SHCC Meeting Minutes – January 2007

SHCC Meeting Minutes – January 2007


January 3, 2007


From Sugar House



Trustees present

Philip Carlson, Sarah Carlson, Barbara Green, Art Haddow, David Holbrook, Mark Holland, Michael G. Kavanagh, Emil Kmet, Andrea Moesser, David Mulder, Cabot Nelson, Helen Peters, Susan Petheram, Derek Payne, Judi Short, Grace Sperry, Steve Wilson, Rawlins Young (18)

Trustees excused

Ray Pugsley, Ruth Price, Dolores Donohoo, L. Rex Sears, Scott Kisling, Andy Wargula (6)

City/State representatives

Michael Stott, SLC Mayor’s Office; Ben Johnson, SLPD; Rick Graham, Dir. of Public Services (3)


Matt Ahlstrom, Nancy von Allmen, Karie Andre, Amy Barry, Melinda Boswell, Susan Brass, Jan Brittan, Shelley Brown, Brent Chatel, Mitchell Child, Robert Comstock, Claude Curley, Evelyn Curley, MaryAnne Draper, Erin Garnahon, A. T. Harrison, Gerald Haycock, Lex Hemphill, Karl Johnson, Jana Johnson, Holly Johnson, Alan Leekoft, Melissa Lichtenstein, Demie Moore, David Muse, Jaelene V. Myrup, Sheila O’Driscoll, Lynne Olson, Warren Owens, Ranae Pierce, Nancy Sakahara, Patricia Sanders, Maggie Shaw, Sally Swenson, Merlene Taylor, Rod Teal, Steve Thompson, Gerry Tully, Susan Upright, Brenda Upright, Jeff Waters, Phil Wood, Mike Young (43)

Meeting minutes

Call to order, 7:01pm. All trustees listed as absent last month were excused. The amended minutes were approved without objection.

Amendment to the agenda

As Councilman Soren Simonsen couldn’t attend, the chair proposed to use the time for Gerry Tully of the SH park authority. There were no objections to amend the agenda.

Art in Hidden Hollow

Presented by Amy McDonald Sanyer and Patricia Sanders of Brolly Arts. This project is in planning and they are seeking input. The offered 2 handouts. The goal would be to arrange an art and dance gathering to explain and increase awareness of SH and Hidden Hollow. It would offer a synopsis of history, artists, etc. It would happen near the end of this September, lasting only one day. They might look at having it occur annually. Westminster College has lent support along with PRATT and the SH Historical Society.

Dave Mulder asked about grants. Brolly Arts has applied for funding from the Creative Community Arts Grant with the Utah Arts Council. The grant required a partnership. All exhibits would be temporary. The project also has a strong environmental component. It will be very unobtrusive. Rita Lund of PRATT and Sugar House Community Council Parks Committee supports it. Lynne Olson added that Hidden Hollow was intended for outdoor arts events.

Art Haddow moved to write a letter to support the Brolly Arts in the Hidden Hollow art event as presented. Steve Wilson seconded. Rawlins Young said they need SLC to be involved, as they own the land. Public events in park spaces are a concern. The lawn must be replanted, etc. Rick Graham said that the city will demand any repairs. By voice vote, it was unanimous.

Redeemer Lutheran Church and School, 1955 East Stratford Avenue

Zoning Amendment from Open Space (OS) to Institutional (I)

The presenters could not attend. Planner Rick Graham said that the church wants to expand. They’ll need a zoning change for institutional. It is a situation where the open space land is converted to institutional. Judi Short asked that the SHCC find a contact and make sure they come next month.

