SHCC Meeting Minutes – January 2004

SHCC Meeting Minutes – January 2004


January 7, 2004


From Sugar House



Trustees Present

Su Armitage, Sarah Carlson, Philip Carlson, Alice Edvalson, Doug Green, Mark Holland, Michael G. Kavanagh, Andrea Moesser, Cabot Nelson, Julie Nitzkowski, Lynne Olson, Tina Ottesen, Helen Peters, Susan Petheram, Ruth Price, Ray Pugsley, L. Rex Sears, Judi Short, Martin Smith, Grace Sperry, Ron Weber, Rawlins Young (22)

Trustees Excused

Rich Bennett, Dolores Donohoo, Scott Kisling, David Lawver, Gayen Wharton

City/State Representatives

Alicia Orgill, SLC Police; Annette Daley, Mayor’s office; Dale Lambert, SLC Council; Lex Traughber, SLC Planning; Dell Cook, Scott Van Kyke SLC Engineering; Ranae Pierce, Sprague Library (7)


Deborah Young, Thomas Q. Bailey, Tom Nitzkowski, Jennie Thueson, David Nelson, Pieter Lingen, Robert Wood, Melissa Lichtenstein, M. M. Bintz, C. T. Bintz, Milton Braselton (11) TOTAL 40


Meeting Minutes

Meeting began at 7 pm with Chair Helen Peters conducting. Michael G. Kavanagh said that the Sugar House Bakery noted in the December 3 minutes should have read Sugarhouse Bread Company. The minutes were approved with that one correction.

Treasurer’s Report

Dolores was excused, so no report.

Chair Report

Helen noted that we now have pins, T-shirts, and a pottery plate for sale to commemorat the 150th anniversary of the founding of Sugar House. Contact Alice Edvalson at 485-1663 to purchase these items. Helen asked for volunteers to help with the mailing of the agenda and minutes. Anyone interested can contact Alice Edvalson at 485-1663. Public Hearings included: 1) Jan. 6 – a request for a conditional use permit to replace a 70 foot utility pool in the public right-of-way with an 80 foot pole to accommodate wireless telecommunications antennas at 1883 E. Hollywood Avenue, 2) Jan. 6 – request to vacate an alley located adjacent to 2327 So. 500 East and 2322 Park St., 3) Jan. 14 – rezone request from Westminster College for properties at 1182 and 1184 East Blaine Ave. from Single Family Residential “R-1/5000” to Institutional “I”. Zoning Information: The Planning Commission is recommending zoning corrections to be made at: 1) 2738 So. 2000 E. – the office building property is dissected by the boundary between the CD and the RMF-35 zones. The recommendation is to zone the entire property CB; 2) 2200 So. Texas St. – the single-family home is dissected by the boundary between the Public Lands zone and the R-1-7000 zone. The recommendation is to zone the property R-1-7000. Open Houses: 1) Jan. 12 – regarding master plans relating to institutional uses in residential neighborhoods; 2) Jan. 8 – regarding Depot District Transit-Oriented Development Plan and the TRAX Extension from the Delta Center to the Intermodal Hub (300 So. 600 W.) Informational Items: 1) for on-line, independent study course on Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT), go to; 2) information regarding painting of green garbage cans; 3) information on the SLC Transportation Advisory Board members; 4) information for graffiti removal. Fairmont Skateboard Park Update: The contract has been awarded for construction of the park and construction is scheduled to start in January and be completed in June 2004. Notes from the Dec. Merchants meeting were also included in the Chair Report handout. Helen also included in the handout a copy of the press release that went out following the breaking of windows in the Sugar House area. This release indicated a $1,000 reward for information leading to those responsible. Helen indicated that the Sego Lily school proposal we heard a few months ago has been withdrawn.

Public Input


Crime Update

– Alicia Orgill of the Police Dept. noted that some areas of crime are up and some down in the Sugar House area. The police are doing some truancy sweeps for the 2 high schools in the area that so far have proven quite successful. Mayor’s Office update: – Annette Daley of the Mayor’s office reported that panhandling is becoming a problem in the Sugar House area. It was suggested that money not be given to the panhandlers, but that we support legitimate organizations that help the homeless. She also noted a Jewish Synagogue being built at 1433 South 11th East. She commented on the sugar beet art sculptures that have been installed in the business district.

