SHCC Meeting Minutes – January 2005

SHCC Meeting Minutes – January 2005


January 5, 2005


From Sugar House



Trustees Present

Mark Holland, Cabot Nelson, Tina Ottesen, Dolores Donohoo, Barbara Smith, Julie Nitzkowski, Dave Mulder, Helen Peterson, Derek Payne, Ray Pugsley, Rawlins Young, Dave Lawver, Sarah Carlson, Paul Nash, Grace Sperry, Mike Kavannaugh, Judi Short, Ruth Price (18)

Trustees Excused

Lynne Olson, Scott Kisling (2)

City/State Representatives



Richard Howe, Carson Bohner, Alec Bowman, Jake Bowman, Jennie Thueson, Emil Kmet, Art Haddow, Janice Anderl, Ranae Pierce, Dan Going, Lorin Ronnow, Katie Olson.

Meeting minutes

Call to order at 7:00pm, Mark Holland, chair, conducting. Minutes of the last meeting amended to reflect the presence of Sarah Carlson and Phil Carlson. With this amendment, they were unanimously approved from with Dolores Donohoo moving and Sarah Payne seconding.

Treasurer Report

Dolores Donohoo said that November’s balance was $4,566.72. $30 earned from the sale of pins yielded a current balance of $4,596.72. Deedra Hansen-Lambert submitted a written resignation to the Chair. New trustee Janice Anderol applied to be a new trustee of the Highland Park neighborhood, essentially taking Deedra’s place. Petition was considered later in the meeting.

Chair Announcements

1) Donna Irabelli wrote a letter expressing interest in a new sidewalk on Wilmington Avenue, near 2100 East 2000 South, now that Rosslyn Heights is closed. 2) A memo from Salt Lake City announced a follow-up meeting with Nancy Stark regarding the planning staff is readying recommendations for the SH rezoning. It proposes to present the recommendations to groups-including the SHCC-prior to commission near later January. 3) In a written note, Jill Love thanked the SHCC for the $500 for 7th east project. 4) United Way has prepared a report, an executive summary for review. 5) The petition of Janice Ann Anderol of Highland Park was approved unanimously, with Grace Sperry making the motion and Paul Nash seconding. 6) The petition to accept Russell Callister of Fairmont, a manager of Parkview Plaza 1300 East 2150 South, was challenged as Fairmont already had its allotted trustee seats filled. As moved by Ray Pugsley and seconded by Dolores Donohoo, the petition was accepted unanimously as an at-large appointment.

Public Input

1) Comment cards were accepted for Lorin Ronnow and Ed Sperry who wished to speak on the Pedestrian-Friendly Highland Drive issue. 2) Trustee Ruth Price was concerned about empty flag poles at 2100 S 1300 E. One was recently hit by a car. The consensus of the Council was to have the flags and poles restored. Ruth was to talk to Annette Daley. 3) Trustee Paul Nash of Dilworth spoke about his meeting with Alan Sanderson and SLC engineering regarding the stop signs at Hollywood, Dilworth, and Westminster Avenues. Ruth Price moved and Grace Sperry seconded to write a letter in support, but the motion was tabled by Rex Sears as this should have been an item on the agenda. The tabling motion was accepted 13-4-0. It was understood that this will be an agenda item for February. The motion by Paul Nash to amend the agenda, seconded by Grace Sperry, failed 10-8-0 as such a motion requires a 2/3rds majority.

Land Use and Zoning Committee

Helen Peters presented a written report. As an explanation for the process of approval, Janice Pancello of SLC planning prepared a memo. Citing the Sinclair Oil Gas Station application for discussion, the memo discussed the role of SHCC and process. The city planning commission has specific concerns to address, hence the SHCC’s need to focus on certain key critera. The planning staff is not looking to see comments outside of the 9 criteria as listed in the memo. Sarah Carlson stressed importance of the SHCC vote. Rex Sears asked if the application gets filed before the applicants come before the SHCC. Ms. Pancello affirmed, explaining that the city does not want applicants to assume that a “no-vote” from the SHCC does not stop the process. Discussed CEPTED studies and the “Cool Communities” program. A memo from Louis Zunguze explained why the community planner system is being phased out. Rex Sears commented on the process, to which Judi Short explained that the applications take months to process. Perhaps the SHCC could have a means to change the agenda after its current deadline. Helen explained that it would create a slippery slope. This could be discussed later. As for a report from the Merchants Association, Barbara Green said that the zoning concerns are with planning commission and couldn’t viably be addressed tonight. Rawlins Young explained that the planning commission staff gets findings of fact and that the SHCC frequently doesn’t get that information.

