SHCC Meeting Minutes – January 2001

SHCC Meeting Minutes – January 2001


Minutes for January 3, 2001

Trustees:  Alice Edvalson, Ty McCartney, Rawlins Young, Ruth Price, Philip Carlson, Robert Marsh, Rich Bennett, Fred Conlon, Helen Peters, Ray Pugsley, Gayen Wharton, Lynne Olson, Kevan Adams, Judi Short, Sheila O’Driscoll (15)

Excused:  Dorothy Tuddenham, Su Armitage, Dolores Donohoo

City/State Representatives; Kathy Daly, Sprague Library; Barry Esham, Mayors Office; Roger Thompson, City Council; Melissa Anderson, SLC Planning Dept. (4)Others: Sherry Baranowski, Kathy Campbell, Roger Black, Amy Price, Derek Payne, Sarah Carlson, Justin Jones, Hollie Jones, Bill Farrand, Dell R. Cook, Maria Soter, Ted Colby, Mark Baranowski, Lee Zundel, Jason Sperry, John Richards, Daniel Case, Charles Roberts, Sam Moesser, Sean Swenson, Jacob Webber, Tom Wadsworth, Matthew Van Wagoner, Chase Bolents, J. Jay Jensen, Joey Wood, Colton Brady, Gary Bengtzen, Jared Fredrick, Joyce Wheeler, Ralph Wheeler, Jerry Schmidt, Bruce Sigvardt, Dorothy Sigvardt, Agnes Greenhall, Craig Fuller, Andrew Chase, John Romney, Milton Braselton, Bill Brady, Rachel White, Amy Johnson, Robert Marshall, Jim Burdette, Mike Cottle, Melissa Lichtenstein, Cooper Roberts, Rita Lund, Dennis Guy-Sell  (49) Total Attending – 68Meeting called to order at 7:20 PM (building was not opened) by Chair Ty McCartney.  The minutes were approved after an addition to the Conditional Use – 1744 East 1700 South, Ruth Price expressed a concern with the statement “There is quite a bit of opposition to this development from the surrounding neighbors.” She indicated there was one neighbor attending – his comment was that the Burdettes have been very considerate.  Ruth also suggested that the Organizational Issues be put at the front of next month’s agenda.  This was not stated in the minutes, but was reflected on the Jan. agenda.CHAIR REPORT:  Ty indicated that since he was elected to serve on the legislature, he has felt he needs to resign as chair of the community council and rendered his resignation as of tonight.  As per the by-laws, a vacancy shall be filled by the First Vice-Chair.  Since the voting in October was a tie between the three vice chairs, the decision was made among the three that the new chair would be Ray Pugsley.  Robert Marsh will move from the asst. secretary to become the third vice-chair and parliamentarian as the by-laws state that a vacancy in a vice-chair position will be filled by the next person in order from the election.  Ty reported that the following cross-walks in our area were given to the city as needing study. 1) 11th East between 17thand 21st So., 2) in front of the Sprague Library, 3) 2700 So. at 1700 East.TREASURERS REPORT:  Dolores Donohoo was excused, but the current financial statement shows a balance of $2,025.03 with no activity during the month.


Rachel White presented information on public hearings regarding the issue of nuclear waste coming to Utah and encouraged those present to respond with concerns and comments.  Barry Esham indicated that the Saturday Morning With The Mayor that was scheduled for Jan. 6 has been rescheduled for Jan. 10 from 10 to 12 Noon at the Millcreek Coffee Roasters located at 659 South Main St. He also reported that John Sittner has been appointed as the new City Olympic Planner. He will be working with neighborhood and community activities related with the Olympics. Any questions or comments can be directed to him at 535-7733. There will be an open house on Jan. 25, 6:00 PM in room 315, City & County building to gather input for an ordinance to deal with local impacts of the 2002 Olympics.


Vice Chair, Helen Peters reported that the Fairmont pool construction has had some problems with the contractors and has had about a 3 month delay.  It is anticipated that they will begin work again this month and are anticipating a June opening. Helen presented new trustee petitions from Gary Bengtzen of the Wilford neighborhood, Jared Fredrick of the Highland Park neighborhood, and Justin Jones of the Forest Dale neighborhood. The motion was made that we accept these new trustees. The voting was a unanimous approval.


Derek Payne reported that traffic volumes on Hollywood did qualify for implementation of traffic calming measures. There were four different calming devices used during the test phase, 1) a pie shaped barrier in the center of Hollywood at the 9th East intersection, 2) a circle in the intersection of Hollywood and 10th East, 3) bulb outs on Hollywood West of the McClelland intersection, and 4) blocking of access on McClelland North of the businesses. Preliminary test results showed an estimated 100-200 car decrease in volume near the 9th East end of Hollywood and an estimated 400 car decrease in volume near the East end of Hollywood.  Surveys from residents following the test showed 79% in favor of the device at 9th East, 77% in favor of the circle at 10th East, 67% in favor of the bulb outs at McClelland, and 75% of the Hollywood residents in favor of the blocking of McClelland and 50% of the McClelland residents in favor of the blocking. The businesses were not in favor of the blocking of McClelland because their customers like to be able to cut through the neighborhood instead of dealing with the traffic on 21st or 11th East.  Derek suggested we put Craig Timothy on the agenda for the next meeting for another report of the progress on this issue.