Parley’s Historic Nature Park off-leash issue

By Rick Graham. The park is located at 30th East 28th South. It was set up in 1986 and is an asset to the city. The property is split between City and County, but SLC is responsible for all of the park. There was a lot of work to get this park. It has 88 Acres. The historical significance is that development and settlements, an inn, tavern, aqueduct, mill. It was never intended to be more than a passive area. In 1990s, the park started to be used by dog owners. It became a de facto off-leash area. SLC resolved to create off-leash areas in city parks. From 1990 – 2004, there were 3 off-leash areas created. In 2004, the process changed. There is now a one-year test period, a trial, before it gets formally adopted. Mr. Graham recommended to establish it as an off-leash area. Dogs will be allowed to run off-leash. The city will be reviewing this in the next two weeks. Many cities in the US are facing this issue.

Many supports were in attendance, with about a quarter opposed. The chair limited comments to 2 minutes. F.I.D.O.S. is a group of Millcreek dog owners to support space for dogs. They originated the petition for the off-leash in the first place. Sons of the Utah Pioneers stands opposed. Rita Lund, a sponsor with FIDOS offered 3 handouts. The “Gully” has been used by dog owners forever. There was a letter in 1991. Members have contributed a lot of work.

Jay Smith, president of National Society of Sons of the Utah Pioneers, whose building overlooks park, seeks to preserve the legacy and memory of the Utah Pioneers. These spaces are for all to enjoy, not just one group.

In favor

Dolly Jergesen: Member of FIDOS. No fear of going to the gully. Has 2 dogs. Maggie Schaum: Sense of community. The park is properly used. Should be considered a success. Shelly Carlson: SH resident. People take care of each other. Robert Mingsdale: There are no other places to take animals. Warren Owens: Needed place to walk his dog. No degradation in years because of the dogs. Hawks, foxes, everything is there. Maurine Fricky: Park has improved with the dogs and visitors. Trash pickup. Cleaner, safer. trails. Concern about trout. Don’t support total off-leash. Nancy Sakahara: Saw hawks, etc. Snakes, muskrats, skunks. Wildlife hasn’t been damaged. Marylin Thompson: More concern about the gang kids than dogs. Total off leash is against guidelines. Polly Harch: Minimum of 38% of households. 2% of land is off leash. The place has been cleaned up. Tar pit from railroad. $140,000 grant to do improvements. Debby Moore: Not unsafe for small children. They’re there all the time. Abby Farnsworth: Dogs need this. It’s a place for families, too. Safe for everyone. Phil Wood: Can’t be with dogs in Canyons.


Carl Johnson: Lives near public access point. Dogs jump, run in the house. Foxes and hawks are gone. Catherine Johnson: Can attest to the problems. Appalled that nature preserve is a dog park. Dogs startle people. Dog attacked family member. Gerald Hickock: Historical Trails consortium. Chuck Waters: Canyon Rim Citizens Assoc. Of the 10 years, never supported total off-leash. Brenda Upright: 29 years at near the entrance. Dog killed family cat. People are not following rules. Fast ticketing by animal control, but they can’t continually patrol. Unsafe for children. Ty Harrison, biology professor of Westminster. Protection of riparian zones. Disturbance. Much erosion from the park. Braden Child: Yard faces gully. Rapid decline in the health of the gully. Always a chance that a dog will approach. Water is dirty. Dave Burnett: Office of Mr. Graham and animal control. Numbers of all dog owners don’t support the need for the park. Bob Woody: in area in 1957. There was a lot of people who fixed the park even before the dogs. Dogs commit assault. Wade Sloan: Pack of dogs threatened him. Dogs have taken out plants. Very little on leash where they need to be. Brenda Child: Over 15 years. Cross country team won’t go there anymore. Lax enforcement. Nancy Von Allmen: Fidos to remain sponsoring group? Yes. Fidos even built a board walk.

Dave Mulder moved for one minute for Ms. Van Allmen. Grace wanted 5 minutes. Sarah seconded. Chair reminded that comments should be directed to trustees, not to Mr. Graham. Passed on a voice vote.

Ms Von Allmen: fencing for riparian areas are needed.

