SHCC Meeting Minutes – January 2002

SHCC Meeting Minutes – January 2002


WEDNESDAY January 2, 2002


PLACE:            SPRAGUE LIBRARY – 2131 South 1100 East TIME:    7:00 PM AGENDA  Ray Pugsley, Chair. Conducting 7:00 – 7:15         Welcome & Introductions, Minute Approval,                        Chair Report, Treasurers Report7:15 – 7:30         Public Input7:30 – 7:35         Mayor’s Office Update – Barry Esham7:35 – 7:40         Police Update – Officer Kirkwood, Diane Olsen7:40 – 7:45         Planning Dept. Update – Melissa Anderson7:45 – 8:00         Sugar House Business District Historic Presentation –                                                                                    Susan Petheram8:00 – 8:10         Rezone & Ordinance Amendment for Sugar House Business                        District – Melissa Anderson8:10 – 8:25         Walkable Communities Ordinance Discussion 8:25 – 8:35         Westminster College Update – Steve Morgan8:35 – 9:00         Organizational Issues                          Tote Bag Sales                          Olympic Pins                          Continued Discussion on SHCC Purpose Statement –                                                                                     Kevan Adams9:00                 Adjourn            FUTURE MEETINGS:February Agenda Deadline – January 18, 2002 –   Call Alice Edvalson – 485-1663SHCC Executive Meeting – January 21, 2002 – 7:00 PM –  Contact Alice for placeNext Community Council Meeting – February 6, 2002 – 7:00 PM – Sprague LibraryOlympic Torch Run Going North on 7th East Past Hawthorne School –                                    Feb. 7, 2002 – 8:00 PM            THE COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING IS THE FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH AT 7:00 PM – Sprague Branch Library   Questions: Call      Chair Ray Pugsley – 466-1181             Vice Chair Justin Jones – 466-4160            Vice Chair Su Armitage – 467-1708            Vice Chair Scott Kisling – 484-7340            Secretary Alice Edvalson – 485-1663            Asst. Sec./Correspondence Lynne Olson – 484-8352           Asst. Sec./Parliamentarian Kevan Adams – 484-9153            Treasurer Dolores Donohoo – 485-0180 See us also on:  orhhtp:// *****NOTE: If you are able to read the minutes and agenda on the Internet or are no longer interested in receiving them please call Alice at 485-1663 and let us know so we can remove you from the mailing list. ************
Sugar House Community CouncilMinutes for January 2, 2002 Trustees: Kevan Adams, Su Armitage, Gary Bengtzen, Rich Bennett, Paddington Campos, Dolores Donohoo, Alice Edvalson, Justin Jones, Scott Kisling, Julie Nitzkowski, Lynne Olson, Helen Peters, Susan Petheram, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, Gayen Wharton, Rawlins Young (17) Trustees Excused: Tiffany Starbuck  City/State Representatives: Debbie Gabrenas, Sprague Library; Melissa Anderson, SLC Planning Dept.; Officer Brendon Kirkwood, SLC Police Dept. (3) Others: Melissa Lichtenstein, Diane Taylor, Robert Cheney, Joyce Cheney, Karin Whitlock, Neil Stewart, Kitty Stewart, Gina Thompson, Agnes Greenhall, April Larsen, Dolly Rauh, Chad Johnson, Stephen Morgan, Jay Christianson, Mark St. Andre, Tom Nitzkowski, Hollie Jones, Roger Metzger, Dale Lambert (19)   Total Attending: 39 The meeting was called to order at 7:03 PM by Chair Ray Pugsley. The minutes from the December meeting were approved. Chair Report:            Ray Pugsley reported that the police are clamping down on drivers making a left turn on the yellow light at the 13th East/21st South intersection. When the light turns yellow, that means stop! The City is accepting comments on what to do with the north/east side of the downtown library block. There have been suggestions for low cost housing, small retail, or a park/open space. Jan. 7 at noon in the City Council chambers will be the swearing in of the new City Council members, Carlton Christensen, Eric Jergensen, Jill Remington Love, and Dale Lambert. The projected opening of the Fairmont Pool is set for Jan. 25. Treasurer’s Report: The report for the year of 2001 is as follows:            Beginning Balance                                                         $1,980.07            Expenses:             Supplies                                                                     $  225.02              State of Utah/Sugar House Merchants  $ 265.00              Rummage Sale                                                            $  690.35              Tote bags, etc.                                                           $  212.70              Miscellaneous                                                 $  86.46                                                                                                _________                                                Total Expenses             $1.479.53            Income:              Rummage Sale                                                           $1,134.02              T-Shirt Sales                                                   $  113.25              Tote Bag Sales                                                           $  210.00              Olympic Pin Sales                                          $1,113.00              Miscellaneous                                                 $  63.60                                                                                                _________                                                Total Income                 $2,633.87            Ending Balance                                                 $3,134.41 Public Input:             Dale Lambert (new Dist. 7 City Council Representative) encouraged those present to contact him if they have comments on any issue that the City Council will be addressing. He wants to be involved with our community and the things that are going on here. Dale explained about the new City Council and School District boundaries that are a result of the 1990 Census.           Neil Stewart (1991 McClelland St.) – Neil says that since the installation of the traffic calming devices on Hollywood Ave. between 9th and 11th East, there are more cars and the cars are going faster than ever on McClelland St. between 21st South and Hollywood Ave. He also feels that the big air conditioners at the Life Styles 2000 facility are causing power fluctuations at the homes along McClelland St. and wondered if this could be checked out. He asked what it meant in the Master Plan when it refers to “24 hour community”. The answer was that someone is living or businesses are operating around the clock, or in other words, the community is a good mix of residential and business.            Scott Kisling indicated that power around the area of the Park View Plaza could become a problem with all the new construction that is taking place in that area. He also explained a bit about the GE “Elfun” service program. They are looking for service projects in the area. Some suggestions have been: 1) the Santa House, 2) Parley’s Trail through Sugar House, 3) the neighborhood park north of Brickyard, 4) the skateboard park in the old Fairmont pool, 5) trees in Hidden Hollow. Mayor’s Office update – NONE Police Update – Detective Brendon Kirkwood:            Detective Kirkwood reported that car prowls the last month doubled from a year ago and could be even higher in Feb. due to the Olympics. He again encouraged everyone to not leave things in their cars and keep cars locked. There will be a lot of cars in the area during the Olympics. It is estimated that 1500 cars will be parked in Sugar House Park and a lot of Police cars will be in and out of the Westminster College area. He said that there will be a lot of people in the area shopping, eating, etc. and encouraged us all to be helpful to them. The Olympics will change our lives during that period of time. There is a meeting being planned for Jan. 17 to explain more of what to expect during the Olympics. Contact Ray Pugsley for time and place if you are interested. Detective Kirkwood also reported that the person who allegedly did the shooting at Shopko has been apprehended and the employee who was shot will survive. He also indicated that both he and Diane Olsen will be reassigned during the Olympics and won’t be working in our area at that time. Planning Dept. Update – Melissa Anderson:            Melissa indicated that the re-development of Smith’s Food on 9th East and 21st South will be on the February agenda, as will the new Ballet West development on Wilmington.  Sugar House Business District Historic Presentation – Susan Petheram            Susan gave a wonderful presentation on the history of the Sugar House Business District. She pointed out that this area was originally a very pedestrian oriented area, but later had given way to the automobile. She showed a great slide presentation with many fun old pictures of the area. She explained that a “walkable community” is an area that can be easily walked in 5-10 minutes; all kinds of businesses and services are mixed together; streets are all connected so it is easy to walk from place to place; and buildings are built to the street so it is easy to access them from the sidewalk. The new Sugar House Master Plan is strongly oriented towards making Sugar House a more “walkable” community. She also indicated that 21st South was the Lincoln Highway through this area.  