Scout troop 773 consisting of leaders and 15 boys were visiting the meeting as part of the requirements for a merit badge.


These have been owned by Ralph Wheeler for 20 years and were operating as duplexes when he purchased the property.  Trustee, Sheila O’Driscoll reported on her visit to this property and indicated that everything was in order as required by the City. The motion was made that we accept this request with 12 in favor and 1 opposed.PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT – 2725 So. 7th East:Amy Johnson indicated she had been before the community council in June and July of 1999 with a proposal for this site, but a permit from the City obtained at that time had expired so she needed to come back to us for a new request. Her request included two 4 unit buildings and a 2 unit building in addition to the existing home located on this lot. We were concerned that there had not been adequate notification of adjoining neighbors for this new proposal. A motion was made that we form a sub-committee to determine what notification has been done. The voting was 12 in favor and 1 abstaining.CONDITIONAL USE/DEMOLITION PERMIT – 2542-46-52 13TH East:Helen Peters reported on sub-committee meetings held regarding this request. The original request was to demolish the homes at 2542 & 2546. That was changed to also include the home at 2552. The committee encouraged the Church to wait 6 months and to look at alternatives such as car pooling, ride sharing, modifying schedules, special parking places for elderly. Helen indicated that taxes collected from these 3 homes in the past 10 years amounted to $25,526.71 and that, based on the 2000 rate of $3,219.86, the tax revenue generated from these three properties over the next ten years would be $32,198.60 which would be lost if they were demolished. Robert Marshall, architect, reported their study showed there are 2 wards meeting at this building, a resident ward and a singles ward. The resident ward has a weekly attendance of 220-270, 70% of them are over 65 years of age and over 50% of those live 2 blocks away down hill. They have tried a ride share program and reversed the ward schedules so the resident ward is meeting at 9:00 AM and the singles ward at 1:00. This helped the parking situation quite a bit. They have changed the proposal now as a result of all that has taken place to not demolishing any of the homes but increasing the parking by making the green space area to the North of the building into parking. This would increase the parking spaces from 47 to 80. Several of the neighbors were concerned with losing the green space. They also felt that there was plenty of parking space in the immediate neighborhood and didn’t object to it being used by the church. A motion was made that the sub-committee continue working on solutions to this issue for an additional period of time. The voting was 3 in favor, 5 opposed, and 2 abstaining. After much discussion, another motion was made that we write a letter to the Planning Commission suggesting moving slower on decisions in this matter and looking further for other options. There was a question whether this would even have to go to the Planning Commission since the church is only using their own property. Because of time restrictions, this motion was not acted on.


Helen Peters reported on the sub-committee meeting on this issue. She indicated that the recommendation from the committee was to not accept this proposal and that we ask the city to not encourage development of flag lots in Sugar House. Mr. Burdette indicated that he had been told he could build here when he purchased the property and that the city had led him to believe his plan would be acceptable to the city. A motion was made that we accept the recommendation of the sub-committee and reject this proposal. The voting was 9 in favor, 4 opposed, and 1 abstaining.DEMOLISH BUILDING/REPLACE WITH STANDARD INSTITUTE BUILDING – 1950 South 1200 East (Old Sugar House Ward):Mike Cottle of the Church Educational System indicated that this building is currently being used by the Westminster Institute of Religion as well as a meeting house for 3 student/singles wards of the LDS Church. He indicated that investigation has shown that the building is not structurally sound, that the back wall is falling away from the building, and that there are mechanical problems, especially with the boiler. This building was built in the mid 1920’s. It is felt that the cost to repair the building is to great. They feel it would cost some $2 million to retrofit the building and feel they could build a new one for less than that. The current building is approximately 16,000 sq. ft.  The new building would be 12,000 sq. ft. Ralph Wheeler spoke of the historic value of this building, especially the chapel part. The chapel is quite elegant in its design and contains original paintings at the front done by Torlief Knaphus who was from Denmark. There were concerns expressed by others about the historic value of the building. Some have always felt that this building was on the historic register, but some said it was not. Mike Cottle asked if we would write a letter for him describing our concerns and the historic value of the building so he would have something to take back to Church authorities. The motion was made that we not approve the plan to demolish the building. The voting was 14 in favor and 1 abstaining.


Helen Peters reported that the Parley’s Corridor is a proposed greenway for bicycle and pedestrian use which will connect the Bonneville Shoreline Trail at the east Salt Lake City limits to the Jordan River parkway on the west. Recommendations for the Parley’s Corridor are found in several of the master plans for the SLC area. Western extension of the Parley’s Corridor Project is possible on the I-80 right-of-way. A private donation has been received which paid for an engineering plan covering the length of the trail from the I-215 tunnel westward to 20th East. This parallels the course of Parley’s Creek which runs at surface along much of the route to 1300 East. In order to apply for Transportation Enhancement Act money, a letter of our support of this project is needed. It was noted that this first segment of the Parley’s Creek Corridor trail development will not occur on private, residential property. A motion was made to send a letter in support of this project. The voting was 13 in favor and 1 abstaining.Meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM

Landon Clark
[email protected]