Crime Update, Mayor’s Office, the City Council, and the Vest Pocket Coalition

No representatives were present to address these topics.

Human Service Provider Report

Tina Otteson noted that a representative of the Salvation Army could not attend. Tina spoke about a crime prevention workshop to be held February 24, at 6:30pm, at a church at Atkin Avenue and Fillmore Street. On Saturday, March 12, there will be a more intensive workshop from 10am-12noon focusing on ID theft, introduction to CERT training’s 6-week course, and neighborhood watches. $50 fee for materials. Contact Teresa May.

Featured Sugar House Business

Rex Sears presented the “House of Bread” at 2005 East 2700 South. Menu handout. Also of note is that former SH business “Picadilly’s Fish & Chips” has re-opened for business outside of SH at 1450 South State Street. “Original House of Pancakes” located at the former “Picadilly’s” on 800 East 2100 South is now open for business. The Chair mentioned that the Vest Pocket Coalition emphasizes “local first” in shopping in the community.

Sinclair Oil raze and rebuild

Engineer Craig Anderson of Sinclair presented several diagrams and elevations. Sinclair met each with SLC planner Louis Zunguze, Bret Wilde, and the SLC design team in September and October and received comments. Sinclair met with the SLC planning commission subcommittee in November and on December 21, with SHCC’s land use and zoning committee. Comments were taken into consideration for this presentation. The building will be 1900 sq. ft., up from 1600 with up-to-date design and code standards. Various process changes included moving the trash facility away from Hollywood Avenue and placing shrubs to separate the alley to the west. Barbara Green asked about safety for Sinclair employees. Robby (?), a current Sinclair manager, noted that this facility is not a high-crime store. It contains better security cameras, too. Rawlins Young expressed concerns that the alley to the west is the SL-Jordan canal. Also, there’s concern regarding fitting in with the bungalows on Hollywood. Around-the-table comments from the trustees included concerns about lighting, architectural details, and car entrances and exits. Helen Peters of the LU&Z committee moved to accept the project with requests that Sinclair consider west side of the building, traffic, and lighting. Motion seconded by Ray Pugsley. Passed 18-0-1.

Pedestrian Friendly Highland Drive

Dan Berganthal had a chart showing aerial photos of Highland Drive from 2100 South to 3010 South (city boundary) with proposals from SLC mayor’s bicycle committee. Criteria include traffic capacity, safety, specifically for 4 vs. 3 lanes and a center turn lane. No loss of parking: where there is no parking, there will still be no parking; where time-limited, will remain time-limited. South of I80, the two lanes will accommodate parking. Mr. Berganthal claimed that it would lead to better, livable areas. Sarah Carlson opined that two lanes would mitigate some problems. Ed Sperry presented a letter from 7-11 on 2700 South 500 East about its experience in a similar repainted, saying the it didn’t reduce traffic, but slows it. Emil Kmet presented a survey he took showing mostly favorable responses, 44-9-11. Grace Sperry had a similar survey with much of the same people showing opposition. George Karahalios of GPC Studios wants the on-street parking restored that was taken away some years ago. Lorin Ronnow said this could hurt 1300 East. Mr. Berganthal said that there is no evidence that 1300 East would be work. Grace Sperry said that early claims in the project were that parking was being sacrificed, but now the proponents say that parking will stay. Phil Carlson asked that a committed be formed and that 2700 South was a success. He said that the Sperry’s petition was out of order. Justin Krane, a resident on Highland Drive and an avid biker, was in favor of the proposal. Proponent Jason Bultman wanted a letter of support and submitted a memo. Residents Byron Williams and Mike Holman had concerns for other streets. The Chair then mentioned that in the interest of time, the topic needed to be wrapped up. Grace Sperry asked that the same consideration the SHCC put into the Sinclair proposal be put into this proposal. She cited management of the Greystone Apartments that the double-yellow line prevents legal left turns, but Michael Kavanaugh said this claim was incorrect. Rawlins Young said that bus and crosswalks need to be accommodated. Finally, it was understood that Dan Berganthal would return in April to revisit this proposal.


As the SHCC was weary, meeting adjourned 9:20pm without addressing the SHCC form and fundraising ideas.

Amendments as of February 2, 2005

Bill Habel and Helen Peters were excused. “Sarah Payne” should read “Sarah Carlson”. Doug Green was present. Helen Peters to provide changes in writing. Michael G. Kavanagh’s name was misspelled

Landon Clark
[email protected]