Rezone & Ordinance Amendment for Sugar House Business District –                                                            Melissa Anderson            The proposed change would expand the Sugar House Business District to include the Smith’s block on 9th East and 21st South, a small lot in the north/east corner of the Irving School House Apartments, the businesses along 21st South between 12th East and 13th East, the businesses along Highland Drive between Sugarmont and the freeway, and the ShopKo Center. The wording changes to the amendment are making the ordinance consistent with the new Sugar House Master plan and especially address the building height limits, including the elimination of a 10 story height restriction on the Granite block. The new heights are being described in terms of feet rather than in terms of floors and the space allowed for floors is defined. The amount of glass required on building frontage has been modified. The hearing for this with the Planning Commission will be Jan. 17 at 7:00 PM in room 126 of the City and County building. WestminsterCollege Update – Steve Morgan            Steve reported that their new president will be Dr. Michael S. Bassis.  The third new residence hall has now been completed and a keyed gate has been installed at the 12th East entrance to the residence parking area. The cul-de-sac at the east end of Blaine Ave. has been installed and is proving very satisfactory to the residents on that street. They are now working on a new addition to the Gore building. This will house an investment center and an aviation center. Westminster is a training center for airline pilots. Westminster College will also be headquarters for the Public Safety Command Center during the Olympics. Steve introduced Jay Christianson from that center to answer questions regarding the Olympic use. There will be a lot of security persons living on the campus as well as others in and out of there during the games. We should expect to see lots of police cars driving around in our area. Walkable Communities Ordinance Discussion – Melissa Anderson            This ordinance affects the RB, CN, BB, RMU, SHBD, and MU zones. This ordinance, among other things, places limits on lighting allowed, limits on the maximum setback allowed, the percent of the building that must be built to the street, parking setbacks are defined, specifies a required percent of non-reflective glass to be used, functional and operating doors must be oriented to the street and service areas must be screened. A motion was made that we include this issue on the February agenda for a 15 minute discussion and that we be prepared to vote on a response to the ordinance in order that we can send a letter of our recommendation to the city. An amendment was made to the motion that we submit comments during the month to the Housing & Zoning sub-committee (Gayen Wharton, Chair) so they can compile them in an effort to facilitate the discussion in February. Voting on the amendment was 13 in favor, 2 abstaining. Voting on the motion was 15 in favor, 2 abstaining. Organizational Issues:We still have tote bags available for a $5 donation to the community council.A trustee handbook was given to trustees that needed them. The handbook contains the SHCC information sheet, map of council area, duties of trustees, summary of Robert’s Rules of order, Articles of Incorporation, and by-laws.The Olympic pins were supposed to be here by this meeting but haven’t arrived as yet. They should be here any day and will be available from trustees.Because of the lateness of the hour, a motion was made and approved that we extend the time for 15 minutes for the discussion of the purpose of the SHCC. Kevan summarized the comments from last meetings discussion with four reasons why the trustees wanted to be involved: 1) to communicate community information to their neighbors, 2) they wanted to have a voice in the decision making, 3) a love for the area, 4) a desire to be involved. Kevan asked trustees to review the purpose of the community council as stated in the Articles of Incorporation and the mission statement as stated on the information sheet and see if they still reflect what our mission and purpose should be. It was felt that we could possibly add a statement about making our community a safe place to live and bringing the community together so that we would be prepared to deal with emergency situations that could arise. It was also suggested that we include a statement of our responsibility to beautify our community. Some felt that the beautification could be included as a consideration for the sub-committees that are set up to work with community issues. It was suggested that we ought to consider a responsibility for acquiring additional properties for parks and open space in the area. It was also suggested that we include a need for greater cooperation between the business and residential parts of our community.  A motion was made and approved that we continue this discussion at our next meeting. Meeting adjourned at 9:23 PM.

Landon Clark
[email protected]