SHCC Meeting Minutes – January 1998

SHCC Meeting Minutes – January 1998


January 7, 1998

Trustees: Present: Rawlins Young, Alice Edvalson, Cheri Carleson, Sandy Hiskey, Dorothy Tuddenham, , Helen Peters, Sheila O’Driscoll, John Richards, Su Armitage, Gene Davis (10) Excused: Scott Kisling, Julina P. Parker, Rich BennettCity/State Representatives: Diane Stover, Officer Fred Ross, Kathy Daly, Sandi Marler, Bill Allayaud, Dan Andrus, Byron Simpson, Pauline Zvonkovic, Mary Carlson, Afton Bradshaw, Bob Steiner, Kevin Bruce Mahaffey, Jay Hill, Cynthia Moelder, Edward Makowsk, Judy Kennedy, Lou Owens, Virginia Martinez, Kitty Getz, Elmer Bullock (20) Others: Ray Pugsley, LeAnn Whitsides, Agnes Greenhall, Cathy Martinez, Jeff Straley, Alan Rogers, Kim Rogers, Lysia Hand, Cherry Caouette, Rick Stewart, Anita Dickerson, Sherry Baranowski, Connie Nelson, Shelly Powell, Harrison Smithwick, Hope Hortin, Bruce Brown, Virginia Lopez (18) Total – 48 Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Vice Chair Helen Peters. The minutes for the December meeting were approved . (it was noted after that the date should have been December 3, 1997 instead of November 5, 1997) Chair Report: Trustees present were invited to sit at the tables at the front of the room with name tags in front of them indicating their name, neighborhood, and executive committee or subcommittee assignments. This is being done in an effort to better acquaint those in attendance at the meeting with the trustees and the neighborhoods they represent. Helen reported there had been no meeting of community council chairs with the Mayor this past month and that the agenda items for last month will be held over for the Jan. meeting. Treasurers Report: Rich Bennett was excused so no report, however, it was felt that nothing had changed from last month. Proposed Division of Property at 1750 East 1700 So. (planned Unit Development): Michael Bradley met with us again this month to report that he had met with the neighbors on Monday night (Jan. 5), but that they had only been given about a 1 day notice so many could not attend. The same concerns expressed last month were raised, namely 1) the neighbor to the South was concerned with a 2 story house feeling that it would be an invasion of their privacy as well as blocking the view. 2) the neighbor to the East felt the 2 story house would block the sun from their property. 3) a neighbor to the North expressed concern that this would set a precedent for others in the neighborhood to do the same. Many of the properties in this area have large, long lots. This could increase traffic in an already busy neighborhood. 4) Others were concerned with the limited access to the back of the property. Michael did indicate that he had changed the orientation of the house so that there would be no windows looking down into the property to the South. Trustee Sheila O’Driscoll, who has been working with Michael on this project, indicated that the plans basically comply with current city zoning ordinances and reiterated the positive aspects of the development as well as recognizing some of the problems She also expressed a concern with the short notice for the meeting with the neighbors, feeling that many were not able to attend because of this. She also encouraged neighbors to attend the Planning Commission hearing to express their concerns. The Planning Commission does consider the feelings of the neighbors in their decisions. Cheri Carleson asked some of the neighbors how important the large yards were to their decision to own their property. Most indicated this was a big part in their decision. Mr. Bradley again emphasized the fact that his plans are to live in one of the homes and wants to become a part of this neighborhood. Trustee Rawlins Young felt that the city needs to carefully consider the whole issue of the “flag lot” concept and whether that type of development should be allowed. He indicated that this type of development has, inthe past, let to an eventual deterioration of the neighborhood. After lengthy discussion, a motion was made to accept the proposal as presented. The vote was 7 opposed and 2 abstaining. A letter will be sent to the Planning Commission conveying the concerns and issues raised. Legislature Update: Mary Carlson indicated that the budget and taxes would be big issues during this session. – She said we should look carefully at decisions that affect what money is spent on. She indicated that the I-15 construction project is $300-600 million short of what is needed to complete the project and that there has been $190 million in additional costs that were not considered in last years budget. The money for this project will be a major issue. She also indicated that many of the costs associated with this project are being diverted to the local government to handle the problems caused by the construction. The county is not paying their fair share of these costs. Bob Steiner said he is studying and trying to understand the Governor’s budget. He indicated it appears the budget is $120 million short for programs the governor has proposed. There is $200 million more revenue this year. A large amount of the budget goes for education. Plans are to add 1,000 beds for prisoners during this year. Gene Davis indicated that most of the $200 million is in the education fund and not the general fund and thus, can’t be used for highways. He also indicated the plans are to build a new prison every year in the future. He also said we face a major crisis in wages paid to state employees. Mary Carlson said that 60% of the state budget goes to education and we are still at the bottom of the list for dollars spent per child. A question was asked regarding a change in the form of county

government. They were not aware of a bill that would address this issue. Another question was asked regarding the planning for open space. This does not seem to be very high on the priority lists. A comment was made that the off ramps from the freeway should be connected to arterial streets, however, the arterial system has never been developed as it should have been. It was felt that the state shouldn’t do highways unless they provide money to local governments to handle the traffic from the off ramps. A question was asked regarding the growth issue. It seems the Governor feels this issue is a local issue and not a state issue. Another Legislature update will be put on the February agenda. The remainder of the meeting was turned over to the CDBG committee for a presentation of requests for CDBG funding from our area. The CDBG committee consisted of: Jay Hill Dist. 6, Cynthia Moelder Dist. 5, Kevin-Bruce Mahaffey Dist. 1, Edward Makowsk Dist. 5, Judy Kennedy Dist. 3, Lou Owens Dist. 7, Virginia Martinez Dist. 1, Kitty Getz Dist. 2, and Elmer Bullock Dist. 2. The following projects were presented:1) Fairmont Park Tennis Courts – Fairmont Park – presented by Bruce Brown -asking for $200,000 – Rated as an urgent need. Plans are to cut from 5 to 4 courts, resurface the courts and landscape around courts. 2) Youth With a Voice (Boys & Girls Club) – 968 Sugarmont – presented by LeeAnn Whitesides -asking for $43,000­ money to cover salary for staffing of this program. The program is specifically for girls and provides skills training and recreational activities. There were 481 girls in the program last year. There are not many programs in the city for girls and this is a good one. 3) Rape Recovery Center – 2035 South 1300 East – presented by Virginia Lopez and Cathy Martinez – asking for $15,000 – This program deals with sexual assault and rape victims and is the only center of its kind in the state. The center provides access 24 hours a day/7 days a week/ all year. There are 8 paid staff, most are volunteers. There were 3,000 persons assisted in 1996. 53% were under 14, the youngest was 9 days old and the oldest was 91. 4) Family Support Center – 2020 Lake Street – presented by Anita Dickerson – asking for $5,000 – This provides a place for family members to stay for a short period of time until a crisis at home has been taken care of. This money is to cover the salary for the house parents who staff the facility 24 hours a day/7 days a week/365 days a year. At the end of the presentation, those attending the meeting were asked to vote for their choice of where the money should be spent by putting stickers on a poster to indicate their preference. Adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]