SHCC Meeting Minutes – January 2000

SHCC Meeting Minutes – January 2000

SUGAR HOUSE COMMUNITY COUNCIL Minutes for January 5, 2000 

Trustees: Helen Peters, Alice Edvalson, Judi Short, Cheri Carleson, Ty McCartney, Rich Bennett, Sheila O’Driscol, Ray Pugsley, Tiffany Starbuck, Ruth Price, Phillip Carlson, Lynne Olson, Dorothy Tuddenham, Su Armitage, Robert Marsh, Gayen Wharton, JOMRichards (17)                Excused: Ruth Robbins, Rawlins Young, Dolores Donohoo City/State Representatives: Barry Esham, Kathy Daly, Karen Hale, Dave Buhler, Diane Olsen, Roger Thompson, Bill Allauad (7) Others: Marv Tuddenham, Malcolm Campbell, Verdi White II, Rich Hendron, Kevin Adams, Matthew Buhler, Jennifer Napier-Pearce, Claudia Pack (8) Total – 32

Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chair Ty McCartney. Minutes of the November meeting were approved with the request to clarify the statement made on the unit legalization for John Stirling. The minutes stated that John has done a lot to fix up and clean up this property. It was indicated that the sub-committee felt that there was still much more that needs to be done to make this property and its street appearance so that it would look as nice as the surrounding properties Chair Report: Ty will be meeting with Dave Buhler Wed. at 7:30 AM at Marie Calendars. If anyone has anything they want Ty to bring up with him, call him. Treasurers Report: Dolores was ill tonight so no treasurers report. It was noted that a check has been written for donation to Gilgal Garden for $50. Public Input: It was noted that there has been an increase in graffiti in the area. A question was asked about the snow removal ordinance. We were told that the ordinance states that snow must be removed from the sidewalks within 24 hours from when the snow stops falling. Call 535-6628 for problems with this. A question was again asked about the status of the Lone Star-Steak house. We have heard no further information on this. Ty will try to contact their corporate headquarters again. Compliments were given on the new stop light at Wilmington and 13th East Mayor’s Office Update: Barry Esham of the Mayor’s office reported there has been some graffiti reported in the area again. For removal of the graffiti, call 972-7885. The Hidden Hollow conservation easement still has not been completed. They are still working on some final title transfers. The city is working with a new owner at 2006 So. 10th East in an effort to clean up and fix up this house. It is anticipated it will be used as a duplex instead of the triplex that it has been (which was illegal). There has been some efforts made to clean up along the railroad tracks. The Union Pacific contact for this area is Jim Marshall- 595-3560. There have been some problems with persons parking along the North side of 27th So between 7:00 – 9:30 AM. Call Barry to report violations. There was a question asked about the garbage cans being left in the street and in particular in the bicycle lane. Barry indicated that garbage cans must be taken out of the street by midnight of the pickup day and. the garbage cans must be placed next to the curb and not out in the roadway. It was suggested that information regarding the proper procedure for garbage cans could be put in the utility bills. Legislature Update: Senator Karen Hale reported on the key issues that will be addressed in the upcoming legislature session. A big item will be public education. The governor is purposing a 7.4% increase in the budget for education. There will be efforts made to require more accountability for the spending of the education money. There will be an attempt to collect state taxes on a quarterly basis from persons who are self-employed. It is projected that this could bring in an extra $50 million which could possibly help in the financing of the education budget. There will be an attempt to extend the bond for transportation from 7 to 10 years. There will also be an attempt to extend the payment from the Olympic committee to the state from Jan. 2002 to Mar. 2002. There will also be discussion of what can be done to utilize the Bear Hollow and Soldier Hollow facilities after the 0lympics are over. There are-some 10 bills addressing what to do with the tobacco settlement money. There will be discussions regarding utility right-of-ways on the interstate system. This is specifically referring to things like the fiber optics and other communication lines. Karen was asked if they could see if something could be done to modify the state liquor laws that prohibit the sale of liquor within a certain distance from certain public facilities (like the library). This has created problems in areas like the Sugar House business district where the library is in the middle of the business district and prohibits the sale of liquor in some of the restaurants in the vicinity. Insurance for mental illness will probably come up during the session as will gun issues. A question was asked if something could be done to preserve the Crandall Park area for open space rather than let it go for development. Questions regarding legislature issues can be directed to Karen bycalling her at home – 485-6642 or office – 538-1086. City Council Update: Roger Thompson reported on his first impressions of the new mayor, indicating that he was a real “work-a-holic” and he feels that he will be terrific. He feels his style of management