In favor

Rod Challer Dogs need space. He responded to various points. Bill Rass: Without the dog owners, there would be more vandalism in the park

Art Haddow moved end public discussion after 2 people beyond the current speaker. Judi Short seconded. Passed on a voice vote.

Karen Lingstyle: Historical markers. Fidos help maintain those. Those with the issue of property can be helped. Holly Johnson: Out of towners and for the people in the community. The park is another offering.

Rick Graham said there is no action that the SHCC needs to provide. Judi Short said the public presented the issues well. She suggested we can talk to Councilman Soren Simonsen regarding this. The chair said we could have a parks and trails committee, but Judi wanted some broader involvement. Judi Short moved to write a letter to Councilman Soren Simonsen to request that the city have a committee to see if there is a compromise to reach. Grace Sperry seconded.

Rick Graham said that the SLC Council will have a Briefing. Dave Mulder said that it is important to have everybody. There should be room for compromise. There need to be various data to get the truth. Mark Holland said that an article in the paper, that there must be ways to mitigate. Grace Sperry said it is an issue beyond this park, but entire county. She is in favor. Rawlins Young said in history, this was considered for housing development. Land was traded to keep it open space. David Holbrook is also in favor. Michael G. Kavanagh noted with the papers from Dave Burnett. “SL County can patrol, but there is no funding, etc.” Passed unanimously on a voice vote.

Survey of Sugar House Business District

With University of Utah Students. Presented by Edith Welker, a planning student. Her school research project is about the redevelopment of the Granite block. She has been working with councilman Soren Simonsen to organize a task force, called “Save Sugar House”. She’s reserved the domain name “” and a MySpace page, also. Ms. Welker has filmed a documentary on this. Email at [email protected] .

Business spotlight: Saltimbocca Casual Italian

By Cabot Nelson. They couldn’t attend tonight, but they’ll be welcomed next month.

Sugar House Merchants Association

By Barbara Green. The Association didn’t meet today. They still have concerns about parking lots and nefarious activity. Also, more concern about robberies and burglaries. Dave Mulder was happy that the Santa house was put away quickly. Congrats. Helen Peters asked if private security should be involved. Barbara is willing to check.

Land Use & Zoning Committee

Helen Peters directed the Trustees to the January 2007 Land Use and Zoning Report. In addition to the items listed in the Report, David Holbrook update the Land Use and Zoning report by mentioning that construction was proceeding on the Country Club View Luxury Condominiums. Helen also mentioned that Marie Callendar’s on Foothill Drive had closed recently.

Crime Update

By Ben Johnson, SLPD ph#799-4642. He left before his presentation. He left crime stats reports.

Mayor’s office update

By Michael Stott Meet the Mayor Feb 3, Sat morning, 10am, at Paradise bakery and cafe 535-7976

City Council Update

Soren Simonsen couldn’t attend. SH Park in his place.

SH Park Authority

Presented by Gerry Tully with of PSOMAS. He is working on master plan. First, he’ll document the assets of park, and their impacts. There will be two open houses: Sat, Jan 20 at 10am in Lake Terrace and Sat, Apr 7, same place.

Issues will include the Draw at SHPark Email [email protected] for more information. Phone 270-5777. The SHPark authority pays for the Independence Day fireworks using money from the pavilion reservation. But because there are important improvements to pay for, the fireworks budget might have to be reduced.

Public Input


Chair Report, Treasurer report

Petition renewal for Sarah Carlson. In her area, there are concern about rentals, legal units, etc. Her petition was accepted without objections.

No treasurer report. There might have been one check written.

Closing remarks

Chair may propose changes to bylaws.

Parliamentary Post Mortem

Ray Pugsley was out. Chair Philip Carlson said it went well. The change on the agenda might intimidate because the pubilc comment is at the end.

Straw poll: How many trustees would like public comments at the the beginning of the meeting? 10 would. How many would like it at the end of the meeting? 3. So we’d like to put the public input at the beginning and possibly the chair report.


Adjourned, 9:53pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]