City Council Update

– Dale Lambert, Council Member for Dist. 7 said that those working on the snow removal and pickup have been working 24 hrs. a day. People are encouraged to not park on the street during this snowy season as it makes it difficult for the snow removal. Dale noted the large numbers of trees that have been damaged due to the heavy snow, and said that the City has started the pickup of the Christmas trees and that they will pick up broken limbs if they are placed on the curb. Dale also commented on the power problems during the holidays, and noted that the Utah Power crews worked very hard but the communication system completely broke down. Utah Power is very much aware of their problems now and they are doing all they can to correct them. Dale said the Mountair annexation was rejected because there was not a 2/3 majority of property owners in favor. The Sugar House Business District and Westminster Master Plans are back on track now and should get through the process during the 1st half of this year. The Redman project is being partially funded by the RDA, but there are complications with some of the other funding. Dale is going to try to give that project priority. Dale encouraged us to get involved with the Utopia proposal. This has to do with the installation of high-speed fiber cables to every home in the area so everyone would have access to this service. Call the City Council to get more information on this. The City Council has agreed to an interlocal agreement with UTA that exempts UTA from local fees and permits for construction and operations within UTA transit corridors in SLC. This agreement includes the Sugar House rail spur between Sugar House and South Salt Lake City. The agreement was required by the State Legislature. Dale said UTA doesn’t feel the Sugar House TRAX line would affect the PRATT trail proposals. Rawlins complained about the lack of snow removal from sidewalks. The Wasatch Front Regional Council has included the Sugar House spur in the long-range transportation plan, but funding is needed to proceed.

Planning Dept. Update

– Lex Traughber spoke of the proposed street lighting in the residential area next to the business district. He handed out a ballot showing several designs for the lights and asked for our input.

Sesquicentennial Update

Lynne Olson reported on some of the suggestions that have been made for activities that may be held during these next few months in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the founding of Sugar House. One proposal that is being worked on is the renaming 21st South between 7th & 13th East to Sugar Ave. It has also been suggested that we have banners in the business district using some of the art that was created by area children during the Olympic art activities. They are also working on signs along the Canal/McClelland trail, noting the significance of this canal in the history of Sugar House. There is still a need for volunteers to help with sesquicentennial activities.

Sesquicentennial Product Sales

See information above in Chair Report. We discussed how we should market these with the Sugar House merchants. Susan Petheram suggested the merchants keep the cost the same as we are doing. Cabot Nelson made a motion that the executive committee determine a discounted cost for the merchants, so they could sell the items at the same prices that we are selling them. Voting was 17 in favor, 0 opposed, 2 abstentions. Grace suggested a display at Highland High and the Rose Garden.

Literacy Action Center

Debra Young told of the services offered at this center. They are in need of volunteers, funding, and board members. Anyone interested can contact Debra at 3595 S. Main St., phone 265-9081 or e-mail: [email protected] . More information can be found at

Redevelopment at Stratford Park – 2600 South 2000 East

Dell Cook and Scott Van Dyke – The City is looking at the south east portion of Stratford Park, especially the play area and a small pavilion. They are planning to replace these with newer, safer facilities. They want to relocate the shelter from its present location by the soccer field because it interferes with the soccer. Sarah Carlson would like to contact the neighbors that use the park to get their feelings on these changes. Funding for this project is coming from the Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Rawlins Young suggested providing access to the park from Preston Street. Helen suggested that Sarah contact the neighbors and arrange for a meeting to discuss this issue, and that she also include members of the soccer association to meet with them. They need to meet before the next community council meeting and report back at that meeting.

By-Law Discussion

Mark Holland said that Scott Kisling was concerned that there had not been adequate notification of changes being made to the by-laws. Helen assured everyone that there has been plenty of notification at many meetings over the past several years in the attempt to update the by-laws. Grace Sperry made a motion that, since we have all had adequate time to see both versions of the by-laws as presented at the last meeting, we accept the Kisling version of the 1993 bylaws plus all his changes as the new by-laws for the Community Council. Voting on the motion was 7 in favor, 11 opposed (including 1 proxy), and 4 abstentions. The motion was made that we use the 1993 version of the by-laws with the revisions as noted by Scott as the base line document for beginning the revision process. Voting was 9 in favor, 8 opposed (included 1 proxy vote), and 4 abstentions. A motion was made by Andrea Moesser, who voted in favor of the previous motion, that we re-vote on that same motion. Voting this time was 8 in favor 8 opposed (including 1 proxy vote), and 4 abstentions. Ruth Price, who had abstained from voting on this motion, wanted to change her vote, and there was a question as to whether the voting had been completed. The Chair finally asked for a motion to determine if the trustees felt the vote had been completed. Voting on that motion was 15 in favor, 2 opposed, and 4 abstained. A motion was then made that the Chair cast her vote to break the tie of the previous motion. Voting on that motion was 19 in favor, 0 opposed, and 0 abstentions. The Chair’s vote was for the Bowler version. Further discussions of by-laws will use the Bowler version as was originally voted on at the August meeting. Helen would like to discuss with the executives how we will handle the continuing by-law discussions.


Adjourn 9:20 pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]