will be a “hands on” style. Roger feels Mayor Anderson has appointed some good people to work in his administration. He feels sure that the “lost files” issue is not the fault of the old staff and that it will be worked out. Information regarding city council issues can be found on the internet council/(several different selections available). New city council persons are Dave Buhler, Van Turner, and Nancy Saxton. The East/West Light Rail is pretty much a “go ahead”. Carlton Christensen is the city council chair and Roger is the vice chair. The Gilgal Garden issue will come up again and it is hoped that the city will agree to accept this as a city park. The proposed Walgreen on 9th East and 21st So. is on the agenda. He indicated that the “Fly Over Tax” is a constitutional issue. There will be efforts made to try to get the unincorporated areas of the city into the corporated areas. Olympic costs are still an issue that will be addressed. The fluoridation resolution has been passed for SL County residents. The ”No Cruise” zone on State street has been a major improvement in the problems that had previously been in that area. They will be looking at election reform. Housing is still a big issue. A question was asked if the city council could look at ordinances that would allow more drought resistant landscape. A question was asked about the amount of the budget that will be set aside for capital improvements. We were told that the city council has passed an ordinance that would require new development to pay “impact fees” that will be used for improvements needed as a result of the new development. A question was asked if the recognition ordinance would be looked at again. There has been a lot of resistance to this from the community councils. It may or may not be brought up again. A question was also asked about the implementation of the open space master plan which was approved some years ago and has never really been implemented. Dave Buhler felt that he was so new that he could not really report on any more than had already been addressed. He asked for any questions from the audience or issues that we would like to see addressed. We would like the Hollywood traffic problems addressed and would hope that the city would be willing to implement some traffic calming measures on that street between 9th and 11th East. All the new development in the Sugar House area has caused major traffic problems in this area and the Walgreen proposal would be an additional impact on that. Lynne Olson invited the city council to go on a walking tour of the Sugar House Business district to see some of the small businesses in the area so they can get a feel of the environment we have been trying to promote in this area. This prompted a big discussion of what we envision for the business district. Crime Prevention Update:Diane Olsen reported that their number one priority is meth labs. She indicated that neighbors are the key to finding these labs. She handed out crime reports for dist. 6 & 7 for the month of Dec. Car prowls/thefts have sky rocketed in this area. She continues to encourage people to keep cars locked and not leave anything inside that would encourage break-ins. A device called “The Club” has been found to be the best deterrent for car thefts and is available for about $35. In April, a big county wide crime prevention activity is being planned.Planning Dept. Update: Bill Allayaud reported that Westminster College will have another Master Plan open house on Jan. 11,2000 from 6:30 – 8:00 PM in the Howa Board Room in the Shaw Center. The Planning Commission will review their master plan on Jan 20. Bill reported on the progress of the Walgreen proposal. The Planning Commission has heard the proposal and it is scheduled for the City Council agenda on Jan. 18 at 6:00 PM. Bill encouraged anyone interested to either attend that hearing or call or write your comments to the City Council before the 18th. It was noted that the residents in the Hollywood neighborhood are opposed to any new development in that area until the city will do something in the way of traffic calming measures on Hollywood between 9th and 11th East. Traffic continues to be a big problem in that area with many big trucks continuing to travel that street to avoid 21st So. and 11th East traffic. The volume of traffic on this street is extremely high for a neighborhood street. Work is continuing on the Sugar House Master Plan update. They are currently working on the Commercial Development, Urban Design, and Parks & Open Space sections. Bill also reported that Rawlins Young has been in the hospital. Sprague Library Update: Kathy Daly reported on the progress of the addition to the library. They are still working on the bid process. She feels we will be ok to meet at the library for February, but should plan on the March meeting being at the Forest Dale Golf Club House. The remodel project is projected to cost $1.5 million and take from 9 to 12 months. Kathy also indicated that the library does have access to the Internet and patrons are welcome to come there to find information on the WEB. She explained a bit of the library policy regarding restricting WEB access. She said that since the library is a public facility, information is not restricted, but use is monitored such that inappropriate use of the WEB is not allowed. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]