SHCC Meeting Minutes – January 2010

SHCC Meeting Minutes – January 2010


January 6, 2010

~ Sugar House Community Council Meeting Minutes – January 6, 2010 ~ Trustees Present – Sally Barraclough, Amy Barry, Robin Bastar, Jason Bradley, Laurie Bray, Elaine Brown, Jim Brown, Russ Callister, Philip Carlson, Sarah Carlson, Greg Carter, Pat Denslow-Kilroy, Pattie DeNunzio, Barbara Green, Mallie Jowell, Michael G. Kavanagh, Benny Keele, Larry Migliaccio, Dave Mulder, Cabot Nelson, Shelia O’Driscoll, Lynne Olson, Susie Petheram, Ruth Price, Maggie Shaw, Judi Short, Ed Sperry, Grace Sperry and Rawlins Young.

Trustees Absent Excused –  Dolores Donohoo, Derek Payne  and Ray Pugsley.

Trustees Absent Unexcused –

Others Present – Jaelene V. Myrup, Christopher Thomas, Adriane Juarez, Jan Brittain, Melissa Lichtenstein, Jon Teerlink, Maureen Mathison, Karen Kreck, Joe & Paula Sargetakis, Robert B. Williams, Lyssa Lambert, Gail Sanders, Farand Smith, Cheryl Luke, Julie Price, Rob Price, Jeanne Olsen and Cuma Hoopiianina. 

Call to Order – Philip Carlson, Chair 7:02pmApproval of Minutes – Philip Carlson’s motion to approve the minutes passed unanimously.

Public Comments – none.

Bylaws Amendment Section 5.2.1 Elections Procedures

Ed Sperry’s motion to postpone debate on the bylaws committee for one month so all trustees can have the same copy of the proposed changes failed 4-22.

The Bylaws Committee’s motion to amend the following portion of the bylaws failed 14-15.  The Chair of the Board of Trustees will appoint a Trustee to organize the Elections Committee no later than the July SHCC meeting.  The Elections Committee will consist of three or five members. Members of the Elections Committee will appoint a Chair of the committee.  Members of the Elections Committee may not run for office. Members of the Election Committee may not resign and run for office.  Members of the Election Committee cannot be a write-in candidate.  Members of the Election Committee cannot serve or must resign if a spouse, partner or blood relative is a candidate. <END INSERT> The Elections Committee decisions are final.   Grace Sperry’s motion that the first order of business after public comment each and every month shall be discussion and vote on said By-Laws changes until all such changes have been addressed and voted on and 30 minutes shall be set aside for this item of business passes 20-6.

Officer Reports

Chair –

Philip Carlson’s motion to approve Christopher Thomas’s petition for the Forest Dale neighborhood passed unanimously.

Philip Carlson’s motion to approve Sarah Carlson’s renewal petition for the Grandview neighborhood passed unanimously.

Vice Chair’s –  none.

Treasurer’s Report – Dolores Donohoo is not present.

Committee Reports – View committee reports on

                Parks, Open Space & Trails – Committee voted Lynne as chair and Sally as Secretary.  Parley’s trail construction is ahead of schedule for more information visit  Looking into reopen discussion of Brickyard neighborhood park.  Off-season uses of golf courses cross country skiing, snowshoeing, dog walking are permitting but not advertised.  CIP applications for the Imperial Park and Parley’s Way Park will be up for review in March.  Hoping to include transportation issues with newly acquired Wasatch Hollow property. Next meeting is January 19th at 5:00pm.

 Land Use & Zoning – Items discussed at committee meeting for the Redman Building and Chick-Fil-A will most likely be on next months agenda.

Transportation – Concerned about the Alcohol Normalization ordinance and its effect on arterial streets.  Identified issue of transportation and trail issue with Wasatch Hollow and hope to promote more walkability along the Emigration corridor.

Website/Technology –  None.

Bylaws –  None.

Sustainability –  None.

Historical – January 23rd, 11:00am to 2:00pm meeting in Sprague Library to train and collect photos and documents of historical significance to create a digital library.

Business –               

Rezone of 1794 Texas St from Institutional to Residential – Paula and Joe Sargetakis are proposing a rezone to R7000 and an amendment to the master plan for a single home and urban garden site.  This site is currently zoned Institutional as the former site of an LDS church and consists of approximately 1.8 acres.  The Sargetakis’s Hope to build their residence and run an urban farm on the site.  The project would encompass sustainable building and farming practices to achieve some LEED certification and organic farming certification.  All sales would be offsite and small scale.   They also hope to include an educational aspect of organic farming and sustainable practices for the neighboring school kids in the future.

Alcohol Normalization Ordinance – Major changes to SLC ordinances on alcohol are being proposed by the city to make allow alcohol sales in 10 zones where pubs and taverns are currently restricted.  The proposal would also lift the 2 bar per block limit for those identified areas.  The primary concern from the community council is the broad brush approach that could potentially lead to problems with adjacent residential areas.   Concerned about the broad brush approach that would allow taverns and brew pubs in areas that abut residential areas and possible negative impacts on neighbors. Judi Short’s motion to support “no, the city needs to step back and provide for details such as buffer zones, lighting conditions, possible enforcement, etc before they change the allowed uses in these zones passes 22-2 (trustees).  A vote by the public in attendance on same motion 24-0.            

Phil Carlson’s motion made by to adjourn passed unanimously. 

Adjournment 9:02 pm

Landon Clark
[email protected]