled because the neighborhood had not been given adequate notice of the hearing. Scheduled for the Feb. meeting is the expansion of a parking lot of the Medical Center North of Kentucky Fried Chicken on 13th East. They want to expand in the back of the residential property. This will also be discussed at the executive meeting on Jan. 20. State Legislature Report: Reporting were Senator Dave Buhler, Representatives Mary Carlson and Gene Davis. They spoke on several subjects and answered questions from the group. These included: The surplus of money the state has; proposed tax cuts, possibly on food, not a question if taxes will be cut, but where; transportation, including UTA and light rail; the Parleys Trail Project that will connect neighborhoods on both sides of 180 and 1215; Crime issues, including the need for more prisons; and increases in education spending. There were a lot of questions raised and discussion held regarding the new utility poles being installed by UP&L on Hannibal St. Those living in the area are upset with them because they are “big and ugly” and there was no communication with the neighborhood prior to beginning installation. It was pointed out that all utility lines in new subdivisions are required to be buried and it is felt this should be the case in our area as well. It was felt that we would be better served by having our elected officials deal with the problem with UP&L. It was pointed out that any improvements that are proposed in the near future will probably be blamed on the Olympics. In fact, it will probably be Micron that will cause more growth problems than the Olympics. Meeting adjourned approximately 9: 10 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]